02-01-2017City of Edgewater
Meeting Agenda
Economic Development Board
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 8:00 AM Council Chambers
We respcctfully request that all electronic devices arc sct for no audible notification.
a. Regular Minutes - September 7, 2016.
Attachments: 09-07-16
b. Regular Meeting - November 2, 2016
Attachments: 11-02-16
C. Regular meeting - December 7, 2016
Attachments: 12-07-16
d. Regular Meeting - January 4, 2017.
Attachments: 01-04-2017
3. PRESENTATIONS - None at this time.
a. Planning and Zoning Board
c. City Manager/ Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator
a. SEVMI -Update
City of Edgewater
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Printed on 1/19/2017
Economic Development Board Meeting Agenda February 1, 2017
a. Development Services Report
Pursuant to Chapter 286, F.S., if an individual decides to appeal any decision made with respect to any
matter considered at a meeting or hearing, that individual will need a record of the proceedings and
will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The City does not prepare or
provide such record.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in
any of these proceedings should contact City Clerk/Paralegal Robin Matusick, 104 N. Riverside Drive,
Edgewater Florida, telephone number 386-424-2400 x 1101, S days prior to the meeting date. If you
are hearing or voice impaired, contact the relay operator at 1-800-955-8771
One or more members of City Council or other advisory boards may be present.
City of Edgewater Page 2 Printed on 1/19/2017
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
8:00 AM
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Council Chambers
Present 7 - Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Donna Snow, Brandon Beck, Clarence
McCloud and Craig Bair
Absent 1 - Cecil Selman
Also Present 2 - Samantha Bishop and Jordan Church
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None at this time.
None at this time.
Mr. Bob Andrejkovics, 331 Admiralty Ct.: pleased to hear the Northwest Lineman College starting
first semester November 28, 2016; paperwork was signed for the Old Coronado Paint Company
Factory to move forward, and is pleased with the job the Economic Development Board is doing.
a. Planning and Zoning Board
None at this time.
Sue Williams reported: the Chamber is having a Hob Knob September 21st, open to the public and to
Election Candidates, will be at the Brannon Center, each candidate will get to speak and will have a
Sponsor Table set up; the Chamber has a new website which is mobile and is a vast improvement;
Business Bootcamp will be in February 2017 at the City of Edgewater Council Chamber, $75 for
non-members, $55 for Chamber of' Commerce members, 5 week course that meets every Wednesday
in the evening; Northwest Lineman's College, within 12 hours of the instructor landing in town, came
into the Chamber of Commerce and wanted to say thank you to the City of Edgewater for being a
part of that; Chamber is hosting the ribbon cutting at Rotary Park on September 22nd; Re join the
Chamber event next month and Joe Corey is now doing training for the City of Edgewater key
executives, which occurred because of the Chamber bringing him here.
c. City Manager/ Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator
Samantha Bishop, Economic Development Coordinator: gave a presentation to City Council last
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016
night about events going on such as Northwest Lineman's College, Dougherty Manufacturing,
changes with Tropical Blossom Honey, which was bought by Nature Nates, the honey production
has moved to Valdosta, Georgia but wanted to maintain a retail location here and chose the historic
building which was the original fruit stand for Tropical Blossom Honey and have been doing
renovations to it; been doing a roving presentation on the state of the city with the City Manager and
the Assistant City Manager to different Homeowner's Associations, letting people know about the
different projects going on, including Capital Improvement Projects, parks, street widening, budget
overview and making ourselves available to the city at large; Brownfield's is winding up, there's a
little money left for a Phase 1, the year ends September 30.
Chair Jamison asked Ms. Bishop to discuss the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative, with the goal
for today being to go through it and discuss it and also take in to consideration New Smyrna Beach's
responses, so that from today, we can have a collaborative response moving forward.
Ms. Bishop read the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative Mission Statement and Vision Statement;
Chair Jamison asked for any comments, Member Bair asked if they align with New Smyrna Beach,
Ms. Bishop explained that this came from a collaboration with New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill's
Economic Development Advisory Boards, and explained how this idea came about.
Ms. Bishop described the strengths, City of New Smyrna Beach added: location; discussion followed
concerning New Smyrna Beach and the wording of the SWOT Analysis; available land for
residential; discussion of Education assets including Edgewater Public Elementary School STEM
program; Member Beck suggested "Tourism" added because it is such an asset to this area.
Ms. Bishop stated the weaknesses, discussion followed, including changing the wording for Housing
from low-income to affordable; lack of consistent connectivity throughout Southeast Volusia for
water & sewer; taking the phrase "availability of shovel ready land" out; opportunities were also
discussed, Member Beck brought up the Hispanic population and the opportunity to embrace that;
discussion involving Threats, taking them off since they are all part of the weaknesses. Member Beck
asked about redeveloping land a few months ago, certain property not being able to be redeveloped,
discussion followed about the Wetland Ordinance.
Ms. Bishop then described the Next Steps handout, and creating and writing a Strategic Plan with
Communication Flow Chart and Timeline; Chair Jamison pointed out that our goal is not to
duplicate or compete with Team Volusia or Volusia County Economic Development Department, but
to work together and support them in their efforts.
None at this time.
Member Beck stated that VMA is having their manufacturing showcase on September 30th, at the
Ocean Center from 2: 00 p. m. until 7: 00 p. m.
Member Barnett reported that she drove cross country to Oregon and our roads are horrible; she
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes September 7, 2016
also mentioned that she got a stand up desk, which is made by Brunswick, a sister brand of Boston
Member Snow talked about her committee with Sue Williams and Samantha Bishop to select an
Edgewater business and a New Smyrna business and if possible, an Oak Hill business and recognize
each business at the November Chamber Installation Banquet, which is November 17th.
Member McCloud reported there has been a grant established for displaced homemakers, there will
be a food pantry, a contracted organization will run it and a book lending library, in addition to
support for individuals and assist with child care expenses. The displaced homemakers grant will
serve individuals seeking employment, short term training, seeking their GED and vocational/college
credit courses. The targeted population will be individuals 35 years and older and plan to hire a
vocational specialist. Member Mccloud would like to see the recipient come from Edgewater, so if
anyone has any suggestions, let him know. The project should be up and running by November I st.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Tonya Vanek, Record's Clerk-
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104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 8:00 AM Council Chambers
Present 7 - Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, Clarence
McCloud and Craig Bair
Excused 1 - Donna Snow
Also Present 2 - Samantha Bishop and Jordan Church
a. AR -2016-2124 Regular meeting of July 6, 2016
A motion was made by Member Barnett, second by Member Beck, to approve the
Minutes of July 6, 2016. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 7- Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, Clarence
McCloud, and Craig Bair
Excused: 1 - Donna Snow
3. PRESENTATIONS - None at this time.
Bob Andrejkovics, 331 Admiralty Court, stated that he's still running for Council District 4, and
thanked Bliss for her support.
a. Planning and Zoning Board
Paul Wright, 403 Portside Lane, commended the City for a job well done on the Hurricane Matthew
clean up, and nothing to report on behalf of the Planning and Zoning Board.
None at this time.
c. City Manager/ Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator
Samantha Bishop discussed, ongoing Hurricane Matthew debris clean up, cubic yardage picked up
to date 137,6751- Northwest Lineman College first day of class/opening is November 28, 2016, and
planning an open house on December 9th, 2016; Farmton ribbon cutting on November 18th; and
Chamber of Commerce Installation Banquet on November 17th.
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes November 2, 2016
a. AR -2016-2125 S.W.O.T. Analysis
Chair Jamison discussed, the SEV Joint Marketing Initiative "core group" have been working on
their individual tasks, and finalization still has to be completed.
Chair Jamison requested to wait until the December meeting to discuss in depth the S W O.T Analysis
and the SEVMarketing Initiative Next Steps.
b. AR -2016-2126
None at this time.
SEV Marketing Initiative - Next Steps
Member Beck shared upcoming Volusia Manufacturing Alliance Annual Award Banquet on
December 1, 2016 at 5:30 p. m. to 9: 00 p. m.
Vice Chair Barnett discussed Edgewater Expo, date is set for March 25, 2017, and starting to look
for sponsors.
Ms. Bishop reminded everyone of the upcoming Council Meeting on November 14th.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 8:18 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Jordan Church, Board Coordinator
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Wednesday, December 7, 2016
8:00 AM
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Council Chambers
Present 7 - Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck, Clarence
McCloud and Craig Bair
Excused 1 - Donna Snow
Also Present 3 - Samantha Bishop, Jordan Church and Tonya Vanek
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - None at this time.
3. PRESENTATIONS - None at this time.
None at this time.
a. Planning and Zoning Board
None at this time.
None at this time.
c. City Manager/ Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator
Member McCloud arrived at 8:04 a.m.
City Manager Barlow discussed, his gratitude for the boards service; and newly elected
Councilwoman Amy Vogt for district 2 and re-elected Councilman Gary Conroy for district 4.
Ms. Bishop reported: Northwest Lineman College opened on November 28th and December 9th is
the official grand opening; Doughtery Manufacturing is all moved into their new location on Old
County Road; confidential interests on 60 acres and S.R. 442; and meeting with Deb Denys
regarding manufacturing and trade classes location/ transportation for students of the Oak Hill,
Edgewater, and New Smyrna locations.
Ms. Bishop also discussed, 2016/ 2017 Talent Shortage Survey, the top 10 jobs that are the hardest to
fill; and the Forbes article regarding the importance of vocational training.
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes December 7, 2016
Member Bair expressed the difficulty that hospitals face trying to hire nurses because of the lack of
quantity and was surprised the Talent Shortage Survey had nurses far down on the list.
Member McCloud and staff discussed, brainstorming how a vocational program could become
available for the students in the SEV, and possibly creating a duel enrollment program for
manufacturing trade.
