06-26-1978 - Regular
June 26, 1978
Mayor Christy called the regular meeting of the City Council
to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Community Center.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman Carl Shell
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Calvin R. Dietz
City Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk Sue Blackwell
Police Chief Baugh
Councilman Sikes gave the invocation.
Councilman Dietz made a motion that the Council approve
minutes of the June 19, 1978 regular Council meeting.
Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
Councilman Dietz made a motion that the Council approve the bills
for payment. Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, requesting street lights: The Olivers have
requested that the Council consider a street light for the corner
of Orange Tree Drive and Twentieth St. in Florida Shores. They
stated, in their letter, that they have been vandalized on many
occasions by having gasoline stolen from their car. They said
that the Police Dept. had recommended that they have a street light
near their home.
Councilman Sikes spoke about the possibility of obtaining some of
.the street lights along Indian River Blvd. However, the city would
still have to set up poles and the cost of extra lighting is high.
There is no money in the budget for street lights. He also suggested
that perhaps the Olivers could install a vapor type light, which
would cost about $4.50 per month.
Councilman Dietz said that if the city could cut down some trees
on Twentieth St., east of Orange Tree, the lights might come through
from the other side and give some light to the area in question.
The Mayor will notify the Street Department to cut down those trees.
Craig Gehlert, letter and bill: Mr. Gehlert, architect for
the Edgewater Library addition, certified in his letter that
the project had been completed in accordance with the Plans
and specifications prepared by his office. He also submitted
a final bill to the Council for $300.00
Mrs. Harmon, the librarian, spoke to the Council concerning
the fact that Mr. Gehlert had done very little inspecting of
the premises and that the final inspection had been done by
the Edgewater Building Official.
The City Attorney said that he did not feel that the Council
should approve this bill. He had written to Mr. Gehlert about
problems in the construction and had never received a reply.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council refuse to pay
this bill. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
F.E.C., relocating tracks: This was a reply to Mr. Dietz's
letter of June 6, 1978, from Mr. Wvcoff, Sr. Vice President of
F.E.C. Mr. Wycoff stated that the F.E.C. could not accept the cost
increase that would be caused by relocation and concluded that
the railroad could not favorably consider the request of the
Council to relocate their tracks in Edgewater.
There was no action taken on this.
Councilman Rotundo told the Council that the City has hired
a part time dog catcher. This is a CETA position and has been
filled under the summer CETA program.
Councilman Sikes told the Council that they need to consider
hiring a City Manager. The City is growing and the management
of the various departments becomes more complex all the time.
We need a professional person to assist the Coordinators and
department supervisors.
Mayor Christy said that he did not feel the City should hire
a manager. We have tried it before and it has not worked out.
There was some discussion from the audience.
Mr. Walter Gross was opposed to the idea of a city manager. He
believes we have enough volunteer help in the City to assist
the Coordinators and various departments.
Mr. John Bevel spoke in favor of a city manager. He agreed
that the Council needed professional assistance.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the City advertise for a
City Manager, salary negotiable. Councilman Dietz seconded the
motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-1. Mayor Christy
voted NO.
Councilman Sikes also asked if it had been officially announced
that the July 3, 1978 Council meeting had been cancelled.
Mayor Christy said this had been voted on at the last meeting.
There would be no Council meeting on July 3, 1978. The next
regular Council meeting would be July 10, 1978.
Councilman Dietz told the Council that the DER has clamped down
on Edgewater on the water line expansion due to the fact that
all these are supposed to be registered with the State.as to
what lines we put in and test made on each one. In order to
comply, the engineers have drawn up a map for a five year plan
for water expansion in the Florida Shores area. They will present
this to the City sometime this week.
Councilman Dietz made a motion that the Council instruct the Mayor
to sign this plan when it is delivered to the City so that BRiley,
Wild can forward it to the DER for their approval. Councilman
Sikes seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Dietz told the Council that it will be necessary to extend
the 12" water main from Air Park Road to Mango Tree Drive. We
have the funds for this but the best way for the City to advance
on this is to ask the Farmerls Home Administration for a change
order on the expansion of the water plant to include this in the
Councilman Dietz made a motion that the Council authorize the
change order # 2 on the water expansion program to include the
extension of a 12" water main from Air Park Road to Mango Tree
Drive. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call
the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Dietz told the Council that there have been numerous
complaints from Florida Shores residents concerning septic tanks.
They are not being put in properly. It is not only the septic
tanks themselves it is also the drain fields. Mr. Dietz has a
meeting, with the Council IS approval, with Dr. King to discuss
the possibility of getting this away from the Board of Health
and under the jurisdiction of our Building Department.
