08-18-1988 - Budget Workshop
AUGUST 18, 1988
Mayor Baugh called the Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater Library.
He stated the purpose was for budget workshop review for fiscal year 1988-1989.
Mayor Earl Baugh
Councilman Louis Rotundo
Councilman Russell Prater
Councilman Neil Asting
Councilman David Mitchum
City Attorney Jose' Alvarez
Interim City Manager Dennis Kelly
Acting City Clerk Susan Wadsworth
Chief Lawrence Schumaker
Also present were: Carl Overstreet, Public Works Superintendent; Karen Rickelman,
Finance Officer; Terry Wadsworth; Utilities Superintendent.
Mr. Kelly explained that the first item to be gone over would be Water and Wastewater.
He went on to say that he has 10 to 15 items to finish in General Fund.
Mr. Kelly went over page 82, the Water and Wastewater Budget. He explained the offset
of line items .31 and .51. He explained the offset from the transfer of Utility
tax from Water and Wastewater to General Fund. Mr. Kelly continued by stating line
items .1,.2, and .4 have been zeroed out.
Mr. Kelly went on to page 84, Personnel. There would be 1 person added, Water plant
Mr. Kelly went on to page 83, .64 Machinery and Equipment. Mr. Wadsworth explained
the need for the gasoline weed eater. He also explained the increase in line item
.52 Operating Supplies.
Mr. Kelly went on to page 8u, the Field Operations Sch~du~e. Mr. Wadsworth went over
the additions and changes to the sheet. He went on to say that the Water Distribution
Tech. will have to go to a State certification program for the position.
Mr. Kelly went on to page 86, Water and Wastewater, Field Operations, Line item .46
Repair and Maint. Services have come down from last year. Mr. Wadsworth explained
the reason being that the work on the elevated tanks was in the 88 budget and that the
work is not an annual expense. Line item .64 Machinery and Equipment, Mr. Wadsworth
stated he has put in for two new trucks to replace a 1987 Chevy and a 1967 Ford.
Mr. Kelly stated the next item requested is an IBM Personal Typing System. Mr. Wadsworth
stated this will replace the Tandy 1000. Mr. Kelly went on to page 90, request for 2
two way radios, and a gas power saw. There was a brief discussion on the saw.
Mr. Kelly went on to Wastewater, page 93, Personnel. There was no change in personnel.
Page 92 was then discussed. Mr. Kelly stated that most of this budget is lower than
last year. He then went on to Machinery and Equipment, on page 94 he noted a Digital
ph Meter. Mr. Wadsworth explained the need for the equipment.
Mr. Kelly went on to discuss supplement page
went on to page 97. Mr. Wadsworth explained
Kelly advanced to page 98 and discussed it.
95, the Self Insurance breakdown.
the changes in the proposed budget.
No questions on this portion.
Mr. Kelly went on to Refuse Collection Fund, page 100 under line item 272.01 Retained
Earnings, it being reduced from $87,072. to $77,072.,the $10,000. difference going to
Self Insurance Fund. The total being changed from $608,572. to $598,572. He went
on to page 101 to change line item .50 from $20,000. to $10,000.,total would change
from $608,572. to $598,572. Mr. Overstreet discussed the cost increase and the
future of the landfill.
Mr. Kelly went on to page 101 and 102. Page 102, Personnel Schedule adding one
additional person, Maint. Service Worker II; that department will now have 19 people.
He went back to page 101 and discussed the figures. He added that the Refuse Dept.
has the highest risk for workmans compo He discussed the reason for the high risk in
that department.
Mr. Kelly went on to line items .36, page 101,_ and went into the reason why it
was increased. Also line item .37 was discussed, the reason for it being higher
than last year. Mr. Overstreet spoke on the new truck that he is purchasing.
There was some discussion on the tractors and trailers the City is now using.
Mr. Overstreet stated that next year we will have to go out for a new trailer.
Mr. Kelly went on to discuss line item .50, Transfer for Reserve for Equiptment.
