WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Industrial Develop-
ment Board of the City of Edgewater, held on the 7th day of
January, 1988, the Board moved to reccomend adoption of By -Laws.
SECTION 1. That the By -Laws of the Industrial Development
Board of the City of Edgewater, attached hereto as Appendix "A",
and by reference incorporated herein with full force and effect
as if fully set forth are hereby formally adopted.
SECTION 2. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions
in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. That this resolution shall take effect immedia-
tely upon its adoption by the City Council of the City of Edge-
water, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Council
held on the 7th day of March , 1988, and approved
as provided by law.
This Resolution was introduced and sponsored by Councilman
Prater , and was read and passed by a vote of the City
Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a regular
meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of March ,
1988, and approved as provided by law.
Council an- e
Co cilman-Zone Four
Authenticated this
day 1988.
e d by:
Res.No. 88-R-15
"Exhibit A"
ARTICLE I: Purpose and Intent
The purpose and intent of these By -Laws is to set forth a uniform set of
procedures whereby the Edgewater Industrial Development Board may regulate
the manner in which it elects officers, conduct meetings and otherwise carries
out its functions. It is the further intent of these By -Laws to serve as a
self-imposed guideline in the handling of all affairs pertaining to the Edge-
water Industrial Development Board.
The purpose of the Industrial Development Board is to assist the City Council
to attract and interest industry in locating in the City of Edgewater, Florida,
so long as the industry is clean, does not pollute, is not hazardous but will
promote the good image of the City of Edgewater, Florida, and will prLovide jobs
and advance the economic prosperity and general welfare of the people of the
City of Edgewater. It is the intent of the City Council in establishing the
Industrial Development Board that the Industrial Development Board shall act
in an advisory capacity to the City Council.
ARTICLE II: Official Name
The official name of this organization shall be the Industrial Development
Board of the city of Edgewater, Florida, hereinafter referred to as "The Board".
ARTICLE III: General Governing Rules
All meetings of The Board shall be subject to Chapter 286, Florida Statutes.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
The membership of The Board shall be appointed and subject to removal as set
forth by the City Council. Prior to appointment, prospective members shall sub-
mit a City Application, and letter of intent to serve on The Board, and shall
state therein a brief synopsis of their education and experiences in the area of
industrial development.
The Board shall consist of not more than seven (7) members. To be eligible
for appointment, a member should preferably be a resident of the City of Edgewater
and must possess business experience. Should a resident member of The Board move
his place of residence outside the corporate limits of the City of Edgewater during
his term of appointment, he may be subject to removal by the City Council. The
members of the Industrial Development Board shall be appointed for a term of three
(3) years. The terms shall be staggered. All members shall serve at the pleasure
of the City Council. No members of The Board shall receive any compensation for
his service, provided, however, that members may be reimbursed for out of pocket
expenses that are approved, in advance, by the City. No individual shall serve
more than two (2) consecutive terms.
ARTICLE V: Vacancies
Three (3) consecutive unexcused absences shall be considered an automatic
resignation from The Board. Upon such resignation, resignation by other means,
or vacancies occurring in office for other reasons, the chairman shall notify
the City Council of the vacancy as promptly as possible in order that the City
Council may appoint a replacement to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.
Any member unable to attend the regular or special meeting will be expected to
notify the recording secretary and ask to be excused from attending the said
The Board shall have all the duties and responsibilities pertaining as
an Industrial Development Board as set forth and provided for under the
constitution, laws of the star and the charter, ordinances and resolutions
of the City. It shall adopt written By -Laws and keep a properly indexed
public record of its resolutions, transactions, findings and recommendations.
The Board shall make frequent reports on its business to the City Council.
The Board shall also:
A. Formulate plans for the use and development of all property
designated for industrial development. The formulation of
said plans shall, at all times, be subject to the approval
of the City Council.
B. Annually recommend a budget to the City Council for monies
necessary to carry out the purpose of The Board, provided
that any monies expended by the City Council shall not exceed
any monies advanced so provided in the budget, and provided
further that any monies advanced on behalf of The Board, which
are derived from any tax source, shall be repaid to the City
from any revenue bonds sold.
C. Promote the City of Edgewater as a prospective site for
industrial development, provided that no expenses for
advertising or other promotional methods shall be incurred
without prior approval of the City Council.
D. Cooperate with and assist private interests that wish to
develop industrially -zoned property in the City of Edgewater
E. Negotiate and recommend to the City Council options and
agreements relating to the lease of industrially -zoned property
to prospective lessees.
F. Carry out preliminary negotiations for the purpose of attracting
industry to the City of Edgewater. All final negotiations shall
be done in conjunction with the City Council of the City of
Edgewater and shall be subject to final approval by said Council.
G. Limitations of The Board: The Board shall not have the authority
to bind the City of Edgewater to any contract or document, nor
shall The Board have the power to incur any bonded indebtedness,
nor to issue revenue bonds, nor shall it have the power of
eminent domain. All decisions made by The Industrial Development
Board shall be subject to review by the City Council.
