09-17-1979 - Public Hearing/Regular
,September 17, 1979
Mayor Christy called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 P.M. in
the Edgewater Community Center.
The purpose of the Public Hearing was to discuss the proposed
budgets for the General Fund, Water and Wastewater and Garbage
for the fiscal vear 1979-80. The Council will also consider
the Federal Rev~nue Sharing appropriations for 1979-80.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Neil J. Asting
City Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk Joseph Herget
Police Chief Earl Baugh
City Clerk Herget read the proposed General Fund Budget which totals
$906,797. A detailed breakdown of each department is attached to
the original minutes of this meeting.
The City Clerk read the proposed budget for the Garbage and Solid
Waste System which totals $13~,000. Detailed breakdown attached.
The City Clerk read the proposed Water and Wastewater Budget which
totals $705,890.41. Detailed breakdown attached.
The City Clerk read the suggested appropriations for Federal Revenue
Sharing which totals $101,104.00. Detailed breakdown attached.
The City Clerk reminded the Council that $25,000 in Federal Revenue
Sharing Funds needs to be reappropriated.from fiscal year 1978-79.
$10,000 to Parks and Recreation and $15,000 to Water DeDt. for the
purchase of fire hydrants. .
The C i t Y C 1 e r k rem i n de d the Co un c il that $1 9 ,a.Q,Q , need s to be a p pro p ria t e d
from Federal Revenue Sharing to the Water Dept. -This money was spent
by the Water Dept. and charged to Federal Revenue but the money was
not specifically appropriated. It is necessary to appropriate this
money as a reimbursable expenditure made by Federal Revenue Sharing
Fund to the Water and Sewer Fund. There is also $5,568 owed by the
General Fund to the Water Dept. This debt has accumulated over the
past years and could be handled as reimbursable expenditures made
by the Water and Sewer Fund for the benefit of the General Fund. This
would cancel the debt, if the Council wished to do this.
Councilman Asting said that the Water and Wastewater Budget was
predicated on a water rate increase of 50~ on the first 2,000 gallons
and 25~ on each additional 1,000. The $3.50 rate for the first 2,000
gallons would be raised to $4.00 and the 75~ rate for each additional
1,000 gals. would be raised to $1.00. He added that the Council should
also consider a sewer connection fee increase from $75 to $150.
There was a discussion about this proposed rate increase and also
about the various funds in the Water/Wastewater Dept.
There were no comments from the audience on any of the proposed budgets
or the Federal Revenue Sharinq appropriations.
Councilman Asting made a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. The Public Hearing was
Mayor Christy called the regular meeting of the City Council to order
at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater Community Center.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Neil J. Asting
City Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk Joseph Herget
Police Chief Earl Baugh
The invocation was given by Rev. Hardin.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council approve the minutes
of the September 3, 1979 Emergency Meeting and the September 12, 1979
Special Meeting. Councilman Asting seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the minutes of Sept. 3, 1979 were approved 5-0. The
minutes of Sept. 12 were approved 4-1. Councilman Sikes voted NO due
to absence.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council approve the bills
for payment. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call
the motion CARRIED 5-0,
The City Clerk read a letter from the Zoning Board ,recommending the
annexation of property known as the Ranken property and stating the
suggested zoning for this property.
The City Clerk also read a letter from the City Attorney recommending
that the City not annex this property since it would create an enclave
which is not in compliance with Florida Statute 171.044.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council reject annexation
of this property on the advice of the City Attorney. Councilman Sikes
seconded the motion.
Mr. Frank Opal, a member of the Zoning Board, said that when the Board
met to discuss this annexation it was at the request of the Council.
The map provided to the Board was not an accurate map and there was no
way the Zoning Board could determine whether or not an enclave would be
created. He assured the Council that on any future requests for annexation~
there would be a much more careful study made before any recommendation
would be sent to the Council.
Uoon roll call the motion to reject annexation CARRIED 4-1. Mayor Christy
'voted NO.
The City Clerk read a letter from the City Attorney advising the Council
of the necessity of establishing a Board of Trustees for the Police Officers
Retirement Trust Fund.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council authorize a resolution
establishing this Board which must have as members the Mayor and the
Police Chief and leave the other three members names blank to be filled
in at the next Council meeting. The Police Dept. must vote to appoint
two of their members and one resident must also be aooointed, Councilman
Asting seconded the motion, Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
The City Clerk read a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gauthier concerning
a manholQ' that is on their property. They would like the City to assume
responsibility for any injuries that might be caused by the manhole cover.
Mr. DeGroot, City Engineer, suggested that perhaps the City should
enter into negotiations with Mr. Gauthier. The City should have a
right-of-way around that manhole in order to maintain it. At the
present time, no record of an easement has been found.
Mayor Christy said that this should be researched and brought, up at
the next meeting.
