08-06-1984 - Special/Workshop
. '
AUGUST 6, 1984
Vice Mayor Bennington called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 10:04 A.M.
in the Community Center.
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Vice Mayor Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Arrived Later
Councilman Jack Spencer
City At torney Jose' Alva rez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts
Also present was Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent.
Util ities Department - Request for purchase over $1,000. - City Clerk Kinsey read
the July 31st memo from Terry Wadsworth requesting an expenditure of $1,745.10 for
parts for the backhoe. Councilman Spencer asked if the City's mechanic can do the
work and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied no, he took it to the former City mechanic who is
famil iar with the work and he did so under the direction of the Publ ic Works Super-
intendent. Councilman Asting asked if labor is included in this figure and Mr.
Wadsworth repl ied no, it would be an additional $400. to $600. for labor. Councilman
5pencer asked the age of the backhoe and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied it was purchased in 1978.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked if our mechanic is qual ified to make this repair and Mr.
Wadsworth said he has a very heavy workload and the former mechanic is experienced on
Councilman Asting moved to authorize the expenditure for the purpose stated in the
letter. Councilman Spencer seconded the motion. Councilman Wargo asked the total
and Mr. Wadsworth replied the $1,745. is for parts only. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Asting moved to go into the Workshop session. Councilman Spencer seconded
the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Water and Wastewater Budgets - Mr. Wadsworth went down the list for the revenue pro-
jections for fund 40. He stated that he increased Electricity Tax from $165,000. to
$215,000. due to a steady growth and a projection of 420 new customers next year.
He noted that the Telephone Util ity Tax was decreased based on what we're getting now
from Southern Bell since the deregulation. He stated that Gas Util ity Tax is a small
growth area and there is only an increase of $300. There was a discussion as to where
the gas service extends currently. He noted that Water Sales was increased $50,460.
which was based on the average bill and thirty-five new customers per month. He said
the Connection Fees increase of $29,500. is based on thirty-five new customers a month
at current rates. He stated that he put the $100. figure in Miscellaneous Income to
keep the account open and in case something comes in. On Hydrant Rental, he said they
get $50. a year from the Fire Department for hydrant repair and maintenance and there
are 180 hydrants. He noted that he added $1,000. on Penalties as it was up this year
and he expects the trend to continue. On Service Charges, he stated that it's the turn
on fees when bills aren1t paid, plus new service fee of $5.00 or if someone asks for
extraordinary service, it can be charged there. On Sewer Use Sales, he said the sewer
is 100% of the water bill but some new subdivisions won't be hooked up to sewer and
he only projects about 125 new sewer connections. He added that a lot of building is
going on in Florida Shores where sewer isn't available. Vice Mayor Bennington asked
if the new apartment buildings were included and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied that it probably
won't be built out this first year. Councilman Asting asked if the Stuckey property is
included and Mr. Wadsworth said it's already on the books. Vice Mayor Bennington
asked if they pay a connection fee for each unit and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied yes, and
all 108 apartment units will pay water and sewer fees. Councilman Spencer pointed out
that there will be recreation fees involved also. On Sewer Connection Fees, he stated
that it's based on a projected 125 new connections. He stated that on Other Income,
it's 1 ike another Miscellaneous and is insignificant. He noted that on Interest on
Investments they exceeded what was budgeted this year and should pick up next year.
City Clerk Kinsey noted that there is over $33,000. this year that will be transferred
September 30th.
Water and Wastewater Budgets (Continued)- Mr. Wadsworth said the Appropriated
Retained Earnings is money made in the past and this can be used toward the expense
of improvements to the water plant if they decide not to go ahead with the low pressure
sewer system. He noted that he put $100. in Transfer from Impact Funds to keep the
account open. There was a discussion about the expansion of the water plant and if
service would necessarily be down. Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that they can't be shut
down for more than a couple of hours and he hopes there won't be any interruption in
service. Vice Mayor Bennington brought up the fact that there could be two water
deposits on one property, one from the property owner and one from a tenant, and she
stated that she didn't think this was the way it should be handled. There was a
general discussion regarding the subject. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that the rates
will go up if there's a bad debt 1 ist. Councilman Spencer suggested they look over the
State legislative bill that was just passed regarding this.