Mr. Kelly asked Mr. Overstreet to explain the new garbage route. Mr. Overstreet
spoke on the new developments that will yield an additional route. Mr. Kelly
went on to discuss changing line item .37 from $27,000. for $20,000. and putting
the additional $7,000. in line item .50, changing it from $34,800. to $41,800.
Mr. Kelly went over the Machinery and Equipment requests for refuse, a radio for
$600. and an IBM typewriter for $650.; the typewriter is a replacement.
Mr. Kelly went on to page 106, the Self Insurance Fund. He instructed the Council
to line thru 381.1, 381.4 and 381.47 and half each one. 381.1 from $220,000 ~to
$110.000. 381.4 from $60,000. to $30,000. and 381.47 from $20,000. to $10,000.
this is the $300,000. contribution reduced to $150,000. this coming year. He went
on to discuss this change. He then went to page 107 to discuss the different
line items. He asked the Council to change the retained earnings at the bottom
of the page for $313,550. to $163,550. Bottom line will become $210,000. Mayor
Baugh asked what the new total would be in the Self Insurance Fund. Mrs. Rickelman
stated $780,000.00 is in the fund now.
Mr. Kelly went back to the items that were brought up at the last budget workshop
meeting. He handed out supplements to be added to the draft budget. To refresh the
Council members there were 17 items and all have been followed up except for four
items. Mr. Kelly went on to say as those were completed he would pass them on to
the Council. Mr. Kelly also passed out the follow up material.
The first item discussed was the Survey of Self Insurance in other Cities in the
County. Mr. Kelly stated Ormond Beach is the only other City with a true Self
Insurance Program. Mr. Kelly stated the information on land purchase had not
been completed yet, but as soon as this is developed, it will be distributed. Mr.
Kelly went over the City Manager~request for dictating equipment. He discussed
the use of the equipment and the benefit it will be to him and the City. The next
item that was passed out was the cost of a full time Attorney. Mr. Kelly went into
a lengthy discussion on a full time Attorney's cost from around the County, he also
discussed the possibilities of in the future hiring a retired judge as opposed to a
young attorney. He went on to say that by hiring a retired judge he would have the
experience needed to go over our code and updating it. He stated that he had spoken
to the City Attorney on this matter and that the retired judge was his suggestion.
He concluded by saying that the City needs a full time attorney but not this year,
he feels the City needs to fill other slots before the hiring of a full time City
Attorney or Engineer. He continued that the City stay with a part time attorney
until we get a Finance Director and Personnel Director. Next item passed out was for
the City Engineer. He spoke of the need for a full time Engineer and the personnel
and equipment cost for this position. Councilman Mitchum asked if the City did go
for a full time Engineer,would the services such as Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt
be needed. Mr. Kelly explained that on projects of that size you will need more than
anin~ouse Engineer. Mr. Kelly then handed out the material on the Dispatchers
console. Chief Shumaker explained the need for this equipment. He also discussed
the add-on ability of this equipment. The cost of the console,$10,OOO. Mr. Kelly
stated that the report on the land for the South Fire Station was not ready as of
yet. He will get it to the Council as soon as it is complete. Mr. Kelly asked that Fire
Chief Carson explain the need for the additional bunker gear and air packs. Mr.
Kelly passed out supplement pages 40 and 41,also passed out Code Enforcement" pages
50 and 51. There was some discussion on the moving of the Fire Inspector from
Code Enforcement to Fire and Rescue. He went on to discuss the 4 proposed positions
for the Fire Department. Mayor Baugh discussed his feeling with the creation of
a paid Fire Department. He also explained his feelings with moving the Fire Inspector
out of Code Enforcement into the Fire Department. There was some discussion on setting
up job discriptions and job classifications for the department and how the slots would
be filled. There was more discussion on the present Volunteers and their qualifications.
Supplement page 40 was discussed and it included the cost of 5 employees added to the
Fire and Rescue Budget,changing the total from $203,888. to 332,942.