The City Clerk read a petition from residents on Perdita St. regarding
a street light that the residents had had installed and were presently
paying the monthly fee on. The residents would like the City to
assume the responsibility for these monthly payments.
Councilman Asting said that possibly the Citv would be settina a -
precedent if they assumed resoonsibility for~a light that resfdents'
had installed.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council turn this over
to the Lighting Committee to review and make a recommendation to the
Council. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the
motion CARRIED 5-0.
The City Clerk read an application from E. Wilkins for a Home Occupational
license for a painting business.
Mr. Wilkins was not present at the meeting.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council table this until
Mr. Wilkins can attend a Council meetinq to discuss his apolication.
Councilman Ledbetter seconded the motio~. Upon roll call' ~he motion
Councilman Rotundo called the Council's attention to the contract that
had been sent by the County for a Greater Edgewater Fire District.
Fire Chief Russ Foster spoke to the Council and said that this contract
had been revjewed by members of the Fire Department and they approved
it with the exception of some minor changes. The Fire Dert. wanted the
$5,000 operating money to be sent directly to the Fire Dept. They
also wanted the contract chanqed to reflect the fact that this is a
three (3) party contract and ~ll mention of the County and City should
also include the Fire Dent.
County Councilman Clyde Mann also spoke to the Council and said that
this subject will be on the County Council agenda on September 20, 1979.
The County will need to know if the City and Fire Dept. approve this
contract before they take any further action.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the City of Ednewater enter into
this agreement with the County and the Fire Dept. to fulfill this contract
subject to County approval. Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. Upon
roll call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Ledbetter voted NO.
Councilman Ledbetter told the Council that the cost of trash pickup as
a result of the hurricane has been $1400. At the present time, the
department has picked up approximately 80% of the additional trash.
Mayor Christy said that if there were no objections, they should continue
to get the City cleaned up.even if it costs more money.
There were no objections from Councilor the audience.
"<., "
Cou'nci"lmall"Sike's mentioned the fact that at a recent Merit Board meetino
the meeting was'recessed for a short period of time and the tape was -
turned off at the reouest of someone in the audience. He added that
perhaps the City Att6rney should look into this to see if this was a
violation of the Sunshine Law.
Mr. Woods said that all Council and Board meetings are to be taped. There
can be a recess if there are no public issues discussed.
Mayor Christy read an exerpt from the Merit Board minutes that referred
to this recess.
Councilman Sikes said that the Chairman of the Merit Board should be
informed that this is something he should not do.
Mr. Frank Opal spoke to the Council concerning this meeting.
, 'C'ou n'ci'l man 'A s tin are 00 r t e d tot h e Co u n c il t hat the L i a h tin <1 Co mm i t tee
has acted on various' requests for street lights. To date they have
requested a total of seven new lights.
Councilman Ledbetter asked Councilman Asting about the cave in on
Riverside Drive.
There was a discussion about repairing this area. The Wastewater
Dept. had repaired the sewer line there and the Street Dept. had filled
this in and then there was another repair to wellpoints.
Mayor Christy asked the City Clerk if there were sufficient funds to
have this properly repaired.
Mr. Herqet said that without more information he could not give an
answer at this time.
Mayor Christy called a brief recess.
Meeting called back to order.
Councilman Ledbetter said that the Street Dept. could fill in the holes
with lime rock. This would be a temporary solution until funds were
available to permanently fix the street.
Councilman Asting
bids for the fire
Revenue Sharing.
bids for the fire
told the Council that the City should go out for
hydrants. There is $15,000 available from Federal
He made a motion that the Citv Clerk advertise for
hydrants. Councilman Rotundo" seconded the motion.
Mavor Christy asked the Council if October 19, 1979 at 4:00 P.M. would
be- aqreeable' to the Council as a date for the return of the bids. The
bids-will be opened in the City Clerk's office and the City Engineer
and Water Dept~ Supervisor will review them and make their recommendation
to the Council.
There was a discussion about the fire hydrants and whether or not there
should be an additional $15,000 from th~ W~ter Dept. to buy $30,000 worth
'a fire hydrants.
Councilman Astinq said that he had no knowledge of any additional $15,000.
Upon roll call the motion to go out for bids CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Ledbetter asked about the old truss plant and whether or not
this property was being fixed up.
Mayor Christy said that the Attorney was taking care of this.
Mr. Woods no report.
Mr. Herget no report.
Mayor Christy told the Council that the City had received a donation
of $20 to be divided between the Fire Dept. and the Rescue organization
along with a letter of thank you from the residents of Pyramid Park for
the assistance they received during the recent hurricane.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the City send a letter thanking
the residents of Pyramid Park for this donation, Councilman Asting
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5~0.
Mayor Chtisty said that he has checked on the insurance for the circus
that the PTA wishes to present at the school ballfield, He is waiting
for a copy of the contract and a statement of insurance from the owners
of the circus, He has been ~ssured that there is a larqe amount of
insurance carried by the circus company for this type of event.