Mr. Wadsworth then reviewed the Water Department Expenditures. He noted that wages are
higher because of the increase of one person plus other personnel costs and they allowed
the highest possible amount for taking vacations and the 4% merit increase. He pointed
out that he has already hired someone since the accident of Bobby Copeland and for the
best interest and safety of the City but they still have some periods of time when only
one person is there but it's very 1 imited and they have a call-in procedure. He said
on Overtime, it was higher this year because of an employee leaving and an injury.
Vice Mayor Bennington asked why 1983 was also higher and Mr. Wadsworth said it could
have been a lot of sick time and some accidents that year. Vice Mayor Bennington
said this figure may be low based on the last two years and Mr. Wadsworth said with
a new employee and getting more people qual ified, he didn't think it will be higher.
Councilman Wargo asked his turnover of personnel and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied that he
terminated one man and another left voluntarily plus the supervisor left this past
year. Vice Mayor Bennington asked if they normally have that many and Mr. Wadsworth
repl ied they usually just have a turnover in the lower paid positions. Vice Mayor
Bennington questioned why Life and Health Insurance was so much higher and City Clerk
Kinsey explained that it wasn't a true picture before. Vice Mayor Bennington asked
if unemployment compensation had been paid out this year and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied not
in the past year but they put something in to keep the account open. Mr. Wadsworth
noted that he increased Professional Services for consulting engineers in case they
do work at the plant as it won't be el igible out of impact fee fund #44. Councilman
Asting asked if he uses the services of the in-house City Engineer and Mr. Wadsworth
repl ied not very much but has talked with him on some matters. He noted that the cost
for Accounting and Auditing wasn't changed and should be pretty close. He stated that
he increased the cost under Other Contractual Service for the charge for an extermi-
nator and to May-Zima for computer related items. He said he left Vehicle Repairs the
same as he didn't foresee much change there with only one truck. Councilman Wargo
asked if there's a 1 ist of equipment and machinery and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied that he
didn't bring it. Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that fuel for the generator doesn't come
out of the regular Gas, Oil & Diesel expense but from Operating Suppl ies and they
check it twice a week to make sure it's functional. He added that he increased the
Gas, Oil & Diesel sl ightly as they'll probably use the truck more next year.
Mr. Wadsworth noted that the amount of $1,000. for Travel and Per Diem will pay for
two individuals to attend school during the year. Councilman Wargo asked if salaries
were included there and City Clerk Kinsey repl ied it's included in the Salaries & Wages.
Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that it doesn't include registration or tuition fees in that
category. He stated that Communications Service is for the telephone bill for the plant
and for cable pair rental from Southern Bell for recording and transmitting equipment.
He added that this might deviate with the new plant. He said the Transportation is
increased because they'll have to pay for more postage and for the support for new
customers for additional 1 ime, etc. He stated that Util ity Services is increased as
the electrical demand will be greater with more customers and Florida Power & Light
has a pending rate increase now. He said for Rentals & Leases it would be for renting
a high pressure unit and a snake for the underdrain system. He noted that on Insurance
they may have to correct some charges from last year and may have to transfer from
field operations to other areas. He said he increased the Repairs & Maintenance Service
because the older the plant gets, the more things will break down. He noted that he
increased the Printing & Binding for the greater number of customers for the water
bills and forms.
-2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984
Water and Wastewater Budgets (Continued) - Mr. Wadsworth stated that he put
$1,000. in Other Current Charges to cover the advertisements for expansion of
the new water plant.
Mayor Ledbetter arrived at the meeting at this time and assumed the chair, 11 :OOA.M.
