OCTOBER 14, 1999 7:00 PM
The October 14, 1999 meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Tom Tipton.
Members present were: Tom Tipton, Shirley Pittman, Mike Visconti, and James
McGinnis. Also present was Adelaide Carter, liaison from the Economic Development
Board and Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation/Maintenance.
Mr. Visconti moved to approve the minutes of the August 12th meeting and also those of
the special meeting of September 28th. Mrs. Pittman seconded the motion and it
Beautification Awards Discussion
Mr. Tipton stated there was a short discussion at the past meeting on the criteria for how
these awards are selected. Mrs. Pittman said it would be easier for the members to judge
the choices, if they had more information on what they are looking for. She stated it
sometimes appears that one home is chosen over another and is not necessarily the nicest
looking landscaping on the block. She said she is interested in knowing what the ad hoc
committee looks for in their choices. Mr. Visconti stated the criteria is the landscaping
must be at least 6 months old, the house cannot be up for sale, and in general, is just
pleasing in appearance to the person selecting. He stated he has been having a hard time
getting the ad hoc members to the meetings and he may have to look for some new
members who may be more interested. Mrs. Pittman also suggested changing the
awarding of the businesses to quarterly, as there are not a lot of businesses to choose
from to begin with and she so moved. Mr. McGinnis seconded the motion and it
Mr. Visconti stated he felt beautification is still being put on the back burner. There was
much discussion on past years and things not being accomplished. Mr. Corder agreed
things have gone slowly in the past, but there has been a lot of progress made as of late.
There is now money budgeted for beautification, the medians have been finished, and
plans are to start on the south median in the near future. Mrs. Pittman asked what plans
the ad-hoc committee and old Beautification Committee had come up with, that maybe
could be looked at again. Mr. Visconti mentioned a few, those being: the tree
memorials, a gazebo in the green area by Veterans Park, the entrance to Edgewater from
1-95, the city benches and containers along U.S. 1 in front of the businesses. The Board
discussed these and felt some were possible and others not. They agreed to discuss some
of these items at a later meeting.
Recreation Complex Update
Mr. Corder stated the ground breaking ceremony was held the past week for the
Recreation Complex, and hopefully by the coming week, all the permits would be in
hand, to begin construction.
Mr. Corder stated just today he received news from Representative John Mica's office
that the City of Edgewater would be receiving a federal grant for $300,000.00 to upgrade
the new complex to qualify it as an emergency shelter for Southeast V olusia County. He
said this money is included in the V A/HUD bill which is expected to be signed tomorrow
He stated he doesn't have any particulars yet and expects to be meeting with Red Cross
and others to determine what will be needed.
Skateboard Facilities at Whistle Stop Park
Mr. Corder presented a sketch for the Board of the proposed skateboard area he is
planning for the northwestern comer of Whistle Stop Park. He stated he just visited the
new facility at Ormond Beach, which is 17,000 sq. ft. He said the area we would have to
work with at Whistle Stop would be about 11,000 sq. ft. He also noted the State has
passed a law, releasing liability of municipalities, for these types of parks, which has
been a major concern in the past. He said there would not be any lights put up to
encourage usage past dusk. Mr. McGinnis asked about the cost to put this together and
Mr. Corder replied he felt it could be done for about $20,000.00 and there is money in
recreation impact fee funds to cover it.
There being no further business, Mr. McGinnis moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
Recreation/Cultural Services Board
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