Chair Jamison added that possibly looking into other Countries that have faced similar situations
(lack of workforce) and how they corrected their issues.
Members of the board and staff discussed: Millennial generation; Volusia County High School
academy programs and the frustrations that students face because they can't try different programs.
a. Review and finalize the Mission and Visions Statements of the SEVMI Plan draft
Ms. Bishop reviewed previous working mission and vision statements and the new proposed mission
and vision statements, she also added that these statements are a work in process, so any suggestions
or comments are greatly appreciated.
b. AR -2016-2226 SEVMI Plan Draft 11/27/2016
Ms. Bishop discussed interviewing local businesses to see what they feel is our strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats, and why they would or would not move here to start their business; the
SEVCC will be holding a business meeting in February for local manufacturers in SE. V., this
meeting will not include elected officials or staff because we want their answers to be 100% pure.
Ms. Bishop also discussed monthly updates of the marketing initiative will be emailed out in Constant
Ms. Bishop reviewed the SEVMI plan:
* 2.1. Invite local leaders in Manufacturing and Technology - February 2, 2017
* 2.2. Compile and summarize input from business leaders - meeting in February 2017
* 2.3. Engage consultant to assist in regional coalition finalizing
* 3. Develop identity and brand and Economic Development opportunities and targets
* 4. Producing website
* S. Protocol
Vice Chair Barnett stated that this is a lot of information and it has been made very concise.
None at this time.
Vice Chair Barnett stated she feels very encouraged of the new government we are about to have and
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes December 7, 2016
excited things happening within Edgewater, and also wished everyone a very Merry Christmas.
Chair Jamison discussed widening on Park Ave, moving forward, if project stays on track, should
begin construction in October 2017, and the widening will bring opportunity for growth.
Mr. Barlow added, when construction begins at Park Ave, sources say they will also begin on 10th
Street widening; the City has submitted a notice to proceed for additional landscaping and right of
way improvements for west of 1-95 on .SR. 442; and added additional extension road in Parktowne to
allow more shovel ready properties.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 8:58 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Jordan Church, Board Coordinator
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1. Purpose and Scope
Purpose and Scope of Marketing Initiative
Description of Our Local Economic Community
Mission and Vision Statements
2. Competitive Assessment
SWOT Analysis
3. Economic Development Opportunities and Targets
Selection Criteria - Desirability, Compatibility and Resources
Suitability of Available Sites
Business and Industry Opportunities and Targets
4. Strategic Goals and Action Plan
Goal I. Establish the Organizational Structure
Goal 2. Review and Revise Strategic Marketing Plan
Goal 3. Develop a Regional Identity and Brand and Identify Economic Development
Opportunities and Targets
Goal 4. Develop a Professionally produced website along with other. Social Media and
Create Detailed Marketing Products Focused on Value Proposition
Goal 5. Establish a Collaborative Approach to Prospect Relations
Goal 6. Build a Positive Relationship with Real Estate Professionals
* Action Items with time frames are included in each goal section
Purpose and Scope of Marketing Initiative
Southeast Volusia County is a region that is geographically, economically and socially
connected through common commercial, institutional, cultural and recreational resources. There
is one beach, one high school, one hospital, one college, one inlet, one intracoastal waterway, one
Mosquito Lagoon, one Flagler Avenue, one Canal Street, one Chamber and the largest
contiguous industrial area in Volusia County. The three cities in the region are truly dependent
on each other and together, they are one economic community. Separately, each city faces major
challenges in recruiting companies that provide high paying jobs, but together, many of those
challenges disappear.
When businesses are considering a community to build or re -locate a facility, they are
most interested in those factors that will lead to financial success. In addition to the resources
that directly affect the success of a company such as a qualified workforce, infrastructure, capital
costs, and the regulatory climate, many indirect factors such as schools, healthcare, housing,
cultural, recreational and other quality of life issues are also important. The quality of the local
community is far more important than city boundaries.
The governing bodies of the Cities of New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater and Oak Hill have
each recognized the importance of working together in a unified marketing effort and as a result,
passed resolutions supporting a regional initiative to create a strategic marketing plan and
definitive brand for economic development in Southeast Volusia County. The resolutions state,
in part, "the initial responsibility, would be to develop a marketing plan and brand for Southeast
Volusia, with an emphasis on manufacturing, technology, and value added businesses that would
create high paying jobs". These resolutions set forth the authority and scope for the
development of the strategic marketing plan for the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative.
Description of Our Local Economic Community
geography and demographics
Mission and Vision Statements
Mission Statement:
Our Mission is to brand, market and promote Southeast Volusia as an attractive place to
do business with an emphasis on manufacturing, technology and value added industries.
Vision Statement:
To design and execute a marketing plan that reflects a unified vision for Southeast
Volusia for business creation, expansion and diversification.
2. Competitive Assessment
In order to evaluate the competitiveness of Southeast Volusia, the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) need to be identified. As part of the SWOT
analysis, input from business and community leaders should be considered and evaluated. The
Cities' have already provided their input as shown below. Once input is received from the
business community, a final SWOT analysis can be developed.
1. Location: Southeast Volusia is located between Embry -Riddle Aeronautical University
and the Kennedy Space Center, well-positioned to serve the aviation and aerospace
2. Transportation
a. Easy accessibility to 1-95,14, Ports in Jax and Canaveral, Rail (FEC), Intracoastal
waterway, Atlantic Ocean, Airports (Sanford -Orlando, OIA, DBIA, New Smyrna
Beach Airport)
b. Room for capacity
3. Quality of Life
a. Arts (Atlantic Center for the Arts, HUB, Artist's Workshop, Little Theater)
b. Outdoor Recreation (parks, beaches, river, East Regional Rail Trail, biking trails,
paddling trails, fishing, hunting, Canaveral National Seashore, Eldora, Seminole
Rest, Historic Museums)
c. Special Events consistently
d. Restaurants (locally owned, perfect for "foodies")
e. Specialty Shopping & Retail
f. Affordable Living
g. Southeast Volusia has been one of the county -wide leaders in new residential
construction in the last several years — a preferred area for growth. Many new
residents bring business experience and connections that can be valuable for
economic development.
h. Tourism is a key economic driver for the area. People who vacation here, often
end up moving their business here.
4. Available Land
a. Largest continuous Industrial zoned area in the County including Park Ave,
ParkTowne Industrial Center, Massey Ranch Airpark
b. Southeast Volusia Business Park
c. NSB Airport & Industrial Area
d. Land near I-95
e. Residential development opportunities available, some with existing entitlements.
5. Education
a. 5 College / Universities in the County positioned to partner (Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University, Stetson University, University of Central Florida,
Daytona State College, Bethune-Cookman College)
b. Edgewater Public Elementary School — first elementary school in the state of FL
to become STEM Certified focusing on the Four C's of Next Generation
Engineering Standards: collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and
communication while exploring Science and Engineering Practices.
c. Burns Sci Tech Charter School —
i. Partnership with Southwest Airlines with Pilot Jeff Loche: Adopt -A -Pilot
Program (6 weeks class taught once each week by a SW Airline pilot, 5th
ii.Partnership with the Spruce Creek Fly -in "Experimental Aviation
Association"- provide an Aviation Career Day, Fly -over and free "Eagle
Flights" to interested students and their parents. Sponsor a flight simulator
program for student at the school
iii.Partnership with the NASA Speakers Bureau Resource: Engineers,
scientists and other professionals who represent the agency are scheduled
to speak to our students on a regular basis.
d. Southeast Volusia's sole high school, New Smyrna Beach High School, Pathways
to Academies — through Advanced Placement Program, students are able to earn
college credit at over 3,000 colleges and universities.
i. Academy of Veterinary Science
ii.Medical Academy
iii.Academy of Engineering
iv.Culinary Academy
v.Academy of Entertainment & Sports Marketing
vi.Criminal Justice Academy
6. Health Care Availability
i. Florida Hospital New Smyrna
ii.Florida Memorial Hospital Health Park
iii.Florida Health Care Plans
iv.Halifax Health
7. Organization
i. The Southeast Volusia area is served by one chamber of commerce, the
Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce — since 1926.
ii.All three Southeast Volusia cities have approved a resolution to market SE
Volusia for Economic Development.
1. Housing
Lack of inventory of more attainable, more workforce and more high-end housing
2. Infrastructure
a. Need enhancements to the usability of corridors and connector roads
b. Some areas of Southeast Volusia lack consistent connectivity to Water & Sewer
c. High Speed Fiber Optic Communication / Internet Connectivity
d. Expensive and difficult for land owners to construct infrastructure
3. Workforce
a. Availability
b. Skilled Labor Needed
4. Lack of Public Transportation
a. Votran bus routes take too long, times are limited, routes back home are
b. Commuter Rail unavailable in region
5. Traffic Arteries and Connectors Need Widening to enable large tractor trailer traffic
to traverse safely to Industrial Zoned areas
6. Lack of Technology
a. High Speed Fiber Optics not yet available
b. Area is not known as a technology region even though NASA & KSC to the
south and ERAU in Daytona Beach
1. NASA / Kennedy Space Center new strategic plan to open the doors to allow private
companies to provide private space transportation services.
2. Strong Collaboration between the cities and the county
3. Largest Industrial Zoned Area or Center in Volusia County
4. Workforce
a. Skill sets created in marine industry are similar to automotive, aviation and
b. Diversity — growing Hispanic population to the west and north available for
5. Water Front Properties Available
6. New Community Redevelopment Districts
7. The new Brannon Center is a civic center to serve SE Volusia County with a location for
business meetings and conferences.
8. SE Volusia has opportunities to grow its cultural arts assets to add to the arts, music and
9. The acquisition of Bert Fish Medical Center by Florida Hospital to create Florida
Hospital New Smyrna brings growth opportunities in health care.
