03-13-1980 - Special ~ ~ G';" ~ 4-aJ) ~p ~ (.) ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING March 13,1980 Mayor Christy called the Special Meeting to order at 3:31 P.M. in the Mayor's office. Pursuant to Chapter Regulations and Ordinance 994, Sec. 3, this meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the removal of stacked shell in Lake Coquina by City crews. ROLL CALL: Mayor Robert H. Christy Councilman Louis J. Rotundo Councilman David C. Ledbetter Councilman William B. Glaser Councilman Neil J. Asting City Attorney Judson Woods City Clerk Joseph Herget Police Chief Earl Baugh Present Present Present Present Present Excused Present Present Councilman Ledbetter stated that he feels that the northwest corner of the lake needs to be stabalized. Councilman Asting stated that to leave the shell already stock- piled would be a waste of money. We should use this shell and all the work can be done by the City's crew. Mr. Copeland, Street Supervisor, stated that the sand is best used to stabali'ze, however there is approximately 4,500 yards of shell still stockpiled. Mayor Christy passed out pictOres of this area and he read the report given by Mr. Copeland of how the shell has already been used. Councilman Asting stated that the shell should be used on our streets. There was di'scussion about whether the Cityhs crew should keep digging for shell. There was also discussion about the di'stahce the water tow~r is from the location of the digging. The City Clerk reminded the Council that we should stay with th~ i issue at hand. Councilman Asting made a motion that we move the shell that Mr. Wi 1 son has a 1 ready dug and s tockpi'l ed, bei ng seconded by Councilman Ledbetter. Councilman Rotundo asked if this means just leveling off what i's already there? There was discussion at this time as to how this will be done, looking at the picttires the Councilmen voiced their opinions. Mr. Copeland explained that he has a lot of work that has already been d~layed because of this and he can not get this done in a week. ,--.~ # <) ~ There was discussion about the pump that is already rented until the 1st of April. It was explained that if the pumping is stopped, it will all be covered up. Mayor Christy stated that he doesn't know of any tests being run. He read the letter from D.E.R. which stated that this should be done daily. Councilman Glaser asked if Mr. Copeland can give us a report at our next Council meeting, and then we will discuss taking the rest of the shell out. Mr. Copeland stated again that he has a lot of work to do and his equipment has been in for repairs, if he has everything working Monday, he will do his best, but he can't promise when he can have it all done. Upon roll call vote, the motion CARRIED 5-0. Councilman Asting made a motion that the Street Department Supervisor screen the stockpiled shell; what is not of good quality should be used to restore the lake area and make it like it was originally, being seconded by Councilman Rotundo. Upon roll call vote, the motion CARRIED 5-0. Coun~i1man Asting added that this is to be accomplished, but not given a high priority due to the fact that Mr. Copeland has other work that should be taken care of first. Mayor Christy read the attorney's recommendation for the meeting that was called to award the bid for digging the shell. The attorney recommended that if any bids are received, the City Clerk can open them after 3:00 and advise the bidders that the bids have been rescinded by Council and they will be notified when we go out on bids again. Councilman Ledbetter made a motion to rescind the meeting March 17, 1980, being seconded by Councilman Asting. Upon roll call vote, the motion CARRIED 5-0. ADJOURN: Councilman Ledbetter made a motion to adjourn, betng seconded by Councilman Asttng. The motion CARRIED. Meettng adjourned. ~. Minutes submitted by: Debbi.e Sigler ATTEST: w_~. ~~ Councilman cou~. p~- .~ ~/h.- ~ ~ 7~ --- - - lJi'~ ~ty C1er \... ~ ~ ../, ~ ___ r~/ , Mayor 1980. -2-