08-17-1981 - Public Hearing/Public Hearing/Regular I' U (.) .. CITY OF EDGEW ATER . CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS AUGUST 17, 1981 Public Hearing #1 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Robert H. Christy called the Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Edgewater to order at 6:30PM in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Jacob Lodico Councilman David Ledbetter Councilman Wilbert Pendleton Councilman John Wilbur City Attorney Clay Henderson City Clerk Nancy Blazi Police Chief Earl Baugh City Manager Joe Mitchell Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present This Public Hearing is held for the purpose of discussing whether there is sufficient cause for the revocation of the Home Occupation License for Orange & White Taxi located at 1615 Umbrella Tree Drive, Edgewater, Florida 32032. The owner, Ms. Rebecca Hinkle, was given permission to have Mr. Cerulli speak for her. Mr. Cerulli spoke on the activities of the cab company and how their radio has helped the police department. Mr. Pendleton questioned the use of the CB for the taxi service since the tower permit was issued in Mr. Cerulli's name and not specifically for using for the taxi service. Mayor Christy commented on the original application of October 22, 1979, which stated the permit was to be used for telephone dispatching only. Councilman Pendleton questioned Chief Baugh about FCC permits for CB antennas. Chief Baugh stated if there is a violation or interference, FCC would come in to check it out and they would be the ones to close it down. Mayor Christy then called a recess of this meeting at 6:45PM. Public Hearing #2 CALL TO ORDER Mayor Christy called the second public hearing of the City Council of the City of Edgewater to order at 6:45PM in the Community Center. The purpose of this hearing will be to discuss the proposed use of Federal Revenue Sharing funds anticipated for the Entitlement Period 10/01/81 through 9/30/82 and the unexpended Federal Revenue Sharing funds for the Entitlement Period 10/01/80 through 9/30/81. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Jacob Lodico Councilman David Ledbetter Councilman Wilbert Pendleton Councilman John Wilbur City Attorney Clay Henderson City Clerk Nancy Blazi Police Chief Earl Baugh City Manager Joe Mitchell Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Christy then recessed the Public Hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing to re-open the Public Hearing regarding the Home Occupation License for Orange & White Taxi. ~ (.) Q C~:)UncilITl.an Lodico questioned the original g~anting of the license. Mayor Christy advised it was for use of the telephone in the home.only. The.City ~ttorney stated a complaint regarding interference was not ln our domaln and they would have to go go through the channels of FCC. Mayor Christy asked if there was anyone present to speak against it. There was no response. Dana Armstrong spoke on the previous cab company in Edgewater which op~rated under Citizens Band. Mayor Christy asked Mr. Cerulli if it is a CB radlo. Mr. Cerulli advised it is not, it is a commercial radio. Mayor Christy then recessed this public hearing at 7:00PM to go to the regular council meeting. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Jacob Lodico Councilman David Ledbetter Councilman Wilbert Pendleton Councilman John Wilbur City Attorney Clay Henderson City Clerk Nancy Blazi Police Chief Earl Baugh City Manager Joe Mitchell Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present There was a silent invocation and the salute to the flag. Mayor Christy recessed the regular meeting and re-opened the Public Hearing. There were no further comments from the floor. Mayor Christy asked for Council discussion. Mayor Christy suggested the taxi company move into another area and get a permit to operate as a regular business. Councilman Lodico motioned to suspend the license until it can be straightened out. Councilman Wilbur seconded the motion. The City Attorney suggested that conditions be spelled out. The City Manager suggested a warning be issued that conditions be corrected in so many days. If