08-20-1979 - Regular .' , . (..) <J CITY OF EDGEWATER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING A uo'u'S't" 20'" 1 9'7 9 ..~ , Mayor Christy called the meeting to order at 7,00 P.M. in the Edgewater Community Center. 'ROLL CALL Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Louis J. Rotundo Councilman David C. Ledbetter Councilman Walter B. Sikes Councilman Neil J. Astino City Attorney Judson Woods Deputy Clerk Nancy Blazi Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present 'I NVOCJl.T I (IN The invocation was given by Rev. DePew 'S~l\L'UTE' 'TO' FLAG ~PRROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council adopt the minutes of the Council Special Meeting, August 9. 1979 and the Council Regular Meeting, August 13, 1979. Councilman ~otundo seconded the motion. Councilman Sikes said that he believed there was one figure that was in the minutes should be corrected. The allowable tonnaqe of trucks that can be parked in a residential area should be 1.2 (1~)tons instead of 12 tons. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. B1LLS AND ACCOUNrS Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council pay these bills. Councilman Astinq seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5~0. . . PRESENTATION Russ Foster, Fire Chief spoke to the Council concerning the proposed Greater Ed0ewater Fire District. The County has proposed placin9 a 1.5 mil levy on County residents to pay for fire service in the County. The County would pay the Fire Dept. $27,000 per year for this service and is willing to advance an additional $58,000 for capital purchases. The Fire ~ept. would need to buy a new tanker in order to have the equipment to service the additional district. The Fire Dept. would also need a new station on the west side of the railroad tracks. It would be necessary for the City Council to appropriate $15.000 for half the cost of,the new buildinq. The Fire Dept. is in favor of this proposed Fire District. There was a lengthy discussion concerning this proposal. cannot authorize the additional $15,000 until the budget 1979-80. However, the County Council needs to have some the City of Edgewater intends to consider this proposal. Mr. Woods said that the Council could adopt a resolution of intent to enter into a contract with the County subject to the $15,000 beino available. The Council is set for indication that ~, Q 2 Q Mr. Clyde Mann, County Councilman, spoke to the Council regardin~ this proposal and said that the County was in the same position as the City in that neither aovernment could enter into a contract until the 1979-80 budgets we~e set. Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council write to the County to inform them that the Council accepts the recommendation of the Fire Dept. and express their intent to enter into a contract with the County for a Greater Edgewater Fire District, provided the necessary funds are available. Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Jack Bevel, President of EVER, spoke to the Council concerning E.V.E.R. 's position in regard to the proposed Fire District. There are not enough funds, at the present time, for the County to consider including the rescue organization in this proposal. The members of E.V.E.R. have decided not to respond to any calls outside the City as a ~art of this proposed Fire District. The County has suggested that possibly some arrangement might be worked out on a pay per call basis and this will be discussed at an E.V.E.R. meeting on August 21, 1979. The rescue organization will still answer calls on a life/ death basis if the request is made by the Sheriff, Highway Patrol or Beacon as per Council authorization for the next 60 days. Mr. Bevel added that he hoped the rescue organization would have some recommendations to make to the Council by the Sept. 10th Council meeting. Mr. Mann spoke to the Council and said that the County was trying to provide the maximum coverage for County residents that the County can afford without depriving Edgewater of any services. There have been problems when Beacon ambulances when they are on beachside and have to answer a call south of Edqewa.ter. It would certainly be advantageous if something can be worked out with the Edgewater rescue organization. ~OMMUNICATIONS Councilman Asting said that he had requested to be on the a~enda to discuss the position of City Clerk. He have received three applications recently, Two of the applicants, Mr. Miller and Mr. Herget were in the audience. He thinks the Council should consider these applications. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council recess the meetina at the end of this agenda instead of adjourning. The Council could hold an interview workshop at 6:00 P.M. Tues. August 21, 1979 and then reconvene the regular meeting at 7:00 P.M. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Sikes asked if the Council would consider these three specific applicants? Councilman Asting said yes. The Council considered the problem of the property on Marion Ave. Mr. Woods had written to Mr. Smith requesting that he be present at the Council to explain why the condemned buildin~s had not been taken care of. Mr. Corbett Smith spoke to the Council and said that there was some question of zonin~. He had been informed that the area had been rezoned. He is in the process of forming a partnership with Gene Smith and they planned to tear down some of the buildin~s and renovate some others, however, because of the possible zoning change they had not yet reached an agreement. Mr. Woods said that to his knowledqe there had been no zoning change in that area. It was still zoned industrial. There was a long discussion concerninq this problem. Councilman Astina made a motion that Mr. Smith report back to the Council on September 10 on the proaress made in correctinn the situation on this property. Councilman Ledbetter seconded the motion. .' , (.) <J 3 Mr. Griffith, Chairman of the Building Code Bd., reminded the Council that if anyone had an appeal against a decision of the Building Official that they would 00 to the Buildinq Code Bd. He was referrinq to Mr. Smith's statement that he did not believe all the buildinas - should have been condemned, some of them could be renovated. .. Upon roll call the motion CARRIE-D 5-0. The Council considered a letter from the Planning Board requestin~ that the Council hire Richard Diamond as City Planner at an annual salary of $13,000. Councilman Asting said that there had been no application from Mr. Diamond for this position. They only have a copy of the application submitted in 1977 and since that time he has left our employment. When Mr, Diamond gave his notice to leave the City, he talked with him and urged him to stay and he would try to get a pay raise for him. Mr. Diamond said thanks but no thanks. Mr. Diamond said that he would not stay.on for any pay raise. He does not feel Mr. Diamond should be rehired. Councilman Ledbetter also said that Mr. Diamond had rejected the offer of more money. Councilman Asting said that he would like to ask Mr. Nolan, Chairman of the Planning Board, what happened to the application for City Planner from Miss Ainsley. Mr. Nolan said that application was rejected unanimously by the Planning Board. She had no previous background experience. Councilman Asting said that she had as much experience and as much formal education as Mr. Diamond did when he accepted the job. Mr; Nolan said that he disagreed with Mr. Asting. Mr. Diamond had considerably more governmental planning. Councilman Asting asked who made the motion to reject Miss Ainsley. Mr. Nolan said he would have to go back to the minutes, he did not remember. He did not plan to defend Mr. Diamond. He has worked with Mr. Diamond very closely for about a year and a half and he under- stands the differences that Mr. Diamond had with the City concerning his job status and the pressures that were on Mr. Diamond. Councilman Asting questioned what pressures Mr. Diamond was under. He thought Mr. Diamond did a good job while he was City Planner. He put no pressures on Mr. Diamond. Mr. Nolan said that he was not directing that remark at Mr. Asting or any member of the Council. Mr. Diamond has complete knowledge of the Comprehensive Plan. The City desperately needs a City Planner with the final approval of the Comprehensive Plan, the public hearings and the application of the plan as a whole. The Board decided that considering the applications they had had for this position that possibly a further discussion with Mr. Diamond miqht be adviseable. The Board discussed this possibility at a meeting and a motion was made that they pursue this further and talk with Mr. Diamond about the Dosition based on his experience and knowledge of the City, to see if h~ would reconsider. This motion was followed throuah on and ~1r. ~iamond indicated that he would be willing to come back and work for the City on a contractural yearly basis with an annual salary of $13,000. Councilman Astino said that it had been reported to him that three Councilmen agreed' with ~.1r~ Nolan that ~1r. Diamond should be rehired. Mr~ Nolan said that was not correct. Mayor Christy said that Mr. Nolan had talked with him and he had i n'ct i cat e d t hat h e f e 1 t ~1 r. D i am 0 n d. was the b est c h 0 ice for the job. , o 4 o Councilman Sikes said that at a Plannina Board meetina about three weeks ago,which he and Councilman Rotundo attended as advisors to the Planning Board, the subject of rehirinq Mr. Diamond was discussed and both he - and Councilman Rotundo told the Planning Board that they felt Mr. Diamond had done a very qood job for the City and that it would be aood for the City if th~y-coul~ 0et him back.~ - Councilman Asting said that he was not disputing the fact that Mr. Diamond did a g60d job. He also thouqht he did a good job when he worked for the City but he did not see any pressing need for a City Planner. Councilman Rotundo said that the Plannina Board needed the auidance of a good planner. When the Board discu~sed this, he indic~ted that if the Board could help in getting Mr. Diamond, who was an experienced City Planner, it would be good for the City. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council reject the recommendation of the Planning Board. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion DID NOT CARRY 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter and Councilman Asting voted YES. Councilman Sikes made a motion that based on the recommendation of the Planning Board the Council hire Mr. Diamond at an annual salary of $13,000 and enter into a contract with him effective immediately. The contract would be until September 30, 1980. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. There was more discussion from the Council and the audience. Mr. Nolan said that he wished to add that the Planning Board is merely an advisory board and they had not in any way attempted to circumvent the Council. The hiring of a City Planner was strictly a Council decision. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter and Councilman Asting voted NO. Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize the City Attorney to draw up the necessary resolution and the contractual agreement. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Ledbetter and Councilman Asting voted NO. Councilman Asting said that applications and resumes should go to the Council first and they should be the ones to send them to the Boards for possible recommendation. Councilman Sikes said that this has been discussed before and it was decided that applications should be sent to the Board that might be involved so that they can make recommendations to the Council. The Council always has the final decision. Councilman Ledbetter said that in order to do the pavin9 on Riverside Drive, they needed to be able to purchase the material. He made a motion that the Council instruct the Mayor to sign the purchase order so that this material can be purchased. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The Council considered a letter from the Building Code Board requesting that Ordinance No. 79-0-23 be brought back before the Council for consideration. This ordinance deals with owner/builders. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council reject this ordinance. Councilman Ledbetter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-2. Councilman Sikes and Mayor Christy voted NO. The Council considered a letter from the Plannina Board recommendinQ that the Council reject an application from Mr. ~arancz for City Pl~nner and consider the application from Mr. Miller as a possible candidate for the position of City Clerk. Mayor Christy said that Mr. Miller1s application will be considered by the Council when they interview applicants for City Clerk. The Council considered an application from Mr. Troup for a Home Occupational license to operate a carpet cleaning business. .' , o o 5 The Council questioned Mr. Troup about this proposed business. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council qrant this license. Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The Council considered a letter from the Fire Department requesting that the pavillion at Park and Pier be repaired and another pavillion be built. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council authorize the Mayor to take care of this as long as the cost is under $2,000. Councilman Sikes seconded the motion. Uoon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. . The Council considered a letter from the Florida Lea9ue of Cities regardin0 a pooled plan for liability similar to the one the City now has concerning workman's compensation. Mayor Christy asked the Council to study this fof discussion at a later date. '. COORDINATORS REPORTS Councilman Rotundo: no report, , ~ ,Councilman Ledb~t~er made a motion that the Council approve the purchase of plant mix for' paving Rhode Island. Councilman Asting seconded the motion, Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Ledbetter said that the backhoe still needed to be fixed. Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council authorize on an emergency basis that the Case Co. be contacted and arrangements be made to either replace or repair the hydraulic system of the Case backhoe. Councilman Ledbetter seconded the.motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Co~ncilman Sikes had no report but he did want the administra- tion office to check on the money due the City from the construction of the library. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council authorize the City Attorney to get together with Mr. DeGroot for the puroose of revisinq and amending the Water/Wastewater budget. Council~an' Ledbetter seco~ded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Astin~ said that the Council should have a budget workshop Wednesday night (August 22, 1979), The Council agreed to this. "Mr. \~oods no report. Mayor Christy said that he would like to recommend that the Council adopt the resolution naming Nancy Blazi as Deputy City Clerk. Councilman Asting made a motion that Nancy Blazi be named Deputy City Clerk. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. There was a discussion about the salary. Mrs. Blazi said that she wished to remain on an hourly salary. The Deputy City Clerk has always been on an hourly salary. Mrs. Blazi also told the Council that she would not be able to assume the responsibilities as Acting City Clerk. The City Attorney.said that the Council had previously authorized a Resolution appointing Mrs. Blazi as Deputy City Clerk. This is R~sol~tion~No. 79-R-76. The Council could siqn this resolution as part of the motion to appoint Mrs. Blazi. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Sikes aaain reminded the Council that Mrs. Blazi would not also be asked to assume the responsibilities of Acting City Clerk. ..- v o .. 6 RESOLUTIONS The City Attorney read Resolution No, 79~R~77, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING TERRY A, WADSWORTH AS SUPERVISOR OF THE WATER SYSTEM AND WATER FACILITIES I~l THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AS SAID SUPERVISOR, PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY AS COMPENSATION FOR HIS DUTIES AS SUPERVISOR, REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council adopt this resolution. Councilman Ledbetter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The City Attorney read Resolution No. 79-R-78. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING KEVIN BOSSE AS SUPERVISOR OF THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM AND FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, ESTABLISHING HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AS SAID SUPERVISOR. PROVIDING FOR AN ANNUAL SALARY AS COMPENSATION FOR HIS DUTIES AS SUPERVISOR, REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING Ar! EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council adopt this resolution. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The City Attorney read Resolution No. 79-R-79. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING WILLIAM FEENEY AS SUPERINTENDENT OF THE WATER PLANT IN THE CITY OF EDGEI4ATER, FLORIDA\' ESTABLISHING HIS RESPONSIBILITIES AS SAID SUPERINTENDENT, ESTABLISHING HIS ANNUAL SALARY AS COMPENSATION FOR HIS DUTIES AS SUPERINTENDENT, REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Council adopt this resolution. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0, "ORDINA.NCES None ',OLD BUSINESS The Council considered the suggestion of the City Attorney to amend the Subdivision Ordinance as it pertains to recreation areas. There was a discussion concerninq the difference between fair market value and appraised value. The City Attorney said that probably an MAl appraisal would be the most acceptable to set the value. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council accept the recommendation of the Attorney and authorize the necessary ordinance. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The Council considered the proposed Sign Ordinance submitted by the City Attorney. Councilman Sikes- made a motion to table the Sign Ordinance for further study. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Asting said that he had received three requests for street lights. He would like to get together with the Committee and check these out and report back to the Council. Councilman Ledbetter said that the Council should formally accept the resignation of Mrs. Kinsey as Deputy City Clerk. The Council discussed Mrs. Kinsey.s letter of resignation. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council accept the resiqnation of Mrs. Kinsey as Deputy City Clerk. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motior " J' u o -. 7 There was a discussion about Mrs, Kinsey's salary. Mrs. Blazi said that Mrs. Kinsey had not received additional comoensation in her position as Deputy City Clerk. Councilman Ledbetter said that he had made the motion to hire Mrs. Kinsey as City Clerk at a salary of $12~OOO. He did not know at that time that Mrs. Kinsey was receiving approximately $11,300 in salary at this time. He was told that Mrs. Kinsey would not accept the position of City Clerk for $12,000. He asked if the Council was going to maintain her present salary. Councilman Sikes said that Mrs. Kinsey was a valued and knowledgeable employee and her present salary reflected the work she did in the Utilities Dept. He reminded the Council, as Mrs. Blazi had pointed out that Mrs. Kinsey did not receive additional monies as Deputy City Clerk and added that she also did not receive additional monies when she assumed the responsibilities as Acting City Clerk this past year. Upon roll call the motion to accept Mrs. Kinsey's resignation as Deputy City Clerk CARRIED 5-0. Mayor Christy asked for a motion to recess this meeting until 7:00 P.M. Tuesday August 21, 1979. He reminded the Council that they would hold a workshop/interview for the position of City Clerk at 6:00 P.M. Tuesday August 21, 1979. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the meetinq be recessed until 7:00 P.M. Tuesday August 21, 1979. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0. The meeting was recessed. ~~ ~ C:L }M/i) :-<" r'~, ~2- cou~ u co~~ ~ ~ c&:t' ~~9 Counc,l an Minutes submitted by Nancy Blazi ft.TTEST: ~d~ t,y Cl er ~ Approved thi s 16 day of ~~~;;:/G?4