OCTOBER 2, 20016:30 PM
The Chairman, Tom Tipton called the meeting to order. Members present were: Mike
Visconti, Jo Hagan, Diane Trout, Tom Tipton and Kat Bearsley. Also present was
Adelaide Carter, liaison from the Economic Development Board, Jack Corder, Director
of Parks and Recreation and AI and Jason Nicastro from East Coast Vinyl Graphix, a
local business.
Mrs. Hagan moved to approve the minutes of the Semptember 13t\ 2001 meeting and
Mrs. Bearsley seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Seasonal Banners
Mr. Corder stated the agenda packets contained information and samples from the
companies contacted who make seasonal banners. Only 3 of the 7 companies contacted
responded. At this time Mr. Corder introduced AI Nicastro to the Board to give
information on his company, East Coast Vinyl Graphix.
Mr. Nicastro handed out samples which he stated were made of 10 mil vinyl, and also a
chart of the available colors. He stated they would be double sided and are guaranteed
for 7 years. He gave a price of $125.00 each which includes the brackets also. Any
amount over 50 ordered, could qualify for a 10 - 15% discount. It was asked if we
ordered now, would we receive them before this holiday season and Mr. Nicastro replied
yes. The Board compared the Vinyl Graphix prices to those of the other companies and
agreed a lot could be saved by choosing Vinyl Graphix; also the warranty was much
better. The Board also liked the idea that this company is local. After looking at the
many samples of banners, the Board agreed on red and green for colors and designs
which included a wreath, a tree, snowflakes with "Happy Holidays" written on it and a
dove with "Peace and Goodwill". Mr. Visconti moved to approve East Coast Vinyl
Graphix as the company of choice to make the banners, (approximately 100) and to have
them made in the above mentioned colors and designs. Mrs. Trout seconded the motion
and it CARRIED 5-0.
Recreation/Cultural Services Board
September 13,200 I Minutes
Election of Vice-Chairman
Mr. Tipton opened the nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Hagan nominated Mrs.
Trout and Mr. Visconti seconded the motion. Mr. Tipton called for additional
nominations and Mrs. Trout nominated Mr. Visconti. Mrs. Bearsley seconded the
motion. There were no further nominations and the Board voted on the two selections.
The vote result was 3-2, in favor of Mr. Visconti as the new Vice-Chairman.
Beautification Report
Mrs. Hagan stated she awarded last month's business beautification award to Charlie
Cobb's Insurance Company, and they seemed very appreciative of the honor. The next
residential award will be chosen in November. The Secretary stated the response from
the public to the Newsletter coupon has been very good.
Historical Ad Hoc Committee Report
Mr. Corder stated we are soon to get our Historical Committee established. We will have
to have a public meeting and get registered with the State. Certain rules and guidelines
will have to be followed and information sent to the State, once we get established. He
said he would like to call the first official meeting of the Historical Committee in
December to be held before the regular meeting of the Recreation/Cultural Services
Board, in the Community Center at 6:30 pm. The Board would then meet in March,
June, September and December as a Historical Committee.
Mr. Corder stated that the purchase was completed on the house north of Dustins. He is
presently getting quotes for repairs, etc. and working with an architect on possible
designs for the purpose of getting a grant to rework the buildings in back for meeting and
classrooms. Part of the main house will be used for a small museum and exhibit room,
along with Dept. offices.
There being no further business, Mrs. Trout moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Hagan.
Minutes submitted by,
Barb Kowall
Recreation/Cultural Services Board
September 13,2001 Minutes