08-05-1985 - Budget Workshop
FY 1985-86
August 5, 1985
Mayor Baugh called the budget workshop to order in the Edgewater
Community Center.
Mayor Earl Baugh
Councilman Louis Rotundo
Councilman Russell Prater
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman James Inman
City Attorney Jose Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Martinez
Lt. William Britain
Also Present:
Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Superintendent of the Utilities Deoartment
was present to discuss Water, Wastewater and Field Operations
Mr. Wadsworth spoke to the Council that any new construction decided
upon will not be included in this budget, it would be fundable out
of Fund 44 Development monies.
He went on to explain the utility taxes should be up,we should
exceed what we had budgeted. Telephone and gas should be close,
next year we have predicted a realistic figure. Connection fees
could be a variable.
Water sales is based on the usual twelve month trend has been and
allowing so many new connections a month. He met with Mr. Fischer
about the projection on the growth rate for the City. Overall he
feels this is a conservative figure on the water sales.
Connection fees is based on 500 new connections. This may vary some.
Miscellaneous Income varies, this year he predicted 300.
Hydrant Rental is based on $50. a year for hydrant rental. We are
budgeting for 25 more during the next year.
Penalties, is the charge for the delinquent water bills. This is
beginning to become quite a problem in the Water Department. His
entire crew is tied up for a day doing turn ons. There was dis-
cussion among the Council about some type of solution to this.
Sewer Use Sales, this is a slower rate of increase because we don't
make as many sewer connection. This might increase slightly, but
not substantially.
Councilman Asting informed Council that the idea of a sewer system
in the Florida Shores area has not been abandoned. Mr. Wadsworth
explained he would like the low pressure sewer system concept to
be around a little longer before we put it into effect here.
Sewer Connection Fees, is based on 100 new connections.
Other Income is insignificant as far as an increase.
Interest on Investments, this year should be a good year.
Appropriated Retained Earnings, this is profit we make in prior
years. He feels this should be earmarked for water improvements
next year, since this is the most pressing issue.
Water Department
Mr. Wadsworth explained he has no new employees budgeted for next
year at all, there have been some transfers made however. He in-
formed that the salary figures include the 7.2%.
At this time there was discussion about the employee benefits, such
as overtime, sick leave, and whether this was being abused. Mr. Wads-
worth stated he does not feel he has any overall problem in these areas.
Professional Services, this is the basic day to day services that
may be performed, nothing exceptional.
Accounting & Auditing, this is divided between Water and Wastewater,
rather than being split between the three departments within the
Other Contractual Services, includes the exterminating services.
Mayor Baugh spoke up that there doesn't seem to be any question
about any of the routine items in the budget, he skipped down
hitting the items that have had a major increase.
Operating Supplies, includes an increase where the more water
being used, the more supplies will be needed. Chlorine is going
to be more expensive this year.
Machinery & Equipment, there is a breakdown supplied to the Council.
1- ~ Ton Truck is being budgeted for; Trisodium Phosfeed System is
being budgeted for; a Chlorine Ton Cylinder Repair Kit is a needed
piece of equipment, which could also be used by the Fire Department
their personnel are probably trained to use this equipment. A Remote
Turbidimeter Recorder and a Lab Turbidimeter are also needed pieces
of equipment.
Councilman Asting questioned the increases in the Utility Services
and the Insurance.
Mr. Wadsworth explained they spoke to Florida Power & Light about
the proposed utility increases and their figure was arrived with
this in mind, also the City has discovered that we have been under-
insuring some of the City's buildings and equipment. This figure
might still be a little low.
Wastewater Department
Again, Mr. Wadsworth stated there are no new employees budgeted.
The 7.2% is also included in the salary items.
Mayor Baugh questioned the decrease in Repairs & Maintenance.
Mr. Wadsworth explained the decrease here has been picked up in
the operating supply category because there is a lot of work, with
the purchase of the needed equipment,the repairs could be done in-
house rather than contracting it out.
There were no questions regarding any other line item down to
Machinery & Equipment.
Mr. Wadsworth listed the equipment needed, a Jet Rod. He explained
the use of this equipment. A lawnmower is needed; there is a lot
of property around the Wastewater Plant for mowing. A DO Meter is
a piece of lab equipment that is needed, this is not to be immediately
purchased, however the one being used presently is rather old and if
it should go anytime, we should be prepared to replace it. A 3" Trash
Pump is used for by-pass pumping at lift stations, or from tank to
~tank at the Sewer Plant. A metal detector at the Wastewater Plant
is needed for their own use, rather than going out and borrowing one.
~ .
Field Operations Department
Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that the personnel figures have remained
practically the same, with the 7.2% included.
Mayor Baugh questioned the substantial increase in the Insurance
Mr. Wadsworth explained again, this is the updating of the coverage
also the auditors moved a lot of highly insured equipment into the
Field Operations Department, which was previously not there; they
were in Water or Wastewater.
Mr. Wadsworth spoke about the decrease in the Repair & Maintenance
category. He explained that last year he budgeted for the mainten-
ance of the water towers, he has inspected the towers and he does
not foresee being able to shut one down for a period of time to do
any substantial cleaning, therefore he did not budget for such.
Improvements Other Than Buildings, this is the line item charged
when purchasing pipes, valves, meters, fittings; day to day
Machinery & Equipment,the Council discussed the purchase of a
backhoe for the Field Operations Department, comparing the costs
with what was needed. There was discussion as to whether the
Street Department could make use of the old backhoe the Field
Operations Department has now.
A boring machine was discussed. This would be up to an 8" capacity,
but would mostly be used on 6" pipe.
There was discussion about the trencher the department now has,
and the Council reviewed the equipment sheet with Mr. Wadsworth.
Councilman Asting questioned the balance in Fund 44.
Mr. Wadsworth stated it looks like about $600,000.
Mr. Wadsworth stated his balanced Utilities budget is $1,405,700.
There was discussion regarding the need for any rate increases.
Mr. Wadsworth informed Council it would be impossible for him
to predict the needs in the event of future developments. He
would rather, at the time, look at the impact fees and have them
adjusted accordingly.
There was conversation regarding several utilities projects among
the Council and Mr. Wadsworth.
Councilman Asting made a motion to adjourn this workshop session,
being seconded by Councilman Inman.