01-12-1987 - Special
JANUARY 12, 1987
Mayor Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Conference Room
in City Hall. He stated the purpose of the meeting was to select a Public
Works Superintendent.
Mayor Earl Baugh
Councilman Louis Rotundo
Councilman Russell Prater
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman David Mitchum
City Attorney Jose'Alvarez
City Clerk Connie Martinez
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Mayor Baugh suggested they ask the applicants basically the same questions.
Councilman Asting suggested they decide the salary before the interview.
After discussion, it was agreed to offer $20,500. for starting and during the
probation. It was also agreed that the applicants would not be asked to wait
for a decision at the end of this meeting but that the City Clerk would let them
know by telephone for the one selected and by mail for those not selected.
Ronnie C. Austin, Edgewater, Florida, was the first applicant to be interviewed.
Mayor Baugh advised him of the procedure to be used for the interview.
Councilman Prater asked why he'd applied for this position. Mr. Austin replied
because of his past experience and knowlege and Earl Copeland approached him
about it. He said he feels qualified for the job and has lived in Edgewater
for 6 years and for 20 years in New Smyrna Beach and would like to stay here.
Councilman Prater asked how he'd handle the work schedule, pre-plan or on a day
to day basis and Mr. Austin replied by planning ahead.
Councilman Prater asked how he'd handle safety on the job and Mr. Austin replied
with safety meetings scheduled monthly and possibly more often and safety is
the #1 factor and it can be very expensive.
Councilman Prater asked what salary he's looking for and Mr. Austin replied
he'd like to be considered in the range of Earl Copeland's salary before he
got his last raise, equivalent to other Department Heads. Councilman Prater
asked if he'd agree to 6-months probation and Mr. Austin replied he'd prefer
not to but if it's the desire of Council, he'd consider it. He asked what the
probation is and City Clerk Martinez replied it's for 6 months and insurance
benefits are after 30 or 60 days. Mr. Austin agreed to 6 months for the job.
Councilman Rotundo stated that this position includes refuse, streets, paving
and all general work, and he asked if he's familiar with these aspects.
Mr. Austin replied that he's familiar with the construction end of it, and
road paving, and maintenance he has a good feeling about, but the refuse
he'll need help with and Mike Tenney can help with that.
Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd gone into business for himself and Mr. Austin
replied no he tried to but the County had other plans, and he'd planned to
open a shell pit.
Councilman Mitchum pointed
if that would be a problem.
accepted he would not make
Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd had a problem in a supervisory capacity
and Mr. Austin reviewed his past experience as a supervisor, noting that he
was a supervisor over a union group and had one grievance filed in 7 years.
out there's a big money drop from Tarmac and asked
Mr. Austin explain that when he left Tarmac, he
that money, and the family can live in the low
Ronnie C. Austin, Edgewater, Florida (Continued) -
Councilman Asting noted that a lot of his job will be public relations and
he'll have a lot of complaints from people and will have to handle them
well or it comes back to Council. Mr. Austin said he feels he can handle
citizens' complaints and the last 7 or 8 years as Sales Manager, that was
his major function to handle customer complaints.
Councilman Asting asked where he's working now and Mr. Austin replied at
Florida Mine Company in Daytona, which used to be Quillian.
Councilman Asting asked if he has had experience in preparing a budget and
Mr. Austin replied yes, with Maule and with Lehigh. Councilman Asting asked
if he'd lived within that budget and Mr. Austin replied pretty much so
because he didn't have a lot of choice.
Councilman Asting asked if he's familiar with the road paving we're doing
and Mr. Austin replied yes. Councilman Asting asked if he'd supervised
this type of paving before and Mr. Austin replied no. Mayor Baugh asked
if he's familiar with the equipment they're using to put the surface down
and Mr. Austin replied yes, but he hasn't dealt with the paving machine.
Councilman Asting asked about soil cement and Mr. Austin replied he's had
previous experience with that. Mayor Baugh asked how that holds up with
regular black top and Mr. Austin replied it holds up in Florida but in the
summer the black top tends to reach a melting point and is easily damaged then.
