06-09-1981 - Workshop
JUNE 9, 1981
Mayor Robert H. Christy called the Council workshop to order at 7:00 P.M.
in the Edgewater City Hall.
Mayor Christy
Councilman Lodico
Councilman Ledbetter
Councilman Pendleton
Councilman Wilbur
City Attorney Henderson
City Clerk Blazi
Police Chief Baugh
City Manager Mitchell
The first item on the Agenda was the City Manager's contract.
Mr. Henderson requested that the Council take up some of the following
items on the agenda to allow time to make copies of a proposed contract.
Change of Bank Signatories: The City Manager informed the Council that
at the present time we have five (5) people authorized as signatories
for the City's financial transactions. Three (3) of these people are
elected officials - Mayor, Vice Mayor and Acting Mayor. The other two (2)
people are appointed employees - City Clerk and Deputy Ci~y Clerk. In
order to avoid possible delay or confusion during anaabsence of any of the
presently authorized signatories, it is recommended that the City Manager
be added as an authorized signatory. The majority of the Council members
present agreed with this request and asked that it be put on the agenda
for the June 15th Council Meeting.
Review of Chamber Renovation Plans: The City Manager showed the Council
a diagram of an improved seating arrangement for Council members and
City Officials in the Council chambers. Improvements in the sound system
should also help to alleviate some of the present problems encountered
during Council meetings. Funds for this project have been appropriated
from Federal Revenue Sharing and the project will proceed when these
funds are available.
Revised Agenda Format - The City Manager presented to the Council a copy
of a revised agenda format. This format rearranges the order of business
and also places audience comments midway throught the meeting. He asked
the Council to study this suggestion because he believes that the meetings
would proceed more smoothly. A permanent change in the order of business
would have to be done by ordinance but in the interest of at least trying
a new system, the present Council could waive the order of business at
the next meeting. The majority of the Council members present felt that
they would like to try a different order of business.
City Manager's Contract - Mr. Henderson passed out copies of a standard
contract to the Council members. Mr. Henderson pointed out that the
Council would have to decide on the number of years the contract would be
in effect, the method of paying the City Manager, the number of votes
needed to terminate the City Manager's contract and the amount of salary
that would be due the City Manager if the contract was terminated for
any reason other than those stated in the contract. There was a brief
discussion concerning the number of years in the contract and the required
vote to terminate the contract. The Council requested that this be put
on the Agenda for June 15th Council meeting.
Water Conservation Ordinance - There was a brief discussion concerning
this ordinance which would provide a standby measure in the event that
the City was declared an emergency area in regard to the amount of water
available for residents. This will also be an Agenda item on June 15th.
Charter Review - It was the opinion of the City Attorney and the City
Manager that this review board should be made up almost entirely of
citizens of the community. The suggestion was made that each Councir
man nominate five (5) members and the Mayor nominate six (6) members.
The City Manager and the City Attorney would serve as consultants and
members of the Council could also act as exofficio members.
This item will be placed on the agenda for June 15th.
Manager Report -
City Manager Mitchell spoke to the Council concerning
supervisors wages. It was the recommendation of the City Manager
that the annual salary of Mr. Terry Wadsworth be made retroactive to
Oct. 1, 1980. He also asked the Council for a sufficient period of
time to review all salaries and wages in order to prepare wage schedules
and classifications. The majority of the Council concurred with these
Mayor's Proposals - Mayor Christy said that he believed that the City
was not receiving the full amount of money owed to us from Florida Power
and Light for the franchise and the utility taxes. The Mayor stated
that he believed we sould be getting 10% on the first $20.00 plus 5%
on the remaining amount of the bill. He believes this should amount to
15% on any amount above $20.00.
The City Attorney said that State laws forbid an excess of over 10%.
The Mayor also pointed out that on the franchise tax of 6%, FPL is
deducting a percentage from the total bill for licenses, taxes and
other impositions and the result is that we receive an amount figured
on less than 6%
Councilman Lodico said that he did not believe the original ordinance
meant to charge 15% above $20.00. He also reminded the Council that
if there were any additional charges put on FPL they would pass these
charges along to their customers.
The Council suggested that the City Manager and the City Attorney
investigate the Mayor's charges because newspapers were printing some
of this information and the Council was not aware that there was any
problem. The Council also asked the City Clerk to find out about the
charges from FPL on the franchise agreement.
Councilman Lodico made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Wilbur seconded
the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
Council Workshop 6/9/81
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P;opcsed C~unci~ r'i
Cnarr:hcr <3ller2tJonU
Present rear stage can be used ~
for conference room if desired.
Clerk t-1anag er Mayor Attorney
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"- Council Council .'
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Council Council . '-:-..
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Work to proceed" in-house by Melvin Copeland, funds fram
Federal Revenue sharing balance. This floorplan is
identical to that done for the City of Lake Alfred in
Arrangement would be permanent, and would include
audio facilities. No adverse impact seen on Bingo,
square"dancing; or tap dancing. This is designed
for multi-board use (Council, Planning, etc.)
Audi torium "walls to be pan~lled to hei'ght of 8' for
sound deadening. Council area to receive hard ,...earing
carpet of inexpensi've grade.
Council platform to be built so as to have si~hL clearance
by those on upper level - 18" or so difference
JMN 6-5-81