01-11-2001 '-' ..." RECREA TION/CUL TURAL SERVICES BOARD JANUARY 11,2001 6:30 PM EDGEW A TER CITY HALL MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Mr. Tipton called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Those present were Tom Tipton, Mike Visconti, Mike Tanksley, Jo Hagan, Diane Trout and David Turner. Also present was Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation and Adelaide Carter, liaison of the Economic Development Board. The tape recorder was not available in the Conference Room at the time of this meeting, therefore, the Minutes will be from the Secretary's notes. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Turner moved to approve the Minutes of the November 9, 2000 meeting and Mr. Tanksley seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. OLD BUSINESS Mr. Corder stated the paving had been completed on Turgot Avenue and the new YMCA was now open and in full operation. He said the financing for the pool is coming along and Mr. Tipton said he had heard they were about halfway there. Mr. Corder stated they need 600,000 and have about 200,000 right now. Mr. Corder also stated the plans are being worked on right now for the beautification of two new medians and he hopes to have the permits for those in February. These two medians will be the one by Turgot Avenue and Park Avenue. Mr. Visconti asked about the container plantings which were discussed for Park Avenue some time ago, and Mr. Corder replied it wouldn't be containers there, but rather plantings between the curb and U.S. 1. NEW BUSINESS Beautification Ad Hoc Committee Report Mr. Visconti stated that due to the freeze recently, he would like to dispense with the beautification awards till a later month. The Board whole-heartedly agreed and suggested April or May. Mrs. Hagan said she would like to change these awards to quarterly and also get the community involved in the choosing of homes and businesses for selection by the Board. After some discussion on this idea the Board agreed that a coupon in the quarterly newsletter might get good response from the community. Sort of a ''Nominate your Neighbor" or ''Nominate your favorite residence in your neighborhood." The public could send in nominations to the Parks and Recreation Dept, call in, or e-mail a selection to the City website and the Board could choose a final Recreation/Cultural Services Board January 11, 2001 Minutes 1 '-" ..." winner from the responses received. Mrs. Hagan moved that the Board attempt to get the community more involved by using the City Newsletter to get selections for the beautification awards and to do them on a quarterly basis, rather than every month, with the first winner being chosen again in May, due to the recent freeze. Mrs. Trout seconded the motion and it CARRIED 6-0. Mr. Visconti spoke on the anti-litter campaign being conducted with the Southeast V olusia Chamber of Commerce. He explained about the "Clean Scene Day", which will be February 17th at 8:00 AM. Those interested in helping clean up will meet at the Community Center for a continental breakfast. They will then be assigned to an area in town that needs picking up. Free t-shirts will go to the first 100 that sign up and prizes will be awarded for "most litter", "most unusual trash", etc. He also had a brochure to hand out on the "Adopt-A-Street". He stated Liz McBride at City Hall, has the forms for anyone who wants to distribute more within the city. He stated you could pick your own street from those, which need the most attention. He noted that Indian River Boulevard and U.S. 1 are not included in these. Some ofthe most needed areas are Hibiscus, Guava, India, and Park Avenue. With this program you commit to clean your street 4 times a year for a period of 2 years. Redistricting of Beautification Awards Map This item was stricken from the agenda, as the Board previously decided to go a different direction with the beautification awards and including the community, by way of the newsletter. Historical Ad Hoc Committee Report Mr. Tanksley stated in the near future he would be relocating to St. Augustine, to continue his historical work there, and would like the Board to recruit some new members for the Ad Hoc Committee. He noted he would stay until a replacement was found and was anxious to get some new young people interested in history and archaeology. He noted the archaeological dig is going forward; they have the maps and they will be getting their grant money in the summer to proceed. They would like to submit a list of their priorities to Council, those properties they are most interested in. Alternative Uses for City Hall Complex Mr. Corder stated the Siting Committee for a new City Hall location, would like input from the Recreation/Cultural Services Board on what the feel would be good uses for the present property located on Riverside Drive. Mr. Tipton stated what he absolutely does not want to see, is a condominium or a parking lot. He likes the idea of a possible marina complex. Other ideas included making this comer and the land going west to U.S. 1 as a historical center piece for the City, designating a down town area for Edgewater, a restaurant, or a community building for rentals by the public. Mr. Corder stated he would like for the Board to keep considering this matter and bring back as many ideas as they can in the next few months. Recreation/Cultural Services Board January 11, 2001 Minutes 2 '-' -...II MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Visconti stated he really missed the decorated trees on the Blvd. this holiday season, and Mr. Corder explained the removal of the electric in the Boulevard by FPL as the reason. The Board discussed the possibility of a Community Christmas Tree for next year, and possibly some banners to hang from the poles. They would like to see a beautiful focal point somewhere in the City. Mr. Corder stated Council is interested in this also. Mr. Corder stated he would get some catalogs to the Board members and they could look through them to get a better idea of what they might want. With budget time coming close, he noted this is the time to be giving this thought for next year. Mrs. Hagan asked the status of the repainting of the Welcome to Edgewater signs. Mr. Corder stated the Chamber has not gotten around to it yet, and if the Board will come up with a color scheme and bring it back next month, he will have his Department paint the signs to be finished with it. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Tanksley moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Trout. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall Recreation/Cultural Services Board January 11, 2001 Minutes 3