07-12-1984 - Special/Workshop
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JULY 12, 1984
Mayor Ledbetter called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 3:04 P.M. in
the Community Center.
Mayor David Ledbetter
Councilman Melbourne Wargo
Councilwoman Gigi Bennington
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman Jack Spencer
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Arrived Later
Mayor Ledbetter stated the purpose of the meeting and workshop was to interview three
appl icants for the Pol ice Chief position and possibly select one. He stated that the
City Clerk's office received a call from one of the appl icants, Gary Hogeland, who
had withdrawn as a candidate due to salary.
Councilwoman Bennington moved to go into the Workshop session. Councilman Wargo
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Chester Kowalski was the first applicant interviewed. Councilwoman Bennington asked
why he wants to come to Edgewater and Mr. Kowalski said his main goal is to get back into
law enforcement and he's been out of it for five months. He said held need to know from
Council what they expect of a Chief and what areas they want improved. He added that
he isn't famil iar with the City but he reviewed the crime statistics and sees room for
improvements there. He noted that the 18% crime average is very low and he'd try to
improve on that. Councilwoman Bennington asked about the auxil iary pol ice and Mr. Kowalski
said he feels they are a necessity and he'd use the local newspapers to see who would be
interested in becoming a reserve and take appl ications and screen them. Councilwoman
Bennington asked the qual ifications to be a reserve officer and Mr. Kowalski said they
have to fall within the guidel ines of the State and not be convicted of a felony or
moral turpitude, but they donlt have to have a background in law enforcement. He added
that they have to go to the Pol ice Academy within one year and they'd ride with other
officers and be under their supervision. Councilwoman Bennington asked if this is a paid
position and Mr. Kowalski repl ied that it's normally not paid. There was a further
discussion regarding the qual ifications and abil ities of the reserve officers. Council-
woman Bennington asked about putting a new officer into our system and Mr. Kowalski said
there would be a training program which would be with one of the current officers to
teach him the ropes and philosophy. He added that this should take approximately four
weeks, but it depends on the individual. Mr. Kowalski stated that two-man units all the
time for a town this size aren't cost efficient.
Mayor Ledbetter asked if someone from another state has to be State certified here to be
a Pol ice officer and Mr. Kowalski said he wouldn't hire anyone unless hels certified
by the State and has gone through the Academy, and someone from another state would need
supplementary training to get Florida certification.
Councilwoman Bennington asked if he'd want uniform weapons for all officers or have them
carry what they're qual ified to handle. Mr. Kowalski said he would want uniform weapons,
a 38 cal ibre. Councilwoman Bennington asked his feelings about women Pol ice officers and
Mr. Kowalski repl ied that he had four women in the Pol ice Department and one was a
Sergeant. He added that if a woman can do the job, they can remain in the department and
if not, theyld have to go. Councilwoman Bennington asked the salary he'd expect and
Mr. Kowalski said he'd expect $22,500. but feels it IS a low salary, and would I ike to
be evaluated after he's been here awhile. Councilwoman Bennington asked if held accept
the position at that salary and Mr. Kowalski replied yes. Councilwoman Bennington asked
what else held expect besides the salary and Mr. Kowalski said he'd expect a vehicle
and a package for all new employees.
Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that in a previous interview Mr. Kowalski had said held
expect a salary of $24,000. and Mr. Kowalski repl ied that this was his response to the
question of what he felt a figure in the low 20ls would be.
Mr. Kowalski (continued) -
Councilman Asting noted that there would be a probationary period of six months and
Mr. Kowalski said he had no problem with that. Councilwoman Bennington asked when held
be available to start and Mr. Kowalski repl ied probably within a week and his only con-
flict is seminars for the Indian Affairs Board and his contract for a seminar for four
days in August. Councilwoman Bennington asked if held wear a uniform and Mr. Kowalski said
if itls optional held wear it for affairs of the City and would keep one readily
available if needed. Mayor Ledbetter pointed out that the Chief has always been a
working position with a uniform and a marked car and it isnlt just an administrative
Councilman Wargo stated that they expect a Chief to come in am organize the department,
have good planning, a good training program, a miminum amount of overtime, and have a
uniform patrol program with officers at a particular place at a particular time and the
Chief will be under the direct control of Council. Councilwoman Bennington stated that
sheld expect the Chief to handle public relations and morale of the men and training pro-
grams plus upgrade the department to make it the most efficient it can be. Mr. Kowalski
asked if an individual Council member is in charge of the Pol ice Department and Councilman
Wargo repl ied no.
