04-13-2000 ...... """'" RECREA TION/CUL TURAL SERVICES BOARD APRIL 13, 2000 6:30 PM EDGEWATER CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The April 13, 2000 meeting of the Recreation/Cultural Services Board was called to order by the Chairman. Tom Tipton. Members present were Mike Tanksley, Mike Visconti, Glen Murphey and Tom Tipton. Also present was Jack Corder, Director of Parks and RecreationlMaintenance, Adelaide Carter, and Jo Hagen and Diane Trout from Edgewater Landings. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Tanksley moved to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2000 meeting and Mr. Murphey seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS Review of Park Master Plan Mr. Corder stated the Park Master Plan that the Board put together last month and approved, had been submitted to Council and there will be a workshop meeting with Council on the plan, scheduled for Monday, April 17th at 5:30 pm in the Community Center. He reviewed the plan and stated he and his staff had prioritized the plan, according to the community needs and the funding available. #1 on the list was the completion of the recreation complex; #2 was the conservation area, which goes along with the complex and was part of the permitting requirements; #3 he stated was the skateboard facility at Whistle Stop Park, which we have the funds for now. #4 on the list was the new ballfields at the recreation complex, depending on acquiring a grant for this. #5 would be the amphitheater at the complex, which is needed to hold outside events and entertainment. #6 on the list would be the upgrading of the lights at Rotary Park and #7 would be a BMX track at the water plant site. This track, he stated would be inexpensive and is needed. #8 would be the replacement of the playground equipment at Rotary Park, possibly with the All Children's Park concept. #9 would be the upgrading of playground equipment at Menard Park and #10 would be turning the school ballfields into soccer fields, depending on the completion of the new ballfields at the recreation complex. #11 would be the possibility of acquiring the property adjacent to the recreation complex. #12 on the list would be the upgrading of playground equipment at Whistle Stop Park and # 13 would be the re-design of Kennedy Park. Number 13 will depend on what Council decides to do about a new City Hall complex and the present building there. # 14 would involve the relocation of the shuffleboard facilities presently at Kennedy, to a location at Rotary Park. # 15 would be the possible purchase of the two properties south of Veterans '-' ...., Park, for future expansion to that park and adding of boat ramps. # 16 on the list is consideration of a new monument at Veterans Park, and # 17 involves looking for property to purchase in the Hill Street area for a small park. #18 and the last item on the list is the lighting system for the Riverwalk. Upon completion of the Master Plan review, Mr. Corder asked for any changes in priority, the Board might feel are necessary. After discussion, the Board determined the plan, as is, should be presented to Council, for approval and Mr. Murphey so moved, seconded by Mr. Tanksley. Motion CARRIED 4- o. At this time Mr. Corder explained the grant that Lynn Plaskett was applying for - the Transportation Enhancement grant for U.S. I and S. R. 442. The Board moved to give this project their full support in the form of a letter, as they had discussed median beautification for the city on many occasions before. Mr. Visconti made the motion and Mr. Murphey seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESSIMISCELLANEOUS At this time, Jo Hagen and Diane Trout, members of the Edgewater Landing Garden Club, made a chart and picture presentation to the Board about beautification for the parks along Riverside Drive. This plan, they stated, is only their suggestions, and ideas of what they feel would work in the park as a beautification plan. The parks included in their plan were Menard, Veterans and the Gazebo area along the Riverwalk. The plants they incorporated into their plans, were mostly native plants, drought tolerant, salt tolerant, and inexpensive and easy to maintain. The Board was extremely pleased with the presentation and ideas they had come up with and Mr. Murphey moved to approve their beautification plan and check into funding and possible volunteers to help with the project, and Mr. Tanksley seconded the motion, which CARRIED 4-0. NEW BUSINESS Beautification Ad Hoc Committee Report As the past month's award (2503 Needle Palm) had not yet been issued, the Board elected to present it this month and vote on a Zone 4 residence for the next award. The Board voted unanimously to give the business beautification award to the Edgewater Landings common areas. At the past meeting, it was discussed to possibly change the awards to a bi-monthly basis for the residences and the business awards, quarterly. The Board discussed this again, and voted to implement this; residences bi-monthly and businesses quarterly. Historical Ad Hoc Committee Report Mr. Tanksley referred to the recent newspaper article, in which Councilwoman Lichter suggested Hawks Park Recreation Complex as a name for the new complex. He stated Page 2 Recreation/Cultural Services Bd. April 13, 2000 .... ..",., toward that end, they are getting letters of recommendation from the Southeast V olusia County Historic Society in support of that, from Joanne Sikes, City Historian, in support of that, and from his ad hoc committee in support of that. Mr. Tanksley stated he would like to make a motion that the Board endorse this name and put it in writing to Council to be presented at the Monday Workshop meeting with them. The Board discussed this briefly and Mr. Murphey seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Tanksley moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Tanksley. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall Page 3 Recreation/Cultural Services Bd. April 13, 2000