Councilman Mitchum stated that he's heard people say they wouldn't have this
job and it's a puppet of the Council. He asked how he views that and what
steps he'd take to be his own department. Mr. Austin replied that he'd like
to know what Council expects from him on the job, and then it would be up to
him to try to satisfy everyone and get the job done properly. Mayor Baugh
asked if he'd argue if he thinks something's wrong and Mr. Austin replied yes.
Councilman Asting asked if he'd accept their decision and Mr. Austin replied
yes. There was a discussion about the process of paving the streets and the
finished product.
Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd make any changes,such as site preparation,
with the way the City is doing the streets. Mr. Austin replied he hasn't
totally observed the road from start to finish and he'd like to observe it
closer. Mayor Baugh asked if he can use surveying equipment and Mr. Austin
replied he can use a transit.
Councilman Rotundo asked about when people call in sick and Mr. Austin
replied that after a period of time he'll have a back up man for each
position and they'll be trained for more than one job. He said he'd like
to see a doctor's excuse, and after the second time they'd have a serious
talk, and there wouldn't be a third time.
Councilman Asting pointed out that during emergencies, such as hurricanes,
trees could come down, and he asked how he'd handle a tree falling across
the roadway. Mr. Austin replied he'd go out as soon as notified and make a
decision and the time wouldn't bother him at all.
City Clerk Martinez asked what notice he required if he's selected and Mr.
Austin replied he'd like to give 2 weeks notice, which is fair to the employer.
Councilman Asting asked what salary he'd expect and Mr. Austin replied he
read in the paper that the Parks Superintendent has a salary of $22,500.
Councilman Asting pointed out those people have been here for awhile. Mr.
Austin said he understands that but he doesn't feel this job is less important
and he'd like to keep it close to that range. Councilman Rotundo agreed they
want to get the salary up as fast as they can but they could start at $20,500.
and at 6 months they'd give a raise. Mr. Austin agreed he could live with that.
Mayor Baugh noted that would be during probation. Mr. Austin said if understood
he could expect an elevation to a certain amount at the end of a satisfactory
-2- Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
William F. Black, Daytona Beach, Florida was the second applicant to be
interviewed. Mayor Baugh advised him of the procedures for the interviews.
Councilman Prater asked why he'd applied for this position. Mr. Black
replied that he'd always wanted a job like this. He said he'd applied at
Deland but didn't get that job. He added that he'd worked for Truxmore and
traveled the state of Florida and worked closely with the Public Works
Directors and that type of people. He stated that with his background
and experience he could do the job very well and needs a chance to do it.
He said it's not too far from his present home but he could move here if
he gets the job.
Councilman Rotundo pointed out this position is over garbage, streets, and
all other functions of the City. He asked if he's qualified to do that and
asked what he did with Truxmore. Mr. Black reviewed his past experience in
the sales line of heavy equipment. Mr. Black said the street department is
no problem and he was raised in construction and did it for 10 years after
high school and he can operate heavy equipment and sold it for 5 years.
He added that he had to be able to control a situation and he handled people.
Mayor Baugh asked if he's familiar with the way the roads are paved here and
Mr. Black replied no. Mayor Baugh reviewed our procedure for paving, using
the City's equipment and contracting out for soil cement.
Mayor Baugh asked about surveying and Mr. Black replied he's not a certified
surveyor but he can survey to suit himself, and he can run grades and read
prints of a house or road.
Councilman Asting asked
office management. Mr.
the budget for the used
office every 3 months.
has never figured it.
Councilman Asting asked how he'd handle irate citizens and Mr. Black
replied that he always handled them all, and won't run to Council with
every little thing. There was a brief discussion about the responsib1ity
for cutting down trees on public or private property.
about preparation of a budget and experience in
Black said he had to handle the budget and put in
equipment and new equipment and he mailed it to his
He added that he's seen the budgets for the city but
Councilman Asting asked where he's working now and Mr. Black replied he
just left Aquarius because he wanted to be able to go to work when he's needed.