1. At the current time, neighboring areas are ahead of SE Volusia in the number of existing
aerospace companies.
2. Changes in the political climate and / or land use restrictions could deter economic
development efforts.
a. Proposed Federal regulations (e.g. substantial minimum wage increases, comp time
requirements) could deter business expansion efforts
1. Limited Funding for Capital Improvement Projects
a. Water
b. Sewer
c. Roads
d. Storm -water
2. Environmental Factors
a. Mosquito Lagoon
3. Economic Development Opportunities and Targets
Once the SWOT has been completed and accepted by the various stakeholders it will play
a key role in the process of determining the targeted industries. If a competitive weakness exist
in a defined geographical area that would make it impossible for an industry to succeed or
function, it will obviously not be identified as a target. The process of selecting the targeted
industries will need to not only take into account what the local community desires, but also what
we have in our community that prospects find attractive. Conversely, the community may want
a certain type of industry, but due to geographic or other limitations, that industry may find it
unlikely that it will succeed. This is why an honest assessment in developing the SWOT
analysis is so critical to success.
Selection Criteria - Desirability, Compatibility and Resources
Suitability of Available Sites
Business and Industry Opportunities and Targets
4. Strategic Goals and Action Plan
Goal 1. Establish the Organizational Structure
The economic development groups appointed by the governing bodies of the three cities
held a joint meeting March 16, 2016 to discuss ways in which the cities in Southeast Volusia
County (Cities) could work together on a regional marketing plan to recruit companies that
would create high paying jobs. There was a consensus among the participants that working
together in a collaborative manner would strengthen the opportunities for recruitment. There
was also a general agreement that the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce (Chamber)
would play a key role in the development and implementation of this plan since it already
represents Southeast Volusia as a whole. Based upon recommendations coming out of this
meeting the governing bodies of the three cities passed a resolution supporting a joint marketing
plan. This joint marketing effort is now known as the Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative
(SEVMI). The Cities' respective economic development groups have agreed to jointly assume
the responsibility of overseeing the SEVMI as the "Regional Coalition". The members of the
Regional Coalition will be the members of the respective Economic Development Board or
Committee of each City as appointed by the governing bodies from time to time. It was also
agreed upon to establish an executive committee comprised of one representative from each city
for the purpose of drafting the strategic marketing plan and to develop a regional brand to be
presented to the full Regional Coalition for consideration. Once the Strategic Marketing Plan is
approved by the Regional Coalition, it will then be presented to the governing bodies of each city
for their consideration and approval.
The Chamber has agreed to provide it's services in assisting the Regional Coalition in
developing marketing material and implementation of the various aspects of the Strategic
Marketing Plan.
The economic development staff from each City will provide assistance to the Regional
Coalition and it's executive committee and serve as liaison between the Cities.
Actions Items:
1.1 Establish a meeting schedule for the Executive Committee and the Regional
Time Frame: November 2016
Budget: 0
1.2 Submit SEVMI Strategic Marketing Plan to the Regional Coalition at March 2017
1.3 Submit SEVMI Strategic Marketing Plan to the governing bodies of the Cities for
Time Frame: April 2017
1.4 Send out newsletter to inform stakeholders, our local community and the press of
progress and other developments related to SEVMI to be sent by email and made
available on the Cities' websites.
Time Frame: November 2016
Budget: 0
Goal 2. Review and Revise Strategic Marketing Plan
This draft of the Strategic Marketing Plan should continue to be reviewed and revised as
we move forward with this initiative. A final SWOT analysis needs to be developed in order to
move forward with identifying the targeted industries.
Action Items:
2.1 Invite local business leaders of the manufacturing and technology community to a
meeting to describe the SEVMI and get their input on the SWOT Analysis. Ask the
Chamber to facilitate this meeting as a neutral party and request that the Cities' reimburse
the Chamber for any costs incurred.
Time Frame: February 2017
Budget: $200
2.2 Compile and summarize the input from the business leaders and finalize the SWOT
by merging and evaluating both the input from the business leaders and the existing draft
provided by the Cities' economic development groups.
Time Frame: February 2017
Costs: $0
2.3 Engage a consultant to assist the Regional Coalition in finalizing the SEVMI
strategic marketing plan.
Time Frame: May 2017
Budget: ?
Goal 3. Develop a Regional Identity and Brand and Identify Economic
Development Opportunities and Targets
It is important to have a distinct identity and brand to set out our local region apart from
other areas. The identity should emphasize our regional strengths and assets. The Brand
should capture the essence of our identity and be one that is recognizable and memorable.
Targeted industries will be identified that will be supported by the SWOT analysis and
input from the community.
3.1 Engage a consultant to assist the SEVMI in establishing the identity and brand that
would be distinct to our area, but also compliment the efforts of TVEDC, CEO Business
Alliance, VMA and Volusia County Economic Development Department.
Time Frame: May 2017
3.2 Review existing marketing materials used by the Cities, The Chamber, TVEDC and
Southeast Volusia Ad Authority to possibly be used in developing the Identity and Brand.
Time Frame: May 2017
3.3 Establish a process by which the community and other stakeholders can participate in
defining a regional identity upon which a brand can be created.
Time Frame: May 2017
Goal 4. Develop a Professionally produced Web -site along with other Social
Media and Creating Detailed Marketing Products Focused on Value
A professionally produced website along with other social media is critical to being
competitive in today's highly aggressive digital environment. The various forms of marketing
products should be evaluated to determine what would be the most cost effective given a limited
budget. Working with our partners including the Chamber, Team Volusia, and Southeast
Volusia Ad Authority, materials that have already been produced could be incorporated into the
new website and marketing materials.
Action Items:
4.1 Engage a website designer to build a professional website that would include
marketing, targeted industries, resources, links, news and other information.
Time Frame: July 2017
Budget: ?
4.2 Work closely with Team Volusia to determine the extent to which the new Strategy
for Success will generate marketing materials specific to SEV that can be used in
developing our own marketing efforts.
4.3 Review existing marketing materials used by all three cities, The Chamber and SEV
Ad Authority to possibly be used in developing marketing materials.
4.4 Encourage our partners as well as the Cities, to place links to the new website on their
Goal 5. Establish a Collaborative Approach to Prospect Relations
Once a prospect decides to obtain information or wants to visit SEV, a protocal needs to
be established between the Cities to welcome the prospect to our region without competing
among ourselves.
Goal 6. Building a Positive Relationship with Real Estate Professionals
e (..,itcy of edyewater ScLd ScUarlp ..}und Pref
® ,i4j
Parent /(f d lance
Sataday, January 28, 20 17
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Southeast Volusia YMCA
148 W. Turgot Avenue
Edgewater, FL
nc�QapS r lCee.44 enh Will& Served
°•u6ic IV Jpex .}arnily C.ntertainment a,,,o
Tickets are Available until January 2 7th
from your local PTA, Edgewater City Hall,
the SE Volusia YMCA &, also at the door.
$14 for 1 child & 1 adult - $7 for additional person
eventA adult mu.4t accompany c4ildren, at 1.4
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
8:00 AM
104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132
Council Chambers
Present 8 - Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck,
Clarence McCloud and Craig Bair
Also Present 3 - Samantha Bishop, Jordan Church and Tonya Vanek
Member Beck arrived at 8:02 a.m.
a. AR -2016-2313 Regular Meeting - August 10, 2016
A motion was made by member Barnett, second by member Beck, to approve the Minutes
of August 10, 2016. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes: 8- Bliss Jamison, Marcia Barnett, Oscar Zeller, Donna Snow, Cecil Selman, Brandon Beck,
Clarence McCloud, and Craig Bair
3. PRESENTATIONS - None at this time.
None at this time.
a. Planning and Zoning Board
Planning and Zoning Board Member Paul Wright reported on Councils first reading of annexation of
almost 1,000 acres associated with Deering Park; and also made changes to the Land Development
Code to address Medical Cannabis Facilities, one north of SK 442 and one south of SK 442,
among some of the restrictions, they have to be at least 1, 500 feet from Churches and Schools.
Member Snow reminded all of the Home Show and Business Expo on January 21, 2016, spots are
still available.
c. City Manager/ Economic Development/ Redevelopment Coordinator
Economic Development Coordinator Samantha Bishop reviewed the updated C.E.D.S Goals as of
January 2017:
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes January 4, 2017
* 1.2.3 - Develop an identifiable brand or theme for economic development in Edgewater, we have
began this goal by using a Regional approach, Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative.
* 1.2.4. - Update City Website, completed in 2015, new updated website will be live first quarter of
2017, ongoing project that will need to be updated every three or so years.
* 1.2.5. - Economic Development Brochure, completed in July 2016, and also thanked the sponsors
(The Barnett Group and Boston Whaler) that helped make the brochure happen.
* 1.2.7- Plan to recruit targeted industries: contract with Team Volusia FY 2016& FY 2017; County
of Volusia Economic Development Department; Southeast Volusia Marketing Initiative, core group
meets monthly, next meeting March 15, 2016
* 1.3.3. - Annual Industry Appreciation Day, at the 2016 Installation Banquet awards were give to
three local businesses, one out of each city.
* 2.3. - Promote Development of existing industrial properties, former Coronado Paint Building
bought by Doughtery Manufacturing, 501 Pullman bought by Northwest Lineman College, 1710
Industrial Drive is being currently looked at as well as formally known Loveland Groves building.
* 2.2.3. -Lots of walk-through for potential buyers
* 2.5. - Attract and Prepare the workforce for tomorrow's jobs, the three cities, SEV Chamber, and
Daytona State have been working together to achieve this goal, we have to bring back vocational
training in the high school curriculum.
