01-23-1979 - Workshop
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January 23, 1979
Mayor Christy called the Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. in
City Hall.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Neil J. Asting
City' Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk John Wharton
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Also present were the following members of the Zoning Board:
James Mackie, Chairman
Sebastian Siciliano
Frank Opal
M. F. Wheel er
Clair Bowser
James Engle
John D. Gross, Sr.
Jacob Lodico, Planning Bd.
Richard Diamond, City Planner
Two representatives of Liquicarbonic Co.
The first business before the Council was the problem of trash
The Council discussed what kind of trash the City should pick
Councilman Ledbetter said that there are private concerns in the
area that are interested in picking up various items for scrap
Councilman Rotundo said that he did not feel the City should become
involved in a large scale trash pickup. We are in the garbage
business. Large items like furniture, stoves, refrigerators, etc.
should be handled by someone else.
Mayor Christy said that Tomoka used to pick up these large items
for an extra fee.
Councilman Asting said that before we had the Tomoka service, the
City had picked up branches, palm fronds, etc. once a week. It was
a service provided by the City with no fee charged.
Councilman Sikes mentioned the ordinance that specified the size
and type of trash that the City would pick up. (Ordinance No. 611
Section 8). Once a year the City had a Spring cleanup which
took care of the large household items that people were discarding.
There must be quite a few people who would be willing to pick
up these larger items to be used as scrap metal, etc.
Mayor Christy said that we should enforce the ordinance.
Councilman Asting said that he hoped we were not planning to charge
a fee to pick up trash, in addition to the garbage costs.
Mayor Christy said that was not the intent. The question is
whether the City should pick up larger discarded items and charge
a fee for that.
Councilman Ledbetter said that this should include trees that
are cut down on private property. It should be up to the owner
to pay to have large limbs and stumps, etc. removed.
Councilman Sikes said that trash items should be limited to
something that doesn't take two people to lift or that is
too large for our trucks to handle. We are also not to pick
up trash on vacant lots.
Mayor Christy said that the police should enforce the ordinance.
For example, if someone puts a couch out and it is left sitting
there, the police should give notification that this is against
the ordinance.
Chief Baugh said that if the Street Dept. would notify the
police when they see something like that, the police will
enforce the ordinance.
Councilman Asting said that it seemed to be a good idea to
go by the ordinance we already have and let the people know
they will have to make private arrangements for the pickup of
larger trash items.
Councilman Sikes said that whenever we announce this, or put
a notice in the paper they could be told that they can always
call Triangle Service.
Mayor Christy asked Mr. Ledbetter if he would work up an item
for the newspaper that would inform the residents of the policy
concerning trash pickup.
Chief Baugh said that possibly anyone interested in picking
up discarded household items might want to notify City Hall
so that we could have a list available when residents call
in for this type of service.
Mr. Woods suggested that they work up an announcement for the
newspapers to let the residents know what the City will be
responsible for.
Mayor Christy asked Mr. Ledbetter to get with the secretary
to work this out. They can get something written up for
approval" before it goes to the newspapers.
The next item on the workshop agenda was a presentation from
the Liquicarbonic Co. on the re-carbonation unit for the Water
Plant. Mr. Young and Miss Smith made the presentation.
Mr. Young gave the Council copies of a brochure and diagrams
showing where this re-carbonation unit would be located and how
it works.
Councilman Asting said that the cost of this re-carbonation unit
was considerably less than the one proposed by Layne Atlantic Co.
He added that the cities of Port Orange, Ft. Meyers, Tampa and
Pensacola were using this unit.
Mr. Young said that his company was the largest manufacturer of
CO2 nationwide and the only manufacturer directly in the State.
He explained to the Council the reason for re-carbonation units
and how they can improve the water system. The CO2 controls the
PH in the water. It is a simple, effective system that does not
require a technical technician to operate. There are safety factors
incorporated into the system and the gas is non-toxic. Mr.
Young went on to explain the various steps involved in the operation
of this unit.
The Council discussed the various aspects of this type of system
with the representatives of Liquicarbonic Co.
Mr. Young also pointed out that if the PH is not reduced and con-
trolled, it will build up in the pipes and eventually clog these
pipes so that they will have to be replaced. Other methods for
reducing PH can prove more costly.
Councilman Sikes said that Briley, Wild had quaranteed the
City that the water from the plant they designed would be
the best. Then the subject of a re-carbonation unit was
brought up and the City was told they should have this
unit. Would it be possible to wait and see if the water
is as good as we were told it would be? If it did not
work out then obviously the engineers made a mistake some-
where and we would have to add this unit.
Councilman Asting said that if we add this unit during the
construction phase it would be less costly.
Mr. Young pointed out that there were different ways that
the City could finance this unit. The company also has a
lease-purchase plan.
Councilman Asting said that the proposal from Layne Atlantic
that was recommended by Briley, Wild would cost the City
$55,000. The proposal of Liquicarbonic is considerably less
around $15,000. What we should do is go back to Briley, Wild
and say that we have this unit that appears to be equally
as efficient as the $55,000. unit and get their engineering
opinion on this.
Mr. Woods said that the discrepancy in the various proposals
is disturbing. The proposals should be competitive.
There were further questions concerning maintenance, installa-
tion, cost of operation, etc. Mr. Young went over the brochures
and diagrams with the Council to answer most of these questions.
Mayor Christy thanked Mr. Young and Miss Smith for their
presentation to the Council. The installation of are-carbonation
unit and the added expense to the water plant will have to
have a great deal more study by the Council before they make
a decision.
The final item on the workshop agenda was the proposed Subdivision
Richard Diamond went over the ordinance, page by page, with the
Council members and answered various questions concerning some
of the items covered in this ordinance.
Mr. Woods congratulated the Zoning Board and Mr. Diamond for
the fine job they had done in preparing the draft proposal fDr
this ordinance.
Councilman Sikes said that he was sure the Council would agree
that it would not be necessary for the minutes of this section of
the workshop to be typed in any detail, since they all had the
copy of the ordinance and were in agreement on its contents.
The ordinance should be ready in a couple of weeks for presenta-
tion ata regular Council meeting.
The workshop was adjourned.
Minutes Submitted by:
Nancy Blazi