Councilman Asting asked how he'd handle emergencies after working hours,
like a tree falling across the road and blocking it. Mr. Black replied
they have to get it off the road first. Councilman Asting asked if he'd
object to being called out and Mr. Black replied no.
Councilman Mitchum stated he'd be working with Council and would have 5
different opinions sometimes and he asked what he sees as an advantage or
a fault. Mr. Black said he'd have to use common sense. Mayor Baugh asked
what he'd do if Council asked him to do something and he felt it was wrong.
Mr. Black replied he'd discuss it with them and he'd do it if they wanted it
done because they're the bosses.
Councilman Mitchum asked what money he's expecting and Mr. Black replied
$19,000.,$20,000.,or $21,000. is fine. Councilman Mitchum asked about a
6-month probation and Mr. Black replied he'd be glad to do it.
Mayor Baugh asked if he knew anyone in Edgewater and Mr. Black replied
he knew Earl Copeland, Everett Wilcox, and Mike Tenney.
Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd have a problem moving here and Mr. Black
replied no. Councilman Mitchum asked when he'd be available to go to work
and Mr. Black replied immediately.
Councilman Prater asked about safety on the job and Mr. Black replied safety
is very important, especially in equipment handling and fuel. He added they
need a safety program and if the City doesn't have one, he'll instigate one.
Mayor Baugh noted we're self-insured so we have to.
Councilman Mitchum asked about any problems with discipline and Mr. Black
replied he never had any.
Mr. Black asked if the City has an engineer and Mayor Baugh replied we have three.
Mr. Black displayed his chauffeur's license and high school diploma and sub-
mitted some certificates for past accomplishments. Councilman Asting asked
how he stands with Truxmore and Mr. Black invited them to call Truxmore for
Mayor Baugh thanked him for coming and advised him the City Clerk will contact
him regarding Council's decision.
Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
Robert D. Holderby, Edgewater, Florida, was the third applicant to be inter-
viewed. Mayor Baugh advised him of the procedures for the interview.
Councilman Asting noted that he's strong on management and Mr. Holderby agreed
he had considerable management experience and he reviewed various locations
and circumstances. Councilman Asting asked if he'd handled equipment in the
service and Mr. Holderby replied he hadn't handled much but he had a business
in Kentucky and they did a lot of repair work on equipment, which was mostly
mining equipment. Councilman Asting asked if he's working now and Mr. Holderby
replied no.
Councilman Mitchum pointed out this job will be a lot of public relations
and a lot of public pressure by citizens and some placed on the 5 Council
members. He asked how he'd handle it and if he sees any problems with it.
Mr. Holderby replied he's had pressures in various circumstances, including
his own personal business, and you can't keep everyone happy but you have to
pacify as many as possible. He added that he left the business because he
wanted to move to Florida and chose this area to settle in and he hopes to
work 10 or 15 years.
Councilman Rotundo stated this job is garbage and streets. He asked if he's
familiar with the way we do our paving. Mr. Holderby said he'd seen it on
Orange Tree and it's a sand soil mixture. He reviewed how the process is
done up north. Mayor Baugh asked if he's familiar with the equipment we have
for the road and Mr. Holderby replied no, he hasn't seen it and doesn't know
what we have.
Councilman Prater asked about safety on the job and Mr. Holderby replied that
safety is #1 and the budget is the biggest factor if a man is injured and off
work. He added that they had a major safety program in the service. Mayor
Baugh asked what rank he held and Mr. Holderby replied Chief Master.
Councilman Prater asked why he'd applied for this job and Mr. Holderby replied
he felt it was a challenge and he can do something for the area as he plans
to live here and become a part of the community.
Councilman Asting asked if he's familiar with budgeting on annual basis and
Mr. Holderby replied he's familiar with the annual budget and projections and
he ran a budget on a quarterly basis, but it was an annual budget.
Mayor Baugh thanked him for coming and asked how long he'd been in Edgewater.
Mr. Holderby replied since September 15th and he's renting but looking for a
lot to build a house.
Kenneth C. Huber, Edgewater, Florida, was the fourth applicant to be interviewed.