During the review Chair Jamison asked the rest of the board if they had seen the article from VMA
and Jane Phifer; Ms. Bishop reiterated the amount of time it takes to complete the CEDS goals, and
even though it may not look like it, we are making headway; Member Snow brought up the next gen
group mentoring the high school students, and that it may help by spreading the message to the
mentors; and Ms. Bishop also shared the Mayor sent a letter School Board expressing interest in the
property atAirpark and S.R. 442.
Ms. Bishop also discussed, CRA will have about $50, 000 this year; and applying for ECHO grants
for Whistle Stop Park Project.
Ms. Bishop asked if anyone had any questions; Member Zeller asked if the recent 1,000 acres was
apart of 700 mercedes; Ms. Bishop responded, she believes it is additional which would total about
1, 500 and 1, 600 acres.
Member Snow asked if there was any new information regarding Florida Roadhouse; Ms. bishop
stated no, believes they are finishing up landscaping and awaiting some permits, and that it is
beautiful on the inside.
Member Snow stated it's great to be back and thanked the board for excusing her absences.
Chair Jamison reported, attended Tallahassee Speaker Series at Embry Riddle in December, Frank
Dibello, President and CEO of Space Florida spoke of optimism and things to come in the next 10
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Economic Development Board Meeting Minutes January 4, 2017
years to our area, SHILO is still moving forward, lots of things going on that we are just not aware
of, and he emphasized the importance of having infrastructure.
Member Zeller questioned if there are any plans for affordable housing in Edgewater. Ms. Bishop
answered, tracked down the people who purchased the 13 acres on Pearl Street (Edgewater Oaks
Subdivision for Townhomes) and introduced them housing coordinator Andy Burchfield at Northwest
Lineman College, discussed what it would take to begin building.
There being no further business to discuss, Chair Jamison adjourned the meeting at 8:38 a.m.
Minutes submitted by:
Jordan Church, Board Coordinator
City of Edgewater Page 3 Printed on 1/17/2017
The City of Edgewater recognizes the need to diversify and expand its economic base by attracting and
sustaining new businesses, industries, and other economic activities that increase and upgrade
employment opportunities for local residents, that increase household incomes and standard of living, and
that increase local tax revenues needed to provide expected levels of community services to residents and
businesses. The City further recognizes the importance of retaining existing businesses and industries and
needs they may have to maintain operations and expand. The following objectives are designed to
implement this goal.
Obiective 1.1. Identify Desirable Business and Industry Targets
Business and industry opportunities for Edgewater include a range of manufacturing and service
activities that relate well to existing economic activities and resources in the City and Volusia
County, as well as new and emerging services and technologies associated with the approved
projects at SR442 / I-95 Interchange and redevelopment of USL The following business and
industry clusters are the primary targets for attraction and retention efforts by and on behalf of the
City of Edgewater:
• Boat Building and Marine Equipment, Supplies, and Services. Retention and growth of this
leading industry in Edgewater is critical to the economic future of the City. Edgewater has a
prominent regional and national role in the industry as headquarters of the widely recognized
Boston Whaler, Brunswick Commercial & Government Products, Everglades Boats, EdgeWater
Powerboats, Islamorada Boatworks and Bossman Boats brands and as the location for several
other boat builders and producers of marine equipment and supplies.
• Recreational Equipment, Supplies, and Services. The Edgewater area has several small firms
involved in the manufacture of recreational equipment and supplies, including surfboards and auto
and motorcycle racing gear. Demand for sporting and recreational goods will increase with a
growing regional, state, and national population and growing interest and participation in sports
and recreation activities. Recreational assets and generators of demand in the region include the
planned East Central Florida Regional Rail Trail, a multi -use trail traversing Edgewater and
connecting to Brevard and West Volusia Counties, and Edgewater's Paddling Trails and
proclamation as a Blue Way Community through Florida Paddling Trails Association.
Edgewater's large presence in the boat building industry, proximity to NASCAR's Daytona
International Speedway, and Daytona's reputation as a motorcycle capital makes Edgewater a very
marketable location for other sports and recreation related businesses and industries.
• Commercial and Industrial Products and Services. The Edgewater area has a number of firms
that produce equipment, components, parts, and supplies for and provide services to the
electronics, computer, medical, automotive, aviation, and other industries. The fabricated metal
products, machinery, computers and electronics, and medical products industries are leading
manufacturing sectors in Volusia County. Broad segments of these industries rely on the type of
labor force found in Edgewater.
• Green Industries and Technologies. Green industries include a wide variety of energy
conservation and environmental protection and clean-up technologies, products, and services,
including consulting and design services and energy-efficient building materials and equipment.
Upcoming projects at the SR 442 / I-95 Interchange, with its orientation to the use of green
technologies, is expected to put Edgewater in contention for a share of these industries, including
firms that design, produce, install, and service energy conservation and environmental protection
materials, equipment, and facilities.
• Entertainment, Recreation, and Leisure Services. Potential commercial access to the scenic
Indian River provides Edgewater with opportunities to attract and develop commercial and marine
uses of interest to tourists and that provide entertainment and leisure activities to residents.
Desirable waterfront uses include restaurants, specialty retail shops, and marine activities such as
charter fishing, sightseeing tours on the Indian River and Intracoastal Waterway, and eco -tours of
river, paddling launch areas for access to Edgewater's Paddling Trails and marsh environments.
Attraction of non-resident visitors and spending to Edgewater is also a function of types of future
commercial development and travel -related facilities near the I-95/SR422 interchange.
• Aviation and Aerospace Equipment, Supplies, Service, Supplies and Technologies. Edgewater
is uniquely positioned to attract aviation related industries to its business parks and general
aviation airport. Massey Ranch Airpark with its proposed Aero Tech Business Park is the City's
public -use general aviation airport. Introduction of a plan to include more aviation and aerospace
opportunities by increasing its relationship with Daytona State College, Embry Riddle
Aeronautical University, and University of Central Florida to provide technical training and
assistance. Edgewater's skilled workforce is compatible with new technologies available through
ERAU. The high tech jobs created by these industries are high paying and will have a major
impact on the local economy. Expansion of existing sites in these businesses and new endeavors
should be actively pursued in the future. Additionally, work closely with Team Volusia,
Enterprise Florida and Space Florida to provide potential site information for site selectors related
to commercial space transportation and enabled industries as requested. Further foster open
discussion with all cities in Volusia County to encourage everyone work together to attract these
types of companies and jobs to the County. Promote "Volusia County is Open for Business".
Actions to implement Obiective 1.1 include the following:
1.1.1. (2010) Compile up-to-date lists of existing firms and their employment levels in the
Edgewater area that best represent these business and industry clusters as a basis for (a) designing
and implementing marketing initiatives to attract new firms in these clusters and (b) carrying out
business outreach activities aimed at retaining existing firms. (ONGOING)
1.1.2. (2010) Provide copies of this Strategic Plan, highlighting these target clusters, plus
information on existing industries to county, regional, and state economic development allies,
including the Volusia County Department of Economic Development, Metro Orlando Economic
Development Commission, East Central Florida Regional Planning Council, Enterprise Florida,
and other agencies and organizations that promote and facilitate economic development in the
region. (ONGOING)
2 1 P a o e
1. 1.3. (2011) Meet with major boat manufacturers in the Edgewater area, including Boston
Whaler, Brunswick, Everglades, and Edgewater Power Boats, to discuss the outlook for the
industry, opportunities to attract suppliers of equipment and parts used by these manufacturers to
Edgewater, and actions the City and others need to take to ensure the long term maintenance and
growth of the industry in Edgewater. (ONGOING)
1.1.4. (2011) Meet with representatives of the Restoration DRI to discuss opportunities to attract
and grow businesses in Edgewater related to the proposed use of energy-efficient and
environmentally -friendly "green" technologies in developing and operating the Restoration
community. (ONGOING)
1. 1.5 (2011) Meet with existing "green" industry firms in the area to discuss opportunities to
expand this industry in Edgewater; coordinate with Volusia County Environmental Management
and LEED officials on industry growth opportunities and grant programs.
1.1.6 (2012) Investigate use of "green" technologies and new design concepts in making
housing more affordable and energy-efficient, and consider adopting land use policies and
development regulations that allow and encourage use of these technologies and concepts in the
Objective 1.2. Market Edgewater to New Business and Industry
External marketing of Edgewater by direct mail, print media, and other means to site location
consultants, corporations, and other business entities will be carried out primarily at county,
regional, and state levels, all of which have much greater marketing expertise and resources than
small municipalities. It is the responsibility of the City, however, (a) to ensure that county,
regional, and state economic development allies are made and kept aware of Edgewater, (b) to
respond to requests for information professionally and promptly, and (c) to be adequately prepared
for visits by allies and prospects to the community.
Actions to implement Objective 1.2 include the following.
1.2.1 (2010) Establish and staff the position of Economic Development Coordinator (Manager)
with an experienced and interested professional to help organize and guide the City's economic
development program. (COMPLETED)
1.2.2 (2010) Task the Economic Development Coordinator with responsibilities to (a) network
with county, regional, and state allies (economic development agencies) and local chambers of
commerce; (b) provide information to allies on a regular basis and answer requests for
information; and (c) help organize and host community visits by allies and prospects. (ONGOING)
2017 Chair ofTectin Volusia 's Practitioner 's Council
1.2.3 (2011) Develop an identifiable brand or theme for economic development in Edgewater
that conveys the assets and direction of the City with respect to growth of business and industry;
consider sports/recreation industries and green technologies themes. (Began a Regional Approach
ri,ith cities of Neiv Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill to create Southeast Volhrsia Marketing Initialh,e
(SVNII) to develop a nzarketinghlan and brand for SEV cis ili�hole).
