09-23-1981 - Special ~~ ~~ CITY OF EDGEWATER CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING September 23, 1981 Mayor Christy called the Special Meeting to order in the conference area of the Community Center at 2:00 P.M. The meeting was called by the City Manager. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert Christy Councilman Jacob Lodico Councilman David Ledbetter Councilma~ Wilbert Pendleton Councilman John Wilbur Present Present Present Present Present City Attorney Clay Henderson City Clerk Nancy Blazi Police Chief Earl Baugh City Manager Joe Mitchell Present Present Present Present The meeting was called to discuss with the Council the proposed application by Volusia County for a Community Development Block Grant. Mr. Reginald Williams was present at the meeting as a representative from the County. Mr. Williams explained to the Council the County's need to have the various communitities in the county participate in this program so that the basic eligibility requirements for population can be met. The County would administer the program which would be in effect for three years. The cities would present their projects to the County for approval. Mr. Williams said that he did not anticipate any refusal by the County of approval for a project considered an eligible C.D.B.G. activity. City Manager Mitchell suggested an additional clause in the agreement between the County and Edgewater to read as follows: The County shall provide for annual allotments to the City based on community needs derived by a formula of distribution agreeable to all participants. Mr. Williams did not feel there would be any legal problem with this additional clause. A lengthy discussion followed the presentation. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion to TABLE any action on the agreement and to bring it back before Council at a later date with the additional clause added. Councilman Pendleton seconded the motion, if the agreement was brought back to the Council at the next meeting (Sept. 28, 1981). Councilman Ledbetter withdrew his motion because he felt more time was needed to study the proposal. Councilman Pendleton motioned to TABLE the agreement until the next meeting. Councilman Wilbur seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Ledbetter voted NO. Mr. Williams told the Council he would have the corrected agreement prepared. Councilman Pendleton motioned to adjourn the mee;tin , Wilbur. The meeting was adjourned. Minutes submitted by: . Councilman )uJ- Nancy Blazi .' J: ", .. J '-;..... ......., -:. ,c . ~. ':l .... '~ ..... " -., ... ... - r