Mayor Baugh advised him of the procedures for the interview.
Councilman Rotundo stated this position has the responsibility for garbage,
maintenance, streets, and culverts. He asked if he's familiar with this type
of position. Mr. Hubert replied he's familiar with buildings and grounds
and factory equipment.
Councilman Prater asked why he applied for this position. Mr. Huber replied
he moved to Edgewater l~ years ago and would like to be a part of the community
and work in the community. He added that he likes to work with people and try
to make what he's doing more efficient and better. Councilman Mitchum asked
if he's working now and Mr. Huber replied he's job shopping.
Councilman Rotundo asked if his last job was at the air base and Mr. Huber
replied yes and May of this year he left. Councilman Mitchum asked why he
left and Mr. Huber explained his duties there and that he was offered a transfer
to California but he chose not to do that and took the layoff.
Councilman Prater asked about safety on the job and Mr. Huber replied it's
one of the most challenging things on a job because you must constantly be
aware of it and continuously bring it up by safety meetings. He added that
they can motivate people to do a job easier than to motivate them to do it safely.
-4- Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
Kenneth C. Huber, Edgewater, Florida (Continued) -
Councilman Asting asked about paper work and administrative experience.
Mr. Huber said he's had it to some extent and he reviewed some of his
duties in his last job.
Councilman Asting pointed out part of the job is to handle
public relations and he'll have irate citizens complaining
critical of his performance. He asked how he'd handle it.
replied each situation has to be handled with that person.
Councilman Asting asked about emergency situations and if he'd be available
at all times and all hours. Mr. Huber replied yes and he lives here.
Mayor Baugh asked if he's familiar with the budgeting system we have and had
experience with budgets. Mr. Huber replied he prepared costs and submitted
them to be approved, but not the budget.
the public and
and highly
Mr. Huber
Mayor Baugh asked about surveying and Mr. Huber replied he does some align-
ment work but he's not a professional surveyor.
Councilman Rotundo asked if he's familiar with our paving program and Mr
Huber replied he has seen some of it but he doesn't know the general plan.
Mayor Baugh asked what machinery he's familiar with and can operate. Mr
Huber replied most machine tools and small trucks and fork lifts, but not
heavy equipment. He added he has a lot of experience with hydraulics.
Councilman Mitchum asked what he expects for a salary and Mr. Huber
said it's difficult to say until he sees what the job responsibilities
are. Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd have a problem with working in
the $19-22,000 range as advertised and Mr. Huber agreed. Mayor Baugh asked
if he'd object to a 6-month probation and Mr. Huber replied no.
Councilman Asting pointed out this department is responsible for pick up of
garbage and trash, paving of roads, cleaning out drainage ditches and that
type of thing. Councilman Prater noted they make signs and install them.
City Clerk Martinez added they also maintain City vehicles. Mr. Huber said
he understands priorities and Fire and Police would be repaired first and
he feels he can handle irate citizens and keep his cool unless they're
totally unreasonable.
Mayor Baugh advised him he'd be contacted by the City Clerk when Council
has made their selection.
Michael S. Wojchick, Deland, Florida, was the fifth applicant to be inter-
viewed. Mayor Baugh advised him of the procedures for the interview.
Councilman Mitchum asked where he's working now and Mr. Wocjhick replied
he's presently unemployed and moved here from New Hampshire and is living
in Deland and putting out resumes.
Councilman Mitchum asked what type construction he was in with his own company.
Mr. Wojchick replied water lines, septic systems, and rubbish for a City and
for private industry and factories.
Councilman Mitchum asked if he's familiar with what this job is and Mr.
Wocjchick replied only from the newspaper clipping.
Mayor Baugh asked if he's familiar with the way we construct our roads with
soil cement, oil and stone. Mr. Wojchick replied he's familiar with the
process and they have the gravel type of material up North but he's willing
to learn this. There was a discussion about the process here compared to
in the North.
Councilman Asting noted that he was Water and Sewer Superintendent and Mr.
Wojchick said he built a 2 million dollar water treatment plant while there.
