01-15-1981 - Special
January 15, 1981
Mayor Robert H. Christy called the Special Meeting of the City Council
of the City of Edgewater to order at 4:02 P.M. in the Mayor's office.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Wilbert Pendleton
Councilman John T. Wilbur
City Attorney Clay Henderson
City Clerk Nancy F. Blazi
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Present (arrived late)
The purpose of the Special Meeting was to discuss citizen input at
all meetings.
The Mayor reviewed the procedure the City Council had been following
for audience participation. He stated the Charter did not call for
this procedure and read the new Resolution 8l-R-3 which repealed
former Resolution 78-R-18. This Resolution specified the proper
procedures to follow for the public meetings for audience participation.
He further stated two citizens were escorted from the previous meeting
on Monday night and the Council had the right to allow or not to allow
further participation by these citizens.
Councilman Lodico stated he wanted to get the meetings organized and
suggested the Council go by the book.
Mayor Christy stated the Council could go by the book, but he feels
the citizens do have the right to speak at the meetings.
The City Attorney stated both the Council and the public should have
the right to have input into City matters and their input should be
balanced. He reviewed the State laws for input by the citizens, as
well as those specified by the City Code.
Mayor Christy read a letter from Wilma Miller supporting the effort
made by the Council to maintain order and decorum at the meetings.
Councilman Lodico suggested a City Manager to help organize the
meetings and proceedings and not call so many special meetings and
workshops. He suggested the Mayor allow the people to speak at the
meetings instead of making it a "circus" atmosphere.
Councilman Wilbur said :the~Council should adhere to the Resolution as
adopted by the Council.
Councilman Pendleton stated the Resolution adopted did not make
any changes in the manner the citizens could address the Council,
only specified how it was done. He said the citizens were given
an opportunity to speak at the last meeting and their behavior at
these meetings has to stop. He stated the accusations and yelling
should cease even though he feels the citizens should be allowed to
Councilman Lodico said lengthy audience participation on the same
subject was not necessary. He suggested a single spokesman would
be beneficial.
Councilman Pendleton said the audience should be allowed to speak
as long as they did it in an orderly manner. He suggested giving
the citizens a chance to SO speak in the future as long as they
keep it orderly and within the three minute limit.
The City Attorney reported on some of the surrounding cities procedures.
He said items for the agenda should be submitted in time for the paper-
work to be completed.
The Mayor requested the Council give him some guidance as to how they
want the meetings run. He stated his recommendations.
The City Attorney stated his suggestions for boisterous citizens .and
clarified "slanderous" statements.
Mayor Christy reiterated his commitment to maintaining order at the
meetings and sticking to the subjects being discussed.
After the Council members discussed audience participation it was
suggested the citizens be allowed their input to the subject.
Mr. Phinney stated the citizens, by law, require the Council allow
them speak regarding ordinances that are going to be adopted. He
said that sometimes specific groups brought into a debate is only
a background for information, and not necessarily done so to create
an "out of order" situation.
Walter Gross said that most people try to have order and decorum and
expects the same from others allowed to speak at meetings. He said
at the last workshop he felt certain discussions were in violation of
the Sunshine Law.
The City Attorney said, as a matter of record, that the discussions
at the last workshop were not in violation of the Florida Sunshine Law.
Mr. Terry suggested at least one "closed" meeting a month to eliminate
a disruptive meeting.
There was further discussion from the audience with suggestions on
resolving how to maintain order at the meetings. One suggestion was
to approach the Councilman in the Zone you live with your input.so
they can relay it to the Council.
Mr. Holahan spoke on the rights of the people for free speech to be
heard in a proper manner.
Mrs. Terry asked the Council how people previously barred from meetings
obtained the right to speak again.
Mayor Christy said this was the right of the Council to allow this.
The Council did not see any reason to allow the citizens escorted from
the last meeting be allowed to speak at this time.
Mr. Opal stated the Mayor should not disrupt the people speaking and
conduct the meetings more properly.
Mr. Macino spoke with his feelings on the way the meetings have been
Councilman Pendleton reminded the Council of his feelings that the
audience should be allowed.to speak three minutes without interruption.
Councilman Lodico said the audience should be allowed to speak if
kept on the subject and in the allowed time.
There was no further comments from the Councilor the audience.
Special Council Meeting 1/15/81 -2-
Councilman Pendleton made a motion to adjourn and Councilman Lodico
seconded the motion.
The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes subroitted by:
Patsy L. McCann
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Special Council Meeting 1/15/81 -3-