03-17-2003 - Workshop .. o o CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER WORKSHOP MARCH 17, 2003 6:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Schmidt called the Workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor Donald Schmidt Councilman James Brown Councilman Myron Hammond Councilwoman Harriet Rhodes Councilwoman Judith Lichter City Manager Kenneth Hooper City Clerk Susan Wadsworth Paralegal Robin Matusick Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE There was a pledge of allegiance to the Flag. MEE TING PURPOSE The purpose of the meeting was to talk about the possible acquisition of the Terra Mar utilities. Mayor Schmidt asked for an update from City Clerk Wadsworth regarding what she had set up for the Volusia League of Cities dinner, which she did at this time. City Clerk Wadsworth asked for direction on which one of the buildings the Council would like to hold the dinner at and direction on how they want her to go about the caterers. Councilwoman Lichter feels Edgewater Landings would make a good impression. She doesn't think the Fire-Rescue Association building will accommodate the crowd they have. It was the consensus of Council to go with Edgewater Landings. The Council had a brief discussion regarding some suggestions for entertainment. , Q Q City Manager Hooper made a presentation regarding the Terra Mar utilities. (Attached) He spoke of buying a service area that has an existing boundary of 40+ acres of undeveloped property and there are two or three individuals that can purchase this additional acreage and Tim Howard has a contract and wants to put single family homes adjacent to it. He informed Council of the financial analysis he completed and it hinging on the fact that there is new and additional customers to be able to come into the service area that would make this financially feasible. He then spoke of the cost being $750,000 being paid over a seven year period. City Manager Hooper spoke of what has been done to date to determine what it would take to make the system work and the cost being approximately $250,000 to repair the existing system. City Manager Hooper spoke of hooking the residents up to the City water and County sewer systems. City Manager Hooper informed Council of a meeting he and Mr. Wadsworth had on February 26th with the residents of Terra Mar. A couple hundred people showed extreme interest. He stated he proposed to the residents that this would come back to Council for some discussion as to whether they are going to proceed. City Manager Hooper then informed Council what would be done if they decide to proceed. City Manager Hooper spoke of this being accomplished with an assessment program by the Terra Mar residents in the amount of between $1,000 and $2,000. City Manager Hooper then went over what he feels are advantages and disadvantages to the City and the residents. He briefly went over the listing of rates that would be charged. (Attached) City Manager Hooper asked for direction from Council on what they want staff to do next before they spend any money. There was then a question and answer session between Council, City Manager Hooper and Environmental Services Director Terry Wadsworth. Mayor Schmidt asked to hear from the residents. Page -2- Council Workshop March 17, 2003 F o o The following citizens spoke: Carol Suraeon, Indian River Drive Cheri Barnhart, 108 Ash street Florence Rose, 98 River Park Boulevard Edward Haven, 121 Oak street Claudia Hansen, 149 Indian River Drive Grace Ruaaerio, 4332 Whiting Way Evelvn Flvnn, 135 Pine street Milton Kern, 4374 Whiting Way steve Caldwell, 152 Indian River Drive City Manager Hooper agreed to get more information to questions asked if they proceed to the public hearing. He explained the assessment is to repair the existing system. He then mentioned there being some confusion regarding people having to pay connection fees or impact fees. The recommendation from staff is to proceed and City Manager Hooper requested the Council direct them to do that. They will continue and negotiate a Purchase & Sale Agreement that would be brought back before the Council. They will then schedule the two public hearings. It was the consensus of Council to proceed. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss, the Workshop adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Lisa Bloomer Page -3- Council Workshop March 17, 2003 '. o WORK SESSION o Of' t ACQUISITION OF TERRA MAR VILLAGE Background: Terra Mar Village is a private water and wastewater utility under the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission (PSC). The utility provides water and sewer service to approximately 257 existing customers and has the ability to service approximately 250 additional units within the approved service area. The utility is owned by Frank J. Uddo. Mr. Uddo approached the City to determine if the City was interested in the purchase of the private utility. The City has reviewed recent water and sewer rate tariff reports filed with the PSC, engineering reports performed by Frank Marshall PE for V olusia County and conducted a city-staff inspection (TV video) of the system. The purchase price is $750,000 to be paid over a seven (7) year period. The City would pay the purchase price from revenue of the existing 257 customers, impact fees of new connections and revenue from approximately 200 new customers within the service area. The purchase price would be paid solely by the customers of Terra Mar and there would be no subsidy by other City customers or residents. The existing utility system is divided into two (2) phases. The older section is in need of major repairs to the wastewater collection and transmission system. The existing two (2) liftstations will need upgrading to pump to the County's wastewater treatment plant. The cost of repairs is estimated to be approximately $250,000. The City's plan for Terra Mar utilities would be the immediate removal of the existing water treatment plant and existing wastewater treatment plant. The existing potable wells would be abandoned. The existing customers would be connected to the City's potable water system and the County's wastewater treatment system. A meeting of the residents was conducted at the Terra Mar Clubhouse on February 26,2003. The presentation included a clear description of the expected change in monthly rates, improved water quality and the possibility of an assessment up to $2,000 per unit to pay for the cost of upgrading and repairing the existing collection, transmission and distribution system. The residents in attendance strongly favored having the item placed on the City Council Agenda for further discussion and public input. Advantages - The City 1. Expands the City's customer base by adding 257 existing customers and increases the City's service area to add up to 200 additional customers. 2. Consistent with the City's long-range annexation plans to provide urban services along US 1 to Aerial Road. 3. Provides a tool to the City to complete long-term joint planning area agreement with Volusia County. eM 2003-13 F:\notes\terramarvillage31703 \ "- o o Page 2 ( Risks - The City 1. Small chance that revenue projections and expenses are not accurate. 2. New development in southern growth area may be slowed and affected by poor economy, war or other issues. 3. System is old and may have other problems such as plumbing to homes, meters are outdated, plumbing fixtures within homes may have problem with higher water pressure. Advantages - Terra Mar Residents 1. Lower rates - up to 50% depending on amount of consumption. 2. Better water service and enhanced water quality. 3. Hydrants to be added into service area. 4. Increased resale value of property. 5. Reliable water and sewer system. Recommendation: Consensus of City Council to direct staff to complete the negotiation of a draft purchase sale agreement, schedule required public hearings and develop payment schedule for assessment of existing owners. '\ eM 2003-13 F:\notes\terramarvillage31703 /' frlE CITY OF EDcQWATER . POST OFFICE BOX 100-EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32132-0100 26, 2003 Dear Terra Mar Resident: Provided here for your review and consideration are some water usage'scenarios with the billing amount that would result if the City of Edgewater were to provide water and sewer service to the residents of Terra Mar 'and bill at the out-of-City rate for these services.' The following have the 25% surcharge added in. Base Rate ~ No Usage Water $10.,00 Sewer $110 94 ,Total Minimum Bill $21. 94 For 2,000 gallons of waterqse Water $13.13 Sewer, $11. 94 Total Bill, $25.07 Water $21.38, Water $29.63 Water' $39.38 Water $49.13 Sewer $43.74 Total Bill $ 92.87 ' The average water use in ,the City of Edgewater.isapproximately 5, 000' .gal'lonsper month per single' family home. If you know your exact usage, you should be able to compute your ex~ctbill from the following tab~e, be sure to add the 25% surcharge onto the total: Water Base Rate (0) 1000,- 2000 2001 - 6000 6001 - + $8.00 1. 25/thou 3.30/thou 3.90/thou Sewer Base Rate 0 ~ 2000 2001 + $9.55 3.18/thou