Councilman Asting asked if he's licensed in Florida and Mr. Wojchick replied
he has applied but he has to work here. Councilman Rotundo asked what class
he was and Mr. Wojchick replied Class 4 which is the best they can get in his
state. He added that he also has a Class 2 in wastewater. He said he's
worked with a crew and worked up budgets. Councilman Mitchum asked if he's
familiar with annual budgets and Mr. Wojchick replied yes for municipalities
and for his own.
-5- Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
Michael S. Wojchick, Deland, FLorida (Continued) -
Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd commute here from Deland or if he'd move
and Mr. Wojchick replied he's probably move.
Councilman Asting asked if he'd looked at our utility facility and Mr. Wojchick
replied he drove past but didn't go in.
Councilman Prater asked what he'd expect in salary and Mr. Wojchick replied
the range is sufficient and it will increase with time as they increase the
cost of living. Councilman Mitchum asked about a 6-month probation and Mr.
Wojchick replied that wouldn't be a problem.
Councilman Mitchum noted that he dealt with the public in Hinsdale and Mr.
Wojchick said he worked with a Commission, who were his direct bosses, but he
had to meet with the people in the town at a town meeting once a year and
answer their questions. Mr. Wojchick added that he worked for federal and state
funding. Councilman Mitchum asked if he got the federal funding and Mr. Wojchick
replied yes, and the state levels here are different from New Hampshire but it
can be learned.
Councilman Prater asked about safety on the job and Mr. Wojchick replied he
endorses it 100% and he's never had a serious accident on the job. He added
that he'd rather take extra time to get it done right and safely.
Councilman Mitchum stated that he'd be handling about 40 employees and he asked
if he has had a problem with discipline. Mr. Wojchick replied he's had about
20 employees at one time and was an Assistant Fire Chief for many years and
there were more than 40. He added that he can usually talk things out.
Mayor Baugh asked how he'd handle a man calling in sick all the time and
Mr. Wojchick replied he didn't think there would be a problem there but it
would depend on if were a permitted or not permitted absence.
Councilman Asting asked how long he's been here and Mr. Wojchick replied about
a year, but he's been coming down for about 15 years. Councilman Asting asked
if he'd applied to Deland's Public Works or Utilities Departments and Mr.
Wojchick replied their open positions were laborers, but he has applied to D.O.T.
Councilman Asting asked if he'd object to his application also going to our
Utilities Department, which is Water and Wastewater. Mr. Wojchick replied no,
but he wouldn't want to work for minimum wage if he has to travel or relocate,
but would like something that has room for advancement.
Mayor Baugh thanked him for coming and advised him he would hear from the City
Clerk with Council's decision.
Harriel Woodby, Orlando, Florida, was the sixth and last applicant to be inter-
viewed. Mayor Baugh advised him of the interview procedures.
Councilman Rotundo asked if he's familiar with what this job incurs and Mr.
Woodby replied yes. Councilman Rotundo pointed out he'd be over streets, refuse,
culverts and ditches, cutting grass, and there are about 40 employees. He
asked if he's capable of doing this. Mr. Woodby replied yes.
Mayor Baugh asked what experience he's had in supervising people and the amount
of people he's supervised. Mr. Woodby replied the largest group was 150 employees
and that was maintaining grounds, sprinklers, mechanics, welders, and electricians
and taking care of the plant. He added that in the summer they had about 200
with the truck drivers. Mayor Baugh asked what company that was and Mr. Woodby
replied it was a company in Detroit.
Councilman Prater asked if he's employed now and Mr. Woodby replied no, he sold
his business about 6 months ago. Councilman Prater asked why he'd applied for
this job and Mr. Woodby replied he has to be working and not laying around.
Mayor Baugh asked if he's familiar with budgets for municipalities and Mr.
Woodby replied not as a municipality, but in the private sector. Mayor Baugh
asked what size budget he worked with and Mr. Woodby replied about 22 million
dollars of equipment and the last job was about $500,000.
-6- Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
.. .. ~.