City Attorney Alvarez arrived at the meeting at this time, 3:25 P.M. and directed
questions to Mr. Kowalski. City Attorney Alvarez asked if held been involved in 1 iti-
gat ion before and Mr. Kowalski repl ied that an individual sued his last department for
a termination action taken but the court ruled in their favor. City Attorney Alvarez
asked if held been involved in 1 itigation regarding civil 1 iabil ity, false arrest,
or excessive use of force and Mr. Kowalski repl ied no. City Attorney Alvarez asked the
area within a Pol ice Department that has the highest exposure 1 iabil ity-wise and Mr.
Kowalski said under training, weapons qual ifying, search and seizure, and using a vehicle
properly, but he didnlt think anyone item is outstanding. City Attorney Alvarez asked
if a city the size of Edgewater has any particular area and Mr. Kowalski said driving a
vehicle properly is important and if there1s a serious crime they have to be aware of the
proper search and seizure practices. City Attorney Alvarez asked how he would avoid and
minimize the 1 iabil ity of the Pol ice Department, and Mr. Kowalski repl ied that the key is
training. City Attorney Alvarez asked the area of training he referred to and Mr. Kowalski
repl ied firearms and driving vehicles are the biggest special ized areas, but training in
all areas would be needed. City Attorney Alvarez asked if held been a part of any court
procedures as a defendant, witness, or a department other than civil matters and Mr.
Kowalski repl ied no, he was an Internal Affairs investigator but they very seldom had any-
one come back about anything. City Attorney Alvarez asked how many men were in Internal
Affairs and Mr. Kowalski repl ied only him except when he needed help for something serious.
City Attorney Alvarez asked who he reported to and Mr. Kowalski repl ied the Chief of
Pol ice. City Attorney Alvarez asked how held describe the organizational chart of a
Pol ice Department and Mr. Kowalski replied it would be based on manpower but for a depart-
ment this size it would be a Chief, perhaps a Lieutenant under him in charge of operations,
a part-time investigator depending on the type of crime. City Attorney Alvarez stated
that it would be reflected by needs of the community and Mr. Kowalski agreed.
Douglas Betts was the next appl icant interviewed. Councilwoman Bennington asked why
he wants to be Chief here and Mr. Betts repl ied that he feels he has the experience and
knowledge and administrative capabil ities. Mr. Betts added that hels been in an adminis-
trative capacity the last two years, has twelve years experience and knowledge, and has
about 1700 hours in-class training, and is close to getting his degree in Pol ice Adminis-
tration from Eckerd College. Councilwoman Bennington asked if held famil iarized himself
with Edgewater since his last interview and Mr. Betts repl ied no. Councilwoman
Bennington asked how held train a new officer already certified and with previous experi-
ence elsewhere. Mr. Betts said there are 40 to 80 hours for field training officers
and held look for his most experienced man and place him with the new officer to ride with
him for about a month to become famil iar with geography, safety, County and City ordin-
ances, and let him handle some of the I ighter cases. Councilwoman Bennington asked if
there would be a standard training procedure for a new officer regardless of experience
and Mr. Betts replied yes. Councilwoman Bennington asked about auxil iary Police officers
and Mr. Betts said he thinks theylre wonderful if properly trained. Councilwoman
Bennington asked how held institute the auxil iary and Mr. Betts repl ied that held look
for a local academy. He added that the State requires 100 hours of in-class training to
be certified to carry a weapon and he wouldnlt put someone in a patrol car without a
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Mr. Betts (continued),-
Councilwoman Bennington asked if he preferred uniform weapons and Mr. Betts said he's
an FBI firearms instructor and he thinks firearms should be uniform and the property of
the City and issued and inspected and he preferred a 357 unless Council wants to change
it. Mr. Betts added that he has issued in Perry the 586 Smith & Wesson. Councilwoman
Bennington asked how often an officer should qual ify and Mr. Betts repl ied as many times
as Council will finance it and at least every three months or more.
Councilwoman Bennington asked about women on the force and Mr. Betts repl ied that he had
a lot of experience with female Pol ice road officers and female Pol ice detectives and
the women excel in investigative positions but- on the road, due to their physical make-up,
he usually has a backup go with them. He added that he institutes backups on any violent
calls.- Mr. Betts stated that the women write better reports and their vocabulary is
better and theylre serious and dedicated.
