10-03-1985 - Special/Workshop t ~ v o CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING AND WORKSHOP OCTOBER 3, 1985 MINUTES Mayor Baugh called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 3:00 P.M. in the Community Center. He stated the item on the agenda. ROLL CALL Mayor Earl Baugh Councilman Louis Rotundo Councilman Russell Prater Councilman Neil Asting Councilman James Inman City Attorney Jose'Alvarez City Clerk Connie Martinez Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Excused Also present was Terry Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent. Mayor Baugh noted that the engineers had not yet arrived and suggested a recess. Councilman Asting so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Frank Marshall and Mr. Gerald Hartman arrived at the meeting at 3:05 P.M. Mayor Baugh called the recessed meeting back in session at 3:07 P.M. Resolution #85-R-39 Authorization for appropriate City officials to execute an Agreement for Engineering Services with Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. and Marshall Engineers, including Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement. Mayor Baugh suggested they stay in the Special Meeting session and asked for Council comments on the agreement. Mr. Marshall distributed copies of the corrected Amendment No.1. Mr. Wadsworth said he reviewed these to get the justifications and they've eliminated the septic tank design and they'll go inhouse for that with suggestions from Mr. Marshall and going through the Health Department. He noted that he'd contacted Mr. Marshall or Mr. Hartman on the other items and most of these are top end estimates and not to exceed and they'll get fixed, accurate costs with the preliminary. Councilman Rotundo asked if they have to go out for bids on these items. City Clerk Martinez replied it's for professional services and they don't have to go out for bids as the engineers will get them and then be reimbursed. Mr. Marshall stated he'd gone to the County to see what maps they had and he displayed and reviewed various locations. He pointed out it included an aerial used as an overlay, and the aerial was done in 1980 and is to be updated this year. He said he uses these for design purposes. Mr. Hartman stated that it will be a see through mylar. Mr. Marshall added that they'll keep a reproducible one in Terry Wadsworth's office. City Clerk Martinez suggested it be incorporated in other areas, such as drainage. Mr. Marshall said that Gerry Ferrara has talked to the County about the capabilities there. Councilman Asting said he'd like to get an easement around Wildwood to drain into the pits, and asked if the maps show the flood plain. Mr. Marshall replied yes and they're in his office. City Clerk Martinez pointed out that the Planning Department has flood maps also. Mr. Hartman noted that specific study has to be done to determine elevation. Councilman Asting asked Frank Marshall if he'd do the drainage study and Mr. Marshall replied yes, and he's talking to Earl Copeland about some of his proposals. Mr. Hartman said there's a FIRM map which gives the general indications of flooding and Mr. Marshall understands that and it would be a good overview. Councilman Rotundo noted the Health Department determines the heights of the houses in Florida Shores and Mr. Hartman said that's for septic tanks. Mr. Marshall said the insurance can be regulatory also and usually the Health Department elevation is higher than the FIRM elevation. Mr. Hartman said they need a site specific study of stormwater events, and FIRM maps are done with USGS. Mr. Marshall pointed out that they did some site specifics when they were here. Councilman Rotundo asked how they can control it in Florida Shores and Mr. Marshall replied they need a comprehensive drainage plan for all of Florida Shores and he doesn't think it was designed for the build out they have there. Mr. Marshall noted that some laws have changed since then for water quality purposes and with the canals and lakes it will be easy to figure out. Q o .. Mr. Marshall said the size of the culverts in the two big canals will determine the flow and there's a box culvert under Riverside Drive, and the Gabordy Canal only drains a certain part. Councilman Asting noted there's a crossing over the railroad at 25th Street to the 18th Street Canal, and perhaps they're sending too much into 18th Street. Mr. Marshall said he'd talked to Earl Copeland about that and he'll give Council an inexpensive proposal to put more culverts in but new canals such as for Wildwood will be a major cost, and discharge into the Indian River is limited. He suggested they do a model and he reviewed how some communities have stormwater utilities and take a drainage area and it pays for the study and whatever is necessary, and they pay a small amount on it. He pointed out that the 208 Program is active again in Volusia County, and he doesn't think they'll get any Federal money for stormwater, but State funds may be available in the future, which will probably be for construction. Mr. Hartman said it's primarily for lift stations. Mr. Marshall said they need to get the flow off the streets and into the Indian River. Councilman Rotundo asked the problem to build a larger canal and Mr. Hartman replied it's a long term situation which needs a study for the depth, what it's for, the functions, and the water quality aspects. He added they can go for the public health, safety, and welfare provision for municipal services and they'd be dredging a quick canal and then it would have to go for permitting. He said they can use their Home Rules Powers when it's an emergency. City Clerk Martinez said the emergency has to be in existence. Councilman Asting noted that water is still standing in Florida Shores. Mr. Hartman pointed out that if it's done, they have to go back and describe everything and then stop it, or improve it to a permittable situation. Mr. Marshall noted they have to satisfy water quality and digging canals isn't the answer to a stormwater problem, only an emergency answer, and the overall drainage problem has to be solved. Councilman Asting suggested a major canal south of 18th Street might be an answer and Mr. Marshall agreed it might be, but he doesn't know yet. Mr. Hartman reviewed the State requirements, and those from St. Johns River Management and D.E.R., and suggested they might consider a user charge or a tax for a guaranteed monthly income for improvements. Mr. Marshall noted that people outside the drainage district don't pay for it. Mr. Hartman said it could be a policy decision as to whether it's corporate limits or basin wide or development specific. Councilman Rotundo pointed out there are problems in the older parts of the City also. Mr. Marshall stated that in digging the canals, the railroad will set the course because of going under it and they need to utilize the crossings they have to give them more capacity. Councilman Prater commented on the heavy rains and high tides and Mr. Marshall said he talked with Earl Copeland and Mike Tenney about this and tidal influence is limited back of u.S. 1 but ground water absorption is involved. Mayor Baugh asked if this will be covered in his report to Council and Mr. Marshall replied yes. Mr. Marshall pointed out that Florida Shores is only 35 to 40% built out. Mr. Hartman noted that CCNA covered water and wastewater and for stormwater they'll have to go with CCNA again. Councilman Inman pointed out a typographical error on page 7, paragraph 8, to change the word "mote" to "more". City Clerk Martinez corrected the original. RES. 85-R-39 - City Clerk Martinez read the Resolution. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT 1 TO SAID AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH DYER, RIDDLE, MILLS & PRECOURT, INC. AND MARSHALL ENGINEERS; REPEALING .ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Asting moved to adopt the Resolution. Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Rotundo asked if they'll submit bills and be paid that way and Mr. Marshall nodded agreement. -2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes October 3, 1985 Q Q ~ Mayor Baugh suggested a motion to adjourn. Councilman Prater so moved. Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 3:42 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser *5 -#? ~. ~~ ATTEST: CILMAN - ZO E TWO --~~ COUNCILMAN ONE TH E k?A~ ~?-~ _ ~ ~6UNCILMAN - ZONE FOUR ~ ~-, ~""'~- CITY CLERK ' Approved thiS~~y of () ~ , 198..5: ~ ~ (5,j- MA R -3- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes October 3, 1985