the conditions were not corrected the license would be suspended. Councilman Lodico changed his motion to read as the City Manager stated, giving the owner 21 days to correct it. Councilman Lodico then withdrew all motions and Councilman Wilbur withdrew his second. Councilman Lodico motioned to issue a warning that the situation be corrected by the next Council meeting which is September 16, 1981. Councilman Wilbur seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Pendleton motioned to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Wilbur seconded. The meeting was adjourned. Mayor Christy then re-opened the public hearing for Federal Funds. He read the proposed Federal Revenue Sharing budget presented to the Council ata workshop on August 13, 1981. the floor for discussion. Revenue Sharing tha t had been He then opened Some members of the audience objected to certain expenditures in the budget. Suggestions were made to hire someone to check fire safety in buildings, construct a bike path on Riverside Drive and also to remove some of the proposed expenditures from the budget. When asked about the vote on this budget, Mayor Christy said that it was approved on August 13th 3-2. Councilman Wilbur motioned to adjourn the public hearing. Councilman Pendleton seconded. The public hearing was adjourned. Mayor Christy reconvened the regular Council meeting. Minutes _. -Councilman Lodico motioned to approve the minutes of August 3, 1981. Councilman Wilbur seconded. Motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter voted NO, he was not present at the meeting. Mayor Christy voted NO, minutes did not contain information he believed should be in the minutes. However, he did not specify what that information was or ask that the minutes be changed. Council Meeting 8/17/81 - 2 - -- o o Reports - Zoning and Planning Board's recommendation of a variance request for "Gas Lite Square", a multi-family subdivision located at 16th St. and Mango Tree Dr. Councilman Wilbur motioned to approve the variance request. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The City Attorney stated a resolution had been prepared. (Note: numbering of resolutions corrected after meeting. ) Resolution No. 81-R-67 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CERTAIN VARIANCES UNDER THE TERMS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, REGARDING DEPTHS OF LOTS, WIDTH OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY, CUL DE SAC DIAMETER, AND PLACEMENT OF SIDEWALKS, AS PER THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD; REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Wilbur motions to adopt resolution. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Vacating of alleyway at U.S. 1 and Wilkinson St. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended the Council approve of this vacating. Margaret Brewer, attorney, acting as the owner's representative, spoke to the Council on this matter. The City Attorney advised the Council that they may not vacate any property unless it is determined to be in the best interest of the city. Councilman Ledbetter motioned to deny the request for vacating. Councilman Lodico seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Rezoning request. The Zoning and Planning Board recommended that the Council approve the rezoning of certain property to be known as Village Green. Councilman Wilbur made a motion to place this on the Sept. 16, 1981 Agenda for first reading and set a public hearing for Sept. 28, 1981. Councilman Ledbetter seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Wilbur motioned to appoint Alfred Hetu, Mango Tree Dr., to the Zoning and Planning Board. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Resolution No. 81-R-66 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; THAT ALFRED HETU IS HEREBY APPOINTED MEMBERSHIP ON THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, FOR THE TERM ENDING APRIL 6, 1984, WITH ALL RIGHTS, PRIVILEGES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES PERTAINING THERETO. Councilman Wilbur motioned to adopt resolution. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The City Manager recommended the purchase of floor tile for the Community Center from Ken Tile of New Smyrna Beach at a cost of $1,725.00. Councilman Wilbur motioned to accept this proposal. Councilman Lodico seconded. Motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter and Mayor Christy voted NO. COMMUNICATIONS The City Manager 'announced that the 55th Annual Convention of the Florida League of Cities would be held in Orlando, Oct. 22 - 24. He advised the Council that a voting delegate and an alternate voting delegate should be named. Councilman Ledbetter motioned to appoint Mayor Christy as voting delegate. Councilman Wilbur seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Letter from New Century Realty requesting the City vacate the 25' 'easement of Lot 5839 Blk. 75 Florida Shores. The Council discusseGlthe drainage c;:-: problem in this area. Councilman Ledbetter motioned to deny this request. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Council Meeting 8/17/81 - 3 - . ; '. ~ o Hdme ,Occupation License - request for license from Sun Belt Promotions. rhe applicant advised there would be no activity except the use of a phone, desk and file cabinet. Mayor Christy asked if the statement "to promote shows, arts and crafts, antique cars, etc." would be deleted from the application. Councilman Wilbur motioned to grant this license with the noted statement deleted from application. Councilman Ledbetter seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Home Occupation License - Curtis Hayman requested a license for the business of commercial artistry. Home would be used for office purposes. Councilman Lodico motioned to grant this request. Councilman Ledbetter seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Home Occupation License - Terry Russell requested a license for home repair. The business to be called "The House Doctor." Councilman Pendleton motioned to grant this license. Councilman Lodico seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The City Clerk read the nine resignations from the Charter Review Committee. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion to accept the resignations. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. ORDINANCES - Second Reading - Ordinance 81-0-27 AN ORDINANCE SETTING FORTH THE CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AMEND- MENTS OF 1981; PROVIDING FOR REVISION OF CHAPTER 8 OF THE EDGEWATER CODE OF ORDINANCES IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS; AMENDING SECTION 8-2 TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY COUNCIL TO APPOINT A DIRECTOR OF CIVIL DEFENSE AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR TO APPOINT A COORDINATOR OF THE CITY SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL; AMENDING SECTION 8-3 TO ESTABLISH AN ORGANIZATION FOR CIVIL DEFENSE UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE DIRECTOR RATHER THAN THE MAYOR; AMENDING SECTION 8-4 TO VEST AUTHORITY FOR CIVIL DEFENSE WITH THE DIRECTOR RATHER THAN THE MAYOR; AMENDING SECTION 8-6 TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTOR TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING CIVIL DEFENSE RATHER THAN THE MAYOR; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THE ORDINANCE ACCORDING TO LAW; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Christy opened the floor for the public hearing on this ordinance. Mrs. Opal and Mr. Gross stated that the Mayor should continue as Civil Defense Director. Mr. Mosher stated that someone with experience should be in charge. After a brief discussion, the public hearing was closed. Councilman Lodico motioned to adopt the Ordinance. Councilman Wilbur seconded. Motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter and Mayor Christy voted NO. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - The City Manager advised the Council that two bids were received for the wellsite construction. Diversified Drilling Corp. of Tampa bid $31,955.00. Layne Atlantic Co. bid $37,188.00. It is the recommendation of Briley, Wild that the bid from Diversified be accepted. Councilman Wilbur motioned to accept Diversified's bid upon release of right-of-way by FEC. Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Employee Wages - Councilman Lodico motioned to approve the 10% across-the- board wage increase for all employees and the $2,000. for supervisors with the exception of Chief Baugh who should get a $1,000 raise to bring him more in line with the other supervisors. The motion died for lack of second. Councilman Wilbur motioned for a 10% increase for all employees including supervisors. A discussion followed concerning present negotiations with PBA. Councilman Ledbetter advised the Council that they had not heard about the PBA negotiations. The City Clerk reminded the Council that they had authorized the City Clerk and the Police Chief to negotiate with the PBA and bring the results back to the Council. Councilman Wilbur withdrew his motion. Councilman Pendleton motioned to TABLE this until information is received concerning the PBA contract. Councilman Ledbetter seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Council Meeting 8/17/81 - A - .. . , .~ ~ o NE~ ~USINESS Mayor Christy wanted to state as a matter of record that in the public hearing he said they voted on the budget and what they voted on was to have an ordinance drawn up to accept the budget. Councilman Wilbur made a motion to hold a public hearing on September 16th for the Federal Revenue Sharing budget, Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion carried 5-0. The City Manager asked if anyone would be attending the Volusia League of Munici- palities dinner on the 20th. Mayor Christy and wife, Councilman Pendleton and wife, and the City Manager said they were planning to go. The City Attorney will advise if he can attend. Councilman Ledbetter asked to be excused from the September 16th meeting. The City Attorney discussed the pending lawsuit brought against the city by Mayor Christy. He stated he needs Council approval to defend the lawsuit and because of a code of ethics, the mayor's release to do this. The mayor advised he would have to talk with his attorney and could change his mind after he talks with his attorney. ,Councilman Pendleton made a motion to appoint Clay Henderson to defend the city. Councilman Wilbur seconded. Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Christy voted NO. The City Attorney asked that Mayor Christy put it in writing as a former client now in an adversary relationship, and then asked for authorization for funds to receive a retainer. Motion was made by Councilman Wilbur to pay the defense, Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion carried 3-2. Mayor Christy and Councilman Ledbetter voted NO. Mayor Christy stated the budget hearing and millage hearing will also be held on September 16th. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Gross questioned if the City Attorney has a contract with the City of Edge- water. The Attorney replied that the City Attorney is the only employee who does not have a contract with the City or is covered by the Merit System. Mr. Gross stated that a few years ago the City purchased $2,500 worth of law books which were supposed to be in the library of the City of Edgewater, and now are in Mr. Henderson's office. He asked the Mayor to have the law books returned to the City since there is nothing in a contract that says we supply law books for the attorney. The Mayor responded that a precedence has been established from the year one and the law books have always been held in the attorney's office. Councilman Pendleton asked the City Attorney where he obtained the law books. The City Attorney responded they were delivered to him from Mr. Woods' office. Mrs. Opal asked the City Attorney why the City Manager's application for employ- ment was not on file in City Hall on June 26th and July 29th and were in the attorney's office when they are public records. The City Manager advised the Mayor that the complete file is on record in City Hall. Councilman Lodico made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Councilman Wilbur seconded. Motion carried 4-1. Mayor Christy voted NO. Me journed. Minutes submitted by: "'~~ Mayor ~. Nancy F. Blazijlsk >"~ , f\ . '"1' .!-' .' . , " I <,I \ 1 lO "v j" ',v', '..., ........ .. '0 ~r coun~ilm~n ~ ~~') ~~~:k/ ~ ---Couricilman V-- F ,,' 'l '/ '. /"11/,1,,, "> " , ) . ~ );.f. ...~ ..~ (, (", \ ATTEST: -5- ":~;L;:~~DU,~ ~R~iING CONFLICT L_~;;~OT'~~~W,~~~+:~;: '. :'P'AR.T A - '< .~~~;J'l'i~ ~~ 'L~>~;r... ... 'Name': CHRISTY',";'. . Telepho~e: .. 1.:('.I~~.i':\~-,! 904-42 h7509:") ('..:;;1 '" '. -' ,." . ''', ~~'-"!': (A/C)"{<;,~.J(Nli~~7,R) i<~';f, Vol usia" ;';:;. ' '/'),{ (COYNTY)-' -\ ;'1 ....i:,:".~ i, .' 'e;;o, '<-: [ " :.,:~~;, . . ~ ~ .' ~ .~;.~:'> . , ,- -:\..~: -', ROBERT H. ..', ',. ."', . (LAST) ;,.,Ad,;:" ,m;~:'.,'l~l~.'(;::;Eg~een Dri ve , 1>- I,.; '. (FIRST) (MIDDLE) Edgewater (CITY) 32032 (ZIP CODE) PART 8"',J. , _~,~f.:.; :":~ l'l! ~! .: .:' :>- ,. ~ncyis 8unlr'of [check one] : 'yf.~~' ';~~.' /'~';_ ~ ,::-" .';" ' NaJne of Agency: 'CITY OF EDGEWATER ." ,',. I .~... ''if' . Positi()~heldi~.:Agency:' ) State of Florida; (X) County, City or other Political Subdivision ~_',~~/~I .;--"'f ,. 1 I', MAYOR i.' ~ ./.; , , ''''':;' ,.' PART C;'; '{ ..r , 0)'1' '~,~I;MORANDIJM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION [Required by Florida Statutes ~ 112.3143 (1975)] '~'~r.i;':i ~'-:'tfe:;,!..:" "', - .:-._~.:; .. .:' _J"..T~"'" .:~ 'ityou'have.:voted in your official capacity upon any measure in-which you had a personal, private, or professional inte.rest,Which itiu';es~:t~\" .:~ . ;,., - ... - ~ . .... ,"' ~" -. ,:--' \ '. . , " ,..,.~ur 's#i~ :prhi~te gain or the special private gain of any princi pal by whom you are retained, please disclose the nature Qf your in~r~sf'?:'/l . .."''?8low''.J;., f . , . " . .. . ..' . ,:1 . .,..V,Descripti~ of~he matter upon which you voted in your official capacity: ~_~!hori ze the Ci ty Attornei, CLA{' .\'.~; ') :i .":' f. ; ~Y-~,' :..!. " ~'~ ,'r !~~,: ~HENDERSON to represent the Respondent, CITY OF EDGEWATER, in a legal action bro~ght . .' , I .I " :' . .:./::; .' "., .,;' "':.~'.. ,,:, > 'J,.~,.,,;~t. . r :':i.,,>,:/;:c,,";-<>;by.,.myse.l.f,ln Case No.: 81-3298-CA-01, Div. "B", Circui.~ Cour!..~i. Volusia CountY, :,:: ,".',"", ... ~.. ~~,;. .,. .... :.' J[. I \ . "':)-" ' ~,_ !\-~:-:~~~r;;_~.... '. ~j~~~ir~t the City. .~' -' 't ,.if ;_:~f_~X!t. _.,:'1 , , ~i:;i ", 1.~- ,! ..~,; ,,', ..i ,\ 'f ,J'5~~.,:~\~.;{0!;Yc':':;, , . . "j "'" '. 1; :. .' 'r 2.~ ~ripti~. of the personal, private, or professional interest you have in t~e above miltter which' inures ,to your sp.~'tic.tJ;p;[ivll.te gain or ~~{'-; the speciatprivate gain of any principal by whom you are retained: Advl se qy ~l ty Attorney, CLAY HI:.I\l UI:. RSUN , .. '..... ,,:1 1 " - , ' '!:;: -.,; , ~.,; .,,\ I I ';~:'/.,P.) ?:~/fo{tf:ilei a.'memo"for my vote on resol uti on 81-R-63 on the 21st day of 'August 1981 therefO're>/ ..,;f'"'> '~:.f~';s~'me that I must fil e thi s memo fo~_~y v?te on__~7 August 1981. I do not. D~)ieV~" !';f~V;~,::,~1 . t~~;~!';;.~,:'::~th~;r.~.',iS a conflict of interest in my vote, however, there,.might possibly be ~~cause,'.""i'.~t:'>;"1 " .~;, ~!f; ,-.\.7 ,j:. <i\' :, t<-. ',' .,' :"to:'b~";',represented by adequ'ate counsel in the pending action I have brought against.th.~,:': ,-,;' I voted in the affirmatlve on Resolution 81:"R-63 for~.the c;'tj"';", ; ~~, ;-',' .t- '.",' . ~~' "i} .on a previous occasion. "". ;''',::''.' ,....i'-,;. ;City'.:~' I- do not believe that I will receive any special private gain from this.,'matter;..::. 'i\' t/ "H;. '':' .,however, should I it will be merely the preservation of the attorney client privilege. J (i '( 3: Person, or principal to whom the special gain described above will inure: r lif any a. ('Xl Yourself b. ( ) Principal by whom you are retained: None :':i';-:: .,j.,." (NAME) PART 0 ~~~-. tiLING INS,!RUCTIONS ,- ", ." ".This' memoran~um must be filed within fifteen (15) days following the meeting during which the voting conflict occurred with' the p~rwn ! :'respOnsible for:recording the minutes of the meeting, who shall incorporate the'memorandum in the meeting minutes. This form need not.be filed merelyt()'indicate the absence of a voting conflict. Florida law permits but does not require you to abstai'n from voting when a Contl'jct gf interest ariSes; if you vote, however, the conflict must be disclosed pursuant to the requirements described above. (PARTE .