08-24-1984 - Special/Workshop
AUGUST 24, 1984
Mayor Ledbetter called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. in the
Community Center.
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman Jack Spencer
City Attorney Jose'Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts
Arrived Later
Mayor Ledbetter stated the purpose of the meeting is to consider repeal ing Resolution
#83-R-57. Councilman Spencer said he preferred Council go into the workshop session
and defer the special meeting until later. Councilman Wargo had no objection.
Mayor Ledbetter called the Workshop in session. Councilman Wargo stated that he asked
for this meeting for various reasons and he didn't want to get into them now as he
didn't come for an inquisition but to settle some misunderstandings in the past. He
said putting five or six titles on a person hasn't solved the problems in the City
and the people aren't getting the services they require for pushing this City forward.
He said they haven't progressed in the last 14 months because of the five or six titles.
He added that he heard a remark that the person cannot properly take care of her job
because she has to sit in her office and 1 isten to the Council and can't get her work done.
He said maybe they should break these posLt:ions up and start hiring a Finance Director,
and a Personnel Director and leave the rest as is and see if there will be better
service for the people and release the City Clerk to perform the duties she is supposed
to perform and get a more efficient and better dialogue with administration than they
have now. He noted that they have a very remiss dialogue in this City and there are
too many ends left loose and too many things let go that they aren't getting done that
they're obI igated to get done. He suggested they address the titles they have and
properly assign them to different people to get the job done properly.
Councilman Spencer said he disagreed with Councilman Wargo as he has a good dialogue
with the City Clerk/Administrator and the staff and he found the City Clerk/Administrator
to be very cooperative and very knowledgable. He added that he doesn't see what they'll
accompl ish by separating the powers and responsibil ities. He noted that the City Clerk/
Administrator has delegated some of the responsibil ities that have been placed on her.
Councilman Spencer suggested that Councilman Wargo be specific since there were several
quotations in the newspapers, whether correct or incorrect, and he takes exception to
some of the items. He noted that there was criticism of the budget and he felt it was
done in the same process as a year ago and was handled very well and City Clerk Kinsey
and Mrs. Rickelman did an outstanding job in working with the department heads and
preparing the prel iminary budget which was reviewed extensively by Council at numerous
workshops. He added that the Council has the prerogative and responsibil ity of setting
the millage rate and establ ishing the final budget and that's what they did.
Councilman Spencer pointed out that Council has the responsibil ity of performing an
evaluation of the City Clerk/Administrator and she'd been evaluated twice by this
Council and on those evaluations, Councilman Wargo rated her next to the highest in
August of 1983 and next to the highest in May of 1984. He noted that she received a
high evaluation in May, which was a very short time ago, and Councilman Wargo had
indicated on her evaluation that a merit increase was in order and on May 21st the
Council voted 4-0 to give the City Clerk/Administrator a merit increase. He said
that doesn't sound 1 ike the Council felt she was not performing her job properly
and he didn't think Council gave her any specific instructions to do other than
she's doing at this time. He noted that between May and now there's been a dissatis-
faction with the way the administration is being operated and didn't know what they
want to do as an alternative.
Councilman Wargo asked Councilman Spencer if he was present for the budget hearings.
Councilman Spencer repl ied he was here for the last budget hearing but not for all
of them. Councilman Wargo asked how many held attended and Councilman Spencer
repl ied the last one where it was final ized. Councilman Wargo stated that it was
final ized before Councilman Spencer returned and the millage was set so he can't
say with any authority that everything in the budget hearing was all right.
Councilman Wargo pointed out that he's missed one Council meetings in the 15 months
he's been on Council and he asked Councilman Spencer how many he's missed. Councilman
Wargo stated that Council has a responsibil ity to the people of the community and 54%
of them are on fixed income and they can't payout a lot of money. He added that he
wants to run the City the way he runs his 1 ife and he tries to spend his money wisely
and get the best value for his dollar. He referred to the increase in the Police budget
the last year and said he doesn't think more money makes a better department. He added
that hiring a lot of people may not answer the problems but maybe giving the people more
money and requesting more work out of them will be a better service to the community
instead of hiring more people.
Councilman Spencer said he didn't advocate hiring more employees but he felt criticism
of the City Clerk/Administrator's participation in the budget process was unwarranted
and they all had an opportunity to amend the budget.
