08-06-1979 - Regular
. '
August 6, 1979
Mayor Christy called the regular meeting of the City Council to order
at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater Community Center.
Mayor Robert H. Christy
Councilman Louis J. Rotundo
Councilman David C. Ledbetter
Councilman Walter B. Sikes
Councilman Neil J. Asting
City Attorney Judson Woods
City Clerk Richard Weser
Police Chief Earl Baugh
Excused (*N. Blazi rep.)
There was a silent invocation.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council approve the
minutes of the Special Meeting of July 25, 1979 and the Regular ~eetinq
of July 30, 1979. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 4-1. Councilman Sikes voted NO due to absence.
Councilman Ledbetter said that he had not received a copy of the bills
and accounts. He requested that this be discussed later in the meeting
so he could have a chance to check over these bills.
A letter was read from the Buildinq Code Board concernino a reouest
by the Florida Shores Property Own~rs Association to add"a roo~ to
their present clubhouse that would have the same floor level as the
existing building. The Board recommended that the Council permit this
addition to be built in conformance with the existin9 building. The
amended building regulations sets the floor height higher than the
present clubhouse.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council permit the Florida
Shores Association to build their addition the same height as the
present clubhouse. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
A letter was read from the Building Code Board requesting that the
Council hold off on any appointments to their Board until they can
try to find a plumber or plumbing contractor to fill the vacancy on
the Board.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council accept this recommenda-
tion. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
Councilman Sikes said that all applications for the vacancy on the Board
should be referred to the Board.
A letter was read from Rock Bouchard requesting an appointment to
either the Planning Board or the Building Code Board.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council table this until
a later date.. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll
call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
A letter was read from the City Clerk stating that the present $5,000
life insurance coverage for City employees costs $328 a month. This
coverage could be increased to $10,000 for an additional $144 a month.
Councilman Asting made a motion to table this for sometime in the future
possibly to be considered for next year's budget. Councilman Sikes
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
A letter was read from the City Clerk requesting that a procedure
be established for on-the-job injuries in regard to medical treatment.
The City Attorney suggested that the Council seek the advice of our
compensation insurance company, Risk ~anagement.
Mayor Christy will get information on this and report back to the
Mayor Christy informed the Council that he had received a sealed
envelope from City Clerk Richard Weser at 4:30 P.M. today. He
opened the envelope and passed out copies of a letter from the City
Clerk to the members of the Council.
A letter of resignation from Richard Weser was read to the Council.
Mr. Weser said that he was resi9,ning his position effective 4:30 P.M.
August 6, 1979. A copy of the letter is attached to the original
minutes of this meeting.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council accept ~r. Weser's
resinnation. He added that he has heard a lot of talk from Mr. Weser
concerning Mr. Asting and that there has not been any mention of
increasin9 water and sewer rates.it has never been discussed. Councilman
Asting seconded the motion.
Councilman Asting read a prepared statement concerning Mr. Weser. A
copy of this statement is attached to the original minutes of this
meeting. He added that Mr. Weser recently submitted a report to the
FmHA. This reoort is erroneous and he would like the Council to
consider asking the City auditor to prepare a corrected copy of this
report for the FmHA. He asked Mr. Sikes if he saw this report before
it went out since it was prepared by City Clerk whom Mr. Sikes is
supposed to advise.
Councilman Sikes said that the City Clerk was the Finance Director.
He added that he has not seen the reoort but that Mr. Astina was in
error when he claimed that he hadn't Gotten into.the $150,000 cash
surplus because as of June 30th they had overexpended Fund 40 and there
was a deficit.
Councilman Asting said that was not true and that they would clear that
There were comments made from members of the audience concerning the
former City Clerk regarding his qualifications for the job and the
fact that his statement seemed to be a personal attack against Mr.
Councilman Ledbetter said that he had questioned the way the City Clerk
juggled the budget in the Street Dept.' He also was told that the
Water Dept. was $150,000 in the hole but this was not discussed with
the Council.
Councilman Asting said that he took exception to Mr. Weser's statement
that the Council wanted leadershio. The Council doesn't need any
leadership. The Council is supposed to provide the leadership for the
City Clerk and the other departments in the City.