Mr. Wadsworth noted that they overexpended in the Other Current Charges for this
year because of going out for consulting engineering services. He stated that
Office Suppl ies would be for day to day records keeping. He stated that he
increased Operating Suppl ies because theylll need more treatment processes next
year and it will be about six months on 1 ine for the new water plant. He said
he reduced the amount in Road Materials and Suppl ies as they decided to just patch
repair, since the construction repair will tear up any paving. He noted that
Books, Publ ications & Subscriptions is the same and covers tuition for schools,
annual dues for American Waterworks Association plus other official trade publ ications.
He said he put $100. in Miscellaneous that would cover just anything and keeps the
account open. He said he reduced the amount in Building as they1d planned to
build a storage building there but if there's going to be on site construction,
they would wait to know the placement. He stated that Improvements other than
Buildings would be valving or modifications to the plant and he doesn't anticipate
much this year. Mr. Wadsworth submitted a 1 isting of Machinery and Equipment which
totalled $5,500. and reviewed each item and its use. He noted that he put $100. in
Construction in Progress to keep it open and said perhaps the auditors will put the
construction costs in there after spending it from the development fund. He said
they went through the figures and determined $54,000. for Depreciation Expense.
Mr. Wadsworth then reviewed the Field Operations Expenditures. He noted that Wages
and Salaries showed a sl ight increase because of a spl it salary. He said he budgeted
for another employee spl it between Water and Wastewater and wanted the new employee
to assist in byproducts of the sewer plant and pull ing hydrants for maintenance and
repairs and to cover when someone is on vacation or sick. He added that it would be
an entry level with the lowest laborer salary on the pay scale. He said Overtime is
hard to predict and the other personnel costs reflect cost increases in all categories.
He said he reduced Professional Services because of the minimum amount of services
to the sewer plant, but it includes mapping for extending 1 ines that needs a sealed
engineer1s signature. He noted that Accounting and Auditing is the same as last year.
He said he increased Vehicle Repairs as they're running higher this year and they
have all the equipment except the Water and Wastewater plant trucks. He said he
kept Gas, Oil, & Diesel Expense the same based on what's been used up until now.
He noted that they.ll have to abandon the golf cart because it can't go over the
highway and they'll budget a small pickup truck for this purpose. There was a
general discussion about the possible problems using a pickup truck for meter reading
and suggestions were made as to a step van being used. He said Travel and Per Diem
is for one person to go to school. He noted that Communications Service is just for
the telephone bill for Field. Councilman Wargo asked why it's so high and Mr.
Wadsworth pointed out that he usually uses that for his operations. He said he
reduced Transportation and the difference is taken up in Water and Wastewater.
Mr. Wadsworth said he lowered the Util ity Services for water and electric as it's
running under predictions. He kept Rentals and Leases the same and noted that's
for rental of miscellaneous items. He said he increased the Insurance because of
the new pickup truck to be added. He pointed out that Repair & Maintenance Service
was increased by $11,000. next year because the Park Avenue tower has to be repaired
and the cost is very high. Mayor Ledbetter asked when it was last refurbished and
Mr. Wadsworth repl ied it was in 1981. Councilman Asting asked if another tank is
planned with the expansion and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied it will probably be ground
storage type. He said he added to Printing & Binding as he wants information
printed for when service is interrupted. He said Other Current Charges is for legal
ads when they go out for bids. He noted that part of the expenses for util ity bill ing
is taken out of Office Suppl ies. He said Operating Suppl ies would be for weed killers
and first aid suppl ies and insect repellants. He said the amount in Road Materials
& Suppl ies is for when they have to cut into a road to repair a leak and then have
to replace it. He noted that Books, Publ ications & Subscriptions was for Field publ i-
cations and tuition for one person to go to school. He said Miscellaneous is for
just anything and for keeping the account open. He said Improvements Other Than
Buildings would be for pipe, valves, fittings, and meters and he underestimated last
year and increased for next year.
-3- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984
Water and Wastewater Budgets (Continued) - Mr. Wadsworth continued his review of
the Field Operations expenditures. He had a 1 isting of Machinery and Equipment
totall ing $18,000. Mayor Ledbetter suggested they send a 1 ist of the equipment
needed for all departments to a dealer to see what kind of prices they can get for
a package.