Councilwoman Bennington asked what salary he would expect and Mr. Betts repl ied that he'd
expect the salary quoted of $22,500. Councilwoman Bennington asked if he'd expect any-
thing besides the salary and Mr. Betts repl ied a car. Councilwoman Bennington asked if
he would wear a uniform and Mr. Betts replied yes, he'd worn it for twelve years and
expects to wear it awhile longer. Councilwoman Bennington asked if held be available
in two to four weeks and Mr. Betts said he could be available in two weeks with no
problems but would prefer August 1st and could be here before that to famil iarize himself
with the area and the people.
Councilman Asting noted that there's a six month probationary period and Mr. Betts
said he rea.l ized that, and asked if therels a contract. Councilwoman Bennington pointed
out that there would be no contract.
City Attorney Alvarez directed questions to Mr. Betts. City Attorney Alvarez asked, in
order of preference, the three main areas the Police Department serves in the community.
Mr. Betts repl ied that it's the only agency the City provides that's available to the
people twenty-four hours a day. City Attorney Alvarez asked what area of need it serves
to the community. Mr. Betts repl ied protection of property and person, emergencies, and
information center. City Attorney Alvarez asked if holding of publ ic trust to enforce
and uphold laws is important and Mr. Betts repl ied that it's the highest priority, and
he takes for granted trust, pride and honesty because they represent the community and
the Council and he's proud to be a professional Pol iceman.
City Attorney Alvarez asked if he attended Field Training Officers schools and Mr. Betts
said he was an officer and got training at Sarasota and FTO in Perry. He added that
Sarasota has a program where they can be sanctioned by CJST to be certified and he didnlt
graduate as an FTO but attended enough courses and has been appointed twice to instruct
courses. City Attorney Alvarez asked the role he feels training has in the Pol ice Depart-
ment and the impact of it and Mr. Betts repl ied it's to. avoid liabil ity against the
Pol ice officers and the City. City Attorney Alvarez asked what area provided the most
1 iabil ity and Mr. Betts said lack of education or experience in an officer as they have
to make a decision in a spl it second and training helps. City Attorney Alvarez and Mr.
Betts discussed the frequency of use of weapons by an officer. City Attorney Alvarez
asked what activity creates the most 1 iabil ity for a department the size of Edgewater's
and Mr. Betts repl iedthe most repercussions is personal contact such as handcuffing.
City Attorney Alvarez asked about false arrest. Mr. Betts said Pol ice brutal ity is
when someone is arrested for DWI and not given a breathol izer test.
City Attorney Alvarez asked how a certain age and being married makes a difference in
an officer and Mr. Betts repl ied that he's going by experience and statistics and he
prefers a patrolman married and 25 to unmarried. City Attorney Alvarez pointed out that
Title VI I of Civil Rights determines that any person can be a member, and Mr. Betts
repl ied that he's famil iar with that. City Attorney Alvarez asked why he favors the
357 calibre and Mr. Betts repl ied that with a particular type of bullet it has a knock
down power mandatory where a 38 bounces off windshields. City Attorney Alvarez asked
about a 38 or 45 for Pol ice officers to dispatch their duties and Mr. Betts said the
training is important and the job is to keep the peace or restore the peace and the 357
has penetration with a particular type bullet -and-held 1 ike it issued to all the men.
Mr. Betts added that he doesn't want his officer hurt because of inadequate power.
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Mr. Betts (continued)-
Councilwoman Bennington asked if there were two appl icants of equal cal ibre and one
was male and one was female, how would he determine which would be hired. Mr. Betts
said he couldn't say except that they would be unequal in some way. A discussion
followed and Mr. Betts said the oral interview would be the deciding factor but he has
never seen equals. City Attorney Alvarez asked about records and the degree of importance
to assess abil ities and performance, and Mr. Betts repl ied that's he's for it. City
Attorney Alvarez and Mr. Betts discussed the importance of past records of an individual
compared to an oral interview and feel ings gotten at the interview. Mr. Betts stated
that he expects to hire an officer he's comfortable with and one he can trust. City
Attorney Alvarez asked what he expects in trust and Mr. Betts repl ied that trust is
that he has his full support. Mr. Betts reviewed the X,Y,Z theory on autocratic,
democratic, and free will leadership, and said he subscribes to democratic and free
will and 1 ikes to stay in both equally but will have to take over in a crisis in an
autocratic manner. He added that he wants the men or women to make the decisions and
accept the responsibility for everyday matters.