Councilman Sikes said that he disagreed with this. Council members
are from all walks of life with various business back9rounds. We hire
professionals to work for the City and the coordinator system puts
Council members in an advisory position, They do not make the policy
and they do not spend the monies on an individual basis, He is
concerned because most of the $150,000 surplus carried over from
last year's budget and we will have nothing to fall back on next year,
If we can't take care of our bond obligations, FmHa can come in and
take over the operation of our water and wastewater systems. The
Council is personally liable for payment of these bonds,
Mayor Christy said that Mr. Weser had accused Mr. Asting of violating
ordinances specifically in regard to water cutoffs.
Councilman Astinq said that he did have water turned back on before
a delinquent bill was paid but he did this for humane reasons. One
person had a colostemy and the other was a crippled lady. He did it
with the understanding that the bill would be paid the following day.
Mayor Christy asked if this could be done for two people could it be
done for everybody?
Mr. Woods said that we have an ordinance that states there will be no
free service. Under our form of government you are supposed to have
full Council permission for any action that changed an ordinance rulinq.
Even though there may be circumstances that would seem to justify
individual action, it should be done by the entire Council.
Mayor Christy also said that Mr. Weser said that Mr. Asting said he
controlled the Council.
Councilman Asting said that he didn't remember saying anything like
that to Mr. Weser. There have been numerous times that the Council
has disagreed with him and the record would show"that.
Upon roll call the motion to accept the resignation CARRIED 3-2.
Councilman Sikes and Mayor Christy voted NO.
~ouncilman Rotundo no report.
Councilman Ledbetter said that the transmission on the trash truck
needed repair. He has been told that he does not have any money in
his department. He also wanted to make a motion that the Council
approv~ the termination of one .~echanic in "the Street Dept.. they
could not afford to keep him. Councilman Asting seconded the motion.
Mr. Woods said that the Council will have to find the money to repair
the trash truck.
Councilman Sikes said that it would cost the City more in unemployment
if they let this man go now,
Mayor Christy said he understood the man was goin9 to resign soon anyway.
Councilman Ledbetter withdrew his motion. Councilman Asting withdrew
his second
There was a discussion about getting a certification of funds available
for work in the Street Dept. and for repairing the trash truck. Also
the other departments should pay the Street Dept. when they have repair
work done by the Street Dept. mechanics. They should get a purchase
order before the work is done.
Councilman Sikes said that he would like the Council to continue to
receive reports from the City Engineer concerning information from the
Water Dept. on number of new pipes laid, total gallons of water pumped,
etc. The last one he received was in December.
Councilman Asting said that he would take care of this.
Councilman Sikes said that he would like to suggest that lights
along Indian River Blvd. be turned around so that they face the
intersection. This would give better lighting in the area.
Chief Baugh suggested that every other light be turned around.
Councilman Asting said that the Lighting Committee had made some
inspections in Florida Shores and they have selected three sights.
Needle Palm and 31st, Yule Tree and 23rd and Juniper and 18th.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council authorize the
installation of these three (3) lights. Councilman Rotundo seconded
the motion.
There was a discussion about the cost of these liqhts after they
are installed and the cost of the overall utility-bills.
Council~an Sikes said the Council should table this until we have
determined if we are within our budget for utility costs.
Councilman Asting said that this money was to come from the special
street light fund.
Upon roll call the motion to install three (3) new lights CARRIED
4-1. Councilman Sikes voted NO.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council authorize the City
auditors to prepare the report to the FmHA. This requires sp~cial auditing
orocedures. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion.
There was some discussion about having an employee in City Hall do
this work and save some money.
Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 3-2.
Christy voted MO.
Councilman Sikes and Mayor
Councilman Asting asked Mr. Brent Millikan to make a presentation
to the Council to explain the present financial status of the City.
Mr. Millikan spoke to the Council and presented what he said was an
unaudited rough draft. He had not had much time to prepare this
report and he had not received all the necessary information until
this afternoon. A copy of this report is attached to the original
minutes of this meeting. He said there were ~overnmental fund groups
and enterprise fund groups. He is putting the Federal Sharing, Anti-
Recession and General Fund all together so that we get one big picture.