1.2.4 (2011) Update the City of Edgewater website to include economic development as a
primary subject. Information provided on the website should include this Strategic Plan, profile of
local economic assets, request for information form, link to Envision Edgewater documents, and
links to websites for the ParkTowne Industrial Center, Massey Ranch Airpark, and other
business/industrial properties. Update the website quarterly. (COMPLETED MAY 2015 with
ONGOING UPDATES) (New updated ii,eb site it,ill be lire I'" 01tarter of'2017)
1.2.5 (2011) Prepare an attractive economic development brochure containing a brief
demographic/ economic profile of the City, list of economic development targets, map showing
major community assets, and contact information. Both organizations that the City of Edgewater
has marketing / brochures that are used to promote Edgewater (Retail Strategies and Team
Volusia). These "brochures" are electronic and can be updated continuously and printed out if
necessary. (ONGOING) (,hdy 2016 Business In Focus jllcrg(Jine Crealed ricin Brochure —
ai,ailable electronically on the City's ireb site arid aivcailable,fbr doivnload)
1.2.6 (2011) Distribute brochure to county, regional, and state economic development allies and
others and include with responses to requests for information.
1.2.7 (2012) Proposed plan to recruit targeted industries
A. Update and Revamp the City's Economic Development web -site to provide a resource
for demographics, incentives, permitting and quality of life. Daytona State College's
Marketing and Social Media classes are going to work on marketing plans for the City. The
summer marketing class will create a Marketing Plan for Ecotourism and the Social Media class
will identify how the City can harness LinkedIn to support existing City businesses and how to
promote Edgewater as an ideal location for business via Social Media and the city's website.
(COMPLETED MAY 2015 / UPDATES CONTINUE / Nein site design and host scheduled.for I'"
OTR 2017))
B. Affiliate with an economic development organization or firm that has the financial
capabilities, expertise, resources and personnel to attend trade shows, network with site selectors
and promote Edgewater through various printed and digital media to the targeted industries.
(C'ontract 1i,ith Teauz Volusict F)'2016, F)'2017)
C. Establish a relationship with a point of contact at FL Department of Economic Opportunity
and at Enterprise Florida to obtain leads on companies considering relocation to Florida.
(ONGOING) ("Tine Jahns is our current contact. City is directed to i,rork through the County of
Volusia Economic Development Department)
D. Assign an EDB Member on an as needed basis to be an advocate for prospect who is
considering establishing a business in Edgewater and to assist in obtaining information on
incentives, local regulations, permitting and to streamline the process to cut through red tape.
E. (2015) Investigate and discuss any potential opportunities to work with the officials of the
cities in Southeast Volusia (New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill) and the Southeast Volusia Chamber
of Commerce to create a regional approach to market Southeast Volusia as one market area to
include but not limited to: location, transportation (ease of access to major highways I-95, 1-4,
SR528, air and ports), demographics, airports, infrastructure, communication infrastructure,
industrial parks, retail, quality of life, education and other areas that interest site selectors. This
effort will require a step by step plan, the design of a Southeast Volusia Identity and slogan or
message, budget, advertising placement and schedule, etc. This effort will not duplicate the
capabilities or efforts of Retail Strategies, Team Volusia, CEO Business Alliance, Enterprise
Florida, Southeast Volusia Advertising Authority or any other entity promoting the area. For
Example, collaborative marketing and advertising campaign in "Site Selector Magazine", "Area
Development Magazine" or specific target industry periodicals. (Created ,Southeast Volusia
YlAtrkeiing Initiative; each city passed Resolutions to tirork together to create a marketing plait and
brand; meet monthly Frith city ED stcff and EDAB chair and Chamber of'Conmterce to create
marketing plan; three EDAB irleet gztarterly i,rith parIners and stakeholders to provide progress
report and receheft, edbtick as to ensure that ire do not duplicate efforts)
Obiective 1.3. Focus on Business Retention and Expansion to Existing Business and Industry
Retention of existing business and industry in Edgewater is as important as attracting new activity;
and the time frame is more immediate than recruitment efforts. Per the NAWB (Nation
Association of Workforce Boards) conference Washington March 2015, "83% of all jobs over the
next 10 years will be created by companies of 25 employees or less". Hence, "focus should refer
to training and assistance to small businesses". Edgewater does enjoy the presence of large
businesses, but does also have 43% home-based businesses. It must be noted that these small
businesses and home-based businesses should be the focus on the Economic Development Board
and staff. These businesses are already vested in Edgewater, they are easier to access and we
know how to reach the decision maker. Career Source Florida board meeting it was mentioned that
90% of the jobs created in Florida were from business already here and 10% of the jobs created
were from business recruitment. The home-based businesses need education and resources to help
them grow and expand into more commercial spaces within the city. The City does have
incentives available for expanding businesses as discussed in depth in Objective 5.1.
Actions to implement Objective 1.3 include the following:
1.3.1. (2010) Task the Economic Development Coordinator (Manager) with networking with
existing businesses and industries to determine and help address their concerns and needs for
assistance, including (a) technical and business planning assistance available through the local
Small Business Development Center, (b) employment and workforce development assistance
through Daytona State College and other providers, (c) financial assistance through the U.S. Small
Business Administration, and (d) assistance from the City on various code, permitting, land use,
and access issues, and (e) Team Volusia and Retail Strategies for business recruitment.
1.3.2. (2010) Encourage and support privately -organized networking activities and special
marketing events, for example: the Edgewater Expo, Inc., Southeast Volusia Chamber of
Commerce, SCORE, Career Source, SBDC, et al for business programs / events / job fairs, etc.
(2011) In conjunction with the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce, hold an annual
industry appreciation day and awards banquet to recognize the contribution of existing Southeast
Volusia industries to the local economy and community well-being. (ANNUAL) (2015)
Coordinate with the Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce to provide businesses with the
assistance, programming and events that will be the most helpful. At this time, a recent survey
showed that businesses want and need educational programs. With this information, the Chamber
of Commerce is partnering with Daytona State College, SCORE, and University of Central Florida
to bring educational programs to the businesses. These have been quite successful and well
attended. (ONGOING At the 2016 Installation Banquet three businesses (I in each city) tiaras
awarded the "Masters of Business Au;ard — Advanced Heat & Air, Nlullinax Ford and Big Life)
1.3.4 (2011) Work with Daytona State College and others, including Chamber of Commerce,
Team Volusia, Enterprise FL, and GrowFL, to conduct meetings for small local businesses on
subjects of potential interest, including available workforce services and the GrowFL concept of
"economic gardening" for Florida -based firms with 10-50 employees and $1425 million in
revenues. (ONGOING)
1.3.5 (2010) Coordinate with business retention specialists with the Volusia County Department
of Economic Development on identification and implementation of best practices for fostering
retention and growth of existing business and industry. (ONGOING)
Objective 1.4. Establish an Effective Internal Organizational Structure
Successful economic development depends to a large extent on how well a community is
organized to deal with weaknesses that limit its ability to attract and retain business and to provide
marketing support to county, regional, and state economic development allies.
Actions to implement Objective 1.4 included the following:
1.4.1 (2010) As stated above under Action Item 1.2.1., establish and staff a new City of
Edgewater position of Economic Development Coordinator (Manager) who has business and/or
marketing experience and whose responsibilities will include (a) networking with county,
regional, and state allies and local chambers of commerce; (b) providing information to allies on a
regular basis, (c) answering requests for information; (d) helping organize and host community
and site visits by allies and prospects, and (e) networking with existing businesses and industries
and helping the City and other respond to their needs. (COMPLETED / ONGOING)
1.4.2 (2010) Review and update the charter and structure of the existing Economic Development
Board and renew the Board as an active group of business people in the community who meet
regularly to discuss issues affecting economic development and business vitality in Edgewater, (b)
report to and advise the City Council on these issues, and (c) who play an active role in
introducing Edgewater to firms interested in the City. (ONGOING)
1.4.3 (2010) Task the Economic Development Coordinator (Manager) to provide staff support to
the Economic Development Board. (ONGOING)
Obiective 1.5. Establish an Effective Inter -local Coordination Framework
Successful economic development is also dependent on the extent to which local governments and
community and business organizations cooperate in addressing challenges and needs that cross
jurisdictional boundaries and those that require coordinated actions and support by the public and
private sectors.
Actions to implement Obective 1.5 include the following:
1.5.1. (2010) Develop and maintain an ongoing working relationship with Volusia County,
including the County Council, Department of Economic Development (DED), and River to Sea
1.5.2. (2010) Develop and maintain ongoing working relationships with the adjacent Southeast
Volusia Cities of New Smyrna Beach and Oak Hill, such that the economic development and
quality of life interests of Southeast Volusia County communities are coordinated and
complementary and have optimal representation at the County level. (ONGOING)
1.5.3. (2010) Strengthen the presence of the City and Edgewater business community in the
Southeast Volusia Chamber of Commerce by increasing local participation in and support of
Chamber meetings and functions and providing facilities for holding more Chamber meetings and
functions in Edgewater. (ONGOING)
1.5.4. (2010) Maximize participation in Volusia County (DED), River to Sea TPO, and Southeast
Volusia Chamber meetings and workshops by Edgewater City Council members, City Manager,
Economic Development Board members, and/or Economic Development Coordinator (Manager).
The City of Edgewater recognizes the need to become a more competitive and attractive location for
business and industry by taking full advantage of its existing assets and by correcting or minimizing
factors that put the City at a competitive disadvantage to other communities and that may hinder its
success in attracting new business and industry and retaining existing firms.
Obiective 2.1. Improve Internal Road Access and Circulation
Edgewater identified deficiencies in its internal road network and in connectivity between existing
industrial areas of the city and regional highways (e.g. I-95). Improvement of these deficiencies is
necessary to maximize the development potential of existing industrial areas.