Council Workshop Minutes
August 18, 1988
Mayor Baugh asked if the Fire Department could just start out with one employee and
build on year after year. This was discussed with the Fire Chief. Mr. Kelly spoke on
the extra projection of moving the Utility Tax over to General Fund and that this
isan ideal time to start this Department out as full time paid department. There
was some discussion on the I.S.O.rating and how the rating will change. His final
recommendation in choosing to lower the millage rate,bringing it down to 4.7 or
leaving itat5.3, would be to leave it at 5.3 and have a paid Fire Department.
At this time the Mayor called for a five minute break. 9:00 P.M.
Mayor Baugh called the meeting back to order at 9:17 P.M.
Mr. Kelly stated that the next question he had to answer was, is the Chief Building
Official certified or not. Mr. Kelly stated that he has been qualified since
June of 84, at that time the Southern Standard Building Code Congress certified him.
Mr. Kelly went over all the certifications that Mr. Fischer has in his file. He
also discussed Florida Statute Chapter 553 reference to Building Officials.
Mr. Kelly passed out the new road construction for Turgot. He went on to discuss
this report. Mr. Kelly also handed out a road resurfacing memo from Mr. Overstreet
to go over at the same time as the road construction of Turgot. This report was
reviewed with the Council. Mr. Kelly added that if Turgot was added to the road
resurfacing report we would need to add $12,000. or $15,000. plus, or subtract some
of the streets on the resurfacing report. Mayor Baugh stated that Turgot resurfacing
is a must. The Council agreed to add Turgot as a priority. Mr. Kelly stated he would
work this up in the report and get it back to the Council. It was added that it would
be done on an assessment basis. Mr. Kelly stated he had not gotten the information
gathered on FI~gler Ave. When information is gathered it will be passed on to the
Council. He stated the same for the tennis windscreen prices. Next he went over
the Playground equipment for 2 one-half acre neighborhood parks. This report was
passed around and discussed,the price for the equipment would be $10,000. Mr. Kelly
went on to discuss and pass around the report on the Seasonal Decorations. The report
stated that it is more cost feasible to purchase Christmas decorations than to lease
them. Mr. Kelly asked Mrs. Rickelman to pass out her information and speak on the
needs for the IBM PC2 Model 30. She went on to explain the use and need for
the equipment, she stated that it was compatible to the existing hardware. She
stated that her screen would go to front office for the cashiers to use. The cost of
this IBM Computer would be $4,681. The computer source was discussed and Mrs. Rickelman
stated the Fiscal Information is our existing computer source and this is the equipment
they recommend to be compatible with what we already are using. The Police Department
adjustment to an additional person was discussed and supplement page 30 was passed out.
This would make the personnel go from 30 to 31 in that department. Mr. Kelly handed
out supplement page 27,Other Governmental Services, this page was discussed. Councilman
Prater asked the Police Chief to explain the duties of the new personnel. Chief
Schumaker discussed what duties the traffic officer would be doing. There was some
discussion on getting a motorcycle, Chief explained his feeling for not having a
motorcycle for this position. Councilman Prater asked about the overtime in the
Police Department. Chief Schumaker explained the reason for the overtime, and he
went into explaining this overtime should go down slightly when the new station is
completed with a holding cell.
Mayor Baugh asked if there was anything else and if not the Council should go over
all the material and the budget itself and bring back any questions to the next
budget workshop.
There was a discussion on when the next workshop would be held. It was decided that
it would be held on Monday, August 29, in the Library at 7:00 P.M.
Coucnilman Mitchum motioned to adjourn seconded by Councilman Prater.
Adjourn 9:47 P.M.
Minutes submitted by: Susan J. Wadswo~th
Council Workshop Minutes
August 18, 1988
Signature page only for Council Workshop of August 18, 1988, minutes:
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Approved thi'.~ day of
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-4- Council Workshop Minutes
August 18, 1988