05-23-1985 - Special/Workshop
MAY 23, 1985
Mayor Baugh called the meeting to order at 1:03 PM in the Community Center.
Mayor Earl Baugh Present Councilman James Inman Present
Councilman Louis Rotundo Present City Attorney Jose' Alvarez Excused
Councilman Russell Prater Present City Clerk Connie Martinez Present
Councilman Neil Asting Present Sergeant William Lenz Excused
Also present were Mr. Paul Porter and Mr. Terry Zaudtke of the engineering firm
of Conklin, Porter and Holmes; Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent;
Mr. Robert DeLoach, Water Plant Supervisor; and Mr. David Garrett, Recreational
Mayor Baugh read the items on the agenda, and requested a motion to go into the
Workshop. Councilman Asting so moved. Councilman Inman seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Conklin, Porter & Holmes Preliminary Study for Water Supply and Treatment -
Mr. Porter stated that they'd completed a draft of the study and reviewed it
with the City Clerk and with Terry Wadsworth and provided it to Council for
review and input. He said they can incorporate any comments and bring it back
as a finalized version. He pointed out that Volusia County has an ordinance
regarding the control on the wellfields that limits the maximum draw down. He
added that it's a serious restriction in the location that's proposed for the
City's wellfields but it would be out of the question to go beyond where the
draw down areas are controlled. He pointed out that their ordinance is for
wells 150 GPM and larger so a number of wells of smaller capacity could be
installed as a way to get around the ordinance. He suggested they get a ground
water hydrologist to get the type and capacity of wells and wellfield locations
prior to going much further. He noted that they had selected alternative #5
previously because it's expansion at the existing wellsite and plant and then
after a period of time replacing some of the units and putting in new filters.
He stated that there's a section in the study of possible ways to fund the
project, such as revenue bonds. He pointed out that the water situation is
serious and there's a letter from Mr. Bostwick (D.E.R.) asking the City to
get along with a water improvement program. He suggested they get authori-
zation for further work on alternative #5 as well as further analysis of the
wellfield and development of a recommendation with the groundwater hydrologist.
He added that property acquisition for the wellfields needs to be undertaken.
Councilman Rotundo asked if the quotations included the land purchase also and
Mr. Porter replied yes, and it's an estimate on the land price. Councilman
Rotundo noted the close comparison of upgrading the existing plant to putting
in a new plant. Mr. Wadsworth pointed out that all the plans have their
advantages and the reason #5 was suggested was because the plant is fairly
new and in good operating condition. Mr. Zaudtke noted that alternative #3
is the new plant and #5 augments the existing plant with expansion.
Councilman Rotundo asked how many years the #5 alternative would cover and
Mr. Zaudtke replied that based on population projects, they estimate it until
1995, or 10 years.
Councilman Inman asked Mr. Wadsworth the current draw down and Mr. Wadsworth
replied it's about the same as the district for this time of year and they
run four or seven feet below normal. Mr. DeLoach said the total draw down
is about twenty-six feet.
Councilman Inman asked if all the pumps are running now to keep up with
the demand and Mr. Wadsworth replied yes, during peak periods. Mayor Baugh
noted that at the VCOG meeting they learned that Edgewater was one of the
only cities running to capacity and Mr. Wadsworth agreed the district has been
hard hit.
Conklin, Porter & Holmes Preliminary Study for Water Supply & Treatment
(Continued) - Mr. Wadsworth said he agreed with the recommendation on the
ground water hydrologist and information is lined up with the County regarding
permitting procedures to see if a waiver is possible. He suggested the Council
do an engineering agreement with whoever they decide on and also that he and
the City Clerk and the auditors meet to go over some financing arrangements
to see what options they have. He pointed out they could initially go with
a phased operation to do some now to meet their immediate needs.
Councilman Prater asked if they'd start with one or two wells and Mr.
Wadsworth replied it would probably be three now.
Mr. Zaudtke pointed out that some of their clients are looking at permitting
as much well capacity as they can because the rules change so often.
Mayor Baugh asked about the input from St. Johns and Mr. Porter said they
showed him a broad study but didn't zero in on the City of Edgewater and
didn't help much specifically. Mr. Porter again suggested that they get a
ground water hydrologist and suggested they might want to go to the County
and argue that the City doesn't feel it's reasonable to go with five foot
draw down. Mr. Zaudtke noted that the County has set up a zone that's a
vast swamp and their regulations might be quite impractical for a city the
size of Edgewater.
Councilman Inman asked if laying the 12" line on West Park Avenue will help
and Mr. Wadsworth said it will probably give them more water but according
to D.E.R., they possibly can only use it to meet peak demands and it won't
impact the supply that much except for fire protection and peak demands.
Mr. Porter pointed out that they were only talking about a 10% improvement.
He added that the alternatives are all close except for #4 which is two
phases and they selected #5 because it's the easiest one to implement.
