08-07-1984 - Workshop ~ u o CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER WORKSHOP - AUGUST 7, 1984 MINUTES Mayor Ledbetter called the Workshop to order at I :03 P.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor David Ledbetter Counc i I man Me I bou rne \.Ja rgo Councilwoman Gigi Bennington Councilman Neil Asting Present Present Present Present Councilman Jack Spencer City Attorney Josel Alvarez City Clerk Connie Kinsey Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts Present Arrived Later Present Present Arriving later were Earl Copeland, Publ ic Works Superintendent and Michael Tenney, Publ ic Works Supervisor. Review Pol ice Department matters with Chief of Pol ice was the first item to be dis- cussed. Chief Betts stated that in regard to the Tucker report, those guidel ines were set up similar to Tallahassee departments and he took the key points and incorporated them into his department. He asked for Council IS input regarding some of his innovations regarding the Tucker report. He noted that there were six directives that are the Chief's responsibil ity. He stated that regarding fragmentation of employees, they are being reunited now and are not working as three entities now. He said in regard to violating standards of organizational principles, helll go over that later. He said absence of internal control and inspections activity he's taken care of with meetings with his supervisors. He noted that the lack of written directives has been establ ished with written memos and each man has to initial the memos. He said formal means of communications would be incorporated in that also. He noted that inservice training programs is incorporated by a training officer and traffic homicide investigator and he's asking for volunteers for each of those. He added that there are schools for both areas and they can have in-house training and he can certify it. He noted that the FTO program requires 40 hours of class and he recommends two men do this. Chief Betts stated that his department has a good supply of talent but there's a problem with being able to keep them. He read from the General Findings of the Tucker report. He noted that he'll take care of the lack of strong leadership, and regarding the lack of facil ities theylll have to work together on that. He said working at cross purposes will be changed and they'll be united,and regarding favoritism shown, that has been el iminated. He noted that basic principles of organization are being observed now and a chain of command has been establ ished in the department. He said regarding grouping I ike functions, he has a person taking care of records and they will make some corrections, and the communications are becoming stronger. He noted r-egarding. absence of temporary holding faci I ities he doesn It feel they need it at present. Regarding the need for written directives, he stated they havea procedures manual being put together by him and held hoped to have it ready by now but his typist is on vacation. He said held I ike the City Attorney to look over the pol icies to see if there are any violations and it's a short and to the point manual. Councilman Asting asked if held looked over the procedures establ ished by Ed Overman and Chief Betts repl ied yes. Councilman Asting asked if his manual would be different from Mr. Overman's and Chief Betts said it would be clearer objectives and pol icies and they could be compared. He said he feels his procedure manual is better. Chief Betts stated that on page 6, written pol icies for operations is now being developed which will el iminate civil I iabil ity risks. He noted that personnel management pol icies have now been reduced to writing. He said lack of adequate pol ice facility is being worked on. He noted that training based on seniority has been corrected to be based on department need. He stated that the lack of volunteer reserve or auxil iary officers was based on availabil ity in Tallahassee but he hasnlt found it yet in Edgewater. Councilman Spencer noted that this would be a good possibil ity. Councilman Asting asked if helll establ ish a reserve and Chief Betts said he will if the personnel is available. Chief Betts pointed out that they have to meet a minimum code and plan to work 20 hours a month on the road plus going back to school for necessary training. Councilwoman Bennington asked if therels an age I imit and Chief Betts repl ied no, but they can establ ish it because theylre unpaid volunteers, and physical abil ity will have to be a factor. Chief Betts noted that they can have a cadet program for the younger people. u o Chief Betts said the sufficient assignment and control measures for investigative purposes has been started. Councilman Asting asked about formal investigative pro- cesses and Chief Betts repl ied that he interpreted that to be the investigative or detective division being lax in an area or not running a complete investigation and the entire statement can be el iminated by accompl ishments throughout the rest of the report. He noted that in regard to inadequate investigative training, the Sergeant has a tremendous background and is very informed and up-to-date, and he has recently developed a juvenile program. He said he feels the Sergeant can train another detective. Chief Betts stated that on support services, he plans to create a communications supervisor's position and put on one more communications officer. He said the communications department is now a mess because of vacations backed up and over- lapping and loss of personnel. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that only one dispatcher was lost in the last two years. Councilman Wargo noted that the records clerk was formerly a dispatcher. Chief Betts said appointing one supervisor and one more dispatcher will be sufficient and he condensed Chief Tucker1s suggestion of 6 personnel. Councilman Asting asked if this would be a working supervisor and Chief Betts repl ied yes, and he1s written up a job description for a telecommunications supervisor. City Attorney Alvarez arrived at the meeting at this time, 1 :28 P.M. Councilman Wargo asked if the telecommunicators would have a break period and lunch period as specified in the union contract. Chief Betts repl ied no, they'll take the lunch as the others are at present. Councilman Wargo pointed out that they haven1t hada lunch or break period for four years. Chief Betts stated that helll improve on working conditions and they need civil ian personnel to cover it. Councilman Asting asked if the supervisor will work a day shift and be on the telephone and Chief Betts replied that he'd give her that choice. Councilman Asting asked if that will be an additional person and Chief Betts said it's an additional person plus a supervisor and he'll have 5 trained communications personnel then and he'd 1 ike them to be on 8 hour shifts. Chief Betts distributed copies of a pro- posed breakdown of personnel. He said he's asking for an assistant and he's moved Sherri Reed to handle the secretarial end and records. He noted that the Lieutentant's position is open at present and as of October 1st they'll have two more officers. There was a discussion regarding the Lieutenant's position being in the bargaining unit. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that Council has abol ished the position of Lieutenant and Deputy Chief was put in to replace it. Chief Betts said he'd talked with PBA representatives and has shown them how the 12-hour shifts are unproductive and they are considering following whatever shifts management comes up with, and will introduce it to the officers. He added that he suggested four 10-hour shifts, and he'd have enough men to cover all the days off, sick leave, vacation, and hol idays. He noted that the majority of the men 1 ike the 10-hour shifts. He stated he could give the detective unit another man and they could keep one of the older vehicles. Councilman Spencer asked about reserve officers for power shifts and Chief Betts said that's when they decide the activity time of the day. Councilman Asting asked if auxil iary are paid and Chief Betts repl ied no, it's volunteers but it costs a reserve officer about $250 to $300. that they have to payout of pocket and gun and rent for uniforms. He added that there are some uniforms here that could be used. Mayor Ledbetter stated that he thought leather was personal property and each pol ice- man gets his own. Chief Betts said the department is going to be uniform, and look al ike and function al ike. Councilman Wargo noted that the issue being dis- cussed is at the bargaining table and the only way they can enforce it is to purchase the equipment. Chief Betts pointed out that his new budget allows for it. Councilman Wargo noted that this is one of the trade-off items in negotiations. Councilmen Spencer and Asting said they'd I ike to know the status of negotiations. Councilman Wargo stated that boots are also being discussed. City Attorney Alvarez suggested an executive session after this workshop. -2- Council Workshop Minutes August 7, 1984 u o Chief Betts said the new holsters are inadequate because he can disarm and take the gun from any officer and he wants to put safety equipment on his men, plus have them functional. He said he also wants to el iminate keepers on the belts. He added that a reserve officer needs about $350. out of his pocket to meet the requirements. He added that before they held an auction to raise money for the auxil iary. Mayor Ledbetter stated that Council wants to be well informed before a reserve officer or auxil iary is implemented and Chief Betts agreed. Chief Betts commented on page 18, Chief of Pol ice. He stated that he's here to organize the department to accompl ish its basic mission, he is starting to conduct staff meetings and inspections to evaluate and improve the overall performance and efficiency of the department and he's doing memos on identifying and developing pol icy and procedures and periodically reviewing and evaluating pol icy and procedures. He said he wants to change to three divisions with communications as one to coordinate the activities of the two primary divisions and the section attached directly to the Chief's office. He noted that he assures that helll provide advice and counsel to the City Administrator, Mayor, and City Council persons on matters pertaining to the Pol ice Department. On the last item, he said hels starting to inform the publ ic of the progress of the department and of its future plans by an article in the News Journal. Chief Betts said Operations Division on page 19 has been handled, and he's pleased with the Criminal Investigation Section. He said on Support Division he's suggesting the supervisor be a corporal and have six civilians which would include Sherri Reed, and with a few hours she'll be a certified Pol ice officer. Chief Betts said on page 21, the major objective to give a proportionate share of the total workload to each patrol officer will be handled with the two additional men. Mayor Ledbetter asked if they break the calls down each month for major and miscell- aneous calls. Chief Betts said it's a stage 1 and stage 2 call and every call they respond to is classified, and if they don't respond it's just a call as he doesnlt know how to inflate a call. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that in the past not all calls were logged. Chief Betts stated that the workload patterns is how he based the number of officers needed. He said the City is divided in zones and they'll divide again if it gets bigger. He noted that he has to wait until October to make some changes and has to have some changes approved by PBA but then there'll be the coverage that all have strived for. He said he's handled items on pages 21, 22 and 24. Chief Betts said on page 25, regarding Prisoner Transportation, they had an overtime problem but as of October 1st that will be el iminated as a problem. Chief Betts noted that page 27, Edgewater Data, suggests 5 officers during a 24-hour period and they have exceeded it with the two additional men. He stated that on page 28 regarding the locations of officers, the data has been gathered and it will be enforced on October 1st when they get the manpower for a shift change. Councilman Asting asked if patrol officers report in at specific times and places to the dispatcher. Chief Betts repl ied that an officer has a zone and he has about 50% of the idea incorporated now. He added that when an officer leaves his vehicle to check something, he advises his time and every 30 minutes an officer is called and he gives his location. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that they donlt want an establ ished route. Councilman Wargo asked why there are two patrol cars side by side for so long a period of time and Chief Betts said he's checking on that. Councilman Asting asked the intent of the section on page 28 that reads "Reporting points throughout the city need to be established and data gathered for six months before beats could be designed." Chief Betts said he didn't think the intent of the report was to call in from a specific location but helll check to see. Chief Betts said the guidel ines are establ ished with the supervisors now regarding Supervision and Leadership on page 29, and theylre taking on more responsibil ity. He said that on page 30, Proposed Programs to upgrade Leadership and Supervision, his proposal is to create the supervisor in communications and make it a division of its own. -3- Council Workshop Minutes August 7, 1984 " Q ~ Councilman Wargo asked when he has communications with his supervisors and Chief Betts said he'll call the four supervisors in and the corporal and they'll do it about once a week and helll have a mandatory meeting for the entire personnel once a month. Chief Betts said he has solved the Written Directives on page 31 by mounting them on the wall. He added that he's establ ished the Proposed Written Directives System and they're working on it. He~said Procedures and methods of operation on page 32 wi'll be in the book and most will be mounted on the wall for all to see. He noted that Staff Meetings, page 33, will be once a month. He noted that from page 34 on, it IS investigative, budget, records and communication and a lot of that will be incorporated elsewhere. He said he tried to cover what he considers is pertinent at this time and to advise Council of what hels shooting for. Councilwoman Bennington asked if the evidence room has been cleared out yet and Chief Betts said he's instructed the Sergeant to start getting it back to the people after clearance from court and they have some forfeiture items there also, but itls under control. He added that Rescue is leaving the one room and he has floor plans drawn up for partitioning and enlarging the department. He said he thinks he found the funds in the budget for the remodel 1 ing expenses but every inch will be utilized. Chief Betts asked for guidel ines for himself from Council and said held 1 ike to discuss hiring practices and be totally in charge of hiring, if possible. He added that he stated his goals and objectives during his interview to professional ize the department and serve the City adequately with the manpower and finances they have. He said that for control and efficiency held 1 ike to establ ish a chain of command and if the City Council has a question he can be reached at several numbers. He said to keep morale and professional ism and to keep them from working against each other, direct communications should be made with him regarding Police matters, instead of a supervisor. He added that if they show strength, they'll command strength. Councilman Wargo cautioned Chief Betts in hiring about nepotism and cronyism, but said he had no problem with chain of command. Chief Betts said he's talked with his Sergeants and told them he'll