Actions to implement Obiective 2.1 included the following:
2.1.1. (2011) Coordinate with the Volusia County River to Sea TPO and Restoration DR]
developers to implement the extension of Williamson Boulevard south to SR442 in Edgewater.
2.1.2. (2011) Work with the Volusia County MPO and the Cities of New Smyrna Beach and Oak
Hill to include in its long range transportation plans for the County the extension of Nova Road
from Port Orange to and through Edgewater as shown on the "Conceptual Thoroughfare Plan for
Southeast Volusia County." (REMOVED 2012)
2.1.3 (2011) Work with the Volusia County River to Sea TPO and City of New Smyrna Beach
to implement the proposed N/S Connector as shown on the Southeast Volusia Regional
Transportation Study 2025 Plan, such Connector extending south from Old Mission Road in New
Smyrna Beach through Edgewater running parallel to Airpark Road. (ONGOING)
2.1.4 (2012) Study the feasibility of a new connector road from Park Avenue to 10th Street
adjacent to Daytona State College and plan accordingly; coordinate with ParkTowne Industrial
2.1.5 (2013) Work with the Volusia County River to Sea TPO to include an extension of Park
Avenue over I-95 to Williamson Boulevard on long range transportation plans for Southeast
Volusia County; coordinate with Restoration DRI developers as needed. (ONGOING)
2.1.6 (2012) In lieu of, or as part of, the proposed N/S Connector per Action 2.1.3. above,
coordinate with Volusia County on plans to improve and upgrade Airpark Road Old Mission Road
from Indian River Boulevard to Park Avenue in a significantly shorter time horizon. (Updated
2015 - ONGOING)
2.1.7 (2011) Work with the Florida DOT and Volusia County to provide a directional and
informational signage to Edgewater industrial areas at the intersections of Indian River Boulevard
and Airpark Road and Indian River Boulevard and Old Mission Road. (ONGOING)
2.1.8 (2015) Work with County and appropriate agencies for a smooth and quick completion of
the Park Avenue Widening Project to 3 -lanes from Dale Street to Old Mission Road. (ONGOING)
Obiective 2.2. Improve Infrastructure
Edgewater has identified deficiencies in all types of infrastructure, but services are improving.
Left uncorrected, gaps in services affect both the quality of life of residents and business
efficiency, and may limit certain businesses from considering Edgewater.
Actions to implement Obiective 2.2 include the following:
2.2.1. (2010) Meet with existing service providers to determine where gaps exist; reach
agreements on an appropriate course and schedule of actions with these providers to close
remaining service gaps; do the same with wireless providers in the area to increase coverage in
Edgewater. (Internet, natural gas, reclaimed water, wireless service, and other utilities as needed —
all infrastructure) (ONGOING)
2.2.2. (2010) Study local implications and requirements for improved broadband service under
the new National Broadband Plan and develop a plan to meet requirements in concert with state,
regional, and/or county agencies having system -wide implementation responsibilities.
2.2.3. (2011) Study the feasibility of expanding coverage of the City's new wireless access area
along Park Avenue from US 1 to Riverside Drive to include industrial areas to the west in the Park
Avenue corridor; study advantages and costs of citywide wireless service. (REMOVED)
Obiective 2.3. Promote Development of Existing Industrial Properties
It is in the interest of the City to generate jobs and increase the property tax base by promoting and
facilitating development, redevelopment, and reuse of existing vacant and underutilized industrial
Actions to implement Objective 2.3 included the following:
2.3.1. (2010) and cooperate as needed with the property owner, listing broker, Volusia County
Department of Economic Development, and Enterprise Florida to promote and facilitate reuse of
the Coronado Paint plant site on Old County Road. (ONGOING — the Fortner Coronado Paint
Facility located at 308 Old County Road encompassing 12 acres ad 187,000 sq. ft of'buildings
was purchased in September by Dougherty Mfg. creating 120 new jobs over the next 3 years; the
former Viking Pure building located at 501 Pullman was purchased by the Northwest Lineinan
College plus an additional 16 acres at 525 Pullman for their training facility — opened November
28, 2W: 1710 Florida Supply is currently being shown to industrial businesses; Loveland Groves
building is also actively being pursued)
2.3.2. (2011) Coordinate and cooperate as needed with property owners, listing brokers, and the
Volusia County Department of Economic Development to promote and facilitate development of
vacant industrial properties in the ParkTowne Industrial Center; encourage ParkTowne owners to
improve their website and link to the County economic development website; encourage
ParkTowne owners to ensure that available sites are listed on county and Enterprise Florida site
databases. (ONGOING)
2.3.3. (2011) Coordinate and cooperate as needed with owners and listing brokers to promote and
facilitate development and occupancy of other existing industrial properties and buildings,
including those in Massey Ranch Airpark and other locations. (ONGOING — Fire Marshall and
Building Official provide ftee walk through with potential buyers to provide feedback on buildings,
as requested)
2.3.4. (2011) Determine through these coordination and cooperation efforts if there are needs for
public road and utility improvements and other urban services that would help promote and
facilitate development and reuse of existing industrial properties, including development and
restoration of rail sidings to promote rail -served industry in Edgewater. (ONGOING)
2.3.5. (2011) Work to ensure funding support for needed improvements and their inclusion, as
appropriate, in City or County capital budgets and capital improvement programs. (ONGOING)
Obiective 2.4. Identify and Plan New Business and Industry Locations
There are major opportunities in Edgewater to develop new high-profile locations for business and
industry, particularly near the I-95/SR442 interchange. It is in the interest of the City to ensure
that these areas are identified, planned, and reserved for future job and tax producing business and
industry development.
Actions to implement Obiective 2.4 included the following:
2.4.1. (2011) Work with developers and planners of the Restoration DRI to determine amounts,
general locations, and phasing of potential office and industrial development and types of
tenants/firms that are anticipated or may be targets of future marketing efforts. (ONGOING)
2.4.2. (2012) Prepare a Small Area Plan or Special Area Plan, whichever is appropriate, for an
approximate 2,500 -acre area around the I-95/SR442 interchange for future development as a
Regional Employment Center, consisting primarily of planned business parks with mixes of
office, light industrial, and commercial land use; include unincorporated lands if needed and
appropriate and enlist County and property owner support for the Plan. Assess the office,
industrial, and commercial real estate markets as a basis for this Plan. (COMPLETED)
91 Page.
2.4.3 (2013) Adopt land use policies and regulations that reflect the type of business park
development envisioned for the area and limit less desirable and productive land uses.
2.4.4 (2014) Include in the Plan, provisions for the future improvement of Cow Creek Road as a
major collector road paralleling 1-95 and extending to Park Avenue. (ONGOING)
2.4.5 (2011) Work with the Florida East Coast Railroad (FEC), Volusia County, other
jurisdictions as appropriate, and businesses and property owners adjacent to the FEC right-of-way
to identify and provide an area for a passenger rail station and associated commercial development
in connection with possible passenger rail service on the FEC rail line. (ONGOING)- the design of
the tracks at this time do not have a .switch to allow passenger rail service in Edgewater
2.4.6 (2013) Contact FDOT and request assistance in developing a more comprehensive airport
zoning ordinance to prevent obstacles and incompatible development in compliance with FL
Statutes and develop an airport zone to be depicted on the official zoning map. (ONGOING)
Objective 2.5. Attract and Prepare the Workforce for Tomorrow's Jobs
Edgewater's traditional industrial labor force is geared to types of business and industry identified
as primary economic development targets under Goal 1, above. However, over the past five years,
there has been a shift toward more professional workers as technological advances are
continuously made in the industrial sector to speed production, reduce labor costs, and service
customers, attraction of more quantity of skilled workers and training of existing workers is
needed to keep Edgewater competitive for these and other businesses and industries.
Actions to implement Objective 2.5 include the following:
2.5.1. (2011) Continuously communicate with existing industries in Edgewater to determine
where there are deficiencies in the current labor force in terms of skills and other factors and how
those deficiencies affect their business; help to direct them to organizations that can assist them
find new skilled employees and / or assist them with training of their workers. (ONGOING) The 3
Cities are working with DSC, ATC, Volusia County Schools and local businesses to bring
vocational training back to Southeast Volusia.
2.5.2. (2011) To the extent that external training programs are needed by or are of interest to
employers, enlist the guidance and support of Daytona State College, UCF, and Career Source and
other organizations in helping local employer meet workforce training needs. (ONGOING)
2.5.3. (2013) Coordinate with the Volusia County School Board and Daytona State College on
the concept of developing a vocational -technical skills center as a special magnet high school in
Edgewater for preparing high school students for careers in industrial trades. (ONGOING) Three
Cities and Chamber of Commerce along with area businesses have held meetings with Torn
LoBasso, President of DSC and Volusia County Schools to make vocational skills training
available to the residents in Southeast Volzrsia.
2.5.4. (2011) Coordinate and cooperate as needed with Daytona State College to ensure that
adequate space, facilities, and personnel are made available at the Edgewater -New Smyrna Beach
0 1 P a , e
campus so that new engineering technology programs are available locally. (ONGOING) Three
Cities and Chamber of ' Commerce along with area businesses have held meetings with Tom
LoBasso, President of DSC and Volusia County Schools to make vocational skills training
available to the residents in Southeast Volusia. Deb Denys Dist 3 County Council and Rep
Santiago have also met with local businesses to discuss needs.
The City of Edgewater recognizes the close relationships between attracting and retaining business and
industry and community quality of life, and is committed to improving the living and work environment
and urban services for existing and future residents and businesses.
