Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, January 6, 1998
6:30 p.m.
Chairman Masso called to order the regular meeting of the Land Development and Regulatory
Agency at 6:30 p.m., January 6, 1998 in the Community Center, 102 N. Riverside Drive,
Edgewater, Florida.
Members present were Mr. Zeese, Mr. Ogram, Mr. Garthwaite, Ms. Agrusa, Mr. Ridner, Mr.
Hildenbrand and Chairman Masso. Also in attendance were Lynne plaskett, Acting, Director of
Community Development and Sondra M. Pengov, Board Coordinator.
Chairman Masso asked for approval of the minutes. A motion was made by Mr. Zeese to approve
the minutes of November 24, 1997 as presented. Mr. Garthwaite seconded the motion. Motion
N one at this time.
Public Hearing - V A-0397 - Anthony Lagana. Mr. Lagano. owner of property located at
114 N. Ridgewood Avenue is requesting a variance from the required side setbacks.
Chairman Masso inquired of the Board members whether anyone had visited the site or spoke to
anyone regarding the variance. Mr. Ridner and Mr. Zeese said they had visited the site.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
January 6, 1998
Chairman Masso then opened the public hearing and asked for staff comments.
Ms. plaskett said the request is for the B-3, Highway Service Business District that contains a
parcel of only 50 feet in width. She said this zoning district has no minimum width
requirements. Ms. plaskett said she doesn't feel the request is unreasonable and indicated she will
answer any questions.
Chairman Masso made reference to staff's recommendation of a second sketch. Ms. plaskett said
two plans have been proposed and explained the first plan was presented in 1996 and approved.
The second alternative plan was prepared by staff. She said the difference is the parking spaces
back into the road and may cause safety problems. Mr. Zeese thought proposal two was
preferable as proposal one would create a problem with anyone backing onto the side street if a
vehicle was heading west from U.S. Highway #1.
There being no further comments from the Board, Chairman Masso asked the applicant for his
Mr. Lagano 2221 Juniper Drive, Mr. Lagano said he has owned the subject properly since 1982
and wants to build his repair shop on the subject property. Mr. Lagano said he had pictures to
distribute to the Board regarding the discussion of the parking backing onto Western Avenue.
Mr. Lagano's photographs showed cars parking on the right-of-way, preventing access to his
properly. He felt proposal two didn't allow an adequate backup area. Mr. Lagano stated he
thought diagonal parking is more feasible as shown in proposal one. Ms. plaskett clarified for the
Board the request is not for site specific. She reminded the Board that Mr. Lagano is requesting
a variance.
Chairman Masso asked for additional comments from the Board.
After additional discussion on parking, Mr. Garlhwaite moved to grant the variances of Section
606.02(e)(1) and Section 700.01(a) of the zoning ordinance in order to develop the property in
conformance with sketch 2 as staff recommended. Again, there was discussion regarding the
parking. Mr. Hildenbrand seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-3.
Ms. plaskett asked the Board to review the required criteria. She then read the criteria and staff's
responses. There were no additional comments from the Board.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
January 6, 1998
TA-9703 - J.D. Martin (authorized agent) for Coronado Paint Company is requesting a
Text Amendment to the Tree Preservation and Protection Ordinance.
Chairman Masso inquired whether the Board members had visited the site or spoke with anyone
regarding the request. None of the Board members had spoken to anyone or visited the site.
Chairman Masso asked for staff comments. Ms. plaskett said the applicant, Coronado Paint, is
in the process of developing a new warehouse facility. She said, a conditional use was granted in
July to exceed the height limit of the structure. During site plan review process Mr. Martin, the
authorized agent, raised questions concerning the required size of the trees. Ms. plaskett said this
has been,discussed previously and stated the City used to have a requirement of 2.5 inches in
diameter at breast height. She said several years ago the County implemented minimum
standards and the 4-inch caliper was to discourage contractors from removing so many trees. This
would also encourage the keeping of specimen trees. Ms. plaskett said the City adopted the 4
inch minimum standards at that time. Ms. plaskett concluded saying the Coronado Paint site is
a small site that can't accommodate the number of trees the code requires. Mr. Martin's request
is to amend the ordinance, reducing the size of its replacement trees to 2.5 inches measured 6
inches above the soil line. Ms. plaskett said this is consistent with most other communities in
the area. Ms. plaskett said staff suggests the LDRA consider recommending to the City Council,
an amendment to the Tree Preservation and Protection Ordinance.
Chairman Masso asked for Board comments. Mr. Garthwaite concurred, saying he felt this was a
reasonable request.
Mr. Zeese questioned Mr. Martin on the amount of trees to be involved on the subject site.
Mr. Martin introduced himself and presented a handout showing the difference between using 4
inch caliper and 2.5 inch caliper trees to the Board then gave a summary of the request. Mr.
Martin explained how this would be applied to property. There was brief discussion from the
Chairman regarding tree canopy's. It was explained by Mr. Martin and Ms. plaskett the request
would not change the amount of wood required, but allow some Hexibility in the requirements.
An example discussed was Coronado's site requires 42 trees. If they plant 19 trees of 6 inch
caliper, the square inches required remains about the same, but the cost is reduced. There was
some discussion on what types of trees are required and Ms. plaskett asked that staff be allowed to
determine size and type on a per site basis. For the record, Mr. Martin stated the first time he
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
January 6, 1998
presented this request was in 1991.
There being no further comments. Mr. Martin concluded saying, if approved, this text
amendment will result in a considerable savings to businesses.
Chairman Masso then asked for a motion. Mr. Garthwaite moved to recommend approval to the
City Council to amend a change to the caliper of replacement trees from 4 inches to 2.5 inches
at 6 inches above the soil line. And to allow staff to make computations to determine the
equivalency (number and type) of trees to be planted when appropriate. Mr. Zeese seconded the
motion. The motion CARRIED 7-0.
A. Community Director's Report
Ms. plaskett reported to the Board that she is working on the Evaluation and
Appraisal Report comments for the Department of Community Affairs.
B. Chairman's Report
The Chairman had nothing to report at this time.
C. Agency Member's Report
Mr. Garthwaite mentioned changing the meeting time so as to accommodate
working members. However, it was decided this wouldn't be necessary.
There was some discussion between the Board members pertaining to the open
position for a Community Development Director.
There being no additional business to come before the Board, a motion was made and approved
to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Land Development and Regulatory Agency
Regular Meeting
January 6, 1998