07-25-1977 - Public Hearing/Regular ',' ,- ~ . ,.. u (J CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER PUBLIC HEARING HELD July 25, 1977 Mayor Armstrong called the Public Hearing of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to order, Monday, July 25, 1977 at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL: Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber Councilman Carl Shell Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Calvin R. Dietz City Attorney Judson Woods City Clerk Sue Blackwell Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Mayor Armstrong explained that in accordance with the Enabling Ordinance No. 400 there is a requirement of a public hearing prior to the adoption or review of the rates. He stated that on June 27th a notice appeared in the paper setting July 25th for the discussion of the water and sewer rates. He stated that we have letters from May, Zima, Briley, Wild and also from Mr. Kuyk. Councilman Dietz was given the floor to discuss the letter from Mr. Kuyk. He said that we have been having trouble with the water in the City of Edge- water since 1973. He explained the various methods that the City has gone through tying to solve these problems. He explained that the Federal Govern- ment has passed new guidelines setting up new water standards that the City of Edgewater can not meet. Our water is not impure and will not hurt anybody but it will not meet the standards set by law. We are going to be forced either to build a new Water Plant or to buy water from New Smyrna Beach. Buying water from New Smyrna Beach will make the cost prohibited, the bills could go as high as $8.00 a month for the first 2,000 gallons and as high as $4.00 for every 1,000 gallons after that. He explained that we are applying for funds for construction of the Water Plant. We found that we could build a new plant for about $600,000, and he explained the various means of coming up with this money. He explained that we will not qualify for a grant because -- our rates are too low, however getting a grant is still about nill because even with the new rates we will be at the lower end of the average rates in the County. In order to borrow the money and to take care of our operating and maintenance of the water and sewer plants we would have to raise the minimum rates from $2.75 to $3.50 on all commercial and residential rates. The cost per 1,000 gallons would go from 55~ to 75~ a 1,000. This would cover the rond issue and the additional monies we need for operation and maintenance. He went on to say that the City has not raised their rates since July of 1974 and we are obligated by Ordinance 400 that every July the Council will meet and the rates will be adjusted up or down according to the cost of living set forth by Government standards. Mayor Armstrong opened the floor for questions. ~ . ~ ~ Q Mr. Gross was given the floor. He mentioned various things in the past in regard to these new plants, to the engineers and to the grants that we have tried to get. He stated that he would like to know how much money we have paid Briley, Wild in the last three years and have got nothing for. Mayor Armstrong stated that he can not answer the question, we have bills constantly from Briley, Wild on the construction of the sewer plant, from the landfill operation and he can't keep up with all that is going on. He said that we have some figures right now that he can't explain, because he does not recall that the Council went on record soliciting the rates and the number of customers being run through a computer to come up with. The meeting tonight, according to the notice in the newspaper was to discuss the rates and he was at a disadvantage to understand what we were talking about. Councilman Dietz stated that he could answer these questions. He said that the line extension to the south to Oak Hill was based on the fact that at the time the County was going to pay for the line extension and also for an additional well. The well is now costing us $44,000 and we made a mistake for not doing it because we would have saved that money. We would have also at that time had better rates and would not have to borrow the money. Briley, Wild and Associates are our engineers; they have engineered both the wastewater treatment expansion and the water treatment expansion. They have been paid for that at the rate of $60,000 back in 1975 and are not charging us now for en- gineering fees. All we have paid them over and above on this wastewater treatment plant is the monies that they have on the job. We have to have an engineer check out each phase of construction, that is one of the requirements from the organizations that loan you money. In addition to this we have paid $28,000 for changes that have been made in the wastewater treatment plant. He added that as far as the money that we gave them for grants, we got $144,000, and he feels that they have done a beautiful job. Mr. Christy stated that the Council voted on a loan of $900,000 from the F.H.A. This was knocked down. How come we need it so badly now? This was in 1975 only two years ago. Mayor Armstrong explained that at that time the City made an additional application for $200,000 