03-06-1979 - Workshop
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r.1arch 6, 1979
Mayor Christy called the Council Workshop to order at 6:30 P.M.
in City Hall.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Neil J. Asting
City Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk John Wharton
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Discussion~about City Planner
Mayor Christy said that he had talked with Richard Diamond who told
him he was not sure if he could make it to the meeting tonight.
The Mayor added that he still hoped that Mr. Diamond might be able
to work for the City.
The Council agreed to wait to see if Mr. Diamond might still make
it to this meeting.
Solid Waste Recovery
Mayor Christy told the Council that the representative from Jared,
Mulcay & Co., was not able to get a flight out of Atlanta. The
Mayor said that he told Mr. Daniels that the Council would take this
up some other time.
City Hall Organization
Mr. Wharton said that the City organization chart shows different
departments each having a supervisor or superintendent except the
administration department. We need an administration director in
City Hall. The department at City Hall has contact "lith all the
departments in the City and is the hub of the City activity. It
seems as if everybody that comes into City Hall thinks that business
should be handled the way he wants it done which is not necessarily
the proper administrative method. If there were the designation of
administration director it would settle the problem.
Mr. Woods asked if Mr. Wharton was asking for a position as office
manager or head of the department of administration?
Mr. Wharton said that this department is the administration department
and its needs the designation of an administration's director.
Councilman Sikes said that the City Clerk has always been the head
of this department.
Mr. Wharton said that he believes this has been the trouble all along.
The former City Clerk was trying to please everybody but she didn't
h a vet h e pro per des i 9 n ate d tit 1 e and i tea use d t r 0 u b 1 e . vJ hen any bod y
gets into a tight corner they try to get the City Clerk to get them
out of it and every time they come in they want things done their way.
Councilman Sikes said that in the absence of a City Manager, the City
Clerk is the manager and has the authority to set administrative
Councilman Asting said that the management of the City's finances is
a pretty big job and Mr. Wharton has been busy trying to administer
to the financial needs and requirements of the City. He is continually
being interrupted with petty details. Mr. Wharton has prepared a chart
showing the suggested changes in some of the positions at City Hall.
Connie Kinsey is the Deputy City Clerk but she is not functioning as
the Deputy City Clerk. She is handling almost solely water department
billing and accounting in the Water Dept. She does not act as a
deputy or an assistant to Mr. Wharton. Mr. Wharton is often disturbed
by the Clerks when he is trying to work on financial matters and
this slows down his work. The clerks are probably looking for guidance
but this is something an assistant or deputy clerk could very well
handle. There is a need for an assistant or deputy to handle the
administration and the personnel.
Councilman Ledbetter said that the Charter does not call for a City
Administrator and Finance Clerk.
Mayor Christy read from the Charter the duties of the City Clerk.
Councilman Asting said that mainly they needed a reorganization of
the City administration.
Mr. Wharton said that Mr. Sikes was the coordinator of the City
Administration but who was the director under Mr. Sikes?
Councilman Sikes said he only acted in an advisory capacity and that
the City Clerk was the director. He already has the authority as
City Clerk to act as the director of administration. Mr. Wharton
has the right to shift duties around at City Hall without Council
Mayor Christy said that Mr. Wharton needs an assistant.
Mr. Wharton said that was needed but the important issue was that
nobody knows who the director of administrations is at City Hall.
It is archaic being a City Clerk. It should be known that this is
the administrations department and who the director of the department
is. Mr. Wharton said that his temporary appointment is almost over
and it mav be that the Council will chose someone else but he is con-
cern~d about the admini~tration_ of City-Hall.
Councilman Sikes said that perhaps we should put a sign up in the
lobby of City Hall that would name the City Clerk and Finance Director
and then under that the Deputy City Clerk.
Counciman:'Asting said that along with the proposed personnel changes,
the City Clerk has suggested remodeling City Hall to provide for more
efftcient operations. An office for the City Clerk could be built
at the front of the outer office by putting up a wall and moving the
cashier area to just one side with two cashier windows. The deputy
City Clerk would sit right outside the City Clerk's office. The room
that is presently being used as the City Clerk's office could be ex-
tended into the Building Official.s office area and used as a meeting
Mayor Christy called a brief recess so that the Council members could
see where some of this remodeling would be done in City Hall.
The meeting was resumed.
Mayor Christy asked Mr. DeGroot, City Engineer, if he would draw up
the plans and specifications and cost estimate on remodeling City Hall.
The Council continued discussing personnel and title changes.
Mr. Wharton said that for the sake of the City he believes his position
should be known as Administration Director as~well as City Clerk.
Councilman Sikes again suggested that a directory in the lobby of City
Hall might make the different positions clearer to the public.
City Attorney Woods said that he did not understand what the problem
was in the administration of City Hall unless there was a breakdown in
the communications between Mr. Wharton and the people that serve under
Mayor Christy said that he is their director and he is the one in charge.
Mr. Wharton should issue a memo to the different departments setting
up proper adminstrative procedures.
