09-27-1984 - Special . u o CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 27,1984 MINUTES Mayor Ledbetter called the Special Meeting to order at 10:02 AM in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor David Ledbetter Councilman Melbourne Wargo Councilwoman Gigi Bennington Councilman Neil Asting Present Present Present Present Councilman Jack Spencer City Attorney JoselAlvarez City Clerk Connie Kinsey Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts Excused Excused Present Absent Mayor Ledbetter stated the purpose of the meeting is the process the bills and accounts for the end of the fiscal year. Councilman Wargo questioned what they bought from Cleveland Cotton Products and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied that it's grease rags. Councilman Asting questioned the bill from the City Engineer and City Clerk Kinsey noted that this is the first bill he's submitted. Mayor Ledbetter questioned the $425. for Labor Relations Press and City Clerk Kinsey said itls books ordered by the City Attorney. Mayor Ledbetter asked about a Lamination Services bill and City Clerk Kinsey said it's for the Pol ice Department. Councilman Wargo asked if the bill from Mr. Ferrara included the Park Avenue project and City Clerk Kinsey said it's for through that day. Mayor Ledbetter asked about the bill to Rotanium Products and City Clerk Kinsey said it IS for Water & Sewer for connectors, electrical and maintenance suppl ies. Mayor Ledbetter asked about Security Supply and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied that itls for a flashl ight and charger system for the Chief. Councilwoman Bennington questioned the payment to Volusia County and City Clerk Kinsey said it's for the landfill fees. Councilman Wargo moved to pay the bills. Councilwoman Bennington seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Councilman Asting moved to adjourn. Councilman Wargo seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 10:08 A.M. Minutes submitted by: Lu ra Sue Kose r CLlBcCf/4ft~ - MA Y"O"R - c;.-- ATTEST: m~r/f~~ COUNCILMAN - ZpNE ONE tI " /2 ' ~/ ,-1/ ~ COUN~WOMAN - ZONE TWO ~k~ COUNC I LMAN [/ZONE T~ cou~~~ COU ILMAN - ONE FOUR M~ j r- ~/ c/ ?fA/.) ftB5~