01-24-1985 - Special/Workshop
.... i
JANUARY 24, 1985
Mayor Baugh called the Special Meeting and Workshop to order at 3:00 P.M.
in the Community Center. He stated the purpose was for discussion, and
possible action, on the proposed management pay and benefit plan.
Mayor Earl Baugh
Councilman Louis Rotundo
Councilman Russell Prater
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman James Inman
City Attorney Jose'Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Kinsey
Sergeant William Lenz
Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to recess the Special Meeting and go into the
Workshop. Councilman Inman so moved. Councilman Asting seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Baugh asked for Council input. Councilman Inman pointed out that Council
had offered the department heads $1,593. which was 7;% of the City Clerk's salary
and he understood some of the department heads were not completely satisfied
with it. He reviewed the percentages for the proposed raises were 17.72% for the
City Clerk; 19.38% for the Utilities Superintendent; 21.7% for the Public Works
Superintendent; 44.0% for the Building Official; and 24.6% for the Recreational
Director, and the total cost would be $21,413. if they went with that proposal.
He stated that if they gave everyone 10% of their current salary, it would cost
the City $8,683. and if they gave everyone 10% based on the City Clerk's salary,
the total cost would -be $10,615.
Councilman Asting asked if the department heads refused the offer of $1,593.
and City Clerk Kinsey replied yes. Councilman Asting asked if the department
heads have a counter proposal and Mr. Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent, said
the reasons why they didn't think the $1,593_ was equitable were because the
regular employees get 9% and the department heads were offered 7;%, which is
l~% lower, plus they figure this will be a one-time raise for cost of living
and adjustment and merit and they won't be coming back for another raise. Mr.
Wadsworth suggested the department heads should be evaluated during budget time
to see how they performed the past year and what they've proposed for the next
year. He added that with the responsiblities and demands placed on them they
don't feel it's equitable in comparison to regular employees.
Councilman Inman pointed out that the Police Chief's
the City Clerk's salary is only $21,237. and he felt
way around because of her tremendous responsibility.
that was one reason why they left the Chief's salary
Inman noted that was due to the hiring date also.
salary is $22,500. and
it should be the other
Mayor Baugh replied
at $22,500. Councilman
Councilman Rotundo suggested the following salaries: City Clerk-$23,000.;
Utilities Superintendent with two departments- $21,400.; Public Works Super-
intendent with two departments-$2l,400.; Building Official who hasn't had
a raise since hire-$20,800.; and Recreational Director-$18,OOO. He added
that based on their abilities and responsibilities and the amount of people
they have to work with that should compensate them a little bit. Councilman
Asting pointed out that the Recreational Director would be higher than what
was proposed and Councilman Rotundo replied that he has all the responsibilities
of any department head. Councilman Rotundo noted that with the new customers
in the garbage department, they hope it will pay for itself by the end of the
year, and water and sewer is the money maker, recreation is reimbursed with
the impact fee, and the building department is getting over one million dollars
a month in permits, so he feels they can afford it.
Councilman Prater asked Mr. Garrett, Recreational Director, when his last
raise was and Mr. Garrett replied that he got 4% at six months in May of 1984.
Councilman Rotundo pointed out that these people won't have merit raises
during the year. Mr. Copeland, Public Works Superintendent, added that they
don't have overtime either. Councilman Rotundo asked Mr. Copeland if refuse
pays for part of his salary and Mr. Copeland said it's divided and he thinks
it's one third. Mr. Wadsworth said his salary is split over three budgets.
Councilman Asting asked the total of the increases proposed by Councilman
Rotundo and City Clerk Kinsey replied that it's $104,100., or a difference of
$17,239. Councilman Asting asked the total for the offer of $1,593. and City
Clerk Kinsey replied that it's $7,965. Councilman Asting asked the increase
over what was offered and City Clerk Kinsey replied it's $9,274. Councilman
Asting stated that it's almost double what was offered and asked if they'll
have to dig into unappropriated funds since they have programs in mind for
this fund, such as street improvement~ and that was pledged during the campaigns.
City Clerk Kinsey pointed out that $21,413. was the original proposal and
$16,000. could corne out of General Fund, and one of the wages is in the budget
Councilman Asting said he realizes that Mr. Garrett is a family man and does
a good job.
