09-20-1984 - Special ~ u o ~ CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 20,1984 MINUTES Mayor Ledbetter called the Special Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor David Ledbetter Councilman Melbourne Wargo Councilwoman Gigi Bennington Councilman Neil Asting Present Present Present Present Councilman Jack Spencer City Attorney Josel Alvarez City Clerk Connie Kinsey Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts Present Arrived Later Present Arrived Later Also present was Mrs. Karen Rickelman, Data Processing Coordinator. RESOLUTION ON MILLAGE #84-R-41 - City Clerk Kinsey read this Resolution in its entirety. RES. 84-R-1Il - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A CERTIFIED MILLAGE RATE OF 5.441 MILLS PER $1,000.00 ASSESSED VALUATION FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1984-1985, WHICH IS EQUAL TO THE ROLLED BACK RATE; REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ledbetter asked for publ ic input. Frank Opal, Florida Shores, referred to Article 7, Section 10 which he said will refer to this budget if any lawsuits stem out of it. He said he's glad it's the rolled back rate even though a couple of Council members wanted to increase it to 5.800, and the third was committed by proxy. He stated that they had an attorney initate a court suit against the City but dropped it because the attorney wanted $2,500. up front. He added that what concerns him most is the interest money which is being manipulated. There were no other comments from the audience on this Resolution. Councilman Spencer moved that Council adopt Resolution #84-R-41. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. BUDGET HEARING City Clerk Kinsey read the total revenues and expenditures for the general fund, Federal Revenue Sharing plus the amount appropriated from the fund balance, the Water and Wastewater fund, and the Refuse fund. Mayor Ledbetter asked for publ ic input. Walter Gross, 909 Lake Avenue, said he thinks Edgewater has the highest millage in Vol usia County. He asked the total in the Code Enforcement Department and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied it's $87,890. Mr. Gross asked the amount taken in for fees for permits by the Building Department. There was a short recess at 7:12 P.M. for the City Clerk to obtain the answer to this request. Chief Betts arrivedat the meeting during the recess at 7:14 P.M. Mayor Ledbetter called the meeting back in session at 7:16 P.M. City Clerk Kinsey stated that the total revenues for the eleven months of the current year is $110,818.37. Mr. Gross asked where that money is and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied it's in the General Fund. Mr. Gross asked why they have such a large budget in the Code Enforcement Department as there's a BuLlding Official, his assistant, and two secretaries and suggested it be a part of the Building Department. He then asked if the profit in the department for the amounts collected for permits is used for other items in the General Fund and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied yes. She clarified that there isn't a department titled Building Department, it's Code Enforcement Department. Councilwoman Bennington agreed that the title of Code Enforcement is misleading and it should be Building Department. City Clerk Kinsey noted that the State sets the code as to how the departments will be set. Mayor Ledbetter said he thought the ordinance recommended it be this way. City Clerk Kinsey stated that it's through the State Uniform Accounting System which makes all cities have the same title for the same department. Will lam Glaser, 1703 Needle Palm, asked about the advertisement, in the newspaper and asked for clarification of the columns titled estimated reserves and estimated fund balance. Mrs. Rickelman repl ied that the estimated reserves is specified by the Department of Ad Valorem Tax and it's a new requirement that the ad be publ ished in the paper and is the amount of money earmarked for a specific purpose. She gave as an example that the majority of this is for recreation and they have collected recreation fees and it's reserved for recreation purposes. She said they also have a reserve for a subdivision maintenance bond for Wildwood which is held for five years and it has to be on hand. She added that the remainder of it is for Pol ice training from money collected for tickets and if it IS not spent in educating Pol ice officers, the excess has to be in reserve. She stated that the fund balance is a carryover of last year of $330,OOO.plus anticipated fund balance of this year and it's an estimate as the fiscal year ends September 30th. " o (.) , BUDGET HEARING (Continued) Will iam Glaser (Continued) - Mr. Glaser asked if the money IS actually in the General Fund to be expended this year and Mrs. Rickelman said it's money anticipated to be on hand and it's not appropriated for any particular purpose. Mr. Glaser asked if it's surplus and Mrs. Rickelman repl ied yes. Councilman Wargo questioned why that's not shown in the budget ordinance and Mrs. Rickelman said it's in the advertisement. Councilman Wargo said it should be shown on this ordinance as it's posted. Mr. Glaser then asked the estimated income from the gas tax for this coming year and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied it's $55,000. Mr. Glaser asked what column that amount is under and Mrs. Rickelman repl ied it's under local State Shared Revenues. Mr. Glaser asked if that amount has tentatively been planned for anything and City Clerk Kinsey said it's not been appropriated yet, but it's in Publ ic Works Department. Mr. Glaser asked if it's planned for a specific purpose and Mrs. Rickelman noted that $24,000. is planned for paving. Councilman Asting pointed out that this amount won't be available until next year and Mrs. Rickelman agreed it comes in over the 12 months. Councilman Asting noted that there's money in the surplus funds which will probably be appropriated for paving by the new Council. Mrs. Rickelman reviewed the amounts for the balance of the grader and resurfacing or paving of streets. James Hatfield, 236 Old County Road, questioned the $60,000. for legal expenses, and he reviewed the totals for Council and Administration. He said the budget can be cut 20% without hurting things, as they're doing it allover the country and asking employees to take cuts in wages. He added that the work to be done doesn't require all these expenses. He said his road is impassible now. He wondered if $503,000. for law enforcement is too high for a City this size and suggested they take $380,000. off the budget. He noted that he's not in favor of Federal Revenue Sharing. He added that he read that a Council member is a business consultant and he wouldn't want him to be a consultant for his business. Mayor Ledbetter stated that his position is well taken and a lot of things need to be reviewed. Mrs. Taylor questioned the title of Spec.Rec.Fac. in the budget and Mrs. Rickelman explained that's Special Recreational Facil ities and the purpose is to break down the revenue against the expenses for operating the Community Center. Mrs. Taylor said she'd rather see $5,000. go back in the Library budget. Frank Opal said he agrees with Mr. Hatfield and he could cut the budget by $200,000. and wouldn't have trouble doing it because things have got out of hand. SECOND AND FINAL READING OF BUDGET ORDINANCE #84-0-16 - City Attorney Alvarez read this Ordinance. ORD. 84-0-16 - AN ORDINANCE SETTING A FINAL BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING REVENUES TO BE COLLECTED FOR THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1984, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1985, SETTING FORTH REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF THE GENERAL FUND AND VARIOUS ITEMS THEREOF; THE FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND; THE WATER-WASTEWATER FUND; AND THE REFUSE COLLECTION FUND; SHOWING A MORE DETAILED BREAKDOWN BY "EXHIBIT A"; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Spencer moved that Council adopt the budget per Ordinance #84-0-16. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Minutes submitted by: Councilman Wargo moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:42 P M Q)jbtJ?k~ ~i/~~# ~ kOUN -1),M~N -)OIlE ONE 'Z 0 COUNC I W M~~/ - ZO~ TWO f ", ~ COU:~~HREE If --to- c?y.;t:;~~l- - r Lura Sue Koser -. ...... " ATTEST: -2- Council Special Meeting Minutes September 20, 1984