01-13-1988 - Regular o \ Q CITY COUNCIL OF EDGEWATER REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 13, 1988 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Baugh called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor Earl Baugh Councilman Louis Rotundo Councilman Russell Prater Councilman Neil Asting Present Present Present Present Councilman David Mitchum City Attorney Jose'Alvarez City Clerk Connie Martinez Chief Lawrence Schumaker Present Present Present Present Also present were the City's other Department Heads: Terry A. Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent; Mike Tenney, Acting Public Works Superintendent; David Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Superintendent; and Dennis Fischer, Building Official/Code Enforcement Officer. INVOCATION, SALUTE TO THE FLAG Reverend Harvey Hardin, retired Methodist minister, delivered the invocation. There was a salute to the Flag. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Public Hearing of January 4, 1988 - Councilman Prater moved they approve the minutes of January 4, 1988. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Regular Meeting of January 4, 1988 - Councilman Asting moved they adopt the minutes of January 4th. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS Councilman Rotundo moved to pay these bills. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. MISCELLANEOUS Harold Hardester, 817 Egret Court, said several weeks ago Council postponed a building permit for Belmont Plaza and he's heard nothing further about when they would have a meeting with the developer. He noted that they'd like to finalize this as soon as possible because of the inconvenience to the man. Mayor Baugh requested the City Attorney's comments. City Attorney Alvarez replied that it will be listed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of Council to review the actions of the Planning and Zoning Board. He added that the developer will be advised and the representatives and they'll hear the pro's and con's of granting the cut onto Falcon Avenue. Mr. Hardester asked if it will be the next Council meeting and City Attorney Alvarez replied yes. Mayor Baugh explained that this is a legal matter and meeting with the representatives and the developer would not accomplish anything because it has to be accomplished here, and the meeting will be February 1st. Mr. Hardester asked if the salary raise and dispute for the Police officer was resolved and Mayor Baugh replied yes, and the City Clerk turned it over to the Merit Board for a clarification of that point in question. Mr. Hardester stated that Beverly Kinney has put in a lot of time and done a lot of work and he wondered if she was given another title on the departure of Lynne Plaskett on a temporary basis. Mayor Baugh said he doesn't think she was. City Attorney Alvarez explained that the departure of Lynne Plaskett is not final, legally speaking. Mr. Hardester asked if her duties increased and did her job title change, making her in a position for a larger increase. City Attorney Alvarez replied that he doesn't know about her duties changing, but there's an advertisement for a Planner and for the position that Mrs. Plaskett held, and her departure is still under legal scrutiny and under that kind of volatile atmosphere, is why they'd keep it status quo. o o MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) - Jim Kitzler, Port Ritchie, owner of 109 East Park Avenue, said he was contacted about leasing the building for a child care center and he talked to Lynne about this and was told all he had to do was have the Fire Marshall check the building. He said the Fire Marshall checked it and the building is okay and he was contacted that everything was fine so he gave 30 days notice to those who leased the building to evacuate. He said when the man came down for a permit to open the day care center, he was told he needed five parking places paved on that parking space. He pointed out that the people in there before have moved out and he has no income. He said he understands they want the parking area paved now but he has an empty building and after 15 days he won't have fire insurance and the man wants to start his business. He asked if they could have a license issued and give him 5 or 6 months to get the parking lot paved. He said he was also told the limits for parking spaces and that after 1,000 feet the Engineer has to design the parking lot, which will cost $2,000 to $3,000. He asked if he can get under with the 1,000 feet and pave it in 5 months. Mayor Baugh noted that he'd talked with the City Attorney about this. City Attorney Alvarez explained he received a call and found the building was being used as a rehab center and when those tenants came to use the building they were not required to pave the parking lot, even