Councilwoman Bennington asked if the people would 1 isten to him if a situation arises
where he has to be assertive and Mr. Betts said the Department will know him and he'll
take the reins if necessary.
City Attorney Alvarez asked who he'd be working for and Mr. Betts repl ied the City
and the Council. City Attorney Alvarez asked the organizational structure and Mr.
Betts repl ied that hels not famil iar with the City's structure but helll be responsible
to Council and will introduce his ideas to Council for approval. He reviewed how held
structure the department and said they could branch into many areas if manpower is
available. City Attorney Alvarez asked if the Pol ice Department is a paramil itary
organization and Mr. Betts repl ied yes, the structure is and that's the way he was
trained. City Attorney Alvarez asked the relationship between the department members
and Council and also the political goals and objectives with Council. Mr. Betts
repl ied that he wouldn't want the men to be involved pol itically but he's involved
pol itically as an administrator of the City.
Mayor Ledbetter asked if with the paramil itary structure that all others than Police
are known as civil ians. Mr. Betts repl ied no, held be using the paramilitary structure
but not paramil itary ideas. He added that Pol icemen with mil itary experience use
the term civil ian among themselves but he doesn't. Councilwoman Bennington asked if an
officer feels that there are two types of people, Pol ice and non-Pol ice. Mr. Betts
repl ied that an officer on the street for 10 years has his own attitude and sees a
lot of the '~nimal" world and is under great stress but he hopes to alleviate some of
that stress because it can cause 1 iabil ities they all fear. Councilman Wargo suggested
an 8-hour day might be better and Mr. Betts said he'd go no longer than 10 hours. Mr.
Betts reviewed how a man changes reaction time and other changes while he's on duty.
City Attorney Alvarez asked about regulations for operating vehicles and Mr. Betts
stated that there will be regulations for driving Police vehicles. City Attorney
Alvarez asked if he'd formulated these in the past and Mr. Betts repl ied yes, that's
part of the Sergeant's exam to know the regulations. City Attorney Alvarez asked about
State regulations and Mr. Betts said the State requires that emergency vehicles follow
certain guidel ines but he wants to institute more safety also. City Attorney Alvarez
asked if the vehicle has the right of way during pursuit and Mr. Betts replied yes,
unless it's recently changed. City Attorney Alvarez asked about when the vehicle is
in the right of way and Mr. Betts said the safety is involved and they have to proceed
with caution at a red 1 ight or intersection and helll train the men to know the City
and the traffic habits and there'll be a number of guidel ines that are on paper that
they'll follow. Mr. Betts added that an officer is no good if he wrecks or kills
himself or someone else on the way to an emergency.
City Attorney Alvarez asked the chain of command in case of infraction of department
rules insofar as investigation and discipl ine is concerned. Mr. Betts repl ied that
the immediate supervisor would handle it. City Attorney Alvarez asked if the decision
is final and Mr. Betts said he could appeal it through the Sergeant. City Attorney
Alvarez asked how held handle an accident of an officer if his supervisor feels he's
at fault and Mr. Betts said held want a full report and any accident involving a
City vehicle will be investigated by him. City Attorney Alvarez asked how he'd handle
a citizen's complaint about misconduct of a Pol ice officer. Mr. Betts repl ied that
he would read the officer's report and talk to him and talk to the citizen making
the complaint and if it's a serious complaint, helll go to the polygraph of his officer
and also ask the citizen to consent to a polygraph, but if it's not serious, he'll
work it out.
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Mr. Betts (continued)-
City Attorney Alvarez asked how held handle it if the complaining citizen is connected
to pol itically influential people in the community and can have pressure put on him.
Mr. Betts said held use the same procedure but under certain circumstances he's been
faced with changing his decision due to lack of information.
City Attorney Alvarez stated that the Chief is appointed by Council and serves at their
will and asked if the relationship is clear in his mind. Mr. Betts repl ied yes.
City Attorney Alvarez stated that any appointments are subject to full background investi-
gation and Councilwoman Bennington and Councilman Wargo agreed.
Meeting was recessed at 4:33 PM when the interview was concluded. Meeting returned in
session at 4:37 PM.
Councilwoman Bennington moved to go back into the Special Meeting. Councilman Wargo
seconded the motion.