Harriel Woodby, Orlando, Florida (Continued) -
Councilman Rotundo asked if he's worked with paving before and Mr. Woodby
replied he supervised parking lots and street and curbs and gutters in a
Gainesville housing project. Councilman Rotundo asked if he's familiar with
paving and Mr. Woodby replied yes. Councilman Rotundo asked if he'd seen our
paving and Mr. Woodby replied no. Councilman Rotundo reviewed the process used
by the City, and Mr. Woodby said he's seen this done.
Councilman Rotundo asked if he lives in Florida and Mr. Woodby replied in
Orlando. Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd move to Edgewater and Mr. Woodby
replied yes. Councilman Mitchum asked if he'd have a problem with the 6-month
probation and Mr. Woodby replied no. Councilman Mitchum asked if there's a
problem with the salary range and Mr. Woodby replied no.
Councilman Prater asked how he'd handle working scheduling, by pre-planning
or day to day and Mr. Woodby replied he'd pre-plan and have weekly meetings
with foremen and other supervisors.
Councilman Prater asked about safety on the job and Mr. Woodby said he's a
nut on safety and was Safety Manager at Peabody.
Councilman Asting asked if he'd supervised paving crews and Mr. Woodby replied
yes. Councilman Asting reviewed the type of paving we do and Mr. Woodby
said he's done that in the housing project in Gainesville. Mayor Baugh asked
if he feels it's a good way of paving and Mr. Woodby replied yes, for Florida.
Mayor Baugh asked if he can do surveying and Mr. Woodby replied he can use a
level and transit, but he's not a surveyor. Mayor Baugh asked if he can shoot
a grade on a street and Mr. Woodby replied yes.
Councilman Asting reviewed that this job covers trash and garbage, street
maintenance and repairs, and an incinerator to burn trash, and asked if he'd
have a problem with that. Mr. Woodby replied no, he's had experience with
garbage handling. Councilman Asting added they also maintain drainage ditches
which sometimes flood with heavy rains. Mr. Woodby said he has no problem there.
Mayor Baugh asked about his engineering background and Mr. Woodby replied he
had 2 years college engineering and studies through ICS. Mayor Baugh thanked
him for coming and advised him the City Clerk will notify him of Council's decision.
Mayor Baugh called a short recess at 8:31 P.M. He called the meeting back to
order at 8:36 P.M.
Council members discussed each applicant and did a ranking of their selections.
Mayor Baugh's listing was: I-Ronnie Austin, 2-Michael Wojchick, and 3-Robert
Holderby. Councilman Rotundo's selections were: I-Ronnie Austin, 2-Kenneth
Huber, and 3-Harriel Woodby. Councilman Prater's selections were: I-Ronnie Austin;
2-Michael Wojchick, 3-Harriel Woodby, and 4-William Black. Councilman Asting's
selections were: I-Ronnie Austin, 2-Michael Wojchick, 3-Harriel Woodby, and
4-William Black. Councilman Mitchum's selections were: I-Michael Wojchick,
2-Ronnie Austin, 3-Kenneth Huber, and 4-William Black.
Mayor Baugh stated that Ronnie Austin is the first choice and he asked for a
motion to contact him and offer him the position at $20,500 for the first 6
months and salary after that will be negotiated. Councilman Asting so moved.
Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Asting asked if they need a
take it. Mayor Baugh pointed out that
and it was agreed. Councilman Mitchum
the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
back up in the event Mr. Austin doesn't
Michael Wojchick would be second choice
so moved. Councilman Asting seconded
Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987
. -'
.. ," ..
Interviews and selection of Public Works Superintendent (Continued) -
Councilman Rotundo pointed out that Ronnie Austin can't start working for
two weeks. City Clerk Martinez stated that Mike Tenney is handling it.
Council members agreed that Mike Tenney would have been their first choice
if he'd been willing to accept it.
Mayor Baugh requested a motion to adjourn. Councilman Rotundo so moved.
Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Lura Sue Koser
~ (3+
Approved this 2nd day of
~~:~zy <0 ~~
-8- Council Special Meeting Minutes
January 12, 1987