06-10-2004 ,..,. .."", CITY OF EDGEWATER RECREATION/CULTURAL SERVICES BOARD JUNE 10,20046:30 PM TOUR OF PARK FACILITIES ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER The Chairman, Tom Tipton called the meeting to order. Members present were Kat Bearsley, Mike Visconti, Jo Hagan, Tom Tipton and Joe Fishback. Also present was Jack Corder, Director of Leisure Services. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Fishback moved to approve the Minutes of the April 8. 2004 meetin2 and Mr. Visconti seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 5-0. OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Hagan asked if the plans had been approved for the beautification project on SR 442 and Mr. Corder replied they had been submitted, but not yet approved, and we have until January 1 st to get it completed. The Board once again asked about the entrance signs to the city on the north and south ends which were to have been replaced by the Chamber last year. After much discussion, Mrs. Ha2an moved to send a memo to Council reQuestin2 that the Chamber remove the north and south entrance si2ns as soon as possible. which are in disrepair and not fittin2 for a "welcome" to Ed2ewater. Mrs. Bearsley seconded the motion and it CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Fishback inquired if the amphitheater is still on schedule, and Mr. Corder replied we are waiting on concrete. NEW BUSINESS June Beautification Award The Board reviewed the many selections for the Beautification Award, and the winning residence was 206 Cherrywood Lane. At this time Mr. Corder proceeded with the tour of the park facilities. He gave a brief update on each of the locations, which included the Riverwalk, Menard-May Park, Kennedy Park, Veterans Park, Hawks Park, the Maintenance Building, the Scrub Jay habitat, SR 442 medians and Whistle Stop Park. '-" .."., ADJOURNMENT There beinS! no further business before the Board. Mr. Fishback moved to adiourn. seconded by Mrs. HaS!an. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Minutes submitted by Barb Kowall