The Council gave their approval to this meeting.
City Attorney Judson Woods told the Council that he had spoken
with Mr. Wild of Briley, Wild Associates concerning the possibility
of negotiating a contract with another engineering firm for
projects up to $50,000. Mr. Wild was not too receptive to this
idea. Mr. Wild did request a meeting to discuss this question
with the Council.
Mayor Christy said that the Council could call a special meeting
just to discuss the contract with BWA. He will contact Mr.
Wild and set up a date for a special meeting.
The City Attorney said that Mr. Hetrick had delivered copies of
the proposed contract between Edgewater and the County for an
expanded fire district. It was his understanding that the Rescue
Service would not 'participate.
The Mayor said they would discuss this later in the meeting.
Mayor Christy told the Council that he had an application from
a Mr. Tipton for a home occupational license to operate an
aluminum siding business.
The Council referred this to the Zoning Board.
There will be a meeting on July 10, 1978 in DeLand sponsored by
the Dept. of Agriculture. The Mayor would like permission to
attend. They will discuss future resource conservation programs.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize the
Mayor and City Planner to attend this meeting. Councilman Dietz
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.'
The Mayor also spoke about a District 5 Liaison Committee meeting.
Councilman Dietz said that the city engineers attend those meetings
and we would receive information about the meeting from them.
Mayor Christy (, had a letter from VCOG with a copy of the
Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act. The Council received
copies of this also.
A former employee, under CETA, has applied for unemployment. The
City has been advised of the hearing on June 29, 1978 to discuss
his application.
Councilman Sikes said the Mayor and the City Clerk should attend
and take the employee's personnel file to explain the City's position.
The Mayor also talked about new equipment for car maintenance in
the City Garage. He gave the Council copies of a brochure about
hoists and lifts. Also he has done more checking into the cost
of trash compactors. The City is still investigating alternatives
to our present trash collecting contract.
The Mayor informed the Council that the Building Official had
issued a permit for a two-story house to be built on the East side
of Riverside Drive. There have been some questions as to whether
a two-story house can be built in this area. Upon further study,
it was discovered that an error had been made and that the zoning
ordinance does not permit two-story homes on the East side of
Riverside Drive. The Building Inspector has halted building on
this site.
Mr. Harris, the contractor for this home, spoke to the Council
and stated that the owner had checked on three occasions and had
been assured that he could build in this area.
Mr. Williams, the owner, also spoke to the Council.
There was a lengthy discussion concerning this problem and the
Council questioned Mr. Murphy, Building Official.
The City Attorney will research this and report to the Council.
Mr. Harris and Mr. Williams said they would be willing to wait
a few days to see if they could get a favorable decision on this
Mayor Christy said that when they heard from the attorney, the
Council would hold a special meeting.
Mayor Christy said the Council should discuss whether or not
the Rescue Service will be included in the contract with the County.
Mr. Bevel spoke for EVER and said that originally when they had
asked to be withdrawn from participation it was because they had
lost a couple of members and also had some members who doubted
they could put in extra time. Since that time, they had picked up
more members and now felt that the rescue service could take
active participation in the extended district. Mr. Bevel questioned
the authority of Mr. Dietz to notify the county that EVER had
withdrawn. Mr. Bevel felt this should have been a matter for
Council discussion and action.
Councilman Dietz said that the Council had authorized him to
negotiate with the county and that there was a time element involved.
Mr. Hetrick had to have the proposed contract ready for the County
Council this week so that it could be put on the agenda.
The Council discussed this subject.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Rescue service be included
in the contract.
Councilman Sikes said that he would be willing to second this
motion if Mr. Hetrick could add the figures for the rescue
service without jeopardizing the fire department's participation.
Councilman Dietz said that he doubted if this could be done. He
also said he could not go before the County Council and present
this proposed contract if EVER was included. The rescue service
was a fine organization but he was not convinced tha~ at this time,
they could fulfill their part of the contract. If the City defaults
on the contract, the county will take over any equipment purchased
and the city would lose everything they had invested in this project.
He reminded the Council that the contract was renegotiable in a
year's time and possibly EVER would have more personnel then and
be able to meet additional commitments.
Councilman Rotundo withdrew his motion.
There was further discussion on this subject.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council contact Mr. Hetrick
and find out if we can revert back to the proposal prior to Thursday,
June 22 whereb~ in the agreement with the provision for the Edgewater
Fire and Rescue District submitted to the Council on June 26th,
the budgeted amount could include the rescue service without
jeopardizing the existing agreement that has been presented to the
Council. This means that if they say no, we would act on the
Fire District alone. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion.