Mayor Ledbetter stated that the budget is set and this meeting isn't on the budget but
to consider repeal ing Resolution 83-R-57. Councilman Spencer agreed that was the pur-
pose of the meeting but this is directly related since this resolution appointed her as
Finance and Administration Director and the budget process is part of this responsibil ity.
Councilman Wargo said he objected to being asked why he votes a certain way and he
doesn't have to answer to another Council member, but the point is that one person is
wearing four hats and asked if it's fair to her and to the community. He noted that
the ordinance appointed her for 60 days or until Council wants to change it and he's
ready for a change. Councilman Wargo added that after all these months he's not seen
a great progress in the City for the amount they're spending and it should be changed.
He said they need a personnel director to get out with the people and see some of their
problems but he doesn't think they need a City administrator or a City Manager and
that's what it IS got to be is a City Manager. He pointed out that 14 months ago the
people mandated not to have a City Manager and that shouldn't be overlooked or forgotten.
He suggested that Council meet every Friday with the department heads to 1 isten to the
problems and know first hand the needs of the community as he doesn't 1 ike to get it
second hand. He added that he didn't say the City Clerk/Administrator didn't do her
job or that she wasn't working but all the responsibil ities for this community shouldn't
come under one person and they should determine the proper people in the jobs and get
the jobs done right. Councilman Spencer stated that they hire department heads to
operate their departments and it's not up to Council to determine the color of Pol ice
uniforms or operations of the departments, but it is Council IS function to pay more
attention to major things of a pol icy nature and such projects as road paving and resur-
facing which is badly needed or personnel turnover, and water treatme~t and supply.
Councilman Wargo asked if the solution is to raise garbage rates $1.50 a month and put
five more people on, have a tax rate base at 5.800 to have a cushion, and they don't
really need to raise the garbage rates. He said when you have professionals doing
the job, you'll get different advice than that, but he's not blaming anyone. He said
raising taxes every year and raising garbage rates every year isn't the answer to the
problems, and added that he'd meet once or twice a week with department heads if it's
needed. He pointed out the time and effort spent in selecting a Pol ice Chief and that
Councilman Spencer wasn't present for all of that. Councilman Spencer noted that he
planned a vacation some time in advance and gave a note to every person on Council
indicating that he'd be gone during the month of July and would need to be excused
for two regular meetings. He added that nobody objected to it and Councilman Wargo
could have let him know in advance if he had a problem with it instead of making a point
of it later. He noted that hels very interested in the welfare of the City and the
answer isn't necessarily to raise taxes or garbage rates to solve the problem but
there are other problems such as trash, and he made a trip to Vero Beach to look at
the trash incinerator in operation.
-2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 24, 1984
Councilman Spencer asked Councilman Wargo if he wants to separate some of the responsi-
bilities and titles that the City Clerk/Administrator was asked to do and hire one or
two more people to take on those tasks. Councilman Wargo repl ied that he'd heard what
he'd said. Councilman Spencer said he wanted to understand it clearly, and pointed out
that only three people of Council are there and what they're discussing is highly
important and he'd prefer that other members of Council have an opportunity to partici-
pate in whatever action is taken relative to this subject. He suggested they table
the discussion for full Council -since points of view are so different.
Councilman Wargo said he was making a point that Councilman Spencer wasn't there and
he doesn't care if hels there or not, but he wasn't there for budget hearings, and
he doubted if he would have told him not to go and to stay home. Councilman Wargo said
another point is that hindsight is always better than foresight and it's impossible to
determine whatls going to turn up here from one day to the next.
Councilman Wargo moved to go from the workshop to a regular meeting. Councilman Spencer
seconded thecmotion. Motion CARRIED 3-0.
Councilman Wargo moved to adjourn this regular meeting until Monday night at 7:00 P.M.
Councilman Spencer seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 7:28 P.M.
AUGUST 27, 1984
Mayor Ledbetter called the continued Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M.
in the Community Center.
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman Jack Spencer
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts
Mayor Ledbetter stated the purpose of the meeting is to consider repeal ing Resolution
83-R-57 which appointed Cornel ia Kinsey as Finance and Administration Director of the
City of Edgewater.
