06-19-2000 - Regular
JUNE 19, 2000
7:00 P.M.
Mayor Schmidt called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in
the Community Center.
Mayor Donald Schmidt
Councilman James Brown
Councilman Dennis Vincenzi
Councilwoman Harriet Rhodes
Councilwoman Judith Lichter
City Manager Kenneth Hooper
City Attorney Scott Cookson
City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Police Chief Lawrence Schumaker
There was a silent invocation and pledge of allegiance to the
A. Reqular Meetinq of June 5. 2000
Councilwoman Lichter moved to approve the June 5, 2000 minutes,
second by Councilman Brown. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
A. Plaque oresented to James lRoqer) Hummer in recoqnition of
outstandinq service to the city of Edqewater from November 10.
1989 throuqh June 29. 2000
This item was withdrawn from the agenda.
B. certificate of Aooreciation oresented to Linda conti in
recoqnition of her outstandinq oersonal and community wide
contributions to the city of Edqewater
This item was withdrawn from the agenda.
C. 'Y' uodate oresented by RandY Brown and Dave Dukett
Randy Brown, 4 Sunwood Trail, Ormond Beach and Bob Ludlow, 6056
Winding Ridge Lane, Port Orange, were present from the YMCA.
Mr. Brown presented an update to Council on the progress of the
YMCA. He spoke about the capital campaign they are getting
involved in. He went over the packet of information that was
given to the Council.
Mr. Ludlow spoke about his interest in the project. He spoke of
the cities of Edgewater, New Smyrna and Oak Hill bringing this
Councilwoman Lichter asked about the blue sheet with the pay
scale. She asked Mr. Ludlow to run her through the cost for a
typical family, which he did at this time.
Mr. Ludlow further spoke about the one time joining fee and being
able to use any Y.M.C.A.
Councilwoman Lichter asked if the other cities kick in and help
those persons that can not afford it. Mr. Ludlow commented on
what some of the other cities do.
Councilman Brown commented on Myron Hammond being present and him
being one of the councilmembers that was involved in starting
this thing along.
Councilman Brown commented on the hours. He has a problem with
the Edgewater Y.M.C.A. being closed on Sundays. Mr. Ludlow
commented on the hours they are currently open.
Councilwoman Lichter asked when they anticipate the day care
would fit into this schedule. Mr. Ludlow informed her when it
opens but they will not have pre-school. They will also have an
after-school program.
City Manager Hooper informed the Council the Y.M.C.A. is probably
65% completed, scheduled to open in October. Jack Corder will be
meeting with the Y.M.C.A. representatives to talk of the details.
Mr. Ludlow commented on the hard work put in by Parks &
Recreation Director Jack Corder. They thanked him for the work
he has done. He stated Myron is going to help them, when the
time is right, to make this public. They are doing a national
search for an Executive Director.
Councilwoman Lichter presented Mayor Schmidt with a plaque from
the Volusia League of cities.
Ferd Heeb asked Mayor Schmidt if he would prefer that people
address issues on the Code now or when they discuss it. Mayor
Schmidt stated it would be smoother if they addressed it during
that time on the agenda.
George Wilkinson, 905 S. Riverside Drive, feels Ordinance 2000-0-
12 is overkill. He recommended it be sent back to staff with
orders to reduce the negative impact on the citizens and comply
with the minimum standards or requirements of Chapter 163.3202,
Florida Statutes. He suggested they stop the annexation contest
with neighboring cities.
Councilman Brown spoke on two new medical buildings built in
District 1. He spoke about the city progressing. He further
spoke on the FIND project. He stated when they start doing the
dredging the pipe is going to run up the canal which is between
Edgewater and New Smyrna. He spoke of that canal being part of
Turnbull's original canal system and he feels the people involved
in the historical society should check this canal to see if there
is anything in it before they start running the pipes.
Councilman Vincenzi spoke of the luncheon he attended for the
Blue Ribbon Award for New Smyrna Beach High School. There are
198 schools in the the whole country that got this award last
year and only one in the state of Florida, which was New Smyrna
Councilman Vincenzi commented on a seminar he attended on
Saturday for the Volusia League of cities. He met Senator Locke
Burt. They spoke about grants and funding. City Manager Hooper
has informed him he is doing everything he can to get this grant
writer on board.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Mayor Schmidt read a letter he received regarding the Land
Development Code.
Mayor Schmidt spoke about the fireworks ban. He spoke about the
fundraiser that the Fire Department, himself and Burger King have
put fogether. On June 27th at the Edgewater Burger King, they
will donate 15% of all food sales between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. to
the fireworks display. He invited everyone to come.