He suggested they could look at what a first phase would be for a minimum.
Mr. Zaudtke said they could outline exactly what needs to be done to give
them additional capacity and how much land they have to buy, disposal methods
for the additional sludge, and what equipment has to be purchased as a
minimum. He added that the permitting will be time consuming and the sooner
they get someone in for groundwater hydrology, the quicker they can follow
the procedures for permitting. Mr. Wadsworth noted that the County permitting
is a minimum of three months.
Mayor Baugh suggested they
and come back to Council.
it and get it to D.E.R.
Request from Utilities Supt. to impose mandatory water use restrictions -
Mr. Wadsworth stated they have a water crisis especially during peak demand
periods and there are provisions in the Code to declare a water shortage
emergency. He suggested the ban be from lOAM to 7PM. Councilman Prater
asked if the lOAM is extending it too far into midday and Mr. Wadsworth
pointed out the most water is the first part of the day. Mayor Baugh asked
how it will be enforced. and Mr. Wadsworth replied that the ordinance calls
for the Police Department and he thinks the Code Enforcement Officer to
enforce it and the rest of the City departments will be advised and can
be helpful to report violations. Mayor Baugh noted that some people have
the water air conditioners and Mr. Wadsworth said they'll have to check
those and for private wells also.
let Terry Wadsworth get with the necessary people
Mr. Porter pointed out that they need to finalize
Request to have 15th & Umbrella Tree park area professionally cleared and
filled - Mr. Garrett stated that he had an estimate to clear the land at
$750. and it will take approximately 2,500 yards of fill for those four
lots at a price of $3., for a total price of $8,250. He said he might be
able to get the fill cheaper a little later but the City doesn't have any
fill now. Mayor Baugh suggested they get it graded and then have it filled
later. Councilman Prater pointed out that the survey has to be completed first.
-2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
May 23, 1985
Menard Park boat launching - Mr. Garrett distributed copies of a map of
the area for Council's review. He said he talked to the insurance carrier
and they'll send someone down to investigate regarding the swimming area and
the final decision can be made from that investigation. He said he talked to
the Corps of Engineers and they told him the barriers can be placed to the
mean high tide mark but if it's in the water they need special permits which
will take some time. He said the plans are how the work is progressing now.
Councilman Inman said he received several calls on this and there was a
suggestion that in the swimming area they have white buoys strung out and
linked together with rope to curtail the swimming area so the boats don't
go into that side. He expressed his concern for the safety of the boaters
and the public that uses this beach. He said another suggestion made to
him was to hire a retiree for mimimum wage to supervise on week-ends but
he wouldn't have authority to enforce the regulations or signs and it would
be an added expense to the City.
Councilman Asting asked Mr. Garrett if he suggested coquina for separating
and Mr. Garrett replied yes, but it doesn't go into the water. Councilman
Asting said their action would be based on the insurance carrier's findings
and could be the ropes or a post with signs stating where swimming is allowed.
Mayor Baugh suggested they check to see about the permits for the buoys.
Councilman Asting said they'll have to present a plan to show just what he
wants to install.
Request to accept recreation fee schedule for beginners' tennis program -
Mr. Garrett stated that they're starting a beginners' tennis program for ages
9 through 14 and it will be about $11.00 to offset some of their costs.
Councilman Rotundo asked what they'll do if they get more than the 30
children the class is limited to and Mr. Garrett replied that they'll work
the other two or three days a week if necessary. Mr. Garrett stated that
there will be other programs later and he didn't know if Council wants him
to come for approval of each one or if the Parks and Recreation Board
should set the fees. City Clerk Martinez pointed out that it's a revenue
source and since it's not a budgeted item, they can accept it by motion
and she'll check with the City Attorney but it doesn't have to go to Council
each time and it would be just for the costs and materials.
Proposed donation toward acquisition of park in Spruce Creek area -
Councilman Asting stated that the City Attorney said no to the recreation
fund money as it can only be used in the City so based on that he's not going
ahead with making a donation at this time. Councilman Rotundo agreed it's
not a budgeted item and asked if they want the money this year. Mayor
Baugh noted that they have to turn it down~because they want the City to
commit right now.
Establishing pay for acting officer in charge of the Police Department -
Councilman Asting stated that the man is doing the Chief's job and doing it
very effectively and efficiently and he recommends he receive the regular
pay. Mayor Baugh agreed. Councilman Rotundo said it would be retroactive
and Mayor Baugh pointed out that they agreed to that earlier.
Mayor Baugh asked for amotion to adjourn the workshop and go into the special
meeting. Councilman Inman so moved. Councilman Asting seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Conklin, Porter & Holmes Preliminary Study for Water Supply and Treatment -
Councilman Asting moved to accept this report. Councilman Inman seconded
the motion. Councilman Rotundo asked if they're accepting alternative #5
and Councilman Asting replied they can do that at a special meeting later
on. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Porter and Mr. Zaudtke were excused from the meeting at this time, 3:44 PM.
