07-12-2001 "-" """" RECREATION/CULTURAL SERVICES BOARD JULY 13, 2001 6:30 PM EDGEWATER CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Tom Tipton. Members present were: Mike Visconti, Jo Hagan, and Tom Tipton. Also present were Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation, Adelaide Carter from the Economic Development Board, Kristine Pluscec, a citizen, Jean Morgan from the press, and Herman Mitchell, new Director of the YMCA. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Visconti moved to approve the minutes of the June 14, 2001 meeting, and Mrs. Hagan seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED. 3-0. OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Hagan stated she was aware that there had been a delay in doing the beautification project at Whistle Stop, because of the Scouts, and Menard Park is still waiting also; and anything she and Diane Trout could do to help with this, they are more than willing. Mrs. Hagan also stated she had gone to Menard Park to pick a good spot for the relocation of the fountain. The spot she chose was by the rock, by the sign which is in the center of the parking lot area. She said all that is in that location now is a big rock and some plants and adding the fountain there would make a good focal point. Mr. Visconti stated he would like to look at this area where it might go and would like to see a redesign of the base, making it circular instead of square. Mr. Corder asked everyone to stop by Menard Park before the next meeting and check out the location Mrs. Hagan suggested. Mr. Visconti asked whether Mr. Garrity had gotten ahold of Mr. Corder about the seasonal banners, and he stated he had not heard from him to date. He stated at the Budget Workshop, that Council is looking more toward a lighted decoration and this may have to be re-addressed. Mr. Tipton asked if we were still in a time frame to get decorations up for the next holiday season, and Mr. Corder replied yes. The Board discussed the date for the August meeting and due to some people being out of town, the Board agreed to meet on the third Thursday, August 16th. Mr. Tipton expressed his thanks to all who participated in the 4th of July parade in New Smyrna. Mrs. Hagan said she is on the Cert. Team and every year the 4th of July festivities get better. She said next year the route may be changed to include Edgewater July 12,2001 Minutes Recreation/Cultural Services Board 1 '-'" .."", in the parade route. Her suggestion to Mr. Corder and the Board was to hopefully be able to include some decorations or flags along the route. Mr. Corder agreed to look into this. NEW BUSINESS Board Applicant Interview Mr. Tipton introduced Kristine Pluscec and asked her to give a little information about herself and why she was interested in becoming a Board member. Ms. Pluscec stated she is from Pennsylvania originally, then moved to Nashville, Atlanta, and then Edgewater. Her experience is in project management. She has also worked four years for an environmental liability company. Also she was project manager for business services for the City of Atlanta and worked with public problem solving. She stated she is interested in seeing Edgewater grow economically, and enjoys the small town atmosphere. After further discussion between the Board and Ms. Pluscec, Mr. Visconti moved to send a recommendation to Council that Ms. Pluscec be approved for the Recreation/Cultural Services Board, and Mrs. Hagan seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0. The other two applicants for this position did not attend the meeting. The Board also acknowledged Herman Mitchell, who comes from Putnam County and will be the new Executive Director of the Edgewater YMCA. He said he will probably start full time next month and he is anxious to get started. Beautification Ad Hoc Committee Report Addresses were handed out to the members for the upcoming Beautification Award in August. They are to bring their winning choice to the next meeting on August 16th. The next award for a business will be in September. Historical Ad Hoc Committee Mr. Tipton stated he had no report at this time. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Hagan stated there will be no Concerts in the Park this year and her understanding is that there was a problem with copyright rights or something of that nature. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Tipton moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Hagan. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall July 12,2001 Minutes Recreation/Cultural Services Board 2