to go with the $700,000. Three members of the City Council didn't feel that it was feasible to make the expenditure and to indept the people with $900,000, however we were already committed to a loan for $700,000 with Farmers Home. This was for an addition to and up dating the sewer plant and making certain improvements in the water plant. Tape lB Mr. Christy again asked that what he wants to know is, if we didn't need this two years ago, why do we need it now? Mayor Armstrong stated that on December 22, 1975 Mr. Fernandez accompanied by Mr. Wild stated before the City Council that in July 1974 the City Council passed-a new Ordinance increasing the rates up to what F.H.A. re- quired for a $700,000 loan and Mr. Eldridge assured us that all the paper- work has been completed for the $700,000 and we are waiting only on the bond validation suit. When this is completed they will sell the bonds. He went on and read from the minutes that Mr. Fernandez stated that another increase in the rates would not be necessary. He added that this is why he reversed his decision and voted no on the $200,000 instead of the entire bill, and we could salvage the $700,000 and put it to good use. Councilman Dietz stated that he would like to answer Mr. Christy. It is an unfortunate thing, it happened and we can't cry over spilt milk. It cost the City $129,000. The new Council did not feel it was feasible, but there is no use going back over it we should worry about what is ahead of us now. We should not make the same mistake again. He read from a letter from the Department of Environmental Regulations. ( a copy of which each member in the audience was given.) -2- ~. o o He read from another letter that was written to Briley, Wild from the Depart- ment of Environmental Regulations, which was an extension of our construction for the new water plant and at the end of the letter it states that this is the last extension of this approval and it will expife July 1, 1978. This is our last chance and if we turn this down again we will be buying water from New Smyrna Beach. A man from the audience asked what he can expect from the new plant, will he ---will his machines last longer with this water or will he have to replace them because the water will have so many minerals in it it will eat the insides out of the machines? Mr. Fernandez spoke on this (there was shuffling or something and it was hard to pick up what he was saying exactly.) He said that the water will be softened down quite a bit from what it is now. Councilwoman Webber spoke that she investigated this thoroughly, when we were discussing the loan. She voted against the loan, and she told Briley, Wild that we had plenty of water and there would be no necessity of building another plant and our water was of a much better quality than it is now. Now she has found that our wells are old, seventeen years old and we can not run on one well. We must' have two wells, in the event that something was to happen to one well we would have to get water from New Smyrna Beach. She is in favor of doing anything that we can do to make the water more palletable and softer. As far as the quantity of water, as Briley, Wild told us when we first turned this down, we do have plenty of water but we do need this plant and an extra well. Mr. Christy stated that we knew this two years ago, it was discussed that we did have enough water but we didn't have the quality of water. Mayor Armstrong called order to the meeting, stating that we are not here to argue about something that we had two years ago. He added that we are already down over 100 feet on the new well, without borrowed money. Councilman Sikes stated that we have given each of you this information so that they could look it over. There is a sheet showing what the present rates are in the various Cities, and you will notice that even with the proposed rates there will only be one City that will have lower rates than us. He also ex- plained that if we don't comply with the Federal Regulations we will end up purchasing water from New Smyrna, and he went over their rates. He also went over the new construction figures, and stated that it is obvious that we can not continue growing the way that we are growing without doing something as far as extending our water plant. He also said that he thinks that we should do anything that we can to get the new water system. Mrs. Murphy was given the floor. She stated that it is the environment that she is more concerned about than raisina the rates. Some of the County En- vironmentalists said that the coastal wells are starting to draw salt and that there is a plan in the works to start a resevoir in the Indian Lake area for the whole County and the thought was that if Edgewater could do with the wells that they have now, and in an emergency use the New Smyrna water that we would not have to draw water and risk a chance of drawing salt. She asked where the communication is, that Mr. Dietz referred to from New Smyrna quoting our costs for water and their refusal to accept our indebtedness? Councilman Dietz stated that he had a conversation with Mr. Wake; we had an engineering study made of the hook up fee with New Smyrna Beach for an