though the ordinance went into effect on August 4, 1986, and the license was issued in September for those tenants. He added that he doesn't know the reason for that. He stated that when the new prospective tenants came in, someone from the City represented that no paving was required, so Council has to determine if that happened or not. He pointed out that again they have a citizen or an owner who relied on the representation of a public officer, and they take action based on that representation. He said he doesn't know about the engineering requirement. Mr. Kitzler said that Beverly Kinney told him that day that if it was over 1,000 feet of pavement, he needs the engineer layout for water retention, but he just found that out that morning. City Attorney Alvarez said they need to measure the spaces. He noted that in the past they allowed deferrment of the ordinance for unpaved streets but this is on a paved street. Mayor Baugh asked who the City official was and Mr. Kitzler replied Lynne. Mayor Baugh asked when this was and Mr. Kitzler replied about the end of October. Mr. Kitzler pointed out that he would have left the people in the building and had it paved prior to the change if he'd known about it, and now he has no insurance. Gail Wray stated this started in October and it's been a comedy of errors since October 15th. She said she was told it was ready to go and the Fire Marshall sent them to the licensing. She said Lynne told them the owner was sent a letter but he was not sent a letter, and then she said it was in the newspaper, but the man doesn't live here. Mrs. Wray said then she was told that the Mayor and City Attorney wouldn't go along with it. Mayor Baugh asked who told her that and Ms. Wray replied it was Beverly Kinney who told them that day that the City Attorney refused an extension of the parking lot. Mayor Baugh and City Attorney Alvarez discussed with Ms. Wray the prior conversations that had transpired between them. Mr. Kitzler said he'd like some time to get bids. He recalled that about six months ago he was told to put in a fence and it was a $700 amount, but he tries to do everything he can to keep up with the City ordinances. He added that if he'd known about it, he would have taken care of it. Ms. Wray pointed out they wouldn't have had the tenants leave if they'd known about it. Mayor Baugh said if he'd known it was a City official, he'd have given him permission for the building to be used as a day care and it would have been a different story. Mr. Kitzler said he wants to get insurance back on the building and get some one in there to help pay for the parking lot. -2- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988 o u MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) - City Attorney Alvarez asked if he'd have an objection to a conditional license and paving the parking lot in six months, which would be on the face of the license. He noted that they need to look at the Code before they determine the parking amount and that will give them some time. Councilman Mitchum asked when the original contact date was and who called the City. Mr. Kitzler said a man named Mark and Cheryl talked to Lynne about the 15th of October. Councilman Mitchum pointed out that Lynne was terminated September 17th. Mr. Kitzler said that was the name that was given to him, and he's not sure of the exact date as it's been going on for 3 or 4 months. Mayor Baugh asked Mrs. Lynne Plaskett, who was in the audience, if she'd talked to the people about the business and Mrs. Plaskett replied that she vaguely remembers a telephone call about it being a permitted use and it was the proper zoning district. She added that she'd tell people to come in and fill out an application and how many additional spaces they may need. Mr. Kitzler pointed out that the people will stay about five minutes to drop off their children and pick them up. He noted that his wife had run a day care there for a year and a half. Mrs. Plaskett stated that if they change the use, they may need to review that. Councilman Rotundo asked what was in there before and Mayor Baugh replied it was a day school and then A.A. Councilman Rotundo asked how they got by without paving it and City Attorney Alvarez replied the ordinance came into effect in August and the license was issued September 3rd. Mayor Baugh recommended the Council issue the license as the Attorney suggested with it contingent that if it's not paved within six months, the license will be pulled for the non-pavement. Councilman Rotundo questioned why it has to be six months and Mr. Kitzler replied he has to pay taxes and the building is empty. Councilman Mitchum so moved. Councilman Prater seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. City Attorney Alvarez noted that on the face of the license it will state it's subject to paving