Obiective 3.1. Plan and Develop a Downtown Edgewater
Deficiencies that Edgewater has in terms of community identity relate to the lack of a sense of
place that comes primarily from not having a definable downtown. Missing in Edgewater is a
central place with the streetscape and architectural ambiance and mix of civic and commercial
uses that characterize traditional downtowns. A strong public desire for a downtown Edgewater
was expressed through the recent Envision Edgewater community visioning process, resulting in
creation of a downtown vision involving redevelopment of the Park Avenue corridor between the
FEC Railroad and the Indian River.
Actions to implement Obiective 3.1 include the following:
3.1.1. (2010) Study existing conditions in the corridor and prepare a "finding of necessary" report
demonstrating that sections of the Park Avenue and US 1 corridors are eligible for designation as a
Community Redevelopment Area under Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. (COMPLETED
III F. S.)
3.1.2. (2011) Prepare a Community Development Plan for the area that reflects the downtown
vision and establish a Community Redevelopment Agency with responsibility for implementing
the Plan, per Florida Statute. (COMPLETED RESOLUTION 2015-R-10 ADOPTING CRA PLAN)
3.1.3. (2011) Establish the Community Redevelopment Area as a Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
District and establish a Tax Increment Trust Fund for the collection and disbursement of tax
revenues generated by increased property values and new development generated in the District
for improvements and programs that benefit the District. COMPLETED —RESOLUTION 2015-R-
3.1.4. (2011) Coordinate the above actions with Volusia County and enlist County support for the
Community Redevelopment Area and Plan, and petition the County to make an exception to its
policy of withholding the County tax revenue increment from Edgewater, given that the City has
the unusual task of creating a new downtown where no definable urban core existed previously.
11 I Paige
3.1.5 (2012) Develop plans for future City Hall Complex to be located either in Downtown
Edgewater or to a new inland location... to relocate the Edgewater City Hall complex from its
existing location on Riverside Drive to a new inland location. The City Hall property can be
utilized more advantageously for waterfront commercial development and/or other community
purposes anchoring the east end of the Community Redevelopment Area. (ONGOING) Fall 2016
City expressed interest to owner of property located at Air Park Rd and SR 442.
Objective 3.2. Develop a New Community Civic Core Area
Potential relocation of the Edgewater City Hall complex to an inland site away from the Indian
River presents the opportunity to plan and develop a new and expanded civic core for Edgewater,
combining governmental, civic, educational, and health-related facilities and services.
Actions to implement Objective 3.2 include the following:
3.2.1. (2012) Identify potential locations for a new civic core, considering future growth patterns
and needs for expanded urban services in a growing community. Potential locations to be
considered and evaluated include Indian River Boulevard near Airpark Road and near Old Mission
Road. Depending on the scope and scale of facilities included in the core, need for a planned
campus area of up to 100 acres should be anticipated. (ONGOING)
3.2.2. (2012) Prepare a master plan for this new public and institutional campus, to include sites
for new City administrative and public safety facilities, new civic center/meeting hall for arts,
cultural, and social activities and events, and new community hospital complex. (ONGOING)
Obiective 3.3. Expand Health Care and Medical Services
Expansion of health care and medical facilities in Edgewater is a leading need and priority,
particularly for a community hospital and supporting facilities. Such a hospital would be a catalyst
for other health care facilities and services in the community, including medical offices and labs,
nursing care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, and assisted living facilities. The current and future
population of the Edgewater area and limited existing facilities in Southeast Volusia County are
such that planning for a new community hospital should be initiated.
Actions to implement Objective 3.3 include the following:
3.3.1. (2011) Meet with health care providers in Volusia County, including but not limited to
Florida Memorial Hospital and Halifax Health, to discuss existing and future needs and
opportunities for a community hospital and related medical facilities in Edgewater, their interest in
pursuing the concept, and actions the City should take to move the planning process forward.
(ONGOING) In 2016 City and Halifax Health created Interlocal Agreement for Emergency Room
Services. Potential Sites have been discussed.
3.3.2. (2011) Determine the extent to which major health care facilities are anticipated or planned
in the Restoration DRI. (ONGOING)
3.3.3 (2012) Present and discuss the master plan for the new community civic campus with
potential health care providers. (ONGOING)
Objective 3.4. Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Circulation
In discussions with the Economic Development Board, it was determined that quality of life in
Edgewater would be enhanced greatly by having an adequate system of bicycle paths and
pedestrian trails and walkways. To the extent that residents are not able to walk or bicycle
conveniently and safely in and between neighborhoods and other areas of the community, needs
and costs to improve existing non -automotive circulation in the City should be studied and plans
for improvement should be prepared and implemented.
Actions to implement Objective 3.4 include the following:
3.4.1. (2012) Identify and assess needs for and costs of improved bicycle and pedestrian
circulation in the City and prepare a Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that addresses needs for
new and upgraded bicycle and pedestrian paths, trails, and walkways that improve service and
connectivity throughout the community. (COMPLETED — RESOLUTION 2013-R-03
3.4.2. (2013) Identify priorities and develop a program to fund and make improvements over
time within available financial resources, including outside grants. (ONGOING THROUGH
Objective 3.5. Improve Transportation Services for Residents
During the workshop, it was determined that quality of life in Edgewater would be enhanced
greatly by having an adequate public transportation system. To the extent that residents are not
able to conveniently and safely transport themselves to Daytona State College for training,
potential jobs, healthcare facilities or shopping areas. Needs and costs to improve public
transportation circulation in the City should be studied and plans for improvement should be
prepared and implemented.
Action to implement Objective 3.5 include the following:
3.5.1 (2015) Identify and assess needs for and costs of improved transportation circulation in the
City and prepare a Transportation Master Plan that addresses needs for new and upgraded
transportation system including rail, water, air, highway and public transportation services that
improve service and connectivity throughout the community.
Objective 3.6. Improve Inventory ofAffordable Housing, Upper Scale and Nice Apartments
During the workshop, it was determined that quality of life in Edgewater would be enhanced
greatly by having an adequate inventory of affordable housing, upper scale housing and also nice
apartments. To the extent that residents are unable to find such housing in Edgewater. Areas for
these above-mentioned needs should be identified and the City should provide this information
and identified needs to private developers of housing through networks of Commercial Realtors
and Developers.
Actions to implement Objective 3.6 include the following:
3.6.1 (2015) Identify potential properties and ideal locations throughout the City for these
different types of housing. (ONGOING)
3.6.2 (2015) Communicate the wishes and need for such development to Commercial Realtors
and such Developers (ONGOING)
3.6.3 (2015) Coordinate efforts with Development Services for ease planning and permitting
said developments. (ONGOING)
The City of Edgewater recognizes the importance of the Indian River making the community an attractive
place to live and work and in promoting the City as a potential visitor destination. The City further
recognizes needs to provide increased access to and enjoyment of the River and to promote and facilitate
development of certain waterfront properties for commercial and marine uses attractive and inviting to
residents and visitors alike.
Obiective 4.1. Improve Existing Public Access Facilities
Edgewater is a waterfront community with extensive frontage on the Indian River with views over
the River and wide coastal marshlands to the barrier island beyond. Physical and visual access to
the waterfront should be maximized to benefit existing and future residents. Toward this end,
existing public access facilities, including waterfront parks, boat ramps, dockage, marina facilities,
paths and trails, and viewpoints should be inventoried, improved, and operated in such manner as
maximizes public enjoyment and public safety.
Actions to implement Objective 4.1 include the following:
4.1.1. (2011) Inventory and assess all existing public access facilities along the Indian River,
including roads, paths, parks, boat ramps, and vacant publicly -owned lots as to their condition and.
needs for improvement. (ONGOING)
4.1.2. (2012) Develop a plan and program for improving these facilities and sites to make them
more accessible, user-friendly, and safe, including provision of adequate directional and
informational signage and surveillance. (Some in Included in CRA Plan and some areas
4.1.3. (2015) Encourage Parks & Recreation Staff and City Council when the time is right; when
the City possesses sufficient funding; to create a goal to establish a maintenance schedule and
replacement schedule with appropriate levels of funding for the amenities located in public parks.
4.1.4. (2015) At a time in the future, when there is sufficient funding available and an
opportunity arises, encourage the City to coordinate efforts to add more waterfront public access
points. (ONGOING)
Obiective 4.2. Identify and Promote Development of Waterfront Sites
Edgewater has yet to take advantage of its scenic waterfront location as a commercial asset with
shops, restaurants, and marina facilities attractive to residents and visitors alike. These facilities
are common in most waterfront communities and contribute to local quality of life, as well as
providing jobs and generating tax revenues. Opportunities for compatible waterfront commercial
development should be pursued in Edgewater to provide additional recreation/leisure activities for
residents, while allowing the City to attract non-resident visitor activity and spending.