listen to them when they have facts but he doesn't 1 isten to rumors. He said he'd expect them to recommend someone to hire. He added that he needs guidel ines from Council on how to run the department. Councilman Wargo asked if a meeting with Council in a work- shop periodically would be an advantage and Chief Betts repl ied yes. Councilwoman Bennington said she'd 1 ike it once a month as long as he's on probation unless something comes up that they need to be advised. Councilman Spencer agreed it IS a good idea. Chief Betts said he has his job description and the nature of the work but he doesn't want to overstep his bounds or sacrifice the department by not knowing. Mayor Ledbetter stated that the Council doesn't expect any drastic changes in the department without consulting the Council. Councilwoman Bennington asked his idea of a major change and Mayor Ledbetter said changing uniforms would be major and he's heard rumors that would be done. Chief Betts asked if changing uniforms is a major change and Councilman Spencer said he didn't consider it a major change. Mayor Ledbetter said he heard they would change the color and he considers that a drastic change. Councilman Asting said he'd 1 ike to be advised of any organizational changes in the department. Councilman Wargo pointed out these can be taken care of in the monthly meetings. Chief Betts said he wanted to change the color for a municipal officer which is dark blue uniforms and held 1 ike to go to the officer's hat with an insignia. He added that dark blue is a safety factor at night and it doesn't show stains as bad. He noted that the uniforms have a form fitting pants with a western cut pocket for easy access and the fit of the pants is custom for each man from the company with the same price and excellent service. He said uniform leather so they all look al ike presents a professional image. He added that with the safety holster he has in mind you can't take the gun from an officer. Councilman Asting said he'd 1 ike an estimate of these changes that are contemplated. Chief Betts said theylre in the budget now and he can cover it with the present budget and will not go outside the budget 1 imitations. Councilman Asting asked if it was provided in the new budget and Chief Betts repl ied it can be included in those 1 imits. He added that they can also get updated facil ities for the people within his budget 1 imits. -4- Council Workshop Minutes August 7, 1984 .. . ~ o There was a discussion regarding the Chief1s wearing a uniform. Councilwoman Bennington said she didn't I ike to see the Chief in uniform unless it's for something that needs a uniform. Chief Betts said it's no problem with him and he'll keep a uniform handy in case it is needed. He added that when representing the department with other agencies he's usually required to wear a uniform for identification. Councilman Spencer said he has no strong feel ings either way about wearing a uniform. Councilman Wargo stated that he 1 ikes to see the Chief in uniform but has no problems with it. Councilman Spencer said he thinks Council should be advised of personnel or organi- zational changes in advance. He added that he'd 1 ike to know the procedure for hiring, and noted that he doesn't agree that another employee should be asked to recommend someone for a vacancy. He suggested that Chief Betts talk with the City Clerk/Administrator to see that his procedure conforms with the City's overall hiring practices. Councilman Wargo stated that procedures and practices of hiring can be handled in monthly meetings. Chief Betts said he talked to his choice for supervisor of telecommunicators and she recommended someone and he's done a back- ground check. Councilman Asting asked if that would be cronyism and Chief Betts replied no, he was looking for a veteran or perhaps someone handicapped as they usually excel. Chief Betts said he can el iminate overtime by about 95% if he can get PBA to cooperate. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that the PBA has to work with the City officials. Chief Betts said held 1 ike to go on 8-hour shifts for the next three months and when he presented it to PBA, he was told they can't do it. Councilman Wargo pointed out the notification clause in the union contract. Councilwoman Bennington asked if he has the manpower and Chief Betts said yes. Councilman Wargo noted that they can do it at each quarter. City Attorney Alvarez read from the contract regarding the notification clause. Chief Betts stated that he's preparing them for changes in October and will advise them that the City will go to the 10 hours. City Attorney Alvarez noted that these matters are directly related to collective bargaining and they can take this to the table and discuss it in executive session. He added that they have to take into consideration the impact of the collective bargaining agreement, and since negotiations are going on they have to know any changes that might be considered. He said he'd 1 ike the Chief to be a part of the bargaining team for PBA negotiations. Chief Betts asked Council to consider salary increases because they've lost eleven people in the last nine months due to higher pay, and possibly two more are leaving. He noted that his programs and training will be beneficial to other departments