Mr. Millikan explained to the Council how he had reached the figures
that he presented in his report. In summary, Mr. Millikan said that
the governmental type funds which is the Federal Revenue, Anti Recession
and General Funds has revenues exceeding expenditures as of June 30,
1979 of $52,733.99. The Water and Sewer Fund has income before deprecia-
tion as of June 30, 1979 of $51,090. 06. The Refuse Collection Fund
has income as of June 30, 1979 of $7,823.89. That is the financial
position of the City as of June 30, 1979.
Councilman Asting asked Mr. Millikan if, in his opinion, the financial
position of the City was good.
Mr. Millikan said that for a government entity, yes and he added that
he would like to qualify that by saying that a government entity was
not in the business of retaining income. The taxpayers want the income
spent for services so as far as a governmental fund philosophy the City
is running on an even keel.
Councilman Sikes said that we get certain Federal Revenue monies that
we appropriate for specific purchases. For example we appropriated
$15,000 for fire hydrants. We have only purchased two fire hydrants.
Mr. Millikan said that if the City had held a Public Hearing and said
that they were going to spend Federal Revenue monies for specific
purchases, like fire hydrants, and then the City did not make these
purchases then they have to have another public hearing to change
the appropriation of the monies. If the City changes the Federal
Revenue budget by more than 25% they are required to go through all
the steps they did initially to get the new budget approved.
Mayor Christy called a ten minute recess.
Meeting called back to order.
Mr. Woods tolrl the Council that he had drafted UP a new Sian Ordinance.
He requested that the Council study this ordinance and call-him if
there were any changes they wished to make. This ordinance should be
presented and passed as soon as possible. We need a stronger sign
Mayor Christy spoke to the Council about the Flood insurance and said
that he was trying to get more information to the Council.
Mayor Christy also talked about possible grants for the City.
Mayor Christy also brought up the fact that American States Insurance
had closed out the claim for damage to one of the wells because they
did not get the proper information to settle this claim.
Councilman Astin9 said that he would check into this and see that it
was taken care of.
The City Attorney read Resolution No. 79-R-72.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council adopt this
Resolution, Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call
the motion CARRIED 5-0.
The City Attorney read Resolution No. 79~R-~3.
- . \.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council adopt this Resolution.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
A letter was read concerning the overtime paid to some supervisors
in the Water and Wastewater Dept. and the fact that other supervisors
do not receive overtime.
Councilman Astinq said that he wished to make a correction about the
overtime oaid to-Mr. Feenev. The overtime listed goes back to Jan. 1979
and Mr. Feeney was not appointed a supervisor until March. He added
that he did not authorize the overtime and also that these checks were
made by the perso~ who did the payrol"l and signed by the City Clerk.
There was also a discussion between the Council members about appointinq
supervisors. Some of the supervisors have never been formally appointed
by the Council.
Councilman Sikes said that resolutions also need to be made for any
salary increases,
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that this subject be tabled for
Mr, Asting to report back to the Council next week. Councilman
Rotundo seconded the motion, Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
A letter was read concerning Beacon ambulance service in the County.
Mr. Bevel! President of EVER said the his oraanization needs to
have clarification of whether or not they can go into the County.
He told the Council about the recent life/death situation where the
Sheriff and Beacon had called EVER to respond. He obtained permission
from Mayor Christy to answer this call,
There was a discussion about the Edqewater rescue orqanization and
what service they could give to the-County. -
Councilman Sikes said that the City is planning to ask the County
for some assistance in obtaining road repairing equipment. Possibly
we could bar9ain with them on some service to the County provided
by our Rescue organization.
Councilman Rotundo said that as lonq as the Fire Dept, does not answer
calls outside of the City that Rescue should not answer any calls
Councilman Sikes made a motion that
Council authorize calls out side of
Mayor! Acting Mayor or Vice Mayor,
for a period of 60 days! the
the City upon approval of the
Councilman Rotundo seconded the
Councilman Ledbetter said that they should only answer calls when
requested by the Sheriff or Highway Patrol,
Mr. Bevel said that getting permission of Council members could be
time consuming in situations that were critical,
Councilman Sikes withdrew his motion. Councilman Rotundo withdrew his
Councilman Sikes made a motion that based on the judgement of the
Rescue organization! they be allowed to answer calls from Sheriff
or Highway Patrol for life/death situations within a fifteen mile
radius for a period of 60 days. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion.