~.~ ak/ ~ ~~/ ;.>v -,,~' ~ ~ !l<-kJ~~. -i, YdZ '. SIGNATURE OF PE ~N DJ,.SCLO;;;;P""'- f/' DATE SIGNED NOTICE:' UNQER PROVISIONS OF FLORIDA STATUTES 9112.317 (1915), A FAILURE' TO MAKE ANY REQUIRED DISCLOSURE CONSTITUTES GROUNOSFOR AND MAY BE PUNISHED BY ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: IMPEACHMENT, REMOVAL OR SUSPENSION FROM OFFICE. -'OR EMPLOY~ENT..DEMOTION, REDUCTION IN SALARY. REPRIMAND, OR A CIV1LPENAL TV NOT TO EXCeeD $5.000. '.. " " , I . .', .,;" .r., ~ " " "t.- . "CE FORM 4. EFF. 1/1/77 ,:...,' ': .( ':",'. H'., 5 , . , ,". .-.... _.....:-.,-_..:......_~ .... ~_._._~__._. -..., ........- ~.-...."__.R__~_._.__._..__ _..._._ ,..._ ,.. ._.__ ...." """,;'.-.,. ....---,__ -_,;~....;c;:.--,-,:,,~ , r - U FORM 4 I . I · :M~MORAN~UM OF VOTING CONFLICT I o . DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED: 7?/!_L__ ,19rJ PART A Name: ~/.'jj f) C . (LAST) Address: .. / 7 () r WTHLL T) PART B :Jo h IV (FIRST) (MIDDLE) eO ylrL P Pr/fl,11j}(~CIIā‚¬ dJ ~tvlf~~(".~~ /. Telephone: ~ - J.j 27- .j--c. t7 (A/C) (NUMBER) :3 .2!- tJ~ Z- /,/ ~ 1. 119- ~~ (COUNTY) Agency is a unit of [chuck one): I ) S(dtl~ 01 FIOlldiJ, (X) COllllly, City 01 other POlllll:..1 Subdivision Name of Agency: ..(!) 'If 0 r Edje tv ",,"/e r Position huld in Agency: ... C'P U N D J } M 1'1 ^-l PART C MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION [Required by Florida Statutes ~ 772.3743 (1975)) If you ha~e voted in your official capacity upon any muasure in which you had a personal, privall!, or professional interest which inures to your special privatu gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained, pleaslJ disclose the nature of your interest below. 1. Description of the m'~tt;r upon which you voted in your official capacity:0d-S. - ) Ire '----. . --::1/ If r l /T" }/ C e DllJ;IV:J e 4'/"v 5)1 v,J'1:.!-- e.- , L 0 7.- de..-jJ./~/_ C'v 1- de::: - 5.,c} c._. -d/ A Ih <:: ~ 6t 2. Description of the personal, private, or professional interest you have in the above matter which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained: .___. '" ,..___.. . ._ __..._____ ~ ole!. /.!e ../tJ.CLfL_c:-~...r_~.fecT7.-7l. ~/'/b /;-k; l!oSS/ '/.~ ~ __,_ -11-_~.J2C-I1-//~ r~.IT~!S'.5.dC!"r~ ..hr. t21X/.~_./-A/Hj 19-~ lZe./lj l/YC .!.-..____ .. 3. Purson or principal to whom the special gain describud above will inurlJ: a. 1)4 Yourself b. l)(l. Principal by whom you are retained:__ &~/~~~ PART D FILING INSTRUCTIONS "- ... ,- ~ Q DATE ON WHICH VOTE OCCURRED: '~7' _ r..-, \ ~ FOR,l> 4 'MEMORANDUM OF VOTING CONFLICT &:Iv ,19~ PART A Name: _w/fl{),C-, (LAST) Address: ,-l J t)? 120 (~ A 0 WTHll T) ~ PART B ~o j, jU (FIRST) ~~ ~- (MIDDLE) M~':1F-I/~' Telephone: -!l-P-tj- Y-27-S6 '7 (A/C) (NUMBER) &' Vi - (COUNT ~ ..~ ~)~M L- Agency is a urllt of (check one) : ( I Stdte of Flollda, Name of Agency: --Edtt:: ;,vA-;fe-- (I ;:: J fr. Position held in Agency: __u (!" {/;I/ C J J iV} It )V l;>4 County, City 01 other Pol II 11:..1 Subdil/ision PART C MEMORANDUM OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST IN A VOTING SITUATION (Required by Florida Statutes * 112.3143 (1975)) \ If you have voted in your official capacity upon any measure in which you had a personal, pril/dll!, or professional interest which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained, please disclose the nature of your interest below. "'-,,_'. ~o!" iption of tho m~tt;' upon wh ict> you ,otod in you, ::c;,' "pac;ty, _ ,{ ~ --~~~ f4-~-.:k'" j U -1G - 6_ - -- ------- - . -. .~J.z-~ ,/ I 2. DescrilJtion of the lJersonal, private, or professional interest you hal/e in the abol/e matter which inures to your special private gain or the special private gain of any principal by whom you are retained: ___ . __ _._____ ___ ________ _c;D/c/_ .;/h~.- /9.-l.-<?x~fJ'C-'!-f-e.,LJ-/-- n_ jt/,t_;// Q-M ,e",SS I ~ _C_. ___'_ ____._~>-_.~~lur -k~?:oc:-:./4!-./C<{~ L.,fJiI-VL ~4'~ ?-J.; 'I ~ c " \ 3. Person or principal to ~horn the specidl gain described dbol/e will inure~. A 1 / /7 / a. (vi Yourself b. (fl - Principal by whom you are retained: _ _~ - I~ /\-' (NAMC) PART D FILING INSTRUCTIONS