11-14-1978 - Workshop (.) o 'r"J~t:r,>;~, , ''thU!/ ('~',,"Q~ ,J,~ t ~~I II: 1.1" 4:G'.1 [{ , CITY OF EDGEWATER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP NOVEMBER 14, 1978 Mayor Christy called the Workshop to order at 7:00 P.M. in City Hall. The Workshop was for the purpose of discussing the work- men's compensation program. ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Louis J. Rotundo Councilman David C. Ledbetter Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Neil J. Asting City Attorney Judson Woods City Clerk John Wharton Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Mayor Christy said that it was necessary to discuss our work- men's compensation program. Our present policy expires Dec. 19, 1978 and the INA company has increased our rates by almostS$10,000. The Council had received information on the MuniciQal Self-Insurers Fund. Mayor Christy said that he had spoken with ~epresentatives of this fund at the recent Florida League of Cities convention. He was favorably impressed with their program. The list of cities currently in the Self-Insurers Fund was checked over as to the population. The Council requested that some of these cities be contacted to find out how the plan is working for them. The Council discussed the information they had received about the self-insurers program. Mayor Christy will contact their representative to get more information. Mr. Watkins, Tumblin Agency, questioned the increase and the amount listed as paid out for claims. It seemed excessively large for the City. Mayor Christy said that it is a policy of the City to have all injuries checked by a physician. We have been fortunate in that there have not been any major injuries in some time. Councilman Sikes asked if we could be removed from the assigned risk area. Mr. Watkins, said that he had talked with INA and they said they might consider it but the fact that we have the Police and Fire Dept. creates complications. There was also a proposal from G5A. The Council considered this proposal. Primarily, the Council discussed the information they had on the Municipal Self-Insurers Fund. They will hold another workshop when they have more information. Councilman Sikes pointed up the fact that during the recent safety check inspections, the City rated very high and there were only a couple of minor changes recommended by the safety inspectors. The Council plans to meet with Self-Insurer representative so that they can clarify some of the questions concerning this policy. The Council also discussed the need to go out for bids for hospitalization. This will be taken care of at a later date. Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Asting seconded. Th~ m~~tinn ""'l, 'lrlinllY'n~rl,