within six months. Norman Billups, 1860 Pine Tree, asked each Council member and the City Clerk if they have information on a rumor of a telephone campaign stating that this City does not need a professional City Manager and making a statement that Mayor Baugh should be run out of town. Mayor Baugh replied he hasn't heard about it. Mr. Billups said the name submitted to him was Carter. Mr. Mel Wargo, from the audience, said he'd heard that. Mayor Baugh suggested he get on the telephone and campaign for it, if it's his wish, and it won't be the first time they wanted to run him out of town. Frank Roe, 2732 Juniper, referred to the recent accident at U.S.l and Roberts Road due to heavy traffic in that area. He asked if they could place a sign cutting speed from 55 to 40 there. Mayor Baugh replied that it's in the County so they'd need to contact the State D.O.T. and request a survey. Mr. Roe referred to the sign on U.S.l near Indian River Boulevard where it goes to 50 MPH right before the traffic light. Mayor Baugh reviewed the various other times that D.O.T. has been contacted regarding speed limits on the highway, and suggested it might help if they heard from some citizens. COUNCIL/OFFICERS REPORTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES City Council Reports - Mayor Baugh stated he received a letter regarding the Indian River Lagoon and they're asking the City to appoint an elected official and a staff person to the committee. He pointed out they don't have another meeting before January 22nd when they need it, and they've had many meetings with the County and it has to do with the Mosquito Lagoon. He said they've asked Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt if they'd do it as the objectives are to do with drainage and to coordinate the local government comprehensive plan and prioritize, so the engineers would be best suited. City Attorney Alvarez noted they need an elected official also. Mayor Baugh said he'd like to be appointed because he was initially involved with it. Councilman Rotundo so moved. Mayor Baugh asked if that's for Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt representatives from that firm and himself. Councilman Rotundo agreed. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. -3- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988 o o COUNCIL/OFFICERS REPORTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES (Continued) - City Council Reports (Continued) - Mayor Baugh stated they need to set up a meeting to review the Public Works Superintendent and Planning and Zoning Director applications. He noted they received 12 for Public Works and 2 from Planning and Zoning, and copies will be made of the entire packet for Council to review prior to the meeting. He suggested they pick 4 or 5 they feel best suited for it and then have a special meeting and narrow it down and request they come for interview. He suggested February 8th since they have the regular meeting on the 10th due to the holiday. No Council member expressed an objection to that date and to 7:00 P.M. to review and short list the applications. Mayor Baugh stated they budgeted for an advisory board appreciation dinner. City Clerk Martinez noted it's the same cost as last year. Mayor Baugh said there are about 66 Board members, making a total of about 85 with others to be included, plus their guests and they need to set a date. City Clerk Martinez pointed out it was on a Friday last year and she'll get open dates if Council approves. Mayor Baugh asked that it be left in the hands of City staff to get a date. Councilman Rotundo so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Baugh stated that regarding the Lynne Plaskett request at the last meeting, they received the information and the City Attorney got it, and there are a lot of things they need to check out and he recommended it be on the agenda on February 1st so Mrs. Plaskett can be present. Lynne Plaskett said she talked to her attorney and he'll be available the 28th or on the 2nd or 3rd of next month. Mayor Baugh stated they can have a special meeting on the 28th at 7:00 P.M. No Council member expressed a problem with that date and time. City Attorney Reports - City Attorney Alvarez stated there's a resolution authorizing the easement and a motion is needed to advertise it for the agenda for the regular meeting of February 1, 1988. Mayor Baugh explained they discussed it being an ordinance or resolution and the people will have an opportunity at the hearing to express their opinion. He added they need a motion to advertise this resolution. Councilman Asting moved they go ahead with the advertisement. Mayor Baugh asked if it's for granting the 10 foot easement. Councilman Asting said it's indicated in this draft of the resolution. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. City Attorney Alvarez stated he's working on the assignment from Councilman Mitchum to review the location of the road and the ballfield and he's found that David Garrett prepared a comprehensive memo which he received that day and Council received a copy. Mayor Baugh said they have a meeting scheduled with the School Board regarding this road on the 22nd and he doesn't think they should get into this until they meet with them. Councilman Mitchum said he'd like the City Clerk's account of this when they finalize it as to his questions to the City Attorney as to what went on. City Clerk Reports - City Clerk Martinez stated she was requested by the Deputy City Clerk to advise the press and Council that the sealing of the voting machines for the special election will be at 10:00 A.M. on January 27, 1988, at the County warehouse located at 2500 Auburn Avenue in New Smyrna Beach. She added that any citizens may go as it's open to the public. Deputy City Clerk's request for approval of election workers for Special Election of February 2, 1988 - City Clerk Martinez stated they have a memo from Deputy City Clerk Susan Wadsworth and she needs City Council approval for the list of elections workers for the Special Election of February 2nd. She read the names on the list that are currently assigned, adding she needs authority to appoint a designated replacement in case of illness or a problem if someone can't work. Mayor Baugh stated they're asking to accept this and allow the Deputy City Clerk to make a change in the event that something should happen to one of these people. Councilman Asting so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. City Attorney Alvarez pointed out that the list is available in City Hall for review and anyone interested can submit a name. City Clerk Martinez said they got the list from Katherine Odham and they've had trouble with the list and are searching for people to complete it. Bill Klein, from the audience, asked how many City employees are on the list as he doesn't think they should be. Mayor Baugh replied JoAnne Sikes whose done it for years, and she's part time. Motion CARRIED 5-0. -4- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988 o o COUNCIL/OFFICERS REPORTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES (Continued) - Utilities Superintendent's recommendation on 12" water line and appurtenances - Mr. Terry Wadsworth, Utilities Superintendent, stated that on January 4th they took bids for the 12" line and fittings to provide additional fire service to Florida Shores and his recommendations are for low bid on pipe to Hughes Supply, which will give a 2% discount if paid by the 10th day of the month after delivery, which would be a total of $74,043.90 net, and the low bid on fittings is B & H Sales at $6,393.75. He stated they're over budget because when he and City Engineer Gerry Ferrara did the final design, it was about 700 feet farther than they'd anticipated and they wanted adequate flow at the distribution system. He added that the price in July was $9.25 to $9.45 per foot and now it's come in at $10.95 a foot. He stated that the amount over and above the amount in Field Operations should be taken out of impact fees, and this requires release by City Council and a letter from the City Engineer. He noted that the letter is attached to the packet, and they need to okay release of funds for any deficit of funds, which will be about $17,000 more than what showed up originally. Mayor Baugh asked Council's decision on pipe from Hughes Supply. Councilman Prater moved they grant Hughes Supply the bid. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Baugh asked Council's decision on the fittings from B & H Sales. Councilman Rotundo moved they award the bid to B & H Sales in the amount of $6,393.75. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Baugh asked Council's decision on release of additional funds to take care of this. Mr. Wadsworth explained it would be a release from fund 44, transfer to fund 40. Councilman Rotundo so moved. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Baugh asked when construction will start and Mr. Wadsworth replied within about 10_days for pipe, and the majority of fittings are in stock and they'll have permits next week and can start construction in two weeks. Mayor Baugh noted it's in-house work and Mr. Wadsworth clarified all but the jack and bore at 442. Parks and Recreation Board request - to run City-wide survey to determine citizen needs and desires for recreation activities - City Clerk Martinez read the January 7th memo from Chairman Harry Montgomery. Mayor Baugh asked the cost and if funds are in the grant. Mr. Garrett replied yes, and cost would be about $1,200 to send to about 5,000 households in the City. Councilman Asting moved to authorize the survey. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Parks and Recreation Board request - to obtain deed or land lease agreement from State for easterly part of Veteran's Park - (This request was from the Parks and Recreation Department and not the Board--it was an error in listing on the agenda). City Clerk Martinez read the January 8th memo from David Garrett, Recreation Director/Buildings & Grounds Maintenance Superintendent, requesting authorization for the City Attorney, City Engineer, and Parks and Recreation Department to process necessary paper work to clear the way for construction of the park. Mayor Baugh stated he talked with Mr. Garrett about this and the State has to release it. Mr. Garrett explained they need a release or quit claim deed. Councilman Rotundo moved they grant this request. Councilman Prater seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Parks and Recreation Board request - for approval of Rotary to proceed with plans on Park Avenue property - City Clerk Martinez read the January 8th memo from Chairman Harry Montgomery requesting approval of plans so Rotary can proceed and to name the park "Rotary Park". Ron Carwile, President of Edgewater Rotary, displayed a large colored map for the audience to view. Councilman Prater asked if the sketch includes the last purchase on the corner of Park where the old truss plant used to be and Mr. Carwile replied yes. Councilman Prater questioned the location of the lake on the map and Mr. Carwile explained it's a good sized lake and the parking area is where the old truss plant was and the entrance is off Carol Ann Drive. City Attorney Alvarez questioned the emergency exit to Wildwood and Mayor Baugh showed him the location on the map. Mayor Baugh said he'd like to see it named Rotary Park. -5- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988 '-.) o COUNCIL/OFFICERS REPORTS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES (Continued) - Parks and Recreation Board request - for approval for Rotary to proceed with plans on Park Avenue property (Continued) - Councilman Asting moved that the park be named Rotary Park in recognition of many beneficial and worthwhile projects that the Edgewater Rotary Club has done for our City. Mayor Baugh asked if it's to authorize them to go ahead with this project and Councilman Asting replied yes. Councilman Mitchum seconded the motion. Mel Wargo, 2 Pinesedge Court, said two members of the Council are Rotary and asked if that will be a conflict if they vote. Councilman Asting stated he resigned a couple of months ago. Mayor Baugh stated he's on extended leave of absence from when he had surgery. Councilman Mitchum stated he hasn't been for some time. City Attorney Alvarez asked if there's any personal gain to,be derived by voting and Mayor Baugh replied no, but he'll sign the form if the Attorney thinks he should. Mayor Baugh thanked Mr. Wargo for bringing that to their attention. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Carwile thanked the Council and Mayor Baugh expressed appreciation for what Rotary has done for Edgewater. COMMUNICATIONS Volusia Council of Governments re: increase in membership on Volusia Coastal Area Metropolitan Planning Organizations - City Clerk Martinez read the December 15th letter to Mayor Baugh. Mayor Baugh stated he has no problems with expanding MFO to take in the entire County but doesn't think the County needs another member, and five votes are enough for them. He noted that some of the other cities feel this W?y about this. He suggested they could authorize the Attorney to draw up the resolution but deleting the portion about another voting member for the County. He added that some cities such as Lake Helen, Oak Hill, etc., don't have a member on the board and if they want to increase membership, they could increase some of those cities without representation. Councilman Prater moved they give the Attorney the authority to draw up this resolution deleting from the County. Councilman Mitchum seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Citizens for Needy Baskets' presentation of certificate of appreciation - Vic Vandergrifft, President, and Rena Greene, Treasurer, were present to make this presentation. Mr. Vandergrifft thanked the Mayor and Council and citizens for the support they received during the Needy Basket Drive. He said they fed 144 families and over 600 happy children had Christmas dinner. He added that New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill also helped tremendously. He presented the certificate to the Mayor. Mayor Baugh asked how many families they had last year and Mr. Vandergrifft replied 75, so it was doubled with the help of so many people. Gillespie & Gillespie re: Ogil Reed easement agreement - City Attorney Alvarez explained he received a letter regarding the easement and there are two versions of the