11-01-1983 - Workshop
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Mayor David Ledbetter called the Workshop of Council to order at 10:00AM in the Community
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman Jack Spencer
City Attorney Jose'A1varez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Mayor Ledbetter said the Workshop was called to review and discuss the applications for
the positions of Building Official and Patt-Time City Engineer.
The Part-Time City Engineer applications were reviewed first. Councilman Spencer noted
there are three resumes and he suggested they not consider that of Richard Bower due to
the fact that he isn't a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida.
Councilman Asting agreed to the.suggestion and Councilman Wargo noted that he's not a
civil engineer but is a design engineer.
Councilman Asting noted that John Webb had appeared before Council before and expressed
his concern that his office is in Orlando and it was quite a distance to drive.
Councilman Spencer said that Marshall, Engineers appears to be highly qualified and he
suggested that they interview him and if they're not happy with the interview, they'll
then contact John Webb. Councilman Asting said that when he was on Council before they
had interviewed Marshall Engineering and he was very impressed with him at that time,
and he agreed with Councilman Spencer's suggestion to interview Marshall. Councilman
Wargo asked if ground rules should be set before interviews were done and Councilman
Asting said this was not for a consulting engineer, just a part-time engineer.
Mr. Ben Vasquez, from the audience, called a point of information and asked if they were
going to interview all the applicants and Councilman Spencer said that one was not
qualified and the other was just interviewed recently. Mr. Vasquez asked if all the
applications will have the choice to come before Council and Councilman Spencer said
they will not. Mr. Vasquez said it seems that they are choosing the man before they
have a regular meeting and Councilman Asting said they are not choosing anyone, they
are just interviewing. Mr. Vasquez said if they accepted the application, the man
has the right to an interview. Councilman Wargo said he didn't agree with that.
Mayor Ledbetter noted that Council had interviewed John Webb before and they knew that
mileage from Orlando would be involved, and the other applicant didn't have the State
certification. Councilman Spencer said the interviews will probably be at a Special
Meeting during the day.
Councilman Spencer suggested a date of November 9th for the Part-Time City Engineer
interview to be worked around any cancellations of the Recreational Director's inter-
views or scheduled for 9:30 AM if there were no cancellations.
Mr. Vasquez asked if the City Engineer would be on a contract basis and said he had the
posted copy of the agreement for the Building Official and suggested the City Attorney
review the agreement for legality. Mr. Vasquez questioned two sections of the agreement
regarding retirement benefits and the hold harmless clause. City Clerk Kinsey said that
he did not get retirement benefits and would need sufficient insurance in case of lawsuit.
Mr. Vasquez stated that an employee cannot be in any other business in Vol usia County
and he felt it would be in the City's interest to hire him as an employee of the City.
Mayor Ledbetter noted that they always had a contract employee prior to hiring Ray
Bradshaw and only ran into one problem in the past, and that if it's a City employee,
any mistakes will revert back to the City.
Mr. Vasquez said there was nothing in the budget for the Building Department and City
Clerk Kinsey said it was budgeted and is under Code Enforcement. Mr. Vasquez said it
shouldn't be placed under Code Enforcement Board as it's a separate department. City
Clerk Kinsey noted that the Code Enforcement Board has nothing to do with the Building
Department. Councilman Wargo reviewed the duties of the Code Enforcement Board.
Councilman Asting stated that the Building Official is the Code Enforcement Officer
and this is part of his job.
Mr. Vasquez again stated that he thought the Building Official and Engineer should be
an employee of the City. Councilman Wargo said the Building Official will be an employee
but the City Engineer will be different due to the scope of what is required. Mr.
Vasquez suggested they stipulate that the employee not be able to conduct business in
Volusia County when they prepare the resolution. Council members agreed that they couldn't
restrict the City Engineer's activities. Mr. Vasquez asked that it be made clear to
those interviewed that there will be a r~quirement that they have no other business.
Councilman Asting said he had selected 5 from the list of applicants for Building Official:
Jerry Applegate, Frank Bopp, Lorin Coppock, Harold Gilliam, and Espin Riggins. City
Clerk Kinsey stated that Councilwoman Bennington had given her a list of her choices:
Richard Bowman, Lorin Coppock, and Joseph Eubank. Councilman Spencer listed his choices:
Frank Bopp, Joseph Eubank, and Richard Bowman. Councilman Wargo listed his choices:
Harold Gilliam, Frank Bopp, Joseph Eubank, Jerry Applegate, and Espin Riggins. Mayor
Ledbetter noted that he didn't think Mr. Applegate was qualified and Councilmen Asting
and Wargo agreed to remove him from their lists.
Councilman Spencer noted that held selected Richard Bowman because he has a general con-
tractor's license and held worked for the Department of H.U.D. inspecting homes and
properties. City Clerk Kinsey noted that was after construction. Councilman Wargo
said he was the punch list man.
Councilman Asting suggested adding Lorin Coppock to the list for interviews and Mayor
Ledbetter agreed. There was a discussion between Council members and Mr. Vasquez
regarding Lorin Coppock building in Edgewater and having the County do the inspections.
Council members agreed to interview the following: Frank Bopp, Lorin Coppock, Joseph
Eubank, Harold Gilliam, and Espin Riggins.
Councilman Spencer suggested setting up interviews on November 11th and Councilman
Asting said he wouldn't be here then. Councilman Spencer then suggested November
10th and Councilman Asting said he could make that date.
Mr. Vasquez asked why they didn't go through the County for inspections and City Clerk
Kinsey said the County doesn't want to do it.
Council members agreed to 10:00 AM in the Shuffleboard Building since the Community
Center was already scheduled.
Mr. Vasquez asked if they intend to maintain a consulting engineer as well as a part-
time engineer. Councilman Spencer said the average cost for Briley, Wild is $57.00 an
hour and they can hire someone on a part-time basis to do a lot of the work, such as
site plans, for about $20.00 an hour which would be a big savings for the City.
There was a discussion about some of the projects that Briley, Wild is responsible for.
Councilman Asting moved to adjourn the Workshop. Councilman Spencer seconded the motion.
Workshop was adjourned at 10:56 AM.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
-2- City Council Workshop Minutes
November 1, 1983