Actions to implement Objective 4.2 include the following:
4.2.1. (2011) As part of the Community Redevelopment Plan for downtown Edgewater,
including potential relocation of the City Hall complex, make a determination of how the City
Hall property can be reused and plan for and promote development accordingly. (ONGOING)
4.2.2. (2011) For the 60 -acre former waterfront industrial site at the end of the City; any of the
waterfront sites at the south end of the City; meet with interested property buyers to discuss their
intentions and expectations for the property. Express to those potential buyers the interest of the
City in seeing the property developed with a mix of commercial and residential uses as a
waterfront destination area. (Including but not limited to: retail shops, restaurants, marine facilities
providing for boat storage and access, fishing charters, sightseeing tours, and water-based eco -
tours, etc.). Approach appropriate parties as to whether they would be interested in a public/private
partnership with the City. (ONGOING)
4.2.3. (2012) Review existing "mixed-use" land use and zoning designations for the property and
determine if such designations and policies and standards that implement the designations are
appropriate to this particular property and reflect its development opportunity; amend land
use/zoning classifications, land use policies, and development standards as needed to better reflect
redevelopment visions for the property. (ONGOING)
4.2.4. (2013) Identify other vacant and developed properties that may have potential for
waterfront redevelopment and facilitate their development as needed. (ONGOING)
The City of Edgewater understands that extensive private capital is needed to acquire and develop
existing industrial sites, to acquire and develop new commercial and industrial sites, to redevelop
downtown and waterfront properties, and to start new business ventures. The City further recognizes
needs to be competitive with other communities and areas and to seek and provide incentives, financial
and otherwise, to attract and leverage private investment, and will do so within the limits of available
Obiective 5.1. Establish Local Incentive Policies and Programs
Incentives have become common at all levels of government in attracting new business and
industry to an area or community. Most incentives are employer -driven, particularly those at the
state level and funded by government grants, in that they are based on the number of jobs created
and averages wages of those jobs, generally in relation to the average wage level or median
household income in the area. Local incentives, which typically are in the form of property tax
Actions to implement Obiective 5.1 include the following:
5.1.1. (2011) Continually communicate to stay up to date with local economic development
incentive policies and programs in other Volusia County communities and other comparable
communities to determine best practices in competitive communities. (ONGOING)
5.1.2. (2012) Be open to add to or change the existing programs and incentives policies for
Edgewater to ensure that the City is competitive with its peers and can be implemented within
available resources that may include an economic development tool that will allow a deferment of
taxes to be paid back to the City with interest at a later date. (ONGOING)
5.1.3. (2015) Promote the Ad Valorem Tax Abatement incentive program to attract new business
and the expansion of existing businesses in Edgewater. (ONGOING)
Objective 5.2. Develop New Public Financing Mechanisms
Tax increment financing is an invaluable tool for funding improvements and programs that
directly benefit Community Redevelopment Areas, including use of these funds as financial
incentives to property owners, developers, and businesses for facade improvements, new
construction, and working capital, among other uses. The tax increment financing concept can
also be adapted for other uses, as recommended below.
Actions to implement Objective 5.2 include the following:
5.2.1. (2011) Per Action Item 3.1.3. above, establish a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for
the downtown Community Redevelopment Area, as permitted by Florida Statute, to raise property
tax revenues from increased property values and new development in the Redevelopment Area for
the purpose of reinvesting these funds in the Redevelopment Area for various public
improvements, incentives, and programs that directly benefit the Redevelopment Area.
(COMPLETED IST QTR 2015 Resolutions and Ordinances 2015-0-0=I, 2015-,R-10, 2015-R-08,
5.2.2. (2012) Consider development and implementation of a targeted funding program under
which a percentage of annual local property tax revenues generated by the Restoration DRI and
other future DRI -scale developments (a minimum of 25 percent is recommended) would be
allocated for transportation projects and other public improvements that improve access and
services to and within existing and potential employment areas in Edgewater, including use of
these targeted funds to help leverage county and state funds for needed improvements.
Obiective 5.3. Actively Seek Federal, State, and County Financial Support
Funding is available from Federal and state sources for community economic development
projects, including the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Rural Development Program of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture, and Florida Office of Trade, Tourism, and Economic Development (OTTED).
Actions to implement Objective 5.3 include the following:
5.3.1. (2010) Develop and annually update a list of needed and otherwise desirable economic
development projects, including public infrastructure projects that provide and improve access and
utility services to existing and potential business/industrial areas. (ONGOING)
5.3.2. (2010) Meet initially and periodically with the East Central Florida Regional Planning
Council to present and discuss the Edgewater Economic Development Strategic Plan and potential
projects needed, present an annual list of projects for consideration for funding under their
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), and discuss the eligibility of Edgewater
projects for EDA funding and associated application requirement and procedures. (ONGOING)
5.3.3. (2011) Review eligibility criteria for USDA/Rural Development funding and determine if
Edgewater is an eligible jurisdiction and if individual projects qualify for funding; follow up
accordingly. (Not eligible —City Limits of Edgeviiater)
5.3.4. (2011) Review eligibility criteria for Florida OTTED funding and determine if Edgewater
is an eligible jurisdiction and if individual projects qualify for funding; follow up accordingly.
5.3.5. (2011) Work with the Volusia County River to Sea TPO to include Edgewater economic
development road projects in the long-range transportation plan and short-term work program; and
enlist support of the Volusia County Council in financing County road improvements in the
Edgewater area. (ONGOING)
Objective 5.4. Focus on Annexing Enclaves (per Comprehensive Plan)
Identify enclaves within the City limits and develop a plan to educate and communicate to those
property owners the benefits of annexing into the City.
Actions to implement Obiective 5.4 include the following:
5.4.1 (2015) Coordinate efforts with GIS and Development Services to identify enclaves
throughout the City and develop a map and list of property and owners. (ONGOING- Interlocal
Service Boundary Agreement with Volusia County to Annex; Annexation fees lifted temporarily)
5.4.2 (2015) Develop informational/educational talking points that can be used to prove to the
property owners the benefits of annexing into the City. (Completed — on the web site)
5.4.3 (2015) With the above-mentioned talking points, develop a notification/educational
program or plan to the targeted property owners and educate the City staff, elected officials, and
volunteers alike so that the message is consistent. Program can use a combination of print and/or
electronic media venues. For example, in recent years, Edgewater taxes have decreased to be
comparative to County taxes; hence if the property is annexed into the City, the owner receives
more services for the same amount of money. (Completed — ongoing — worksheets are created
using individual tax bill, services cost and fire insurance to show savings by annexing into
Obiective 5 5 Support and Manage the Redevelopment Plan — EdlZewater CRA
May 5, 2014 the Finding of Necessity was approved with Resolution 2014-R-08. The Delegation
of Authority was granted by the County Council November 20, 2014 with Resolution 2014-159.
As of June 1, 2015, the City completed all the requirements to create the CRA Agency Resolution
2015-R-08, Appoint the CRA Governing Board Resolution 2015-R-09, Approve the CRA Plan
Resolution 2015-R-10 and Create the CRA Trust Fund Ordinance 2015-R-04. Moving forward,
the challenge will be; how to successfully complete the redevelopment projects outlined in the
CRA Plan with such a short time frame of 20 years as mandated by the County of Volusia. All the
projects identified in the Plan total more than $57 Million over 40 years. By year 20, the
estimated Revenue Projections total $6.9 Million. Creative funding sources will be needed to
accomplish the goals set forth.
Actions to implement Objective 5.5 include the following:
5.5.1 (2015) Communicate and coordinate redevelopment efforts as outlined in the Community
Redevelopment Plan. Work together with property owners within the CRA District to provide
information, resources and assistance for redevelopment efforts. (Please repr to CRA Plan).
5.5.2 (2015) Provide information to the public regarding the plan, budget, annual reports, and all
other reporting and documentation as required by F.S. 163 Part III. (Connplete and constantly
5.5.3 (2015) Coordinate efforts with City's Grant Coordinator for opportunities with other grant
programs that may subsidize CRA TIFF collections in order to complete redevelopment projects
as outlined in the CRA Plan. (ONGOING)
Objective 5.6. Review Compreliensive Plan for Land Use, Zoning, and Consider Design Standards for
CRA District and SR442
If taxable values of properties within the CRA district improve and Community Redevelopment
Area (CRA) funds are collected, it will be imperative that the City is ready for not only new
development but also redevelopment of key areas. The City staff and residents need to be assured
that the City is ready to manage the influx of land development and redevelopment when it occurs.
This will ensure that the City has a unique quaint small town charm as distinctly identified as a
goal of the Vision Book while managing the growth in a fair, consistent and sustainable manner.
Actions to implement Objective 5.6 include the following:
5.6.1 (2015) Communicate and coordinate with Community Development Services to the review
the Comprehensive Plan, Land Use and Zoning Codes. Ask the Planning and Zoning Board to
work with the Economic Development Board to consider Design Standards for the CRA District
for both land development and redevelopment. Work together with departments and boards to
ensure that all rules and regulations meet the goals of the community while also being consistent,
fair, and sustainable. (ONGOING)
5.6.2 (2015) After the Economic Development Board has reviewed the above-mentioned rules
and regulations and sure that the City is ready for the influx of growth and can manage the growth,
develop a plan to communicate this to the residents and businesses in the City. This will help to
Objective 5.7. Investigate Opportunities for ECHO (Environmental, Cultural, Historic and Outdoor)
Recreational Protects
As we review feedback from companies that encompass the targeted industries outlined within this
document, it is clear that Quality of Life features are very important not only to existing
businesses planning to expand, but especially important to companies that we try to recruit.
Council members have also identified certain projects as goals for their tenure on the Council. To
better define these projects, we utilize the already established Volusia County terminology; ECHO
(Environmental, Cultural, Historic, Outdoor) Recreation Projects. Not only do these types of
projects add to Quality of Life, but more importantly for this Economic Development Board, these
projects create economic drivers worth Billions of dollars of new money into the community.
Additionally, these types of projects encompass clean, green industry and promote healthy
lifestyles, thus attracting young, educated professionals to our community.
Actions to implement Objective 5.7 include the following:
5.7.1 (2015) Determine the need for unique self-sustaining ECHO (Environmental, Cultural,
Historic and Outdoor) related recreational projects that are not already available in the Southeast
Volusia area. Once these projects are identified, initiate a focus group to create a business plan for
the project to include (not limited to): statement of need, development plan, sustainability plan,
interested partners, marketing and advertising plan, management plan, financial forecast, etc.
(ONGOING) (Submitted ECHO Grant Application for Whistle Stop Park Project)
5.7.2 (2015) Identify and calculate the associated risks and potential returns for proposed ECHO
projects so that the City can fully make strategic decisions with fully vetted proposed projects.
Ideally, proposed project(s) will be self-sustaining and sustainable; not a burden on the tax payers.