11-18-1981 - Special
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November 18, 1981
Mayor Christy called the Special Meeting to order at 2:00PM in the
Community Center.
Mayor Robert Christy
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman David Ledbetter
Coucnilman Wi,lbert Pendleton
Councilman John Wilbur
City Attorney Clay Henderson
Police Chief Earl Baugh
City Clerk Nancy Blazi
City Manager Joseph Mitchell
Mayor Christy read the announcement of the Special Council Meeting:
"Under the provisions of Ordinance 81-0-26, I hereby call a special
meeting of the City Council for Wednesday, November 18, 1981 at 2:00PM
in the conference area of the auditorium. The purpose is to consider and
act upon a capital improvement program and to consider and act upon a
proposal re: reimbursement for water/sewer line extensions. Signed,
Joe Mitchell, City Manager."
Mayor Christy continued by saying "under the charter Section 2-21, All
meetings of the Council shall be held in the council chambers at City
Hall, Community Center Building or shuffle-board club house or any other
place designated by the Mayor. The Mayor did not call this meeting and
did not designate it and under special Section 2-22 the spec~al meeting
is called by the Mayor. Therefore this meeting is -adjourned, it is
illegal "
At this time, the Mayor left the Council table.
Vice Mayor Lodico assumed the chair and said that the Council had given,
the City Manager the authority to call special meetings. He then turned
the meeting over to the City Manager.
The City Manager said that if the Council were willing he would like to
first discuss the public works aspect and to scan the memo of October
20, 1981, which sums up the questions in this portion of the meeting.
The second portion of the meeting has to do with reckoning sewer and
water reimbursement costs. In August, the Council was sent a report
on the proposed road program utilizing the funds scheduled for the fiscal
year 1982 budget. The Council had authoried Briley, wild to do a study
on a bond issue and the City Manager had requested a recapitulation of
the total capital expenditures facing the City, in order to get a per-
spective on what a bond issue would cost if everything needed in the way
of capital improvements were to be provided. A figure of approximately
$10,000,000.00 had beep discussed. Broken down, that would be road
paving in Florida Shores and elsewhere, $6,000,000.00; sewer line ex-
tensions in Florida Shores $2,500,000.00; water line extensions in
Florida Shores $125,733.00; and then various items of pump stations,
water plant modifications, water main, industrial tract and wellfields.
Adding these all up plus engineering fees and inflation the total amounts
to easily $10,000,000.00. A bond issue, at this time, assuming the
City could get a municipal rate of 10% would prove to be excessively
costly to homeowners. It could increase rates as much as $36.75 per
month on homeowners' bills. He suggested that the Council might wish to
review other alternatives. On road paving it is possible to pave up to
six miles of streets per year if there was an assessment. The City
would pave the street and pay for one-third and the homeowners on each
side would assume one-third each of the cost. If the City paid the
entire amount, naturally there would be less paving done each year.
Paving needs to be done in Florida Shores but there are also many sections
of Edgewater that need surfacing.
Councilman Pendleton requested another roll call because of the Mayor's
refusal to participate in this meeting.
Vice Mayor Lodico said that according to the charter, the Vice Mayor shall
take over if the Mayor is not there and as soon as the Mayor comes in,
he is to vacate the chair and the Mayor takes over. The Mayor is here
and refuses to conduct this meeting. "I feel that he shouilld leave this
building because he is here but not conducting the meeting. He is here
in the audience."
Mayor Robert Christy
Councilman David Ledbetter
Councilman Wilbert Pendleton
Councilman John Wilbur
Councilman Jacob Lodico
City Attorney Clay Henderson
Police Chief Earl Baugh
City Clerk Nancy Blazi
City Manager Joseph Mitchell
Vice Mayor Lodico again stated for the record that the Mayor is in the
audience and refuses to take the chair.
Councilman Ledbetter said that as a citizen of Edgewater the Mayor has
a right to attend the meeting.
Vice Mayor Lodico said that the Mayor is present and has refused to take
the chair and that should be on the record.
The City Manager pointed out that the next major item, water lines to
Florida Shores, can be provided during FY 1982. A program has been worked
out by the Supervisor, Terry Wadsworth, if Council ',approves, without;,
an assessment or an increase in rates. Other utility modifications
can be made year to year and for example, we are in the process now of
starting new wellfields. The main objective is to make these improvements
without the necessity of a bond issue or a rate interest. On sewer line
extensions we have a controversial situation. In heavy rain periods
Florida Shores has flooding problems and the area will have to have
sewers at some future time. The question is what kind of system would
be best for the area and the cost factor. It is recommended that:lthe
Council undertake an annual paving program, provide water to Florida
Shores and that any plan for sewer would be postponed for the time being.
The Council also will need to consider the possibility of assessments
on the paving program.
Mr. Earl Copeland, Supervisor, Street Department, spoke to the Council
concerning paving methods. After talking to many people in the paving
business, it appears to be a consensus of opinion that the soil cement
method would be the least expensive. For concrete paving, contracted
out it would cost about $116,160.00/mile for a 20-foot wide street.
If the City tried to do the job themselves they would need to hire extra
people but they pr'obably, ~courd do the job for less; 'money. The soil
cement method would cost approximately $58,000/mile. There would also
be a need to repair and/or replace culverts in parts of Florida Shores.
The cost for repaving other streets in Edgewater would be about $4.00/
lineal foot for asphalt topping. The soild cement method was explained,
and recommended as the best method to use.
