03-14-1985 - Special/Workshop
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MARCH 14, 1985
Mayor Baugh called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 3:32 P.M.
in the Community Center. He stated the purpose was to have the FY 1984
audit presentation by Brent Millikan & Co..
Mayor Earl Baugh Present Councilman James Inman
Councilman Louis Rotundo Present City Attorney Jose'Alvarez
Councilman Russell Prater Present City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Councilman Neil Asting Present Sergeant William Lenz
Also present, Brent Millikan and Alex Kish of the auditing firm,
Rickelman, Assistant Finance Director. "Mayor Baugh requested a
the Special Meeting and go into the Workshop. Councilman Asting
Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
and Mrs. Karen
motion to adjourn
so moved.
Mr. Brent Millikan suggested that Council interrupt at any time they have a
question during the presentation. He noted that for 1983 they were awarded the
Certificate of Conformance which is the highest award given and the firm feels
this year's audit will also obtain this award. He pointed out that one of the
governmental entities they audited received an award as one of the top five in
the nation. He reviewed some of Mr. Kish's past accomplishments.
Mr. Kish stated that the report will be sent to Government Finance Officers
Association for review for a Certificate of Conformance. He said the report is
broken down into four sections - the introductory section, the financial section,
the statistical section, and the report of internal control and management letter
and comments. He pointed out that page "v" shows the Certificate of Conformance
and the City's personnel worked very hard to get that award and it was unusual
for a City to get it on the first try. He noted that pages "vi" through "xii"
is the letter from the City Clerk/Administrator and has a lot of information
pertaining to the operations of the City in comparison to last year. He read
excerpts from page I of the financial section which was the Auditor's Report.
He pointed out that there was a change in the way of accounting the sick
leave and vacation pay.
Mr. Kish stated that the balance sheets on pages 2 and 3 show the City had a
tremendous year and is extremely strong financially. He noted that the total
assets as of 9/30/84 were $10,671,164., which is $2,065,000. over last year's
amount, or a 24% increase in total assets. He pointed out that as of 9/30/84
they had approximately $928,000. in cash in the General Fund in cash and invest-
ments. He noted that there's a fund overdraft from the cash pool concept
because the money is pooled into a fund and then transferred and this can be
netted out. He stated that the General Fund has approximately $1,800,000. in
assets. He noted that liabilities increased in total by $391,000. which is a
13% increase. He said equity or ownership investment that the citizens have
is an increase of 30% from 5.6 million to 7.3 million. He stated that cash
and investments available for projects in General Fund is $928,000. and
$738,000. would be left if they'd payoff the liabilities. Mr. Kish said
if they set aside the funds reserved for special projects, which is approxi-
mately $140,000., they would have $600,000. in surplus cash as of 9/30/84. He
noted that special revenue funds has approximately $52,000. that can be
appropriated for whatever Council deems is necessary. Mrs. Rickelman pointed
out that they budgeted part of the revenue sharing and Mr. Kish noted that
these figures were as of 9/30/84.
Mr. Millikan asked Mr. Kish if he suggested they hold some funds back for
reserve and contingencies and Mr. Kish said they'd have about $600,000.
and if they leave $200,OOO.for future contingencies, they'd still have about
$400,000. available. Councilman Asting asked if that could be used for City
improvements and Mr. Kish replied yes.
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Mr. Kish pointed out that this is not like operating a business but is an
expendable type fund to provide services and it could go broke and the
following year it will pick back up again because of the revenue sources.
Mr. Millikan noted that the utility fund has to be retained for water line
extensions and capital investments. Mr. Kish stated that as of September 30th
the impact fees had $602,000. in the development fees and $66,000. in the
renewal and replacement fund, which is restricted, and when debts are paid
they'll have $604,000. available for financing water and sewer improvements.
Mayor Baugh noted that could be used for expansion of the Water Plant and Mr.