Councilwoman Bennington stated that there were some points that Mr. Betts brought up
that she didn1t 1 ike but she preferred him to the other appl icant and was pleased that
he could be here within two weeks. She then moved to hire Douglas Betts at $22,500.
with a car. Councilman Wargo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-1. Mayor Ledbetter
voted NO.
Councilman Wargo said there's a problem with unauthorized people in the Pol ice Department
and Council should issue an order that all unauthorized personnel be kept out of the
Pol ice Department and this would include past Pol ice officers, officers' wives, and
anyone else if it doesn't pertain to Pol ice work in the Pol ice Department. Councilwoman
Bennington agreed that no one can go in and out there. Mayor Ledbetter stated that it's
become a social club. Councilman Wargo so moved and Councilwoman Bennington seconded
the motion. Councilman Asting said he wasnlt aware there was a problem. Motion CARRIED
City Clerk Kinsey stated that there are shift problems that Sergeant Westfall wants to
talk to Council about and she requested a short recess. Meeting was recessed at 4:42 PM.
Meeting returned in session at 4:48 PM.
Sergeant Westfall was present at the meeting at this time. He asked if he can hire
officers as soon as they have the oral review and added that they have a 1 ist of ten
people. Mayor Ledbetter asked if any of the ten are qual ified people and Sergeant
Westfall repl ied yes, some with prior experience and some available to work immediately.
Sergeant Westfall said he's made arrangements to have the examinations done by the
doctor and the unfform suppl ier will be by the next day in case they don't already have
uniforms that might fit. He added that every attempt to fit uniforms on hand to the
ones selected. will be made.
Councilwoman Bennington asked about the schedul ing problems and Sergeant Westfall said
Sergeant Lenz will be the officer in charge and he'll have to change the schedule
around to try to avoid overtime and to get the new individuals with three working days
within the next pay period. Councilwoman Bennington noted that the new officers aren't
supposed to start the same day and Sergeant Westfall said they can start one Saturday
on days and the other Saturday night with different supervisors. Councilwoman
Bennington said she thought he wanted the different starting times for seniority reasons
and Sergeant Westfall said they can start one Saturday and one Sunday but this is going
to require a schedul ing change the first of the week and another change when the
individuals go out in a car alone. He suggested moving Patrolman Lusk to the detective
division and Mayor Ledbetter said they don1t need that. Sergeant Westfall noted that
as problems within the City arise, the crime rates increase and they could eliminate the
schedul ing situation by using an individual already on day shift, such as Sergeant McEver.
Councilwoman Bennington said they have to do whatever is needed for coverage for the
City and make sure a new officer isn't alon~. Sergeant Westfall said he takes the
responsibil ity of protecting the City from civil liabil ity.
Councilman Wargo moved to have him use his best judgement regarding the rescheduling.
Councilwoman Bennington seconded the motion and said whatever has to be done should
be done since it IS a temporary thing. Mayor Ledbetter stated he should util ize the
men to the best advantage of the people of the City. Sergeant Westfall said he could
leave the schedule the way it is and use a person already on days but it may cause
resentment. Mayor Ledbetter said he has no objection to hiring new men. Sergeant
Westfall pointed out that his temporary position ended the 11th at midnight and he
wants Sergeant Lenz in the position without having to worry about this. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
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Councilwoman Bennington moved to rescind the previous motion and put the two new
officers on as soon as possible provided they are with another training officer.
Councilman Wargo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilwoman Bennington moved that they extend Sergeant Westfall IS interim period
until he turns it over to Sergeant Lenz, not to exceed past Wednesday. Councilman
Wargo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Sergeant Westfall distributed copies of the 1 ist of officers to be interviewed and
said onedoesnlt have the forty hours.
Councilman Asting said held 1 ike the City Clerk to report to Council on Monday night
on the starting date for a Pol ice Chief. City Clerk Kinsey said Mr. Betts will be
available August 1st. City Attorney Alvarez stated that Council needs to adopt a
resolution of appointment and this can be an amendment to the agenda for Monday night
and Mr. Betts can take the oath of office at that time.
Sergeant Westfall asked if the Chevrolet driven by past Chiefs can be allowed to be
taken to Sergeant Lenzls home. Councilwoman Bennington so moved. Councilman Wargo
seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Asting moved to adjourn. Councilman Wargo seconded the motion. Meeting
was adjourned at 5:10 PM.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
CD~ tJ:'1t-VL
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July 12, 1984