12-02-1977 - Special .- ~ ~ (,) CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER SPECIAL MEETING HELD December 2, 1977 Mayor Christy called a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to order at 2:00 P.M. December 2, 1977 in the Community Center. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Louis Rotundo Councilman Carl Shell Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Calvin R. Dietz City Attorney Judson Woods City Clerk Sue Blackwell Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Mayor Christy said he had called this special meeting of the City Council to discuss the serious problems with the water supply in the City. The most recent problem was caused when a water line broke, emptying one of the water tanks. When the tank was refilled, the water stirred up sediment and turned the water that ran into many homes in the City to turn black and muddy. The Water Dept. worked throughout the night to clear up this problem. It is obvious that the tanks need cleaning and repairing so that t~is problem cannot arise again. When the health of the City is at stake the situation becomes top priority and needs emergency measures to correct. Councilman Rotundo asked Mr. Kuyk, Director of Utilities, when this cleaning and repairing could be done. Mr. Kuyk said he did not have a definite date when the work could be started. Any tank will get sediment in it but it would not be washed out if the water entered the tank from the bottom rather than the top. Mr. Kuyk suggested that we wait for bids to come back on a maintenance contract and have an addendum added to the specs to cut about 1 ft. on the Park Ave. tank above the base of the tank so that water will enter from the bottom. He said that the IIblack stuffll in the water is residual sulfer that coats the inside of the tank. The City Clerk said that we had advertised for bids but that the specifications had not been issued yet and it would be easy to add an addendum to the original specifications for a maintenance and repair contract. Councilman Sikes asked Mr. Kuyk what arrangements would be made in case of an emergency need for water occurred during the repair work period. For example would we be able to hook up to the New Smyrna Beach water supply? Mr. Kuyk said we had Well # 3 up there, right now we do not have permission from the DER to use it but he is sure by the time we want to repair this tank we will have the permission to use that extra tank and that will give us enough water even if we turned both of the other tanks off, to supply the City. . Councilman Dietz said that when Phase I is completed we will have use of that storage tank and be chlorinating out of the plant which is a matter of approximately 3 months. It would give another 100,000 gallons storage. Mr. Kuyk also said he recommended that the City look into a better o Q -, way of hooking up to New Smyrna Beach. Councilman Dietz said that they had looked into this possibility and it would cost a great deal of money, New Smyrna Beach was very uncooperative. Mayor Christy asked if perhaps we might not approach this subject again and discuss it with New Smyrna Beach. Councilman Dietz said that the County is now getting involved. They are investigating the City of Edgewater services in the south of the county. New Smyrna Beach has plans to service the County area to th~ west of New Smyrna, this means that the County will be directly involved and they will have more say as to who connects to who and the interconnect system will be beneficial to both cities. In the future this will probably be an automatic setup where we will hook to New Smyrna Beach and it will be dictated to by the County. Cbuncilman Sikes sa'id that once our new water system is established we will ~e able to take care of any emergency needs New Smyrna might have so that they would need our assistance as much as we might need .theirs. Mr. Kuyk said that he did not anticipate anymore problems like the recent one, that we would shut off the tank before allowing the water to get in such bad shape. The only problem we might have if we were out of power fdr any time, we do not have standby generators, and our wells would be supplying no water to the tanks. However, we still would not allow the water to enter from the top of the tank now that we know what caused the problem we can avoid a similar situation. The City Attorney said he did not believe the bad water was caused by negligence of the City and that there should be no grounds for a suit against the City by various businesses in the area. Councilman Sikes made a motion that we change the specifications and have an addendum that a feed riser should be cut about 1 ft. above the base of the tank (Park Avenue). . Councilman Dietz seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Tape IB There was some more discussion about the water lines and the new water system that is being built. There was also discussion ~bout the maintanance and repair that will be done to the water tanks and .the cost. Councilman Sue Blackwell Nancy Blazi ~ MINUTES TAKEN BY: ~:~ y Clerk APPROVED THIS December, 1 2