Kish agreed it could as an addition to the primary system and subject to the
approval of the engineers. Mr. Kish said on pages 6 and 7 the statement
summarizes what a good year it was with total revenues of $2,218,200. and good
increases in all areas and most cities in the County had record years like
this. He noted they spent $77,000. less than last year but they had the large
street paving program in 1983. He said they had a net revenue over expenditures
of three quarters of a million dollars compared to 1983. He stated that the total
surplus in governmental funds was $879,000. and the surplus at the end of the
year was equal to 58% of last year's total expenditures. Councilman Asting
commented that was good news. Mr. Kish agreed the balance sheet is in very
solid condition.
Mr. Millikan noted that the assessed value continues to grow and the new
people moving in will increase the utility tax.
Mr. Kish noted that statement 3 is a recap of the information in the rest
of the report.
Mr. Kish stated that on page 50 and 51 for refuse and water and sewer, they
had revenues in water and sewer of $631,200. and sanitation revenues of
$279,000., for a total of $910,000. for operating revenues for enterprise
fund activities, or $159,000. over last year. He stated these are from
growth and rate changes. He read the non-operating revenues and expenses
and said they had good cash management on interest dollars with an increase
of $286,000. He said the net income from water and sewer was $194,000. and
from refuse fund was $31,000. and most cities don't have a gain with their
refuse operations. Mr. Kish noted that amortization of contributed capital
increased $277,000. He added that refuse had a great year as did water and
sewer, and the utility service tax kept it running. Mr. Millikan stated that
the financial statement shows they're selling the water for a cost less than
the cost to produce it and are subsidizing it with the utility tax. He added
that most cities put the utility service tax in the General Fund which has
Police, street paving, etc. Councilman Asting pointed out that in the past
the Council has been criticized for putting in utilities and now it's starting
to payoff because the growth promotes revenues. Mr. Millikan noted that
they have investments in the enterprise activities of over one million dollars.
Mr. Kish added that the bulk of that is invested in hard assets. Councilman
Asting stated that they have a program underway to expand the water pro-
duction ability.
Mr. Millikan stated that they're trying to get growth to pay for growth
so the new people will pay for these costs and the impact fee will contribute
enough to the system to have money for a new plant. Mr. Kish said they're
continually spending money for maintenance and repair of the plant and they've
collected $538,000. in impact fees, connection and development fees, but at
the end of the year they have approximately $604,000. available to spend and
they're using that money on a continuing basis. He added that they're
experiencing tremendous growth in comparison to prior years.
Mr. Kish noted that on the Pension Trust Actuarial fund investments, the
interest earnings was $43,000. for the year and the City and State made
contributions of about $60,000. for a total of $103,000. and benefit payments
of a little over $5,000., administrative costs and charges of $6,600.,which
left an operating income of $91,000.
-2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
March 14, 1985
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Mr. Kish stated that page 16 starts a summary of Accounting Policies which
should be read when they have time, and he reviewed some of the items in
the 22 pages of that section. He said the Exhibits are more detailed
and the Statistical Tables on pages 63 and 64 are what happened in the City
over the past 10 years. He compared the expenditures and revenues for 1975
to 1984. He read from Table 3 on page 67, noting they collected over 96%
of the tax levy. He said Table 4 is the actual size of the City with assessed
values and noted that the 1984 assessed taxable value dropped from 1983
because of the extension of the homestead exemption amount. Mr. Millikan
pointed out that of the ten largest taxpayers, the assessed valuation was
just a little over $200,000.
Mr. Kish read from Table 12, page 76, which listed the amounts of the ten
principal taxpayers and he pointed out they account for only 6.42% of the levy.
Mr. Kish stated that on page 69, Table 5, is the Overlapping Tax Rates showing
the General Fund, the School Board levy, the Hospital, Mosquito Control, etc.
Mr. Millikan noted that when people pay their property taxes they think it
comes to Edgewater and this Table shows them that only 6~ of their tax bill
of the total 20~ came to the City and most is going elsewhere. Mr. Kish
noted that on Page 71 is the computation of the overlapping debt that is the
City's share of the other taxing authorities' debts that they're funding from
the tax levy on the citizens.
Mr. Kish stated that on page 72, the revenue bond coverage is 4.30 which
indicates they had revenues available to pay the outstanding debt by 4.3
times over.
Mr. Kish read from the demographic statistics on page 73. He noted that
Table 10 is the property value, construction, and bank deposits, and the
commercial construction which went from $473,000. in 1975 to 2.6 million
dollars in 1984.