There was a discussion about mutual aid for emergency rescue service
to Oak Hill. EVER is presently training members of the Oak Hill
Vol. Fire Dept. so that they can provide emer0ency service in the Oak
Hill area,
Mr. Bevel said that Edgewater rescue organization did not want to
provide services to the County! they were not manned or equipped for
this, The County residents should get the County Council to provide
more adeouate rescue service and also another ambulance in the area.
However, 'the Edgewater organization would like to be able to answer
calls in a life/death situation.. It is difficult to ignore these calls
when they are the only rescue organization in the area that could render
Upon roll call the motion to answer calls from the Sheriff and Highway
Patrol for a period of 60 days CARRIED 5-0,
Councilman Rotundo made a motion that the Oak Hill Fire Dept. be
included in a mutual aid agreement with EVER. Councilman Sikes seconded
the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5~O.
Mr, Woods said that they would have to have a signed agreement similar
to Fire Dept. mutual aid agreements,
Councilman Asting requested that the Council
Home Occupational licenses and in the future
take up the business of
Put the s e u n d e r com m u n i cat ion s.
, I
, ,
The Council considered a request for a Home Occupational license for
Milan Griffith, contractor.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council approve this license.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
The Council considered a request for a Home Occupational license for
John Troup, carpet cleaning.
Mr. Bunch said that he lived near Mr. Troup and objected to the truck
being parked at the house.
Mr. Troup was not in the audience.
Councilman Asting made a motion to table this request until the
next meeting and have Mr. Troup there to talk to the Council.
Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
The Council considered a request for a Home Occupational license for
Neal Holder, roofing.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council approve this license.
Councilman Ledgetter seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
The Mayor'read an estimate of the cost of repairing the ballfield.
Councilman Sikes made a motion that the Council table this until they
have received the lease agreement from the County. Councilman Ledbetter
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion CARRIED 5-0.
The Council discussed Flagler Ave. road conditions.
Mayor Christy said that he had talked to Lone Star and they seemed
willing to consider fixing up the part of the road that goes into
their property. He will report back to the Council as soon as he
gets some more definite information.
Mr. Armstrong said that when Flagler Ave. from the railroad to the
Maule Plant (now Lone Star) was vacated by the City/after proper
public hearings, at that time they agreed they would maintain the
rest of Flagler Ave. which belonged to the City from the railroad
South to Park Ave. It was sometime in 1972 or 73.
The Council considered Ordinance No. 79-0-24 amending the General
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that this be tabled until next
week. Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the
motion CARRIED 5-0.
Councilman Ledbetter made a motion that the Council appoint Mrs.
Kinsey as acting City Clerk and Mrs. Blazi as Deputy City Clerk.
Councilman Asting seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion
The Council considered the bills and accounts.
Councilman Asting made a motion that the Council approve the bills
for payment. Councilman Rotundo seconded the motion. Upon roll call
the motion CARRIED 5-0.
Mr. George Bunch spoke to the Council about water rates and water
cutoff. He objected to paying a $30 deposit that was not interest
bearing. He is also billed whether or not he is in the house. He
would like the Council to take care of these items. He also said that
there were stop signs by his house but no one paid any attention to
these signs! If they are no! e9fo~ced, they should be removed,
. ~
Mr. Witzig asked if there could be a law suit if water was shut off
in homes where there were children or old people, etc. Shouldn1t
we go through the Board of Health on this?
Mr. Woods said that the City has the right to terminate service for
non payment. It is like a contractural agreement. If you don't pay
you don't get the service.
Councilman Rotundo said that in regards to the storage for Civil
Defense, EVER and Police there should be enough room if storage
shelves were put up. They can't seem to come to an agreement on
where to store things and he would like the Council to make a recommenda-
Mayor Christy said that the Council should check out this storage
area and make a recommendation.
Mr. Woods said that in. regard to the ordinance on water service
it might be a good idea to post the part of the ordinance that deals
with this so that the public could be better informed.
Mr. Armstrong said that in regard to the water service and Ordinance 400
this concerned certain covenents made with the Federal Government
relating to the adjustment of rates to guarantee the payment to
operate the Water and Wastewater Dept. It was the only way that the
City could participate in a loan for the amount of $400,000 to start
to put in the water system.
Councilman Sikes made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Ledbetter
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by:
Nancy Blazi
7, tJtJLr
Deputy City Cler
AUGUST, 1979.