Mayor Schmidt spoke of the entertainment on the 4th of July at
Kenn~y and Menard Parks.
Councilwoman Rhodes thanked Councilwoman Lichter and Councilman
Brown who filled in for her at a couple of functions.
Councilwoman Lichter also spoke about the dinner they attended
with Locke Burt and the application of grants.
Councilwoman Lichter spoke about a ditch across the street and
caddy corner from the fountain on S.R. 442. She feels this needs
a guardrail around it.
Councilwoman Lichter spoke about a request that was on the agenda
but had been removed from the Water Alliance for $5,000 as a
pledge to go in and show good faith to st. John's. They have
come up with a plan to take water when needed from the st. John's
River and they need to build a pilot plant to see how that will
work. This involves a couple other counties besides Volusia.
The County is going to pay the whole amount of money from all the
cities in Volusia. We do not have to come up with the money.
Councilwoman Lichter spoke about the letter read by the Mayor.
She believes there are other people out there who have not
expressed their opinion. She spoke about people being afraid to
express their opinion. Once they form their Committee, they
should instruct the Committee that they use the newsletter so the
public can be aware of what is going on.
A. 1st Readina. Ord. No. 2000-0-12. staff recommendina aooroval
of the new Land Develooment Code and Official Zonina Mao.
sections concernina the storaae of boats and recreational
vehicles. restoration of vehicles and the orohibition of
temoorarv caroorts have been deleted and will be reviewed bv an
aooointed Citizen Ad-Hoc Committee (tabled from June 5. 2000)
City Manager Hooper informed Council of the new copy of the Code
they have received. They received input from Joe Martin and Dan
Webster. Our own attorney had some better wording on some of the
definitions. They have included most of those.
city Manager Hooper informed Council they have put the items that
need discussion on hold pending the review by the citizen Ad-Hoc
Ms. Plaskett presented a brief history of how they got where they
are today. She briefly went over the Zoning Map and the zoning
Ms. Plaskett further spoke about the Comprehensive Plan and
Volusia County being the only County that has a Growth Management
Commission. She commented on what they do.
City Manager Hooper further elaborated on some of the land uses
that were changed and zoning classifications for property that
has been annexed.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Ms. Plaskett spoke about some of the zoning classifications that
have been added.
Councilwoman Lichter stated they still have not addressed those
enclaves that belong in the County that are right within our
city. Ms. Plaskett stated the Planning Consultant we are working
with, is working on 19 Comp Plan amendments as well as looking at
the enclave situation.
Mayor Schmidt asked how many enclaves there are. City Manager
Hooper informed him there are less than thirty.
City Manager Hooper further commented on how the Land Development
Code book was created. He went on to speak about input they
received from citizens as well as the advisory boards.
Councilwoman Rhodes would like to look this over and not vote on
it tonight. She doesn't feel comfortable voting on it without
having read it or at least examine the changes.
City Manager Hooper spoke about the changes that were made.
City Manager Hooper had no problem waiting for this. He
suggested Council receive any input there is on anything other
than the areas they talked about.
Mayor Schmidt opened the public hearing.
Ken Millard, 238 N. Riverside Drive, spoke about when he served
on the Board of Adjustments. He feels Edgewater is unique and
spoke in opposition to bed & breakfast establishments. He
suggested they should concentrate on the atmosphere that makes
this City unique.
Pat Card, 3019 Willow Oak Drive, stated when he heard the letter
read into the public record, he did not hear the name and address
of the person who wrote it. He has a fear of faceless and
nameless accusations that are taken without foundation and
utilized as fact. He asked Council to put the name and address
of the individual into the record also.
Mayor Schmidt informed him the gentleman's name is Walt Besuden,
2232 Unity Tree Drive.
Councilwoman Rhodes spoke on being elected by the citizens of
Edgewater and therefore the citizens that elected them are
entitled to their representation.
Councilwoman Lichter spoke about phone calls she receives from
citizens that don't leave their name.
Ferd Heeb, 115 N. Riverside Drive, spoke in opposition to bed and
breakfast establishments being located on Riverside Drive. He
feels allowing day care centers in residential areas is going to
present a problem. He feels these matters need to be addressed a
little bit tighter. Most of the people who live in Edgewater
moved here for their perception of the quality of life this area
Mr. Heeb referred to Section 21-38.02 regarding fences. It
limits the height size of a fence in front of your house to four
feet and says it must be non-opaque. He doesn't see why it is
necessary to have non-opaque fences in front of homes. He asked
Council to look at this a little closer.