Chairman - The chairman shall serve as presiding officer at all meetings
of The Board and shall conduct said meetings as specified herein. The chairman
shall be elected by a majority of the membership at the regular meeting in the
month of January and the term of office shall be one (1) year. The chairman
shall be eligible for re-election.
1. The chairman shall transmit, report plans and recommendations
of The Board to the City Council and in general shall act
as spokesman for The Board.
2. The chairman shall appoint, from the Board membership, any
committees found necessary to investigate matters before
The Board.
Vice -Chairman - The vice-chairman shall be elected by The Board from
among its regular members in the same manner as the chairman and shall
be eligible for re-election. The vice-chairman shall serve as acting
chairman in the absence of the chairman and at such times shall have
the same powers and duties as the chairman. In the event of the death
or resignation of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall perform the various
duties until such time as The Board shall elect a new chairman.
Secretary - The secretary shall be furnished to The Board by the City
and shall be a City employee. It shall be the duty of the secretary to
prepare all correspondence and approve minutes and be responsible for the
distribution. The duties of the office shall include preparation of the
agenda, preparation and sending out of minutes and to establish and maintain
Board files.
ARTICLE VIII: Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
Standing committees may be appointed by the chairman. Duties, respons-
ibilities, procedures, etc., of standing committees are to be determined by
The Board.
The Board shall have the power to establish subcommittees on a permanent
or "ad hoc" basis to study in depth and make recommendations on projects
or programs assigned by the Board. Membership of the subcommittees shall consist
of one (1) or more members from The Board and any interested individual, any
technical or professional person(s) deemed appropriate. The Board shall
appoint a chairman who shall be resonsible for reporting subcommittee findings
to The Board and specify other rules of procedure as may be advisable. All
meetings of two (2) or more Board members shall be noticed in City Hall prior
to the meeting and members of the public and press shall be invited to attend.
Regular Meetings - The Board shall meet at regular intervals and at such
other times as it may deem necessary for the transaction of business in the
Edgewater City Hall, whenever possible, or the Edgewater Community Center.
Special Meetings - Special meetings may be called at any time by the
chairman. The chairman shall give, or cause to be given, at least three (3)
days notice of the time and place of any special meetings to each member of
The Board, the City Clerk and the press. In the event of an emergency due to
extenuating circumstances, the chairman can call an emergency special meeting
twenty-four (24) hours in advance, prior to the said meeting.
Workshop Meetings - Workshop meetings may be held as required for the
purpose of enabling The Board to gather information and examine proposals
relating to the powers and duties with which The Board is charged. Although
said meetings are open to the public and members of the press, The Board is
not compelled to hear any comments or questions from other than Board members,
and then only when the individual is recognized by the chairman.
Continued Meetings - The Board may continue a regular or special meeting
if the business cannot be conducted on the advertised date. No further public
notice shall be necessary for resuming such meetings provided the time, date and
place of resumption is stated at the time of continuance.
Cancellation of Meetings - Whenever a majority of the members notify the
secretary of their inability to attend a meeting, the chairman may dispense with
the regular meeting by giving written or oral notice to all members not less
than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time set for the meeting. In addition,
said notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place within or at the scheduled
meeting chambers and the press shall be notified of the cancellation.
Conduct of Meetings - All meetings shall be open to the public and shall
be conducted according to a suitably adopted standard or parliamentary procedure.
The order of business at regular meetings shall be as follows:
Call To Order
Roll Call
Approval Of Minutes
Old Business - Committee Reports
New Business - Committee Reports
Quorum - A quorum shall be four (4) members throughout a meeting for the
transaction of all business. It shall take a majority of the entire membership
to adopt or implement any course of action. The cbairman shall vote.
Subcommittee Meetings - These regulations shall govern all subcommittee
meetings except that subcommittees are not required to hold regular meetings,
but may conduct their business at workshop and special meetings.
Public Hearings - Public hearings can be called when The Board deems
necessary. Official action on a matter can be decided after the public hearing
has been adjourned, provided a quorum is present. Notice of public hearings
shall be as prescribed by Florida law.
The chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be an ex-officio
member of The Board, but shall not be entitled to vote on any matter that comes
before The Board.
An agenda shall be prepared by the secretary of The Board as directed by
the chairman listing all matters which shall be taken up before The Board at
any of its meetings. The agenda shall be prepared on the Friday prior to the
regularly scheduled meeting. No other matter except what is specified on the
agenda shall be taken up at such meeting, except by unanimous vote of the Board
The Board and duly authorized subcommittees shall have access to the
information and staff of all the departments of the City government, through
the City administration on such a basis as these departments are able to render
assistance to The Board. Permanent staff members may be appointed to serve The
Board, as provided by the City Council.
ARTICLE XII: Amendments
These B-Lays may be amended (repealed) or added to at a regular or
special meeting of the Board, provided that a written notice shall have
been sent to each member three (3) days in advance of the vote, which notice
shall state the amendment or change proposed.
Adopted by the Board this 7th , day of January, 1988, at the City of Edgewater,
Florida, to become effective immediately.
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Mrs. Florence M. er, Chairman