emergency and that is how we got their rate. He went on to explain the situation in New Smyrna, and he added that we have been assured by the U.S. Geological Survey that at the rate of the salt water intrusion into our wells that there is a good possibility that we would not have any problem for the next 200 years. We don't know what nature is going to do with us, if this drought continues on there is a possibility that we will run into trouble. -3- -a.' o o Mr. Fernandez spoke on this resevoir that is being planned, and he added that he does not think that by us drilling this one well we will not be doing any- thing to endanger our environment. We may be improving it because we would not be pumping our two existing wells so hard. Mr. Gross stated that there are many people in Edgewater living on a fixed income, and based on a statement in the newspaper by a Class C operator that we must raise our rates, is it possible to get another engineer in here to back up this decision? We are listening to a statement in the newspaper to raise our rates. Councilman Dietz stated that Mr. Kuyk did not give this information to the newspaper, they got the information from the City Clerk from a letter that was given to the City Council. This was a judgment that was made by the engineers,by Mr. Kuyk and by himself and something that this Council has known since 1973. Mayor Armstrong stated that we have gone for almost an hour on this... Councilman Dietz stated that we have one more thing that has to come up at this hearing and he did not want to get it confused with the rates. It is also the recommendation of Mr. Kuyk, Mr. Fernandez and himself that we in- crease the hook up fee from $150 to $225, the idea behind this is so that the new construction in town will off set the extension of the water lines throughout the system. This money will revert back into the Capital Improve- ment Fund and will be budgeted in the Capital Improvement Fund for line ex- tensions, for tying in the deadend water lines and also to extend the water lines throughout the City. Mr. Opal stated that he heard that the new well is going to be just extra and held in reserve because we don1t have to use it? Mayor Armstrong stated that this is not so, the new well will be the farthest from salt water and in all probability will be used equally with the other wells. Tape 2A Mr. Opal stated that we knew this was coming, however since the item in the newspaper from Mr. Kuyk we are talking about increasing the rates. Mayor Armstrong stated that this information came from City Hall. Mr. Opal wants to know who authorized Briley, Wild to come and tell us what we have to pay, and that we aren1t paying enough for water. He also mentioned about the limited income residents in Edgewater, and asked if this is necessary? Mr. Lodico spoke to the Council about how it use to be in Edgewater. He added that there are a lot of people in Edgewater who are buying five gallons of spring water and pay $2.00 for it. He does not care if it cost $1.00 or $2.00 more, he would like the improvement. We need it, let's get it. Another man from the audience spoke to the Council that he feels that we are getting away with it cheap in regard to the water down here. Another man spoke of this not being fair to the commercial businessmen. Mayor Armstrong explained that when you borrow money from somebody they set down the criteria that you have to meet before they will give you the money. There was a question about the millage being dropped if we raise the rates? Councilman Dietz explained that instead of raising the rates to $3.75 we could raise them to $5.50, then this would give us the additional monies from the utility tax and we could put this in General Government and cut the millage back to compensate for the usage of that money. -4- Q (,,) Mayor Armstrong stated that in order to release this flinch of utility tax to the Water and Sewer Department we must have within a twelve month period of time sufficient money to cover the income to cover eighteen month's obligation. Once we reach that point we have the option to release that utility tax from the Water and Sewer Department to General Government for the purpose of reducing the millage. As long as inflation is here there is not much we can do to release this. Mayor Armstrong asked for any further comments. There being none, he declared a five minute recess before opening the regular meeting. Mayor Armstrong called the regular Council meeting to order and asked for the roll call. ROLL CALL: Mayor Dana T. Armstrong Councilwoman Ryta F. Webber Councilman Carl Shell Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Calvin R. Dietz City Attorney Judson Woods City Clerk Sue Blackwell Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present INVOCATION SALUTE TO FLAG APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilman Sikes made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 5, being seconded by Councilman Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS: Mayor Armstrong read the total of the bills in the General Fund account. Councilwoman Webber made a motion to pay the bills, being seconded by Council- man Dietz. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. Mayor Armstrong read the total of the bills in the Water and Wastewater account. Councilman Dietz made a motion to pay the bills, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. COMMUNICATIONS: The City Clerk read a letter from Briley, Wild with copies of the project summary, initial budget and application for the Mayor to sign. Also there are copies of the new engineering contract prepared for signature. Councilman Dietz stated that this is what Mr. McGough gave us the other day, it is for the loan or grant, whatever it is to be. Mr. Fernandez explained further about this paperwork, and answered some questions in regard to the application for the loan or grant. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we accept this application and instruct the Mayor to sign the forms for the application for the monies set forth by Briley, Wild and the accompany reports from the City Clerk and the attorney to go with -5- , ~ o o the application, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Mr. Gross asked if we put through this application, are we committed to a 30% increase in our water and sewer rates? Mayor Armstrong answered No. Upon roll call vote on the motion, said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Robert Taylor resigning from the Zoning Board. Councilwoman Webber made a motion to accept the resignation and sincerely hope that there will be a time when he will be able to come back and serve again, being seconded by Councilman Shell. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. Carl Shell resigning from the Board of Governors. Councilman Dietz made a motion to accept the resignation, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. Councilman Sikes questioned whether Mr. Shell will have to resign as Director of the Chamber of Commerce, he stated that he was advised to resign when he was director. He is just asking. Attorney Woods stated that he sees no conflict. The City Clerk read a meeting notice of the District V Liaison Committee, August 11, 1977 at 10:00 in Altamonte Springs. She said that anyone who wishes to attend should let her know so she can make the arrangements. Councilman Dietz stated that he thinks that the Planning Board's Transportation Committee should attend this. The City Clerk read the Building Report for April, May and June. There were copies of this passed out to the Council members. The City Clerk read a cancellation notice of the VCOG meeting for August 10th. The next meeting will be held September 14th. The Executive Committee meeting scheduled for August 3rd has been changed to September 7th. The City Clerk read a letter from Congressman Chappell to Mr. Dietz in regard to the F.H.A preapplication for assistance, attaching a letter he received from F.H.A. on this matter. The City Clerk also read the letter to Mr. Chappell from Mr. John Carver, Acting State Director from F.H.A. The City Clerk stated that the next letter is from the Department of Environmental Regulations, and the City of Edgewater now has an operating permit for the Waste- water Treatment Plant. She said that this permit has been posted and is good until June 30, 1979. The City Clerk read an acknowledgment from the U.S. Department of Commerce that they received our application for a grant of $144,000 for a Water Treatment Facility. Mayor Armstrong stated that this means that within ninety days we have to have something going. Councilman Dietz stated that the ninety day time limit begins when they approve this. There was some discussion about which this is, and it was decided that this will have to be looked into. -6- ,-.. o o The City Clerk read the General Fund Budget Report. The City Clerk explained that the next item is a copy of a license. Mr. Temple came in on Friday and asked that his license for a carpenter shop be transferred to Mr. Long. There is some controversy about Mr. Long and the business he is doing at the address. She said that Attorney Woods has a letter along the same line. She read the letter from Attorney Woods to the City Council in regard to licenses being issued in the City. Attorney Woods stated that the purpose of our Zoning Ordinance is that you have zones and you have certain permitted uses in that zone, you can not allow other businesses and occupations to go in there unless the Council wants to change the Zoning Law. Councilman Dietz asked if a carpenter shop permitted in that zone? Councilwoman Webber stated No. Councilman Sikes asked why we issued a license in November of 1976? Councilwoman Webber stated that she did not know anything about this until this letter from Mr. Temple. Mayor Armstrong stated that there was a hobby shop there. Mr. Temple was given the floor. He said that it is not so that Mrs. Webber did not know about this. He asked her about it before the license was issued. He said that he told her cabinet shop, and he found out that it would not be considered a cabinet shop. He spoke to two members of the Zoning Board and they told him to go get a license for a carpenter shop. Councilwoman Webber stated that this is the first time that she has even seen this license, she did not know that he had permission for a carpenter shop. Mr. Temple