Councilman Sikes mentioned the fact that the door into the City Hall
offices is not kept locked like it used to be. Everyone just walks in
and disturbs the people working there. That door should be locked
and whenever someone wants to see an ordinance, for example, they
don't need to bother the City Clerk. People should not be able
to just walk in where everyone is working and take over their desks.
People should have to announce themselves to someone at the window
instead of just walking in.
Mr. Wharton said that everyone thinks of the City Clerk as just doing
clerk's work. They don't think of them as an administrator or of
doing administrative work. The position should be designated as an
Mayor Christy said definately that door should be kept locked.
Mr. Wharton said that some of the City employees just walk in and stand
around and have long conversations with the other employees. The
City employees should know that the City Clerk is the administrator.
Mayor Christy said that the Councilmen should speak to the superinten-
dents of their respective departments about employees coming into
City Hall and hanging around after they should have completed the job
they came there for.
Councilman Asting said that to sum up what they have discussed, it
is getting to the time where they must advertise for a City Clerk.
We also must come up with a plan for the setup and reorganization of
the administrative department of City Hall. We can use Mr. Wharton's
suggestions ~s a basis for these changes.
Councilman Sikes said that the girls in the office are now doing
the jobs that Mr. Wharton has designated in his personnel chart.
Councilman Asting said that there were some changes.
Mayor Christy said that Mrs. Kinsey would not be able to work in the
computer room and also at a front desk.
Councilman Sikes said that Karen and Connie have both been trained for
the computer. There are, however, certain times of the month that
Connie has extra time. Those are the times where she needs to help
Mr. Wharton.
Councilman Rotundo suggested that we train another girl for the computer.
Councilman Sikes asked about the girl that had been working for Richard
Councilman Asting said that she was now working for the City Engineer
and the W/WW Dept.
The subject was brought up of the records in the City Planner1s office.
Councilman Asting said that they would be moved to the new Water Dept.
office until the City had another City Planner.
Mayor Christy said that there was a lot of books, etc. that he had
given to the City Planner and they should be kept in City Hall. The
records and files should probably be in City Hall too. The City Clerk
is the custodian for all records.
Councilman Sikes said that the City Engineer should have copies of
all the engineering material and information.
Mr. DeGroot said that they hope to get the type of files made for
drawings. These files can be locked and are fire proof. They are made
specifically for engineering plans and drawings. Briley, Wild has
the originals of most of the engineering work and the City has copies.
The Council continued discussing City Hall personnel.
Councilman Sikes said that he still did not see that there were many
changes in Mr. Wharton's chart from what is now being done.
. .
Councilman Asting said that there was a change if you look where
Connie Kinsey is placed now rather than in the computer room.
Mayor Christy asked if she would be in the computer room at all?
Councilman Asting said he didn't see any reason why she should be.
She would be out in front if they put this plan into effect.
Mr. Wharton said that maybe when Barbara was in the computer room
Mrs. Kinsey could be outside, because no more than two can be sitting
in there.
Councilman Asting said that as it is now, Connie Kinsey is buried in
that computer room, that is all she does. She just sits there and
handles the w/ww billing. She really has no other function.
Mayor Christy asked what would happen if Mr. Wharton could not come
to the Council meetings?
Councilman Asting said that Mrs. Kinsey would have to attend the meeting.
Councilman Sikes said that was what Connie has done in the past.
He does not want to change her duties as far as the computer is concerned.
There is still another area that has to go on the computer.
Councilman Ledbetter said that if she is trained for that she should
be left where she is.
Councilman Asting said that you would have to add the other duties,
personnel, purchasing and documents according to Mr. Wharton's organiza-
tional chart. If Connie is just going to work in the computer room,
the whole reorganizational plan is defeated. He pointed out that Connie
Kinsey is the highest paid clerk in City Hall. The extra pay goes
along with the title of being Deputy City Clerk. We should have her
function as Deputy City Clerk.
Councilman Ledbetter asked if he is telling them that the only thing
she does is work in the computer room and she is not personnel, purchasing
or documents like it shows on the chart?
Councilman Sikes said that she does act as Deputy City Clerk when she
is asked. She is not being overpaid.
Councilman Rotundo said that they should still consider training another
girl for the computer.
Mayor Christy said that the girls already have problems getting ayl the
work done now. We need more help.
Councilman Rotundo said that was why we got the computer.
Councilman Sikes said that the computer helps keep better records but
you probably have at least one third again more work with the computer.
Councilman Asting asked what would happen if both Connie and Karen were
sick at the same time? We need to have some other people trained for
that job.
Councilman Sikes said he had no objection to training someone else but
he did object to moving Connie out of there. She can do the job of
City Clerk if she is called upon to do it.
Councilman Asting said that he did not say she was not capable. He said
that she is not required to act as Deputy City Clerk very often and she
should be.
Councilman Sikes said that certainly she should help Mr. Wharton more.
We should cross train the City Hall personnel but right now there isn't
anybody who can take the time from their present job.
Councilman Sikes said that at such time that we advertise for City Clerk,
from the date that we hire that person that Mr. Wharton will have an
additional three months to serve to help break that person in. He added
also,that we should give him one week1s vacation for the six months he
will have worked.