Councilman Dietz said that he could not negotiate this type of
contract. He suggested that Councilman Rotundo take over negotiations
with the County. He has a great deal of faith in EVER and they
do a wonderful job but he does not feel that at this time they
can take on this added responsibility. EVER volunteers have to
be specifically trained to do their work and he does not think
they have enough volunteers in their organization to handle this
extra commitment.
Mr. Bevel told the Council that EVER had no wish to jeopardize
this contract with the County. Therefore, they would withdraw
from participation so that Councilman Dietz could stay and continue
negotiations with the County.
Councilman Sikes withdrew his motion. Councilman Rotundo withdrew
his second.
Councilman Dietz commended the rescue service for the action they
had taken. He said that the Council should see. that the next
budget adequately supplies EVER with the necessities they need
for an efficient operation of their service within the city.
When they are able to prove they can meet additional responsibilities
outside the city we will be able to have their participation in
the extended district.
Mayor Christy called a 10 minute recess.
Mayor Christy called the meeting back to order.
The City Attorney read Ordinance No. 1012 (second reading)
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council adopt this
Ordinance. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
The City Attorney read Ordinance No. 1015 (first reading)
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council adopt this
Ordinance. Councilman Dietz seconded the motion.
There was a question from the audience as to whether or not
the floor area was measured inside or outside the house.
The Council discussed the definition of floor area and dwelling
unit. They could not answer the question on measurement.
It was suggested that this ordinance be tabled for further
study on the proper wording of the ordinance.
Councilman Sikes withdrew his motion. Councilman Dietz withdrew
his second.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council table this
ordinance until the July 10th meeting at which time the attorney
can br~ng it back before the Council. Councilman Dietz seconded
the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Resolution 208, Storm Water Management:
Councilman Dietz said that the County Council will come up with
this on July 6. They did eliminate the tax portion. However,
there are still some parts that he does not agree with. One
of the sections states that in the event that no municipal regulatory
program is in effect at the conclusion of an 18 month period, this
ordinance will be administered by the County Staff.
The Council discussed various parts of the storm water management
proposal. They agreed with the No.2 proposal.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize Mr.
Dietz to attend this meeting and present their views to the County
Council. If Mr. Dietz is unable to attend the Mayor should go.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
R. Diamond, Annexation Report:
Mr. Diamond spoke to the Council about a letter from Briley, Wild
stating that they will provide us with an estimate for preparing
annexation report. It was suggested that the PLanning Board could
extend their land use inventory to include those areas and save
some money on the cost of the report. The Planning Board has completed
the survey. Mr. Cross of BWA does not feel, as a whole, that the
area meets the State's criteria for annexation. However, there are
a number of small parcels which appear to be eligible. BWA has
suggested that they could provide their computer to furnish a report
on this area.
The Council asked Mr. Diamond what the cost of this service would be.
Mr. Diamond did not have that information.
Councilman Dietz made a motion that the Council approve Briley, Wild
preparation of the report with their computer for an amount not to
exceed $1500. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
.. . . ...
Recreation Complex
The Mayor said that the Council would discuss this at the next
regular meeting.
Dietz, No Smoking, 5 min. recess per hour:
Councilman Dietz made a motion that they table this subject
until the next meeting. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion did NOT CARRY 2-2. Councilman Sikes
and Mayor Christy voted NO.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council pass a resolution to
prohibit smoking during a Council meeting and that the Mayor will
call recesses at intervals. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-1. Councilman Dietz voted NO.
Hospitalization insurance - bids
Councilman Dietz suggested that the Council study the possibility
of having an agent of record to negotiate insurance contracts for
the City and after Council approval the agent would explain the
benefits so that each employee would know what coverage they had.
Councilman Sikes said that he thought we had a good policy now
and should use that as a basis for renegotiations.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize the
City Clerk to go out for bids on hospitalization policies for
one and three years using our present policy as a basis. We
want a policy as good or better. Councilman Rotundo seconded the
motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-0.
Councilman Sikes made a motion to authorize an adjustment on
the sewer bill for Mr. and Mrs. Dudley as per Ordinance 1012.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
Councilman Rotundo asked for more information on the insurance
coverage of the Rescue service. The City Clerk said she would
check on this.
Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Rotundo
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Sue Blackwell
Nancy Blazi
'City Clerk ~
Approved thi s /IJ day
'- of JU1Y~~~
~~4, .