03-13-2003 '-" ...., CITY OF EDGEW A TER RECREATION/CULTURAL SERVICES BOARD MARCH 13, 2003 6:30 PM EDGEW ATER CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER Mr. Tipton called the meeting to order. Those present were Mike Visconti, Jo Hagan, Joe Fishback, Diane Trout, Kat Bearsley and Tom Tipton. Also present was Jack Corder, Director of Leisure Services and Adelaide Carter, liaison from the Economic Development Board. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mrs. Trout moved to approve the minutes of the January 9,2003 meeting and Mrs. Hagan seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. NEW BUSINESS Project Update Mr. Corder stated his department has been working to install the irrigation on the Boulevard. He said they have approximately 180 sprinkler heads in on the south side so far. He said there will be $100,000. available for plants and he also has to consider the maintenance cost. Mrs Hagan asked who will design the plan and Mr. Corder replied it will be a landscape architect. Mr. Corder stated he finally got the final easement for the footbridge on the Riverwalk. He said they have some oleanders to take out and then that project can move forward. He said the baUfields are under construction now. The field leveling is done. The sprigging is done and also the fence and dugouts are being installed. He stated once he gets the $368,000. from the ECHO Grant funds, that will pay for the restrooms, the ballfield lighting, the amphitheater, and a concrete trail which will go back as far the office. Mrs. Bearsley asked if we will be getting a traffic light on the comer of U.S. 1 and Turgot and Mr. Corder replied he has been trying to get DOT to do that for years and by their standards there is not enough traffic to warrant it. Mr. Corder said the floating dock will be delivered next week and that project should be completed in April at Kennedy Park. He said the Library parking lot was complete with only a few issues remaining. Recreation/CulturaJ Services Board March 2003 Minutes 1 '-" ...., Adopt-A-Park Program Mr. Corder stated this was on the agenda for the next Council meeting. He passed out a map and a form letter that we would send out to businesses. He did a cost analysis for maintenance and supplies to come up with the prices to adopt the medians. Mrs. Hagan suggested the Board could do follow up calls after the letters were received. Mr. Visconti moved, (after Council approval), to send the letters to the businesses, and the Board would then divide up the contacts and give follow up calls to generate interest. Mrs. Hagan seconded the motion and it CARRIED 6-0. MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Hagan stated that Mr. Corder had spoken to the Edgewater Landing Garden Club and since then many have signed up to weed and clean up Menard Park. She said thanks to Kathy Fishback, the Edgewater Landing Garden Club has officially adopted Menard Park. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Fishback moved to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Trout. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall Recreation/Cultural Services Board March 2003 Minutes 2