Mayor Baugh said he'd proposed $17,000. for Recreational Director; $20,000. for
Building Official; $21,000. for Public Works Superintendent; $21,000. for
Utilities Superintendent; and $23,000. for the City Clerk.
Councilman Asting said he thinks the Recreational Director should be at least
$18,000. and he agreed the department heads deserve an increase but if they
can't give the proposed increases at this point they can provide for it in
the next budget and possibly bring them up to these proposed salaries, but
they weren't in the budget for this year. He again stated that the Recreational
Director's salary is too low and it should be $18,000. and suggested they split
the difference between what is currently the salary and the proposal and then
incorporate enough funds in the next budget. Mayor Baugh noted that Councilman
Rotundo's proposal was about one-half and Councilman Asting disagreed.
Councilman Rotundo asked if the Chief's salary would stay the same and City
Clerk Kinsey said it's not included in these figures. Councilman Asting
said the $22,500. for Chief should stay the same and Mayor Baugh and Councilman
Rotundo agreed.
Mayor Baugh asked for Councilman Asting's suggestion and Councilman Asting
replied he felt it should be the difference between current and proposed,
giving them one-half now and other half in the next budget. City Clerk Kinsey
noted that it would be about $10,706. as the original request was $21,413.
and she read the total salaries if one half of the proposal would be added.
Councilman Asting stated that the Recreational Director should get more and
Mayor Baugh suggested the Building Official also.
Mr. Jack Spencer, former Council member, noted that this process was started
by the former Council and he suggested some figures for Council's consider-
ation, based partly on the Florida League of Cities salary survey of cities
of comparable size to Edgewater. He said Finance Director was suggested at
$24,000.; City Clerk at $22,000.; Utilities Superintendent at $22,000.;
Public Works Superintendent at $24,000.; Building Official at $19,000.; and
equivalent to Mr. Garrett's position was a Parks Superintendent at $18,000.
and a Recreational Director at $19,600. He pointed out that Councilman
Rotundo's proposal was in line with the average that other cities pay, and
he added that the last time he checked there was over $600,000. in unappropri-
ated unreserved funds sitting in the bank and he didn't think it would be a
problem of being able to afford it if the Council feels they deserve an
increase and he suggested it be retroactive to October 1st as the employees
-2- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
January 24, 1985
Councilman Inman read the totals of the salaries if 10% were added to each
as follows: City Clerk - $23,360.; Utilities Superintendent - $20.271. ;
Public Works Superintendent - $19,882.; Building Official - $16,816.; and
Recreational Director - $15,215. Mayor Baugh noted that Councilman
Rotundo's proposal would be about the 10%.
Councilman Prater stated that he had the figures of $23,000.; $21,000.;
$21,000.; $20,000.; and $17,500.
Councilman Asting said he'd like to establish these proposed salaries as the
pay for the job. Mayor Baugh said that would be the target pay for the next
budget. Councilman Asting stated that he didn't want to wipe out the $600,000.
entirely and they have to use part of it for paving plus there are other projects.
Councilman Rotundo stated that he based his figures on responsibilities.
Mayor Baugh suggested the figures of $23,000.; $21,000.;$21,000.; $20,000.;
and $17,500. as they're in the same ball parks of all members' figures.
Councilman Rotundo agreed.
Mayor Baugh asked the
salaries and all five
pointed out that four
Kinsey stated that it
individual department heads if they
department heads agreed they would.
years ago the City Manager was paid
would be $15,639. for these totals.
would accept these
City Clerk Kinsey
$25,000. City Clerk
Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to adjourn the workshop. Councilman Asting moved
to go back into the Special Meeting. Councilman Inman seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to accept and be paid $23,000. for the City
Clerk; $21,000. for the Utilities Superintendent; $21,000. for the Public Works
Superintendent; $20,000. for the Building Official; and $17,500. for the
Recreational Director, per yea~ retroactive to October 1st. Councilman Asting
so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Baugh asked for a motion to adjourn and Councilman Asting so moved.
Councilman Inman seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 3:40 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
ggr, ~
COUNC-r'llMAN - ~~
1/1 ,El5, f;J
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c: L~ d~ -'
Approved this~ay of
'2r~ ' 1985.
MA?iRl ~ (S4~
-3- Council Special Meeting & Workshop Minutes
January 24, 1985