Councilman Asting said regarding the first item on the agenda, he moved that
Terry Wadsworth be authorized to get a proposal from an engineer with local
knowledge to follow up on local water supply matters, well permitting, etc.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. Wadsworth asked if Council authorization is necessary for he and the
City Clerk to meet with the auditors and no Council member expressed an
objection. City Clerk Martinez stated that the contract with the auditing
firm stated they can be contacted this way.
-3- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
May 23, 1985
Request from Utilities Supt. to impose mandatory water use restrictions -
Mayor Baugh suggested they accept this. Councilman Prater moved to accept it.
Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Councilman Prater suggested they
leave it up to Mr. Wadsworth to determine when it can be lifted. Mr.
Wadsworth said the hours may need to be modified later on and he'll come
back to Council. Mayor Baugh suggested Council let Mr. Wadsworth change
the times through his experience with notice to Council and the papers that
it's being changed. Councilman Prater included that in his motion. Councilman
Asting agreed as the second to the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman
Asting said the Police Department should be notified to be on the look out and
to warn people and Mr. Wadsworth said the Code Enforcement Officer should be
Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. DeLoach were excused from the meeting at this time,
3:50 PM.
Request to have 15th & Umbrella Tree park area professionally cleared and filled -
City Clerk Martinez suggested that as soon as the survey is completed that it
be cleared. Councilman Asting expressed his concern that it would be over-
grown again before they get the fill in. Mayor Baugh recommended they just
authorize the clearing at this time. Councilman Asting asked if they have to
go out for bids and City Clerk Martinez replied not for the clearing, but for
the fill. Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to authorize him to go ahead and
Councilman Asting so moved. Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Motion
Menard Park boat launching - Mr. Garrett noted that the insurance carrier is
very anxious to review this. Councilman Asting moved that David Garrett go
ahead with the preliminaries as discussed in the workshop. Mayor Baugh asked
if that would include allowing the launching at the south end and Councilman
Asting replied yes, and discussions with the insurance carrier, preparation of
a plan, the application to the Corps of Engineers for a permit to go out into
the water, and the fencing of the swimming area. Councilman Rotundo seconded
the motion. Councilman Prater said they might run into a problem with this
as the area isn't big enough and he'd like to see it padlocked and opened at
8AM and closed at 9PM because of vandalism. Councilman Asting asked if he
means the entire park and Councilman Prater replied yes. Mayor Baugh said
they never had problems there before and City Clerk Martinez pointed out that
they never had buildings there before. Mr. Garrett said they're planning to
lock the rest rooms at sundown. Mayor Baugh noted that the park is patrolled
on a frequent basis. Councilman Asting said the City people who see vandalism
will report it to maintain a good facility. Mayor Baugh questioned the turn
area for the boaters and Mr. Garrett explained on the map that it's long enough
for cars and trailers. Motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Prater voted NO.
Request to accept recreation fee schedule for beginners' tennis program -
Councilman Asting moved to accept the request for the recreation fee for the
beginners' tennis program. Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Mayor
Baugh asked about future recreation fees to have the authority to set the
fees to cover the expenses. Councilman Asting agreed it would be under his
area. Mayor Baugh suggested Mr. Garrett give a memo to Council about what
was done and if there's a question, it'll come up at a Council meeting.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Baugh asked for a separate motion to allow him to set up these fees
and if there's any question, the Council can ask him. Councilman Inman so
moved. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Mayor Baugh clarified that
he will have the authority to set up the fees and he can discuss with the
Board if he needs assistance. Mr. Garrett said there's a dance planned for
the graduating seniors now and Mayor Baugh said that will be authority for
him to go ahead with it. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
-4- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
May 23, 1985
Proposed donation toward acquisition of park in Spruce Creek area -
Councilman Asting moved that the City Clerk/Administrator prepare a
letter to the County Council, attention Jack Ascherl, the Chairman,
stating that we don't have the funds at this time and cannnot take it
out of the recreational fund that it was contingent upon and that they
can't use the recreational funds outside the City limits of Edgewater.
Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Establishing pay for acting officer in charge of the Police Department -
Mayor Baugh recommended that he get the pay per hour of the Police Chief
because he's been doing the job as an interim Chief and is entitled to it
and has been doing it very effectively. Councilman Asting made that a
motion. Councilman Inman asked how this compares with what he's getting
now, including his overtime. Mayor Baugh said they have to exclude the
overtime because if he's raised up to the pay, he'd have to have overtime.
City Clerk Martinez said it's $2.07 an hour difference. Mayor Baugh pointed
out that the money is there. Councilman Prater seconded the motion and
said it would be retroactive. Mayor Baugh agreed. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Asting moved to adjourn. Councilman Inman seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:03 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
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Approved thi~ay of r (J
-5- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
May 23, 1985