Councilman Asting moved to recess until 1 :00 P.M. Councilman Spencer seconded the
motion. Meeting was recessed at 11 :50 A.M.
Workshop was called back in session by Mayor Ledbetter at 1 :03 P.M.
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman Jack Spencer
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Pol ice Chief Douglas Betts
Arrived Later
Also present were Terry Wadsworth, Util ities Superintendent, and Mrs. Karen Rickelman,
Data Processing Coordinator, who arrived later.
Mr. Wadsworth next reviewed the Wastewater expenditures. He said he increased Salaries
in case someone took vacation pay instead of time and the employee that's one-half
budgeted in the other department. He noted that Overtime was high because of lift
stations that go out on week-ends. Councilman Spencer asked if the new alert systems
help and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied that they're on four of the 1 ift stations and do help.
Councilman Asting asked why Retirement Contributions was reduced and Mr. Wadsworth
said it's because an employee has to be here twelve months before you start paying into
the retirement program so a new employee wouldn't affect it at all. He said he kept
$100. in Unemployment Compensation to keep the account open. He noted that Professional
Services would be for permitting services or an operational service. He said Other
Contractual Services would be for exterminators and maintenance fees to the computer to
May, Zima. He said Vehicle Repairs may be higher if they get a new truck and retire the
old one, and Gas, Oil & Diesel Expense was increased just to reflect the cost. "He noted
that Travel & Per Diem is for two people to go to school at two different times during
the year. He said he raised Communications Service because of the rental of cable pairs
to the lift station monitoring system. He noted that Transportation is the same and
covers postage. There was a discussion of the costs for util ity bill ing. He stated
that Util ity Services was increased for Florida Power & Light mainly, but includes
water and sewer also. He said Rentals & Leases would be for high pressure cleaners
for paint preparation. He noted that Insurance is up based on last year's figures and
the fact that they usually take about one 1 ift station a year from one of the sub-
divisions. He said that he reduced Repair & Maintenance Service because the grant
appl ied for probably won't be received, but this covers one mini-system for inflo\~/
Mr. Wadsworth said he increased Printing & Binding to cover forms and paperwork for
more customers. He said Current Charges would be for newspaper ads and witness fees
and fees for appraisals. He said Office Suppl ies is for support to City Hall. He
noted that Operating Suppl ies increased due to new subdivisions and 1 ift stations
taken in and the increased need for control 1 ing grease. He stated that he reduced
the Road Materials & Supplies as they want to just repave the entrance to the parking
area. He noted that Improvements Other than Buildings would be for sewer fittings
or putting a "V" to connect two houses. He reviewed the 1 isting of Machinery & Equip-
ment which totalled $15,000. He stated that he put $100. in Construction in Progress
to keep the account open, and they worked out a figure on Depreciation Expense.
Mr. Wadsworth stated that the $85,000. could be used for the low pressure sewer system
or any other capital improvement program or water treatment and can be disbursed by
Council. There was a discussion regarding the positives and negatives of the low
pressure sewer sysem. Mr. Wadsworth suggested a workshop sometime with Conkl in,
Porter and Holmes Engineerings to discuss it in detail.
Councilman Wargo asked the status of sludge and Mr. Wadsworth repl ied that it was
tested and they're still allowed to distribute it to the publ ic. Mr. Wadsworth
said he'd 1 ike to dispose of the Ditch Witch by auction rather than repair it as
they can do the 6" 1 ines with the backhoe. Counci lman Spencer suggested the Ditch
Witch might be useful for the low pressure sewer system. Mr. Wadsworth said the
biggest problem with the system is the easements as there1s opposition from some
people in Florida Shores. Councilman Wargo suggested they give more thought to dis-
posing of the Ditch Witch. Councilman Spencer compl imented Mr. Wadsworth on the good
job held done in preparing his budget and answering questions. Councilman Asting
agreed it was very thorough.
-4- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984
Mrs. Rickelman was present during this portion of the meeting.
Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Review - There was a discussion about equipment needed
in the Refuse department if the trash incincerator is purchased. Councilwoman
Bennington suggested they leave the amount in the Refuse budget as the equipment or
the incinerator would cost about the same. Councilman Wargo suggested taking $5,000.
out of Libary to apply to the $30,000. deficit plus the cost of one person in Code
Enforcement. He then suggested they raise culverts by $10,000. in revenues to make
it $45,000. City Clerk Kinsey noted the expenditure will also have to be increased for
the shell, etc.
Counci.lwoman Bennington noted that there's about $50,000. of unappropriated funds in
Federal Revenue Sharing and they can take EVER out of the budget. She called attention
to the fact that the Comprehensive Plan Update costs weren't included plus costs of
judgments against the City. Mrs. Rickelman asked if they want Rescue to go from
Federal Revenue Sharing to General Fund and Councilwoman Bennington and Councilman
Wargo agreed.
City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that stop signs also are needed. Mayor Ledbetter noted
that the judge told the Chief of Pol ice not to send any more stop sign violations or
radar guns to him. City Clerk Kinsey said there was an estimate of $17,000. for
the stop signs but perhaps a bid price would be lower. Councilwoman Bennington
suggested they take the $10,000. and the $2,000. for Christmas decorations for the stop
signs. Councilwoman Bennington said she'd heard there's a grant for stop signs. City
Clerk Kinsey said she talked to someone about that and an inventory of all the signs
on all the streets would be needed. Councilwoman Bennington pointed out that an
inventory would be needed to replace them. Councilman Asting said they could buy the
blanks and a device that will put the lettering on and it would be cheaper, and he
suggested they talk to the Pol ice Chief to see what alternatives they have. City
Clerk Kinsey stated that it's $31. for a pole and sign but not labor. There was a
five-minute recess awaiting the Chief's arrival at 2:20 P.M.
Chief Betts arrived at the meeting at 2:25 P.M. He said the stop signs are inadequate
and it was brought about because a defendant took a representative with him to court
and the attorney proved it was undersized and not the proper height from the ground
and non-reflective. He said they could purchase blanks from the 3M Company and the
machine would be about $4,000. Councilman Asting asked if the entire kit could
be purchased from them and Chief Betts repl ied yes, including the post to put them
on but he didn't have a cost currently. Councilman Asting asked if held make a tele-
phone call to get the costs. Chief Betts reviewed how the process works. City
Clerk Kinsey noted that there's $12,000. left in the account. Chief Betts left the
meeting to call for prices.
Councilwoman Bennington said if they take the $40,000. in General Fund they would be
about $10,000. ahead and Mrs. Rickelman noted that it would be $9,171. There was
a discussion about funds for the Comprehensive Plan Update and it was agreed that
it is necessary. Councilman Wargo noted that the garbage franchise is coming up for
renewal and perhaps that could be raised for more revenue. Councilman Spencer said
they could double culverts and make it $70,000. Councilman Wargo stated that they
put in culverts at the sacrifice of other City services. Councilman Asting pointed
out that they improve the drainage system with these culverts.
Councilman Asting suggested they use the $9,171. for stop signs since that's critical.
Councilman Wargo suggested they cut Machinery in Parks and Recreation another $5,000.
Councilwoman Bennington said she didn't want to cut the $5,000. from Library. Mrs.
Rickelman noted that she got another estimate on Revenue Sharing and it's $2,000.
lower than they were told earl ier in the year and is now $243,620. Councilman
Wargo suggested they hold up on the building for Parks and Recreation also and City
Clerk Kinsey noted that's in this current year's budget.
Mrs. Rickelman read the new revenue figure of $1,877,991. with the $5,000. still in
Rescue. Council agreed to take the $5,000. out and the new total was $1,872,991.
Councilwoman Bennington suggested they go page by page to see if anything else can
be cut.