Mayor Schmidt spoke about the solid fence on a property on S.R.
442 somewhere around Queen Palm Drive. He spoke about not being
able to see around that fence.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
City Manager Hooper spoke about living on Riverside Drive and if
you want to have the river view, you don't want someone to build
a solid fence.
Councilwoman Lichter thinks some of what they are dealing with,
even in this code, belongs to the ancient history of Edgewater,
from back in 1955.
City Manager Hooper stated they were not City rules.
Councilwoman Lichter stated when the City took over, they
incorporated some of those, that was the developer's rules. City
Manager Hooper stated but they were deed restrictions, covenants
that you would see today in a normal subdivision. There is a
mandatory requirement that when you bring a new subdivision into
the City, those covenants and restrictions are listed on the
plat. Things are changing, making it more strict all the time.
He spoke about Florida Shores being a larger subdivision without
covenants and restrictions and that is why they are struggling
with part of this.
Dave Ross, 2803 Needle Palm Drive, informed Council he is proud
of what they are trying to do. There is an issue he has heard
over and over that they are unable to enforce our existing codes.
He expressed concern with regard to Article X, Section
21.120.02(a). With today's caller recognition, he knows that if
he calls City Hall, they know who is calling. If they don't,
they certainly can. He thinks they should add it to this that
the name, address, phone number of the caller will not be
permitted to be entered into the records if so requested by the
Yvonne Bice, 210 N. Riverside Drive, spoke about people being
afraid because of their neighbors or some are afraid to get up
and speak in public. She spoke against bed and breakfast
establishments and child care establishments on Riverside Drive.
Where the bed and breakfast establishments are on Riverside Drive
in New Smyrna, she feels, are within their business district.
She further spoke in opposition to bed and breakfast
establishments on Riverside Drive.
Councilwoman Lichter commented on a request that came before the
Planning & Zoning Board years ago that was turned down for a bed
and breakfast establishment. She commented on an ordinance that
was written by Mark Karet. Ms. Bice commented on why she did not
agree with the ordinance written by Mr. Karet.
Ms. Bice spoke about the Planning & Zoning Board approving items
and passing them on to the Council.
City Manager Hooper commented on the R-1 Zoning Classification
and the process they will have to go through to be able to have a
bed and breakfast establishment.
Councilwoman Rhodes stated if you have to jump through so many
hoops, why not just zone it out and you don't have to worry about
it. City Manager Hooper stated because you may have some that
you wish in the future. He feels it is a case by case basis.
Ms. Bice feels there aren't many people who will build a bed and
breakfast on u.S. #1 or any of the side streets, or in Florida
Shores or in Edgewater Landing. They are going to build it on
Riverside Drive. She is not alone there just aren't a lot of
people who will come up and say how they feel. She feels this
should be taken out of the Code.
There was a ten-minute recess at this time.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Myron Hammond, 1821 Royal Palm Drive, feels they need to get this
Comprehensive Plan through. He has been to a lot of bed and
breakfast establishments and state regulations are very strict.
He thinks it would be wrong to take it out of the Code. They
have to keep in mind the City is growing. He spoke about codes
that are not being enforced. He feels the Council's job is to
look to the future. Even though people get mad, they are
thinking of today, it's tomorrow they have to look at.
Ms. Bice further spoke in opposition to bed and breakfast
Jay Michael McKay, 1717 s. Riverside Drive, he was left in the
dark when Council was discussing the code changes regarding the
residential area between Riverside and U.S.#l. He asked if
something had been changed to do with density or lot size in that
area or is it remaining the same and just a code designation
change in a number only. Ms. Plaskett explained the only
difference in the code is the lot sizes are 75' by 150'. They
will now be conforming.
Mr. McKay stated so the lot size has changed just a little bit so
some lots that are non-conforming you could possibly build on.
These are on lots between Riverside and u.s. #1. He spoke of the
flooding they deal with on Riverside and much of the water coming
from U.S. #1 and the adjoining roads. He feels by changing the
density by changing the lot size, even though some designers say
they can put in a retention area that will hold the water, it is
not working now and a lot of water is coming down those streets
and flooding Riverside. Ms. Plaskett explained most of that area
is built out. A lot of the lots were platted at 100 feet in
depth. The Code required a 115' in depth. A majority of those
properties are currently built on.
City Manager Hooper stated the Stormwater Master Plan will look
at ways to protect that. It is such a slight change in footage,
he doesn't feel you are really doing anything to the density.