Mr. Kish said Table 11 is the summary of the ten largest water users and Table
12 is the principal taxpayers. He added that Table 13 is insurance in force.
Mr. Kish said the report on Internal Control is reviewed and it's limited
in that they only do it to decide what kind of audit system they'll use. He
said the firm prepares a separate report and they didn't find any conditions
they considered to be material weaknesses.
Mr. Kish stated that the Management Letter doesn't show anything major but they
tried to include items they want to bring to their attentions and perhaps a
way to do it better but it wasn't meant to be critical, just a suggestion.
Mr. Kish noted that petty cash is an item that requires disclosure and in
two instances the vouchers were out.
Mr. Kish noted that the Pension Actuarial information is an item where they
had a problem with a prior payroll report that went in and was incorrect but
this year's report has been verified for accuracy. He added that this item
isn't material but they have to be sure they take care of it.
Mr. Kish said the development fee increase created a misunderstanding about the
effective date and those people who came in prior to February 1st and filed
appplications for service at the old rate didn't come in to pay for them
until after the new rates were in effect, but paid the old rate. He said they
felt the ordinance was clear that anything paid after that subsequent date
should have been at the new rate and management has looked into this and
corrective action was taken.
-3- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
March 14, 1985
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Mr. Kish stated that discounts aren't a major item but some vendors offer
discounts but the bills have to be vouchered on the system, summarized and
entered into the computer and then put on a report for Council and there are
some dollars lost because of the time involved and perhaps Council would want to
take some action on this. City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that they don't know
what vendor might offer the discount to get blanket Council authorization in
October unless the Council wants to get into once a week payment of bills but
that generates a lot of work for the office staff. Mr. Kish said they obtain
discounts for various things and when there's a discount listed, they put it in
a separate location for payment. Mr. Millikan suggested they inform the vendors
of the payment policy and the deadlines and if they want to do business with
the City they have to submit it then and if not, they take the discount anyway.
City Clerk Kinsey said she'd asked the Accounts Payable Clerk to start immedi-
ately to take vendor discounts and try it. Mr. Kish pointed out that the issue
of offering discounts is to get it paid and then to get it paid timely.
Mr. Kish stated the City was very progressive and had a great year. Councilman
Asting noted that they're contemplating buying paving equipment and the City
has the money to pay cash and asked if they should pay for it or buy it on a
lease purchase with a lesser interest rate and the money they have could be
earning interest in an account. Mr. Kish pointed out that there are lower
interest rates to governmental entities but the quicker they pay it off, the
better it would be. He suggested they might be able to get a deal with a local
bank at a low interest rate and let the cash earn interest at a higher rate.
City Clerk Kinsey said they can't commit it for an indefinite time. Mr.
Millikan noted that they can capitalize on the income tax law because the
interest income is non-taxable, and suggested they might want to consider a
matching cost concept with the people receiving the benefits of the equipment.
Councilman Asting agreed they should keep this in mind when and if they decide
to go with. the road paving equipment. Mr. Kish noted that if the City is going
to do it, they'll have the cost of the overhead and depreciation of machinery and
administrative time involved in the assessment program. Mrs. Rickelman asked
if they'd need a plan for assessing the property owners for the cost of the equip-
ment and Mr. Kish said they'd have to come up with pro rated life. Mr. Millikan
said it would be absorption.
Mr. Kish stated that they enjoyed working with the City and hope to continue
working with them and asked that Council members call them if they have any
Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to adjourn the Workshop and go back into the
Special Meeting. Councilman Asting so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the
motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Rotundo commended Brent Millikan and Associates on a fine audit
report and moved that they accept the report and send them a letter of appreci-
ation. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Asting moved that they continue to employ the firm of Brent Millikan
& Company, CPA, as the City's auditors. Councilman Inman seconded the motion.
Councilman Asting included in his motion for the term ending 9/30/85, for
1984-85. Councilman Inman agreed as the second to the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Asting moved to adjourn. Councilman Inman seconded the motion.
Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
CITY CLERK _1:- ..
APr':: !?fay
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
-4- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
March 14, 1985