Councilman Asting said that he would like to see Mr. Wharton have the
opportunity to help whoever is hired as City Clerk.
Mayor Christy said that was a good idea but he would also like the
Council to consider hiring another person for City Hall. He asked
the City Clerk if there was money available for this.
Mr. Wharton said he would like to wait until the end of the month
to see what the financial conditions are.
Councilman Sikes said that perhaps we might want to keep whoever
will be working as Susan's replacement.
Mr. Wharton said that he did not think that he had made his point
clear to the Council. If the City Clerk is the head of the Adminis-
tration Dept. then the public should know that.
Mr. Woods said that you could draw up an ordinance making the City
Clerk the City Administrator also.
Mayor Christy said we could call it City Clerk/Administrator.
Councilman Ledbetter said that if we are going to use our charter
then we should do so and the position would be as stated in the charter,
otherwise we might as well throw the charter out.and call the City
Clerk by any title we want to.
Mr. Woods said that when the legislature enacted the home rule powers
this, in effect, turned the charter into ordiAances. There are certain
prohibitions in the home rule act but for the most part the charter
is amendable.
Councilman Sikes said that we should leave things the way they are
and get on with the other business at this workshop.
Mayor Christy said that they couldn't take any action tonight anyways.
Briley, Wild Contract
Mayor Christy asked Mr. DeGroot to discuss this contract with the
Council and make suggestions as to any changes that might be made.
Mr. DeGroot said that he did not know if the position of City Engineer
was established in the charter.
Councilman Asting said that position was established by resolution.
Mr. DeGroot said that the present BWA contract establishes in their
contractual obligations the duties of City Engineer. It is a matter
of ethics to review this and ask the attorney if we need to change
this contract or if can just be modified.
Mr. Woods said that he has checked over the contract and it provides
that we only have to deal with Briley, Wild on an as-needed basis.
He asked Mr. DeGroot if he felt this was a fair contract?
Mr. DeGroot said that it was a fair contract. They go by the recognized
fee scheduling. What he wants to avoid is the possibility of getting
into a conflict with our own consultants. Since this is on an as-needed
basis, he did wonder if a request for services must be done in writing?
Councilman Sikes said he believed the contract stated lias requested
and authorized.1I
Mr. Woods said that the City has made most of the requests in writing.
Councilman Sikes asked if our engineer would be accepted when we apply
for grants?
Mr. DeGroot said that he was sure his specifications would be acceptable
but there would be some areas for example bond issues, where the name
of Briley, Wild would carry a lot of weight.
t4 '" ....
Mayor Christy said that we have a State certified engineer and his
specifications and reports should be just as acceptable as any from
B r i 1 ey, Wild.
Mr. DeGroot said that on some projects our physical plant may not
be large enough to accomplish the work within a specified length of
Mayor Christy said that would be the time to use our consultants.
Councilman Asting said that within the past month there has been very
little activity on Briley, Wild1s part for the City except at the
new Water Plant.
Mr. Woods said that he did not see any reason to change the contract.
We could just call on Briley, Wild as we need them.
Councilman Asting called attention to the duties of City Engineer
as specified in the contract and added that he believed Mr. DeGroot
is capable of handling all these duties.
Councilman Sikes said that it has always cost us a great deal of
money when Briley, Wild has handled small jobs for us.
Mr. DeGroot said that we could handle these smaller jobs ourselves.
He believes we should discuss this with Briley, Wild so that they
are fully aware of what he would be doing as City Engineer.
Councilman Asting agreed that we should discuss the functions of
our City Engineer with Briley, Wild.
There was some discussion about Briley, Wild's responsibility at
the sewer plant.
Mr. DeGroot said that they had gone over the list of deficiencies,with BWA,
that needed to be corrected and McMahon has said they will go oven this
list and make the corrections. They are waiting until after the
first of April because in order for certain corrections to be made
the sludge part needs to be drawn down. This procedure has been
postponed until after April first because Kevin and Terry will be
in Gainesville at that short school which is very important. This
work will be done as soon after April first as Kevin can get the plant
into position 'for the necessary corrections.
Councilman Sikes said that then Mr. DeGroot would get with the
engineers and report back to the Council.
Mr. DeGroot said that this was part of his question. He did not know
if he should do this or if the Council should.
Councilman Sikes said that the Council should know what the City
Engineer feels the Council should do.
Mr. DeGroot said that he will write a memorandum to that effect.
Councilman Asting said that we can have a meeting with Briley, Wild
to let them know what the City Engineer will be doing and that we will
consult with Briley, Wild on an as-needed basis.
Councilman Sikes said that we needed to be sure that the departments
(W/WW) understood that the City Engineer would make the final decisions.
Councilman Asting said that there is a meeting with Mr. DeGroot and
all City Departments every Friday afternoon to discuss the work being
done in the City.
Mayor Christy said they should all have information from these meetings.
Mr. DeGroot said that the W/WW, Street, Police and even the Fire and
Rescue all need to coordinate work that is being done so that there
is less overlapping of projects.
Mayor Christy put in a call to Richard Diamond. Mr. Diamond said that
he would have an answer to the Council by the next regular Council meeting.
Workshop Adjourned.