MAY 11, 2000 6:30 PM
The Chairman, Tom Tipton, called the May meeting to order. Members present were
Glen Murphey, Mike Visconti, Mike Tanksley, Shirley Pittman and Tom Tipton. Also
present was Adelaide Carter, Jack Corder, Councilman Brown, Councilman Vincenzi and
City Manager Kenneth Hooper. Present from the public were Diane Trout and Jo Hagan.
Mr. Tanksley moved to approve the April 13, 2000 minutes. Mr. Visconti noted there
was a needed correction in the last paragraph which should read, "Mr. Tanksley moved to
adjourn, seconded by Mr. Visconti." Noting this correction, Mr. Murphey seconded the
motion to approve the minutes. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Review of Member Applications
Mr. Tipton stated we presently have two openings on the board and three present
applications to consider. Two of the applicants were present, Jo Hagan and Diane Trout.
David Turner, the other applicant had a previous commitment and was not present,
however, he still would like to be interviewed at a later date. Discussion was had in
regards to the Sunshine Law and board by laws in regards to Jo and Diane both being
close friends and also presently working on beautification ideas for the parks. Mr.
Tanksley moved to meet with Mr.Turner, possibly at the next meeting and table a final
decision on all three applicants until next month. Mr. Murphey seconded the motion and
it CARRIED 5-0.
Update on YMCA
Mr. Corder passed around some pictures he had taken of the progress being made on the
gymnasium complex. He stated the sides are done and the lower roof is being put on. He
stated he and Mr. Hooper had met with the Y officials this morning regarding operation
once it is completed and everything seems to be on track. He stated they are very
confident their fundraising will be successful and they hope to have the pool completed in
April. Mr. Corder stated the completion date for the gymnasium is still looking to be
October or November. Mr. Tipton stated he had been asked to be on the Y's public
relations publicity committee and they had their first meeting today. He said they are
looking to involve not only Edgewater, but New Smyrna, Oak Hill and Southeast V olusia
as well. He said they stated they needed 170 members to break even and they already
have 230 at present.
South Median Design Plan
Mr. Corder passed out the design plan for the south medians. He stated the plan was
similar to the north medians, only on a larger scale. This plan includes 46 crape myrtle
trees, (various colors) and variegated liriope for the end sections. He said the permit
should be submitted to D.O. T. next week and hopefully to start construction in June. He
said these medians are over 900 feet long and 40 feet wide and this design will make for
pretty easy maintenance for his crew. He said these medians have been budgeted for this
year and hopefully the project will be completed by August.
Beautification Ad Hoc Committee Report
Jo Hagan and Diane Trout brought up the subject of the "Welcome to Edgewater" sign
that is posted near Edgewater Landing coming into Edgewater from the south end. They
asked who is responsible for the maintenance of this sign, as it is in need of some
sprucing up. Mr. Hooper stated they belong to the Chamber and suggested we might
send them a letter, as they have been very responsive in the past. Mr. Corder agreed to
send a letter to the Chamber.
Mr. Visconti asked if the fountain was going to be repaired from the damage done when
it was hit by the car. Mr. Corder stated he had contacted Robin in the legal department,
and she was still waiting to hear from the insurance company.
The board was asked to bring their choices for a business award to be given in July and to
be prepared to vote on a residence for zone 4 to be given in June.
Historical Ad Hoc Committee Report
Mr. Tanksley stated there is a lot of work being done, a lot of meetings being attended,
and a lot of paperwork being generated among all the people involved in the cities. He
would like to find a way to get this most important information to Council, particularly
the results of the archaeological digs that are going to be done. Mr. Hooper suggested a
meeting between Mr. Tanksley, Mr. Corder, Lynne Plaskett, and himself to determine the
needs of the historical group and get a game plan going. Mr. Tanksley agreed to phone
the City Manager's office the next week to get a meeting set up. Mr. Hooper also noted
that there will be one more workshop and then the historical ordinances under
consideration in the Land Development Code will be going to a vote.
Page 2 Recreation/Cultural Services Board
May 11, 2000 Minutes
Mr. Corder stated he had attended a meeting for the ECHO projects for the County and
that he had asked them to include two Edgewater projects, one being the possibility of
boat ramps at Veterans Park and the other was the 26 acres. He asked the board to
review the copies in the packets of the various projects.
Councilman Brown stated he had met with Recreation personnel at New Smyrna
regarding the All Children's park that they had built, and he would like to have done for
Edgewater. He stated Mr. Hooper is gathering information on this type of project, and
just what it will take to get this accomplished. He stated he does not want this project to
create any friction for the YMCA or any other project. New Smyrna stated the Manatee
Park cost them over 100,000.00 and lots of time and volunteers and it is quite an
undertaking. He said however, he would like to get the information and see where we
can proceed from there. He said the Rotary president felt the club would be interested in
helping, as the playground will be placed in the Rotary Park.
There being no further business, Mr. Tanksley moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
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May 11, 2000 Minutes