05-24-2006 Edgewater Firefighter's Pension Fund Regular Meeting May 24, 2006 Station 57 2626 Hibiscus 5:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Jollie called to order the regular meeting of the Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund Board on May 24, 2006 at 5:25 p.m. at Edgewater Fire Rescue Station 57. ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Jim Jollie, Co-Chairman Ron Hayward, Laura Reilly, and Marty Tse. Also present was Mrs. Molly Ha1com of Trustco and Shontella Jackson, Recording Secretary. Absent and excused was Gary Butt. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 12, 2006 meeting was submitted for approval. MOTION by Laura Reilly. SECOND by Marty Tse to aDDrOye the minutes of Rel!Ular Ede:ewater Firefie:hter's Pension Board on ADril 12.2006. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. NEW BUSINESS: Presentation by Trustco Mrs. Molly Ha1com presented the 2006 first quarter annual report and gave a brief overview of the report. Mrs. Ha1com stated that the first quarter the portfolio earnings was $68,228.55; increased by net change of $124,844.41 for the quarter. The fund is up 2.37% for the quarter. The high grade growth funds returns are not that strong. It was created for our public pension funds. This is a very conservative fund and this product is a concern of ours. It's going to protect your principle very well. Its very strong in the fact that it is very safe but it is not going to out perform the high growth market. Mrs. Ha1com stated that she would like to make a couple of small shifts in the allocation: slightly increase the international exposure because we can take it up to 10% for the policy and the other change would be to move into the investment grade bond funds. Mrs. Ha1com stated that they have created a product that we have used in a couple of relationships that we share with Bogdahn. We call it an assess allocation product but we are trying to have the ability to introduce some outside managers other than our own propriety Edgewater Firefighters' Pension Fund Regular Meeting OS/24/06 Page 2 funds. Right now, the product only has one outside manager and that is Fidelity International. Mrs. Ha1com stated that she would not recommend moving into the product now because she does not feel it is ready and it really would not look any different from what the fund already have right now. Mrs. Ha1com does not see any benefits in changing products at this time. Foster & Foster Inc. Chairman Jollie corrected the agenda which stated Burgess Chambers invoice which was incorrect, the correct invoice is for Foster & Foster. Chairman Jollie reviewed the invoice with the Board. MOTION bv Martv Tse. SECOND bv Laura Reillv to nav Foster & Foster Inc. invoice in the amount of $4.572.00 for service rendered. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Marty Tse's term expires Chairman Jollie announced that Mr. Tse's term expires and asked if he would like to continue on the Board. Mr. Tse's letter was submitted to the Board. MOTION bv Ron Havward. SECOND bv Laura Reillv to accent Martv Tse's letter as written and submit to Citv Council for reannointment to the Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Gary Butt's term expires Chairman Jollie announced that Mr. Butt's term expires. Mr. Butt's letter was submitted to be reappointed to the Board. MOTION bv Laura Reillv. SECOND bv Ron Havward to accent Garv Butt's letter as written and submit to Citv Council for reannointment to the Board. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. OLD BUSINESS: Foster & Foster Chairman Jollie informed the Board that he received an email today from Foster and Foster regarding changes to the plan. The study should be completed next month and it will be distributed to the members for reVIew. DISCUSSION ITEMS: None. ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Jim Jollie adiourned the meetinJ!: at 6:15 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Shon tella Jackson Recording Secretary 2