Mr. Bill Cross, representative from Briley, Wild, stated that the soil
cement method is an excellent method of paving and the only problem is
the appearance of cracks at points in the road. This does not deter from
the effectiveness of this paving only from the looks. It is necessary
to be careful to have a design mix because of different types of soil.
Mr. Billups, Florida Shores, spoke about the potential for tremendous
expansion in the area and that paved streets were good attractions for
potential homeowners. He did not feel that front foot assessments were
objectionable because it would improve property values and the home-
owners should be able ,to pay over a period of time.
Vice Mayor Lodico asked if there was anyone else from Florida Shores
who wished to talk about the paving.
Mr. Ed Yackel, Florida Shores, spoke about method of selecting the streets
to be paved. He suggested possibly the streets with the most homes should
be done first or the City could use an alphabetical selection. Mrs.
Murphy, who said that she owned property in Florida Shores and should be
allowed to speak; she was not allowed to vote when questions on Florida
Shores were on the referendum even though she owned property there.
She had no objection to assessment but' said that the City--wou"ld':more=,than
get their money back on increased valuation. Mr. Walter Gross, Edgewater,
asked about assessments for people who do not live in Florida Shores.
Special Council Meeting 11/18/81
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The City Manager said that the program was to pave streets in Florida
Shores and other areas of Edgewater and the City would pay for this
paving. If the Council wished to assess Florida Shores property owners
for construction of new roads, that would mean more streets could be
Councilman Ledbetter said that there used to be a road and bridge tax
and the County gave some of the money back to the City to pave streets.
Mr. Bline, Edgewater, said homes on paved streets are usually more ex-
pensive than homes in areas that do not have paved streets. Mr. Macino,
Florida Shores, spoke about how long it is taking to pave the streets
and also the problem of vacant lots.
vice Mayor Lodico said that he believed the Council had the authority
to assess property owners for paving. He added "that he would like to
make one more statement on this meeting. Section 2-21 refers to regular
m~etings and this is a special meeting and the City Manager has the
authority to call it~;
There was more discussion from the audience concerning paving and
assessments. Mr. Jack Spencer, Florida Shores , suggested opti.onal means
of paying assessments. Mr.. Frank Opal told the Council there. should
have been more notice of this meeting and that the information was not
properly prepared. This should be put up for a vote by the people.
Councilman Ledbetter suggested that the City Manager check on the
assessed value of a home on a paved street versu~ one on an unpaved street.
Mr. Anthony Veschusio, Florida Shores, asked if this would go out for
bids on paving costs. The City Manager said that this would go out for
bids unless we did it with City labor, in which case the cost of materials
would go out for bid. The present budget has money for water expansion
for all of Florida Shores. The question of paving needs to be decided
by the Council as to the method of paving, the streets that would be
paved, and the question of front foot assessment.
Councilman Wilbur motioned to close this portion of the meeting to
audience participation, seconded by Councilman Pendleton. The discussion
on paving was closed.
The Council next considered the program for extending water throughout
Florida Shores. Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Supervisor of Utilities, presented
the program to the Council. This is in line wi.th the DER permit. West
of FEC, the area should be completed in about eight months. It wou.ld
be done in two sections. The Council discussed various aspects of this
proposed expansion.
Councilman Wilbur moved to authorize the completion of the water system
in Florida Shores as per program presented by the Utilities Supervisor,
seconded by Councilman Pendleton. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
There was also a brief discussion about fire hydrants and the cost of
installation, and it was the Council's wish to provide stubs for future
hydrant installation.
The meeting continued with a discussion about sewer systems in Florida
Shores. Mr. Bill Cross, Briley, wild, talked about various methods of
installing sewers in that area. He spoke about a low pressure type
system that has been installed in some areas in Florida. The initial
cost of this method is not as much as the conventional method but there
is additional cost to homeowners and also possibly higher maintenance
costs. The system has not been in use long enough for accurate figures.
There was a rather lengthy discussion about sewer installation in
the Florida Shores area.
The City Manager recommended that the Council consider tabling the
paving program for more information and have Briley, Wild prepare a
"pilot" area report for the low pressure sewer installation. The Council
may wish to get more public input on the paving program.
Special Council Meeting 11/18/81
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~ouncilman Wilbur moved that the Council request more information on
the streets and sewer improvrnent programs, seconded by Councilman
Ledbetter. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
The next question before the Council was arriving at a formula: of reiJrnburse-
ment for utility installations if the Council wishes to enter such a
formula, having to do with properties which are out of reach of the
existing facilities. If a project were to be annexed, the City could
put in the sewer and water and then bill each one who attaches on or
require the developer to put in sewer and water at his expense. It
would be convenient if we had some policy guide on this, according
to Mr. Mitchell.
Councilman Ledbetter said that the Council should discuss this at a
workshop meeting. Councilman Pendleton agreed that more information
was needed on this subject.
Councilman Wilbur moved to have a workshop as soon as the information
is ready, and Mr. Cross, Mr. Wadsworth and the City Attorney should
also be present, seconded by Councilman Ledbetter. Upon roll call the
motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Pendleton said that there had been a lot of discussion today
about Florida Shores and Edgewater and there should not be a division
between the two since it is all Edgewater where we live. Councilman
Wilbur recommended that there be more advertising on a hearing on a
possible proposed street assessment. The City Manager said that we
could put this on for a regular meeting and get publicity for the
meeting. Councilman Ledbetter said he would still like to have the
Council consider a referendum on the subject of street paving.
Councilman Pendleton moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Council-
man wilbur. Meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
Special Council Meeting 11/18/81
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