stated that he has run his business for over a year, and the City of Edgewater gave him the license. He explained that he paid for the license, and he has been in business for years and he is not getting out of the busi- ness. He just wanted it transferred over to Mr. Long, because he is a silent partner and he is going to work someplace else, and is working here part time. Councilman Sikes stated that a gentleman just a little north of this requested a license for cabinet shop, and this Council granted that. Attorney Woods stated that the Council should not issue licenses if it is not permitted in that zone, or we are going to be in court all of the time. Mr. Temple stated that he already has his license. Attorney Woods stated that Mr. Temple could be cited for the violation, he is sorry, the legal decision is this way, and that is his opinion. He is trying to tell the Council that we must be very careful. Councilman Dietz asked what it will take to straighten this out? He added that Edgewater is never going to amount to anything if we don't loosen up a-little; we keep running people off. Attorney Woods stated that it is just like the request of Mr. King. That business would not be permitted in there. The way to do it is to get a recommendation from the Zoning Board to change the permitted uses in that zone. It was explained to Mr. Temple that he should go to the Zoning Board and get their recommendation sent to the Council in regard to this, then the Council can act upon it. -7 - .-', o o The City Clerk stated that something should be done about this once and for all to give these people some relief and be able to come to the Council rather than go through all of this. Councilwoman Webber stated that she would like to know who issued this license in a B-1 Zone. These things should be scrutanized before we hand these licenses out and we won't have problems like this. AUDIENCE MISCELLANEOUS: Mrs. Murphy stated that anything that is not in the Zoning Ordinance, would be considered a special exception. It says unclassified business, and this would fall under that; the Ordinance says they should apply to the City Zoning and Planning Board for approval. So this man will have to go to the Planning Board also. The Planning Board should have something to say about this also. Mayor Armstrong explained that when the Ordinance was drawn up the Zoning and Planning was one board. Mr. Gross asked the Council if there was any way that we could get microphones in here, so the audience can hear what is going on? Mayor Armstrong stated that someone was suppose to be here last week. RESOLUTIONS: Attorney Woods stated that the Resolution is a form Resolution and we could not vary from it, it is a loan Resolution and is part of our application to F.H.A. RES. NO. 728 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE INCURRENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A PORTION OF THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, ENLARGING, IMPROVING, AND/OR EXTENDING ITS WATER TREATMENT FACILITY TO SERVE AN AREA .LAWFULLY WITHIN ITS JURIDICTION TO SERVE. Attorney Woods read the Resolution by title only, and described its contents. Councilman Dietz made a motion to adopt the Resolution, being seconded by Councilman Shell. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. ORDINANCES: None Tape 3A OLD BUSINESS: Mayor Armstrong stated that Mr. Woods was going to research some on this Tucker Manufacturing - Atlantic Machine request. Attorney Woods stated that we have just discussed operations of businesses in zones where they are not permitted. He is afraid that we have the same situation here. This business is not a permitted use in the B-3 District, therefore you will have to make a decision as to whether they want to make an additional use in the B-3 Zoning to permit garment assembly or however you want to designate it. It will have to be done by a Public Hearing. Councilman Dietz asked if we still have to go this way even though we have a recommendation from the Zoning Board. Attorney Woods stated that this is correct, and by the way that recommendation from the Zoning Board was to rezone property in that particular area. There is a new Florida Statute which requires two Public Hearings where rezoning of -8- . . o o private property will involve more than 5% of the area. And this will probably qualify to fall under this law. Councilman Sikes stated that Mr. King is operating on a time limit now as a non-conforming business. Is there such a thing as saying that the new business can go in there and work under the same time element? Attorney Woods stated No. You can not let businesses in that are not permitted in that Zone. It must be done the legal way, and that is to hold a Public Hearing. If the Council wants to have a Public Hearing to discuss whether you want an addition made to the permitted uses, it is their prerogative to do so. There were questions about the definitions of different zones and the permitted uses under the zones, which Attorney Woods answered. It was agreed that it would be August 15th before this Public Hearing could be held. Mr. King asked if there was any type of temporary permit or relief that could be given. Attorney Woods stated that he could find no such provision under the Ordinance. He would be taking a risk, by spending the money to relocate, and perhaps having to get out of the building. Mr. King stated that the man has no alternative at this point. He asked if he was willing to take this risk, would the City be willing to grant him a 30 day 1 i cense? Mayor Armstrong explained the procedure to following in applying for a Public Hearing and setting a Public Hearing. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we instruct the City Clerk to do the proper advertising for a Public Hearing on August 15th at 7:00 on the subject of making a change in the permitted uses in the B-3 Zone to include Light Manufacturing, subject to his application, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 4-1. Councilwoman Webber votin9 NO. Mayor Armstrong stated that the next item is to set a date for a budget workshop. It was agreed that we will have a preliminary budget workshop, Wednesday, July 27th from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M., we will recess at 8:00 if we are not finished. NEW BUSINESS: None MISCELLANEOUS: Attorney Woods stated that he would like to bring to the Council's attention another form that has to be signed. It is a Legal Services Agreement between him and the City to handle the bond validation and the loan. He read the agreement to the Council, and explained that it is subject to obtaining the loan. If the loan is not obtained there is no obligation. Councilman Dietz made a motion that we pass this Legal Services Agreement, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 5-0. The City Clerk stated that she has found out that now we have to have the Audit Agreement. She said that she gave it to Mr. Woods to look. We must have a con- tract signed with an audit firm for an audit before they will close the loan. -9- - . . o o Mayor Armstrong stated that we have a contract with an auditing firm. The City Clerk stated that we have a Resolution, and that will not be sufficient. Tape 3B Councilman Dietz made a motion that we instruct the attorney to draw up an Ordinance for a rate increase of water and sewer to be effective October 1st, 1977 as per Ordinance 400, the increased in the base rates for commercial and residential of 75~ per unit, which will make it from $2.75 to $3.50 and on commercial' use from $2.00 to $2.75 and the minimum per 1,000 gallons will go to 75~ per thousand, that the connection fees be increased from $150.00 to $225.00 and that the sewer rate will remain 100% of the water bill, being seconded by Councilman Sikes. Councilwoman Webber asked if Mr. Dietz would consider charging the sewer 100% of the water up to a certain point, and then let it be dropped? This way people could use more of their water in watering their lawns and so forth. Councilman Dietz stated that he brought this up to the auditors and the en- gineers. They said that if anything was done to the sewer rates they should be made 115% of the water to cover the costs of operating the sewer plant, which is greater than operating the water plant. After several comments were made by Mr. Gross, Mayor Armstrong asked for a roll call on the motion. Upon roll call vote said motion CARRIED, 4-1. Mayor Armstrong voting NO. Councilman Sikes stated that he has a couple of small things. One is , we did get $500 from the Salt Water Fishing Association for a ramp. Have we done anything about that? Mayor Armstrong stated not yet. Councilman Sikes asked also if we have done anything about the relocating of the lights in Florida Shores? Mayor Armstrong stated no. We ran into a little problem and Mr. Riggs was working on that. He added that the Council should set a priority on where the lights are going to go to see if it will be feasible to move them. We have a file full of requests for street lights. Councilman Sikes stated that he thought we had enough lights to take care of all of the requests. Mayor Armstrong stated that he does not believe so. Councilman Dietz stated that he thinks that this is the year that we should appropriate more monies for this. Mayor Armstrong stated that the handball courts are running us a lot of money. He still feels that it would be a good idea to have the lights metered over there and have them pay so much per hour to use the courts. Councilman Sikes suggested that there be a lock put on the box, so that when the police turn the lights off they will stay off. Councilman Dietz stated that he has had several complaints about the net on the tennis courts. He asked if we could afford to buy a new net for it. Mayor Armstrong asked if it is needed? If it is why don't they write us a letter. Councilman Dietz asked who should write the letter? Councilwoman Webber stated that this is Mayor Armstrong's job. He has parks, recreation and Library. Mayor Armstrong stated that this is not any more his job than anyone else's. -10- , .. o o Councilman Sikes asked Councilman Shell to get in touch with Mr. Travis and have him make this request. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn, being seconded by Councilwoman Webber. Said motion CARRIED. MINUTES TAKEN BY: Sue Bl ackwe11 Debbie Sigler ATTEST: T ~ -11-