-5- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984
Council reviewed the items page by page. It was agreed that Planning and Zoning
would have $5,000. for Professional Services making their total $25,000. for that
category and it would be for the Comprehensive Plan update. Councilwoman Bennington
reviewed the pending cases now for Legal Counsel. City Clerk Kinsey noted that the
City Attorney suggested they have a 1 ine item called "Judgments". Mrs. Rickelman
pointed out that the City Clerk has the authority to move it to another 1 ine item if
it doesn't change the total. Councilwoman Bennington stated that they could go to
the unappropriated fund if the $5,000. isn't enough, and it was agreed to leave it
at $5,000.
Chief Betts returned to the meeting at this time. He stated the machine from St. Paul
Minnesota is $5,500. and the blanks from 3M are $10.90 each and he called a sign
company in Alabama and that same face is $5.79. He said he needs to talk to DOT
about the sizes and depths. He quoted prices on posts of $8,00 for 10 ft. green post;
$9.65 for 12 ft. green post; $10.90 for 10 ft. galvanized; and $13.10 for 12 ft.
galvanized. City Clerk Kinsey said they pay $8.63 now. Chief Betts said 550 stop
signs are needed. Councilwoman Bennington noted that it would cost about $12,000.
for that number. Councilman Asting asked how long it will take and Chief Betts said
about three weeks. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that a bid would be necessary with
this amount. Chief Betts stated that these prices are directly from the factory and
can't be beaten. Councilman Asting suggested they do it on an emergency basis.
Mayor Ledbetter suggested they contact the City Attorney on this. Councilman Wargo
pointed out that it's not just the City's 1 iabil ity but loss of 1 ife and property
It was agreed to change page 16, Gas Oil & Diesel Expense, making it $22,000.
Councilwoman Bennington noted that walkie talkies can be bought cheaper than this
price. Mrs. Rickelman read the final figure of $497,140.
Fire Department was then reviewed. Councilman Asting suggested reducing Gas, Oil &
Diesel by $500 to make it $2,000. Councilwoman Bennington suggested the $20,000. in
reserve be cut to $15,000. Mrs. Rickelman read the new total of $74,973.
EVER was then reviewed. The hepatitis shots were discussed and it was agreed to take
$1,900. off and leave the $100. for tetanus shots. Mrs. Rickelman read the new total
of $17,810. which would be with the $40,000. and $1,900. off. Mrs. Rickelman read
the total for Library of $17,050.
Councilwoman Bennington noted that there was about $48,000. to the good now and it
could go for wages and she suggested they 1 ist it as unappropriated. City Clerk
Kinsey pointed out that they'll need a publ ic hearing unless they distribute it to
each department. Mrs. Rickelman read the total of expenditures and said it would
only leave $15,391. to the good. Councilman Wargo suggested they put it under
Miscellaneous in each department and he said he'd 1 ike to distribute $25,000. to
the General Fund employees. Councilman Spencer said he thought the culverts income
and expenses should be higher,and it could be $70,000. Mrs. Rickelman said the
total would then be $464,368. for expenditures with revenues overall $1,907,991.
and expenditures of $1,882,600. for a difference of $25,391. It was agreed to
appropriate the balance under the General Fund for all employees there. Mrs.
Rickelman pointed out that there would be $12,028.for stop signs.
Councilman Spencer moved to return to the Special Meeting. Councilman Asting
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Spencer moved that the numbers they just modifified in all the funds
be official numbers now of the budget. Councilman Wargo seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
-6- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984
. .'
Councilwoman Bennington moved that they declare an emergency to waive the bid pro-
cedure to upgrade the stop signs to comply legally with the State for the sake of
the pub1 ic safety, pending a legal review of the emergency. Councilman Spencer
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Spencer moved that the City staff prepare and issue two purchase orders
for a 3M Company Scot Lite hot press machine and an initial supply of faces, blanks
and posts as detetermined necessary by the Chief. Councilman Asting seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Ledbetter stated that this was an emergency that surfaced during the budget
hearings and was brought to the attention of Council on an emergency basis by the
Mayor and Chief of Pol ice.
Councilman Asting moved to adjourn. Councilwoman Bennington seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:02 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
Approved th rs ;;;..U day of ~~~.:f .
cD~( fl?t:-,/i-
-7- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
August 6, 1984