easement. He reviewed the requested changes, one to "exclude a lending institution" on page 3, paragraph 8, and then striking the entire paragraph 10 regarding the reverter on page 3. He noted that Ogil Reed signed it and it was recorded but now he's applying for a loan and the attorney for the bank is saying the bank won't lend because of our protections in the lease. Mayor Baugh asked if it will still have a reverter and City Attorney Alvarez replied no. Mayor Baugh asked for a recommendation and City Attorney Alvarez replied that he doesn't have much of a problem with excusing the mortgage lender from being sued as it's the one who occupies the property, and he can see there will be difficulty with financing if the reverter is hanging over his head, but that should have been considered when the request was made to Council. City Attorney Alvarez reviewed that Council said it was okay to cut on the strip to go across it and if at any time something goes wrong that they don't live up to their obligations, it will be terminated. Mayor Baugh added, or if he makes a driveway at the back. City Attorney Alvarez reviewed the section regarding Park Street ever opening up. Councilman Mitchum asked if other easements were granted in the same area and if they had any trouble. City Clerk Martinez replied only if they use the bank that this one does. There was a brief discussion about other banks lending money for this same easement. Councilman Rotundo moved they should hold to our agreement instead of their agreement. Councilman Mitchum seconded the motion. City Attorney Alvarez noted that if there's a big problem, they can come back to Council. Motion CARRIED 5-0. -6- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988 (.) o ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Ord. 88-0-1 Rezoning portion of Lot 6, Block 2, Riveredge Acres, from R-l to B-3 - City Attorney Alvarez read this Ordinance. ORD. 88-0-1 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ADOPTED PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTE 166.041 (c) (1) AND SECTION 1100 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, REZONING A PORTION OF LOT 6, BLOCK 2, RIVEREDGE ACRES, AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 9, PAGE 260 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE THIS ORDINANCE AS PROVIDED BY LAW; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL MAP OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER ACCORDINGLY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. He stated this is first reading and this rezoning was found to be in compliance with our Comprehensive Land Use. Councilman Prater moved they adopt Ordinance 88-0-1. Councilman Mitchum seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Rudolph Almeida re: condition of West Turgot Avenue - Mayor Baugh stated he asked Mike Tenney to get costs on this and they found the road is 910 feet from U.S. 1 back to the first curve, and after that is County road and we've been maintaining it all these years. He noted the total soil cement cost would be $12,920 and asphalt with soil cement is $15,368. He suggested he take this to the meeting with the School Board representatives on the 22nd and show them the cost to pave up to the School Board's property. Councilman Rotundo asked if it will be broken up into thirds and Mayor Baugh replied the same as in Florida Shores. City Clerk Martinez pointed out they don't have administrative, labor, and engineer costs included and this is material only. Dan Oliver, from the audience, asked Mayor Baugh to repeat the figures and he did so. Mr. Oliver asked who figured those and Mike Tenney, Acting Public Works Superintendent, replied soil cement figures are from Halifax Paving and on a small job it's $5 a square yard. Mayor Baugh pointed out they'd have to go out for bids. Mr. Oliver asked if they can use it as a fill in job and Mr. Tenney replied he doesn't know, but they have to go for bids. Councilman Asting noted that they didn't budget this. Councilman Rotundo asked if the School Board will pay a third and Mayor Baugh replied it doesn't include the School Board's and they should pay the whole thing for their s~ction. Councilman Prater suggested they see what the School Board will say. Mayor Baugh agreed he'd take it to the meeting on the 22nd. Councilman Prater stated that he'd like to see it paved clear to the school. NEW BUSINESS There was no New Business brought up at this meeting. ADJOURN Mayor Baugh requested a motion to adjourn. Councilman Prater so moved. Councilman Mitchum seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 8:38 P.M. Minutes submitted by: Lura Sue Koser C ILMAN - NE T 0 ) ~~ 2-u:R / . CO&7~N~ COUNCILMAN - ZONE FOUR ~ t ATTEST: ~ -4 CITY CLERK Approved this 1st February -P ~Pf- -7- Council Regular Meeting Minutes January 13, 1988