09-27-1984 - Workshop . ---... ~ o CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER WORKSHOP - SEPTEMBER 27,1984 MINUTES Mayor Ledbetter called the Workshop to order at 10:30 A.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor David Ledbetter Councilman Melbourne Wargo Councilwoman Gigi Bennington Councilman Neil Asting Present Present Present Present Councilman Jack Spencer City Attorney Jose' Alvarez City Clerk Connie Kinsey Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts Excused Arrived Later Present Present Mayor Ledbetter stated that the purpose of the workshop is the monthly meeting with the Pol ice Chief to review Pol ice Department matters. Chief Betts stated that the Animal Control Officer is having a problem with ducks on the duck pond and there is a concern that an elderly lady I iving nearby might sl ip and fall on the duck excretions. He said according to the Code the only way they can make arrangements for an animal is if it's owned and these ducks aren't owned. He asked what can be done if the ducks are infringing on people's property and rights in that area. He added that they've been removing the eggs to keep the population down. He said the Animal Control Officer could take the ducks away but she didn't want to offend those who appreciate the ducks. City Clerk Kinsey suggested relocating them. Chief Betts agreed they could do that and it wouldn't be a problem. Councilman Wargo suggested they take some away discreetly. Mayor Ledbetter suggested letting the lady work it out since she'd probably been feeding them in her yard. Chief Betts agreed held have the Animal Control Officer tell the lady to stop feeding them. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that there's a State law regarding wildl ife and Chief Betts said Edgewater is also a bird sanctuary. Councilwoman Bennington questioned if they have the right to control population by taking the eggs. Mayor Ledbetter said the predators and children will take care of them. Chief Betts said he'll get in touch with the lady and go more indepth. Mr. Walter Gross, from the audience, said New Smyrna Beach just took ducks from one area to another and worked with the Humane Society. An unidentified lady in the audience asked if the Chief is still on probation and Mayor Ledbetter repl ied yes. Chief Betts said a man wants to go on vacation and the only way he can allow him to go is to authorize overtime. He said they have two officers in school and the vacation request came up quickly. He said this type of problem should be taken care of in the schedule change in November but held 1 ike Council input. He said this would involve about six days overtime they would have to pay someone. Councilman Wargo pointed out that they only pay for eight hours on a shift and this would only come to 24 hours of overtime since they don't pay time and a half for 12-hour days. Chief Betts said up until now that's been happening. Councilman Wargo stated that the president of the association said if they're paying it, theylre wrong. Mayor Ledbetter asked how many men are on a shift and Chief Betts repl ied two, a Sergeant and one patrol and they haven't gone over to the 8-hour shift but will November 1st and then can el iminate 50% of the overtime. He said he hoped thts will be the last time they'll be having the overtime problem. Councilman Wargo said one problem is having people use all the vacation within the current year it's earned instead of carrying it over. He added that the contract requires the posting of the schedule 15 days prior to the beginning of the quarter, but they have to be notified after the end of the quarter so it's ambiguous. He noted that they posted two schedules to take care of the change. Chief Betts said they have some vacation built up from last year and they can bring in a man for now until October 1st and control it for one month with schedul ing, then after November they'll never be faced with a man not being able to take his vacation with a little advance notice and proper schedul ing. Mayor Ledbetter asked Council members if they had a problem with this and Councilman Wargo said he didn't see a choice. Councilwoman Bennington and Mayor Led- better agreed. ~ \,) Q Chief Betts said he contacted Earl Copeland regarding the speed signs and they're changing the 20 and 25MPH to be uniform at 30MPH. He distributed 1 iterature on the requests for equipment to be on the October 1st Council agenda and said these items are under State bid. He said he called Duval Motors in Jacksonville and there's no State bid on a van. Mayor Ledbetter said that it was already settled that it will be a compact pickup truck. Councilman Wargo agreed they want to go with the smaller vehicles for more mileage. Chief Betts said he needs two more walkie-talkies and the Motorola has only gone up $90. in the last five years. He said he has information on the cars also. Councilman Asting said he wants to be assured that the purchasing procedure establ ished by the Council is followed in any purchases and that anything over $2,000. goes out for bid. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that with State bid price they don't have to go out for bids. Chief Betts said these are State bid prices with warranties for 60,000 miles for an additional $280.from Ford for two years with a $75. deductible. Councilman Asting asked if any Ford agency will cover it and Chief Betts replied yes. Mayor Ledbetter stated that anyone buying a new vehicle can purchase this additional warranty. City Clerk Kinsey asked the State contract number and Chief Betts said he can' get it from Duval. Mr. Walter Gross, from the audience, asked if the cars have to be serviced by Ford for any work to honor the guarantee and Chief Betts repl ied yes. Mr. Gross asked about the service in our City garage and Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that it wonlt cost anything from Ford if it IS under warranty. Councilman Asting said the Ford Company will usually honor the guarantee if the repair work is done by a reputable repair person. Councilwoman Bennington asked Chief Betts to check this. Chief Betts said if they keep records on oil changes and such, then theylll honor the warranty by the City's records and the initial cost would be the $75. deduct:ionand theyl]1l do it at any Ford dealer in the area. Chief Betts stated that his department was given two more men and the schedule they want to go into in November will alleviate a lot of the problem with vacations, sick leave, and overtime but held 1 ike to request a third man. Mayor Ledbetter suggested the third man be obtained by transferring one out of the detective division and putting him back out on the street, and util ize the department to its full potential. He added that there are no stop gap measures to show how many hours they're putting in per week. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that the results would be shown by the number of crimes solved versus what was done in the past, and they didn't have a very good ratio before. Chief Betts noted that they're close to 30% now which is about two times above the national average and theylre up 25% in calls smce August. He said held 1 ike to make a traffic enforcement unit to ride the City and work in those areas where they get the most complaints of speeding, reckless or careless driving, etc. He added that the detective work load has increased and he feels another man is needed there and he wants four men per squad. Councilman Wargo asked if he can do this within his budget and Chief Betts repl ied he thinks so but helll check further if the Council will con- sider it. Mayor Ledbetter said he'd 1 ike to see a new man if itls to benefit the people but not just to have someone to cover when they have a day off. Chief Betts said hels working with PBA and looking at it from the management point of view and held I ike to el iminate any problems they've had in that area and the 8-hour schedule would take care of that, plus give the citizens total coverage and would double what they have now. Councilman Asting noted that held called the Chief about a traffic problem at Ocean Avenue and Flagler and asked if there's a solution to that. Chief Betts said he talked with the Principal of the Elementary School but the City streets need to be marked also with an area for the buses to follow and it will take 50% of the jam. Councilman Asting asked if it will help to use Turgot Avenue. Chief Betts said the Principal told him the people don't want to go that way, and he's also talked to Earl Copeland who said they'll maintain it but they'd have to route the people. Councilwoman Bennington suggested the School Board be petitioned to pave that section of the road coming from their property out to Turgot since they just increased the taxes. -2- Council Workshop Minutes September 27. 1984 Q o " Chief Betts said he also talked to the Principal about the parking problem and the Principal told him they don't have any money for changes. He added that they have a patrol officer at the intersection and always have had. Councilman Asting said he was told by a mother with children in that school that several times there was no Pol ice officer to direct traffic and it was a mess. Mayor Ledbetter stated that a patrolman is supposed to be there and perhaps this should be checked out. Chief Betts pointed out that they have two men on the road and if one gets a call he'd have to leave his post to answer the call, but otherwise he should be there, and he suggested a school crossing guard be placed there. Mayor Ledbetter noted that the City Clerk called the Sheriff's Department to see if they'll provide someone. Chief Betts said he was there directing traffic near the school for several days, but a school crossing guard would make everyone feel safer. Councilwoman Bennington asked if the layout of the school and their signs causes some of the congestion and Chief Betts said they can mark it at the intersection problem and send them out Turgot. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that one-way traffic will be a problem with the street on the back of the property as there's a swale and rain causes a problem, and someone will have to fill it i'n if they want to divert traffic to Turgot. Chief Betts agreed they have to consider the people who 1 ive on that street. Mayor Ledbetter asked if there's enough pavement to make a bus lane and through traffic and Chief Betts said yes, he measured it and it was laid out and given to Earl Copeland to start the markings. Chief Betts added that within a week from when it starts, he sees the problem el iminated. Councilman Asting pointed out that they can't make Turgot one way to the school because people 1 iving there need ingress and egress. Chief Betts stated that what they have planned should suffice within about a week. Mayor Ledbetter said the problem is the one-way street going into the school property and the School Board will have to handle it. Councilwoman Bennington suggested the Council address the School Board and asked them to work together with the City. Mr. Walter Gross, from the audience, noted that there's a problem with trucks and Coronado Paint at school time. . Chief Betts noted that he and Councilwoman Bennington talked to DOT regarding the walkway on Park Avenue. Councilwoman Bennington said when they get a sidewalk from Wildwood to Flagler, this can divert the children from coming down Old County Road and route them through the Flagler residential area rather than the industrial section. Chief Betts said he was sent a questionnaire and it expands on the problem and is an excellent way to route the traffic. Mr. Jacob Lodico, from the audience, said they also have a problem with mothers who are speeding when they're late to drop off the children or pick them up. Chief Betts said the traffic control unit would el iminate a lot of the traffic problems. Mayor Ledbetter said he considers every Pol ice officer as traffic enforcement. Chief Betts agreed and added that they're on a vacation house watch program and there is a lot of manpower used in this, but the traffic control unit will act as a backup for the regular patrolmen. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that when they stop a car they call for a backup when t~ere's no reason for it and Chief Betts agreed. Councilwoman Bennington asked if backup is called for normal traffic violations and Chief Betts repl ied no, but if there are two or more males or females and depending on the description and the time of night or day. Chief Betts stated that they have two men working now and as of November 1st a lot of that will be el iminated because they'll have a Sergeant and a squad and the Sergeant will be the back~p. He added that car stops and domestics are the most dangerous. Councilwoman Bennington suggested when they get a lot of complaints they could put the officer on that street without jeopardizing the rest of the City's protection. Chief Betts said he'd 1 ike to put it in the newspaper to tell them what streets they'll be working that particular day, and he added that this unit has been very successful in other towns. Mayor Ledbetter said the element of surprise is what's needed or they'll just use another route. Chief Betts noted that a lot of people donlt read it and he added that a lot of people will be safer with this unit. Mayor Ledbetter said he expects any Pol ice unit on the street to be giving tickets. Mr. Walter Gross, from the audience, asked what theylll do when they pave all the streets because there will be more speeders. Councilwoman Bennington said that shouldnlt be a problem if they have one officer on each shift just for traffic control and helll make routine checks plus any other officer will watch for speeders. Councilman Wargo suggested they put it in the newspaper. -3- Council Workshop Minutes September 27, 1984 < . r Q o Mr. Norman Bill ips said he called regarding construction trucks on Pine Tree Drive which were breaking the speed 1 imit and an officer came out and warned them. Mayor Ledbetter noted that whenever a marked car is on the streets anyone who sees it will slow down. Councilman Asting noted that a Deputy Sheriff 1 ives on Pine Tree and it doesn't slow the traffic down. Councilwoman Bennington agreed that speeding has been a problem for a long time. Councilman Wargo said this is a good idea and he gets calls at home about the speeding. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that any additions to the Pol ice manpower has to be done by Resolution. Chief Betts said hel11 have more information for them to read and look over and hel11 put it in their boxes and they should be able to come up with a solution. Councilman Asting pointed out that the number of speeders on Pine Tree seems to increase between 6:30 and 7:30 AM and a pol ice car in that area might slow them down. Chief Betts said hell1 work towards that. Councilwoman Bennington stated that with two men on duty that reinforces the need for a traffic officer. Chief Betts stated that one unit could answer the calls and be available and the complaints will cease. Councilwoman Bennington noted that they have problems on Virginia Street from the Handi-Way store but unless someone is right there to see it, it's of no use. Chief Betts stated that the unit would be marked on the sides but not on the top. Mr. Walter Gross said it's an excellent plan. Councilwoman Bennington asked if the changing of the crystals on the radio has been completed and Chief Betts said the parts haven't come in but when they do, he'll make Council aware and set up a schedule. Councilman Wargo said he's happy with the progress and commended the Chief for his efforts. Councilwoman Bennington moved to adjourn. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Workshop was adjourned at 11 :35 A.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser -4- Council Workshop Minutes September 27, 1984