10-12-2000 ... ..., RECREA TION/CUL TURAL SERVICES BOARD OCTOBER 12, 2000 6:30 PM PARKS & RECREATION MAINTENANCE BUILDING MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The Chairman Tom Tipton called the meeting to order, following a brief tour of the YMCA facilities on Turgot Avenue. Members present were: Tom Tipton, Mike Visconti, David Turner, and Diane Trout. Also present was Adelaide Carter, liaison from the Economic Development Board, Jack Corder, Director of Parks and RecreationlMaintenance and Gene Filer, a citizen. Absent were Mike Tanksley, Jo Hagan and Glen Murphey. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Visconti moved to approve the Minutes of the September 14,2000 meeting and Mr. Turner seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business up for discussion. NEW BUSINESS Signage for Recreation Complex Mr. Corder stated the backflow valve in front of the gymnasium building needs to be concealed and he has designed a sign which would cover this valve. He pointed this backflow valve out on the tour of the building so members would be aware of its location and looks. He stated the sign which he proposes would actually be built around the valve. He said the bottom section is block , will be 8 feet long and 6 feet high. The bottom portion sign will have the Hawks Park Recreation Complex letters and the top sign will be for the YMCA and also be a marquee type, so events can be advertised. The top sign for the YMCA will be 5 feet by 6 feet. A picture of this proposed sign was included in the agenda packets for the Board's review. Mrs. Trout moved that the Board accept this proposed design of the sign and proceed with construction and Mr. Visconti seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0. Zone 2 Beautification Award The Board voted on the choices for the beautification award for a zone 2 residence and the winning address was 1915 Orange Tree Drive. The Board will vote on a business award in November and submitted their choices for that award. ... ....." Beautification Ad Hoc Committee Report Mr. Visconti stated he didn't have a report from the committee, but would like to make a suggestion to the Board. He said he would like to see some recognition given to the past Beautification Committees for all their hard work and time. He would like to see a plaque put in the new medians, one at the north end and one at the south end for each of the committees that served and list the names of those who were on the committee at that time. Mr. Turner stated that the Board already decided on a plan for Adopt-A-Median and to put more plaques in the medians, would be a conflict of interest in that respect. Mr. Tipton agreed he felt that was a conflict of interest and said the City already acknowledges the committee volunteers with a certificate of appreciation and an Appreciation Dinner each year and he feels this would be setting a precedence. Mr. Corder agreed with Mr. Tipton and stated he felt this would be setting a precedence and there are hundreds of volunteers who have served the City over the years. Mrs. Carter suggested a way to recognize all volunteers would be for one plaque to be placed at the new fountain, if one is decided on. Mr. Filer stated the city of Ocala used to have pins made up for their volunteers and that worked well for them. The Board discussed this at length and determined they did not wish to act on this suggestion. Mr. Visconti stated he was having a difficult time getting people for the ad hoc committee for beautification and Mr. Filer stated his wife may be interested and someone else he knew also. Mr. Tipton explained the duties of ad hoc members to Mr. Filer and suggested they get in contact with Mr. Visconti if they are interested. Historical Ad Hoc Committee Report There was no report for the Historical Ad Hoc Committee, due to the absence of Mr. Tanksley. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Corder referred back to the last meeting and discussion ofthe fountain situation. The Board had discussed the possibility of putting in a new fountain at the city limits and he suggested the Board drive by the location at the front entrance to the water plant on SR 442 and across the street by the truck stop. He stated he feels this would be a good location for a dual fountain situation and beautify the west entrance to the city once this road is widened. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Turner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Trout. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall Page 2 Recreation/Cultural Services Board Minutes/October 12,2000