08-10-1983 - Workshop r {-I. Q o CITY OF EDGEWATER FY83-84 BUDGET WORKSHOP August 10, 1983 CALL TO ORDER Vice Mayor Gigi Bennington called the workshop to order in Mayor Ledbetter's absence. ROLL CALL Mayor David Ledbetter Councilman Melbourne Wargo Councilwoman Gigi Bennington Councilman Neil Asting Councilman Jack Spencer City Attorney Jose Alvarez City Clerk Connie Kinsey Police Chief Earl Baugh Excused Present Present Excused Present Excused Present Present The Council continued the discussion with Chief Baugh from where they left off when recessing the day before. Machinery & Equipment - The Chief explained there are two vehicles he has to get rid of. Councilwoman Bennington suggested the car that is being used by the office staff to go to the post office and occasionally is taken for trips, be transferred to the Police Department and one of the cars they can not use for police business could be used for'the occasional use. It was agreed that this is a good idea. There was further discussion about the Florida Highway Patrol cars the Chief had earlier told the Council about. The consensus of the discussion was to get rid of one car, trade one car for the Diplomat and purchase two police vehicles, perhaps from the Florida Highway Patrol. It was agreed to put $6,000 in this category for the purchase of vehicles and $4,000 more for other equipment that might be needed during the year, such as walkie talkies. At this time there was discussion regarding the need for more room for the Police Department. Chief Baugh explained he wanted funds appropriated for a larger building, or the purchase of a mobile trailer to park in the alley next to the department. Councilman Wargo mentioned that he has received complaints regarding the condition of the fire house on Mango Tree Drive. He added he would like to look into this, suggesting that the room now used for Rescue be used for the Police Department and Rescue be moved to the fire house. There was further conversation on this subject. ment that the use of the room next to the Police give them some breathing room, until perhaps the some grant money for a new building. It was the agree- Department could Chief can obtain . . . o o , ~~, Councilwoman Bennington suggested that funds be put in reserve for use to build a new station. $6,000 was the figure put in for a building. It was agreed to add $2,000 in Repairs & Maintenance for the renovation of the Civil Defense/Rescue room. Councilman Spencer reminded the Council we still have to appro- priate some money for the traffic light. It was agreed to add $4,000 to the Repair & Maintenance category under Other Govern- mental Services. Public Works Earl Copeland, Public Works Superintendent, was present to dis- cuss his budget with the Council. The first item of discussion was the cleaning of Florida Shores drainage canal. Mr. Copeland explained this is going to be a rather expensive project, if Mosquito Control is no longer going to take care of it. From his research $10,000 is going to be close. The salary figure represents nine employees and nine month's of Mr~ Copeland's salary. It was agreed that perhaps next year a formula could be developed for budgeting the department heads' salaries. Other Contractual Services - $32,000 is appropriated for paving and recapping of streets. The City is going to be receiving funds for this. Councilman Spencer stated that he does not believe this money can be used for cleaning of the ditches or canals. This is going to be looked into. Vehicle Repairs - Note: Side A of Tape #2 did not have anything recorded on it. Side B of Tape #2 picked up with a conversation regarding the road paving project assessment. Mr. Copeland stated that if it was possible to get rid of the backhoe on a trade right now, we could get a pretty good trade amount. Councilwoman Bennington suggested that we buy, outright, one piece of equipment and finance the other piece. There was further dis- cussion regarding the cost of graders and backhoes and whether the City should enter into lease-purchase agreements or buyout right. A $60,000 figure was agreed upon. It was agreed that some money should be put in reserve for a piece of needed equipment for next year. The $60,000 figure was increased to $72,000. Councilman Spencer suggested a news release concerning the millage, the budgetary needs; explaining why we have done this the way we do. It was agreed this would be much better than Mrs. Kinsey having to answer questions from each and every news reporter. Code Enforcement Councilwoman Bennington pointed out the salary figure will not be correct, whether we keep Mr. Bradshaw or not. The figure presently includes the Building Official and one secretarial salary. Travel & Per Diem - It was explained this includes seminars and the expenses involved. $1,500 was agreed upon. Communication Services - Telephone expenses $500. , Repairs & Main- tenance was set at $200. This would cover repairs to typewriters,etc. Printing & Binding - Various forms that will be needed, $800. -2- , . o o ~ ~~ Other Current Charges & Obligations - Advertising costs, for a secretary or perhaps an official. Office Supplies - It was explained most of the expense involved presently will be for setting up the office. Councilman Spencer suggested this budget be left as recommended at $41,000.- Fire Department Mrs. Kinsey explained the Fire Department people did not go over each individual item, they took the entire budget from last year and increased it by 10%. She and Mrs. Ricke1man, however, did make a few adjustments, due to the categories they had already overdrawn this year. Councilman Spencer proposed that because the Fire Department under spent their budget, he would like to cut out $8,000, however, he would like to add $15,000 in reserve for a fire truck. His idea is that going with an 11% increase in the millage should cover all of the needed expenses. Councilman Wargo suggested staying with the figure recommended. Councilman Spencer suggested taking $8,000 out and putting it in as a separate item in reserve. Arriving at the $8,000 by taking $1,000 from Utility Services, $5,000 from Repairs & Maintenance, $4,000 from Buildings. After making the deletions, it was agreed to put $10,000 in reserve rather than $8,000. Councilwoman Bennington asked if Mrs. Ricke1man can total up all of the departments, to give the Council an idea of the total budget. It was explained the salary figures are not all compiled at this point. Councilman Spencer informed the Council that the Port Authority figure is approximately $34,000, which should be added to the Parks & Recreation budget. Councilman Spencer began reading all of the totals from the department sheets: City Council $35,633; Finance & Administration $125,410; Legal Counsel $44,850; Planning & Development $52,914; Other Governmental Services $123,700; Law Enforcement $445,366; Fire Control $66,000; Code Enforcement $41,000; Civil Defense $4,335. EVER $14,880; Public Works $353,930; Library $22,030; Parks & Recre- ation $249,435; Special Recreation $26,050. The total of all of the General Fund departments is $1,606,481. Revenues total to $1,729,698. Councilman Spencer did some calcu- lating to determine the millage figure. He went over th~ process involved with the Council. He and Mrs. Ricke1man repeated this process together several times. It was requested that Mrs. Rickelman go over all of the figures and changes and review- this with"the Council tomorrow before this is prepared to go to the County. Mrs. Kinsey went over the budget schedule with the Council. It was the feeling of the Council to keep the millage rate down as low as possible, even if it has to be raised to meet with the necessary expenditures. Councilman Spencer made a motion to recess this meeting until after the special meeting tomorrow and Mrs. Ricke1man has completed checking the figures, being seconded by Councilman Wargo. Motion CARRIED. Minutes submitted by: Debbie Sigler -3-