You are making lots that are conforming that already have houses
on them for the most part so that they can get rid of the non-
conforming designation to them.
Paul Jenkins, 2029 willow Oak Drive, suggested there should be a
provision for the bed and breakfast establishments that all
adjoining properties should agree to the bed and breakfast
establishment before one is approved.
Mr. Jenkins went over recommendations he came up with on the
issues that were not tabled.
City Manager Hooper informed Council the Committee will look at
some of these. When they go back and look at the sections they
have taken out, it will have an impact on some of the
definitions. He spoke about having a glitch committee come back
after six months and define the issues with the code. They are
going to make a request to bring Council a list of people to look
at the code, one more time after six months, hear the comments
from those using the code and builders and developers who are
coming through the system.
Councilman Brown asked if there is a major item before six months
is up can the glitch committee bring it forward. city Manager
Hooper stated if it goes to Code Enforcement or other places,
there is appeal processes for that.
Paul Jenkins feels if they know they can fix these things now,
they will avoid a lot of headaches for a lot of citizens who
would have a problem within a six month period.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Dan Holland, Vista Palm Drive, came to be part of a solution and
not a problem. He was appointed by some of his friends to be an
advocate for them. He apologized for some of the displays of the
points he brought to him but he still stands by them. He asked
if manufactured homes amongst permanent homes is addressed in the
Code. City Manager Hooper explained it is really not addressed.
That is a state issue that describes what is permittable as a
building permit.
Mr. Holland asked if there is any way the City can avoid having
these structures put in to regular residential areas. City
Manager Hooper explained why there really isn't. He informed
Council he is looking to the future.
Mayor Schmidt closed the public hearing.
City Manager Hooper informed Council at this first meeting, they
will be setting a 2nd public hearing date. They have the option
to change anything in there or continue it to the 2nd meeting if
they feel they need more time. It does cost to readvertise.
Councilwoman Rhodes stated when they told her it cost the city
$350, she decided to vote tonight.
City Manager Hooper stated staff suggests Council go ahead with
the 1st reading and send it on to the 2nd. The~ will look at the
comments that were in here tonight. At the 2n reading, if they
are uncomfortable, they can make changes.
Mayor Schmidt read Ord. 2000-0-12.
Councilman Brown made a motion to approve Ord. 2000-0-12, second
by Councilman Vincenzi. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
City Manager Hooper announced that the 2nd public hearing is July
10th .
A. Recreation/Cultural Services Board Appointments (3) -
Councilwoman Lichter. Mavor Schmidt and Councilman Brown.
respectivelv. to consider Board's recommendation to appoint David
Turner to fill the remaininq term of Maurice Remillard: Jo Haqan
to replace Shirley Pittman and Diane Trout to replace James
McGinnis. both for full three-year terms.
Councilwoman Lichter made a motion to approve the consent agenda,
second by Councilman Brown. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
A. Budgeted Roadway Resurfacinq - Environmental Services
Director requesting authorization to contract with Halifax Pavinq
based on existinq County of Volusia bid prices to perform
resurfacinq of eleven (11) streets for a cost not to exceed
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Councilwoman Rhodes asked if the $100,000 they have for
resurfacing is for road maintenance. City Manager Hooper stated
that is resurfacing specifically put in the budget for that.
There is still money in the budget for road maintenance.
Department of Environmental Services Director Terry Wadsworth
stated based on a 12-year cycle, they figure it will cost about
$411,000 annually. There are 211 different paved roads, which
total 108 miles.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Councilwoman Lichter asked if the City is rece1v1ng any money
from the gasoline tax. City Manager Hooper stated there is an
increase this last year and there will be another increase next
year in the local option gas tax. In two years from now, the
council will see the redistribution of the formula as to how
cities get that gas tax. He spoke about the way the gas tax is
distributed now.
Councilwoman Lichter asked if that money can be used for this.
'city Manager Hooper informed her it is used for this.
Councilwoman Lichter moved for approval, second by Councilman
Vincenzi. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
B. Purchase Item - Environmental Services reauestina approval to
purchase a new aarbage truck from Clark Waste Systems. Inc.. for
$70.621. as a bid extension for FY 1999 City of Edaewater bid
City Manager Hooper made a staff presentation.
Department of Environmental Services Director Terry Wadsworth
informed Council this is a new truck. They already have one and
are very satisfied with it.