if the employee leaves here. City Attorney Alvarez asked what he thinks is the minimum number of hours an officer should serve the City for the City to receive a return on its investment and Chief Betts repl ied three years. Chief Betts recommended a 9-month probationary period for officers and bring them in at starting salary at second class and after probation increase them to first class at a top salary for a patrolman. Council members expressed their ~ppreciation to the Chief for meeting with them in the workshop session. Review information from Publ ic Works Superintendent regarding a trash incinerator - Mr. Earl Copeland, Publ ic Works Superintendent, presented brochures describing the trash incinerator. Mr. Copeland and Mr. Tenney, Publ ic Works Supervisor, had gone to Vero Beach to see the incinerator in operation. Councilman Spencer asked if itls only for trash and not refuse and Councilman Asting repl ied that's right. Councilman Asting noted that the one in the brochure is below ground and the City would need one above ground. He added that it's an advantage that they can charge the contractors to dispose of their debris for lot clearing. Mr. Copeland stated that the one they looked at has a price of $51,200. Councilman Spencer asked about emission and Mr. Copeland said there's no problem. Council- woman Bennington asked how often they have to replace the fire brick and Mr. Tenney repl ied every four years. Councilwoman Bennington asked the cost to replace the fire brick and Mr. Copeland said he didn't have the cost on that. Councilwoman Bennington asked if the City staff can replace them and Mr. Tenney repl ied yes. -5- Council Workshop Minutes August 7, 1984 Q Q Mayor Ledbetter asked if the old dump site can be used and Mr. Copeland said held have to check to see if it can be used. Mr. Tenney stated that there was no smoke when the blower was turned on and no ashes. He added that it would have to be built above the ground and earth piled around all the sides. Councilman Asting noted that the building is 9 x 22 x 14 so it wonlt take much room. Mr. Copeland stated that a load of trash only takes about 20 minutes to burn. He reviewed the way the unit in Vero Beach worked and showed Council color photos that were taken there during the operation. Councilman Wargo asked if two men would be needed to operate it and Mr. Copeland said that would be the maximum. Councilman Spencer asked how they'd handle the material. Mr. Copeland said they'd need a backhoe with a clam shell to pick it up. Councilman Asting said the suggestion was to load the incinerator maybe once a week and burn once a week. Mr. Copeland agreed they could stockpile it and burn all at one time. Councilman Spencer asked Mr. Copeland how held heard about this trash incinerator and Mr. Copeland repl ied that John McManamy of DER told him about the one in Indian River County, but he didn't pursue it until they couldn't burn any longer. Mr. Copeland said the freight for the incinerator would be about $3,000. -in addition to the price of $51,200. and it comes from South Carol ina. He said he got a price on a concrete building with brick on the walls but because of the extreme heat, they weren't sure if they could keep the bricks on the wall. He added that there will have to be a footer poured to put the building on. Councilman Asting asked if this meets DER requirements and Mr. Copeland repl ied yes and they'll need air permits, one to construct and one to operate. .\ Councilman Spencer asked where this could be placed and Mr. Copeland said it depends on how big they want to get and if they want to allow outsiders to use it. Councilman Asting suggested the debris that comes from contractors could be disposed of there. There was a discussion of the types of things that could be burnt and how it would be cleaned. Councilman Wargo said he thought it IS an excellent idea. Councilman Asting pointed out this could be in 1 ieu of a trash trailer and Councilwoman Bennington agreed. Mr. Copeland noted that after the initial cost of buying it, there won't be much in maintenance. Councilman Wargo suggested a grant might be available for this. Mr. Copeland said if the City's interested, the representative will bring film here. Mayor Ledbetter suggested he be contacted and set up a meeting. Council- woman Bennington suggested the earl iest possible convenience for the meeting. Mr. Copeland asked how he could find out if the old landfill could be used. Mayor Ledbetter noted that the ramp is already there, and Mr. Copeland stated that the west end is an ideal spot. It was agreed to check with the County since it IS in the County although it belongs to the City. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that they may have to go out for bids on this. Mayor Ledbetter noted there's a sole source suppl ier clause in the bid process. Councilman Spencer said held I ike the publ ic to be able to see the film also, and he pointed out that if they use the landfill for this purpose then it canlt be used for temporary storage of hazardous waste materials. Councilwoman Bennington moved to adjourn the workshop. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Workshop was adjourned at 3:32 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser -6- Council Workshop Minutes August 7, 1984