Councilman Rotundo asked Mr. Siciliano, Chairman of the Industrial Board,
to give a report on the progress of the Board in regard to the I-3
Mr. Siciliano told the Council that the Board had written to the
Southeast Bank of Miami over a month ago requesting information about
this property and whether it could be opened up for industrial development.
To date they have not received a reply. However, today he had received
additional information that they are still workinq on and it mav turn
out that nothing can be done wi~h that land. - -
The City Attorney read Ordinance No, 79~O-27.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council adopt this Ordinance
on an emergency basis and pass it on the first reading, Councilman
Ledbetter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
At the request of the City Attorney Sloburn Subdivision and Ponderosa
Homes were tabled.
Mr. Fredericks spoke to the Council concerning holes in Riverside Dr.
Mayor Christy said that some repair work had been done and it is necessary
to let the material settle before the Street Dept. can nut in more
paving material.
Councilman Ledbetter told the Council that in regards to the request
from Ponderosa Homes this is a dedicated street.
Mr. Woods said that,he had been under the impression that they wanted
the alleyway vacated.
Councilman Ledbetter said that they wanted the alleyway opened up and
this could be done.
Mr. Woods asked for a little more time to study this.
Councilman Astino made a motion that Ordinance 984 be amended to reflect
an increase of 50~ to the minimum 2,000 gallons of water and an
additional 25~ for each additional 1,000 gallons of water. This would
raise the present rate from $~.50 to $4.00 and each additional 1,000
gals. from 75~ to $1.00. and that other uses shown in the ordinance
be amended accordingly.
Councilman Ledbetter said that the City would have to have a Public
Hearing before they could increase the water rates.
Mayor Christy called for a second on the motion. The motion died for
lack of a second.
Councilman Asting said that the Water/Wastewater ,budget was predicated
on a water rate increase.
Mayor Christy said that the Council should take some action on the
Public Hearings.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council adoDt the pro~osed
General Fund Budqet which totals $906,797.00 and authorize the City
Attorney to draw' UP the necessary ordinance for the fiscal year 1979-80.
Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. -
Councilman Asting said that he ~Iould like the record to show that this
bud get i sup by 0 v e r . $7 6,000.00 com!1 are d to 1 as t yea r .
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Asting voted NO,
Councilman Sikes asked if the ~roposed 1979-80 Garbage Fund had been
set without a rate increase.
Councilman Ledbetter said that at this time they do not anticipate any
rate increase in the Garbage.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council approve the Garba~e Fund
budget for 1979-80 which totals $138,000.00 and authorize the City Attorney
to draw up the necessary ordinance, Councilman Ledbetter seconded the
motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0,
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council approve the Water/
Wastewater budget for 1979-80 which totals $705,890.41 and authorize
the City Attorney to draw up the necessary ordinance. Councilman Ledbetter
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman
Sikes voted NO.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council anprove the appropriation
of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds which total $101,104,00 and authorize
the City Attorney to draw up the necessary ordinance. Councilman Rotundo
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIEO 4-1. Councilman
J\sting voted NO.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize the reappropriation
of Federal Reyenue Sharing Funds which total $25,000.00, The Water/
Wastewater Dept. will be appropriated $15,000.00 for Fire Hydrants and
$10,000.00 will be aoorooriated to the Parks and Recreation Dept. Councilman
Rotundo seconded the'inotlon. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0,
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council authorize the
appropriation of $19,800 from Federal Revenue Sharing to the Water/
Wastewater. This money has already been expended but was not appropriated.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
CJl.RRIED 5-0.
The City Attorney will draw up the necessary ordinances.
Councilman Ledbetter
from General Fund to
seconded the motion.
Asting voted NO.
Mayor Christy announced that there would be a meeting with the New Smyrna
Beach Council on September 27, 1979 at 7~30 P.M. in New Smyrna Beach. This
concerns the bridae" between NSB and Edaewater. He requested that all.
Council members try to attend. v
made a motion that the Council cancel the $5,568.89 due
the Water/Wastewater Dept. Councilman Rotundo
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman
Councilman Ledbetter asked to be excused from the Council meeting of
Seotember 24, 1979.
i ~
The City Attorney asked to be excused from the Council meeting of
October 3, 1979.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council authorize two days
time off for the City Clerk. Councilman Asting seconded the motion.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mayor Christy said that the Council should set a public hearing to
discuss a oossible water rate increase.
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council set a Public Hearing
on October 1, 1979 at 6:00 P.M. for. the purpose of discussing a proposed
increase in water and sewer charges. Councilman Ledbetter seconded the
motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councilman
Astinq seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
Co u n cd 1 m a h
Councilma r
1.Jf l./oJUrlf
@/tY Cl 'lkl~
Approved th i sc21~y of
September, 1979.