Councilwoman Lichter asked if the truck that picks up branches is
out of commission. She asked if there is any conversation policy
where an old garbage truck could be used in some manner. They
are always behind in the process of picking up branches and tree
parts. Mr. Wadsworth spoke about the clam truck going down
occasionally and it being a high maintenance item right now.
There is one hopefully in next year's budget.
Councilwoman Rhodes moved for approval, second by councilwoman
Lichter. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
C. Formina of citizen Ad-Hoc Committee - Council to appoint a
committee. settina a time frame. to studv and brina Council
recommendations to Article III. Section 21-34.05. Vehicles-
Restoration & Permits: Section 21-34.06. Watercraft. Trailers.
Recreation Vehicles (R.V.'s) and Campers: and Section 21-35.04.
Tents/Temporary Carports of the new Land Development Code
City Manager Hooper informed Council they received 19
applications of people interested in serving on the citizen Ad-
Hoc' Committee. He recommended Council appoint all 19 people. He
commented on the process they will follow. They will qet started
on this the second week in July.
Councilwoman Lichter asked if they would divide into sub-
committees. City Manager Hooper stated that will be up to the
Councilwoman Rhodes asked if they wanted to set a time frame for
the committee to come back. City Manager Hooper stated they
talked of a six month period to have input and bring it back.
Councilwoman Rhodes asked if they could get progress reports in
two month intervals. City Manager Hooper agreed to do that.
Councilwoman Lichter feels the committee should put something in
the Edgewater ShoreLines and the responses that are received back
should be signed. She feels they need to also have operating
City Manaqer Hooper informed Council he will sit with them on the
first couple of meetinqs and get them going. Ms. Plaskett will
be working with them when he is not there.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
Councilwoman Lichter made a motion to establish the Committee
with the 19 people interested. Councilwoman Rhodes asked to
include a time limit of no more than six months and progress
reports every two months. The motion was second by Councilman
Brown. The motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Schmidt challenged the 19 people to keep an open mind when
they do this. He encouraged them to think about the future of
the City, not just the present and not just today.
city Clerk Wadsworth informed Council the Florida League of
cities conference is coming up in August and they need to elect a
voting delegate from one of the members that will be attending.
City Manager Hooper suggested they do that at the next meeting.
City Attorney Cookson was excused. City Manager Hooper stated he
will be at the next meeting.
City Manager Hooper went over the dates in July. The regular
meetings will be held July 10th and July 24th. The budget work
sessions are scheduled for July 12th and July 13th. Councilwoman
Rhodes has an apgointment on July 12th. City Manager Hooper
asked if July 11h and July 13th would work. Councilwoman Rhodes
was okay with that. City Manager Hooper informed Council Liz
would speak to them tomorrow to confirm those dates.
city Manager Hooper informed Council they have to set the millage
at the July 24th meeting. It is very important that it occur at
the last possible meeting date in July.
Dave Ross, Needle Palm Drive, asked about the Sunshine Law for
the Ad Hoc committee. Does that mean that all of the meetings
are open to the public? City Manager Hooper informed him yes.
Does it mean that none of the members can talk back and forth
except during the course of the meeting? City Manager Hooper
informed him those people can not talk about what they are going
to vote on. If it is an issue before that committee, they can
not discuss that issue.
Councilwoman Lichter stated they also are not allowed to talk to
them concerning these matters unless it is publicly announced.
City Manager Hooper stated they can speak to Council but it has
to be disclosed. He encouraged Council not to do that.
Mr. Ross stated since the roads were paved in Florida Shores, he
doesn't recall having heard the previous Councils talk about how
they are going to cover the cost of repaving. He doesn't think
the roads are going to last ten years. He is concerned about the
cost down the road.
Councilwoman Lichter noted that repaving would be covered by the
community as a whole, not just Florida Shores as will all
Mr. Card asked how they get Council's input on this committee.
City Manager Hooper informed him you don't.
City Manager Hooper informed him they will outline how the
committee works at the first meeting.
Mr. Jenkins stated any information or concerns they have can be
brought in the meetings and given to us. He believes they can
talk to each other if they also announce. City Manager Hooper
informed him no. The only way they can talk to each other is if
it is a posted meeting.
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Council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000
City Manager Hooper informed Mr. Jenkins they will go over all
the rules at the first meeting.
Councilman Brown spoke about a meeting Mr. Wadsworth had on
stormwater. He is still looking for any citizen complaints and
statements about flooding.
There being no further business to discuss, Councilwoman Rhodes
moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:34 p.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Lisa Bloomer
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council Regular Meeting
June 19, 2000