Councilman Spencer moved that Council recess to a Workshop session and take up the
Special Meeting later. Councilwoman Bennington seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Spencer stated that he wanted to be sure that Councilwoman Bennington was
updated on what transpired at Friday evening's meeting and Councilwoman Bennington stated
that she listened to the tapes of the meeting.
Councilman Spencer said he wouldn't be in favor of repeal ing Resolution 83-R-57 without
some plan of a postitive nature to substitute, which would be an improvement for the
Councilwoman Bennington said that she 1 istened to the tapes of Friday's meeting and
heard both sides of the argument. She noted that when they set up the position of
Finance and Administration Director it was because they were in a position with no
City Manager and they were told they couldn't go to the coordinator system so they
set up a flow chart with Connie Kinsey as Finance and Administration Director and
Personnel Director to see what problems they would have with this. She noted that
the budget is continually higher and they need to look at the best way to spend the
money and with all the titles, the City Clerk/Administrator has had to delegate a lot
of the authority. She said it IS her opinion that it's impossible for the City Clerk
to function as a full-time Finance Director because of all the other responsibil ities
she has. She added that if she votes to rescind the resolution, it's only on the
grounds that they need a full-time Finance Director and she'd 1 ike to go out and adver-
tise to see what is available and what it would cost to bring someone in.
Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
-3- August 24, 1984 and
Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 27, 1984
Mr. Frank Roe, Juniper Drive, asked why they say they need money and then want to
advertise to hire a new Finance Director. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that
she didn't say to hire but to see what's out there. Mr. Roe asked if the reason
they're doing this is because the City Clerk is inefficient and if so, they should
say so. He added that Council should instruct her what to do with the budgets for
the departments. He stated that some of the ways the Council does things isn't sensible,
and he'd 1 ike things to run smoothly. He asked why this was even brought up if she is
Councilman Wargo moved to go back into the regular meeting. Councilwoman Bennington
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that they have the option of repeal ing Resolution 83-R-57,
leave it as is, or revert Mrs. Kinsey back to City Clerk as ~rescribedby the Charter.
Councilman Wargo moved to repeal Resolution 83-R-57 and direct the City Attorney to
draw up the necessary papers. Mayor Ledbetter passed the gavel to Vice Mayor Bennington
and seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-1. Councilman Spencer voted NO. Vice Mayor
Bennington returned the gavel to Mayor Ledbetter.
Councilwoman Bennington stated that she voted yes on this because she wants to check
into what it will take for a Finance Director in this City because they need one. Mayor
Ledbetter suggested a workshop to discuss this.
Councilman Spencer said tearing something down is what Council had just done without a
val id course of action and it's a very backward way of doing something. He added they are
asking now to investigate what it will cost to hire a full time Finance Director and
this should have been done a long time ago. He said Council is very wrong to go about
it in this manner and he doesn't understand what City finances have suffered for the
lack of a Finance Director. Councilwoman Bennington repl ied that nothing now is suffering
but Mrs. Rickelman and Mrs. Kinsey worked on the budget and Mrs. Rickelman is doing
most of the work because of Mrs. Kinsey's other duties. She added that it's not because
Mrs. Kinsey isn't capable but because of lack of time and other responsibil ities and
she felt the other people that have the responsibil ities should have the titles.
Councilman Spencer said the rescinding of this resolution puts the City in 1 imbo and
without a head of the City. Councilwoman Bennington said she disagreed because the
Charter states the City Clerk is the head of the City. Councilman Spencer pointed out
that the Charter designates the City Clerk with full financial responsibil ities but
doesn't say anything about a Finance Director and the Charter is out of date. Council-
woman Bennington stated that they have a head of the City and it's Mrs. Kinsey as the
City Clerk and Personnel Director. Mayor Ledbetter agreed that Mrs. Kinsey is still the
City Clerk as prescribed by the Charter. Councilman Spencer pointed out that if nothing
is changed, they spent a lot of time Friday evening arguing about it. Mayor Ledbetter
noted that Resolution 83-R-57 states a period of time of 60 days or until Council takes
other action. Councilman Spencer said he understood what was done is permissible.
Councilman Spencer moved to adjourn. Councilwoman Bennington seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:16 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
MAYOR -- ./
Council Special
August 24, 1984
Council Special
August 27, 1984
Meeting & Workshop Minutes
Meeting & Workshop Minutes