08-13-1981 - Special
, i
AUGUST 13, 1981
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Robert H. Christy.
Mayor Christy asked that the following statements be a part of
the record: "To All Council Members, Special Council Meeting.
Under the Authority of .Ordinance 81-0-26, I hereby call a special
meeting of the City Council to be held at 1:00PM Thursday,
August 13, 1981,in the conference room at City Hall. The purpose
of this meeting will be to consider supplemental (advance) appropri-
ations for the renovation of the council chambers, funds to come
from the Federal Revenue Sharing account, and to act as necessary
or desirable on the proposed FY 1982 budget. In accordance to
Section 15, Special Act Charter 67-13647 and Ordinance A55, this
is illegal, but I will go on as a regular workshop, and will con-
duct it that way. You can override my ruling, but I want this
written into the minutes."
Mayor Robert Christy
Councilman Jacob Lodico
Councilman David Ledbetter
Councilman Wilbert Pendleton
Councilman John Wilbur
City Attorney Clay Henderson
City Clerk Nancy Blazi
Police Chief Earl Baugh
City Manager Joe Mitchell
Absent (arrived later)
City Manager Joe Mitchell reviewed the question onfue budget on
page 9 regarding account 48, promotional activities, related to
fireworks, and page 15, promotional activities. It was stated
that in the past the Fire Department has paid half and Council
paid half, as fireworks cost over $3,000. Beyond fireworks,
there are also other promotional activities. Councilman Lodico
questioned the entire amount coming from the general budget and
not from the Fire Department's budget. Discussion followed.
Mayor Christy suggested this item be held until Mrs. Blazi can
get the information from the Fire Department. The next item in
question was on page 15, under fire, account 63, improvements
other than buildings. The City Manager stated this $1,600. is for
a sprinkler system. The City Manager explained under Public Works,
repairs and maintenance and supplies were broken out into vehicle
repairs and maintenance and vehicle supplies. He advised there is
no change for Council's consideration (in amounts),just a breakdown.
Mr. Mitchell then went on to page 23, federal revenue sharing,
and advised the cost fOr an icemaker is $700. and a dishwasher is
$500., so that after deleting the motorcycle and making the changes
recommended under auditorium renovation, the new unappropriated
reserve will go up by $3,000. and will be $18,534. Mrs. Blazi
stated fireworks this year were $1,800. and will be $2,000. next
year, and that under Council we also take out for League dinners,and
the 208 water quality management that we have to match. The City
Manager suggested putting the $2,000. under Council, item 48,
and $1,000. on miscellaneous. The City Manager noted the $1,200.
for the fire marshall will be put under repairs and maintenance.
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Councilman Ledbetter questioned the source of the $140,000. for
the road program. Mayor Christy stated the Council is spending
federal revenue money without having a hearing for people to get
their input, and the law requires us to have public hearings. The
City Manager explained how the anticipated growth in Edgewater will
bring in additional funds, accountin~for some of the $140,000.
The balance is a fund transfer, to be offset next year by growth
There was a discussion regarding code enforcement, item .34, other
contractual services. Mayor Christy asked for a rundown of what
it would cost to hire a building inspector and set up the office.
Mr. Mitchell stated that the Council might wish to put a "cap" on this
item but as it was the cost of the office would be close to an employee
The City Manager then reviewed the request for advance funds for
continuation of the renovation of the Council chambers. Mayor
Christy questioned the use of the 1982 budget now. The City Manager
advised it is because of the carry-over balance of $5,685. available
now. Councilman Wilbur made a motion to go ahead with the $4,000. for
the auditorium, seconded by Councilman Lodico. Motion carried 3-2.
Mayor Christy and Councilman Ledbetter voted NO.
The City Manager asked if the Council wished to act on the employee
wages at this meeting. Discussion followed regarding the different
percentages of increases for employees. Councilman Wilbur made a
motion that they go with 5% and 3%, the same as last year, and
Councilman Pendleton seconded. Motion carried 3-2. Mayor Christy
and Councilman Ledbetter voted NO.
Councilman Wilbur made a motion for the City Manager to prepare the
budget for ordinance to go to public hearing, seconded by Councilman
Lodico. Motion carried 3-2. Mayor Christy and Councilman Ledbetter
voted NO.
Councilman Wilbur made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Councilman
Ledbetter. Meeting was adjourned.
Lura Sue Koser
Minutes submitted by:
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