06-14-2017104 N. Riverside Drive
Edgewater, FL 32132City of Edgewater
Meeting Minutes
Planning and Zoning Board
6:30 PM Council ChambersWednesday, June 14, 2017
George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright and
Michael Eichhorn
Present 6 -
Development Services Director Darren Lear and Senior Planner Bonnie BrownAlso Present 2 -
a.Regular Meeting - May 10, 2017
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Eichhorn, to approve the
minutes of May 10, 2017 as read. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
4. OLD BUSINESS-PUBLIC HEARING - None at this time.
a.VA-1705: Donna Charette requesting a variance from Section 21-36.02 (c) of
the Land Development Code for property located at 1702 Orange Tree Drive.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information and
referenced the objections received by staff from adjacent property owners.
Donna Charette, 1702 Orange Tree Drive, property owner discussed the height of the house and the
need for additional storage.
Mr. Andrejkovics verified the garage would be use for personal storage. Ms. Charette confirmed it
would be. Mr. Andrejkovics then asked if a driveway would be added. Ms. Charette stated there is
an apron, however it would not be used for cars and would not be adding a driveway. Mr. Lear
stated the code now requires only the apron and a stabilized path to the entrance of a secondary
Mr. Tyree asked about the color. Ms. Charette stated a bone white; she recently painted the house to
Mr. Tyree asked if there was a business in the home. Ms. Charette stated there was not, her
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roommate works for an electrician. Mr. Lear confirmed a business was not permitted to be run from
the garage.
There was further discussion regarding detached accessory structures.
Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Eichhorn, to approve the variance to
allow a 17-foot tall detached garage/shed at 1702 Orange Tree Drive with the following
conditions: 1) the contractor treat the stormwater of the impervious areas in accordance
with the Land Development Code and 2) the accessory structure match the primary house
in color. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
b.VA-1706 - Willie Wood Construction, Inc., requesting a variance from Section
21-50.02 of the Land Development Code for property located at 112 Hotel
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
Willie Wood, 287 W. Halifax, Oak Hill, representing the property owner explained the addition and
remodeling plans for the residence.
Mr. Andrejkovics asked if there was a planned driveway to the new garage. Mr. Wood confirmed
there would be and that it would be paved.
Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Tyree, to approve the variance
request to allow a five-foot (5') setback on the east and west to construct a 1,237 square
foot addition at 112 Hotel Avenue. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
c.VA-1707 - Dave and Patricia Corley requesting a variance from Section
21-50.02 of the Land Development Code for property located at 204 Hart
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
Dave Corley, 204 Hart Avenue, explained the 10-foot setback would only allow for a six (6) foot wide
Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Tyree, second by Mr. McIntosh, to approve the variance
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request to allow a screen porch to be constructed six-fee (6') at the closest point to the
north side property line at 204 Hart Avenue. The MOTION was APPROVED by the
following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
d.VA-1708 - Joseph Foresta requesting a variance from Section 21-50.02 of the
Land Development Code for property located at the corner of 16th Street and
Queen Palm Drive.
Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
request. Mr. Lear informed the Board that staff did received opposition from some adjacent property
owners after the agenda was published.
Chairman Kennedy noted opposition from Ed and Joan Mazur and read an email from Aleksandra
Freifrau von Seckendorff also in opposition to the request.
Joseph Foresta, 1811 Royal Palm Drive, stated he was not proposing anything that was already
existing in the area.
Edmund Mazur, 1529 Queen Palm Drive, spoke in opposition of the request and indicated that his
wife Joan was not present but had the same objections as he did.
Janet Park, 1530 Pine Tree Drive, spoke in opposition of the request.
Aleksandra Freifrau von Seckendorff, spoke in oppositon of the request.
Mr. Lear clarified the setback is from the property line, not the edge of pavement, the structure would
be 35-feet from the edge of pavement.
Mr. Andrejkovics stated he understood the concerns, but also what the applicant was trying to do and
with the clarification of the setbacks it was adequate.
Mr. Eichhorn asked if there were other lots in Florida Shores that were split. Mr. Lear stated the
lots were a minimum of 80' x 125'.
Chairman Kennedy closed the pubic hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Andrejkovics, second by Mr. Wright, to approve the variance
to allow a 20-foot side-corner setback for property located at the northeast corner of 16th
Street and Queen Palm Drive provided the parcel is split into two (20) 80' x 125' builidng
lots. The MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
e.VA-1709 - Dennis Gallagher requesting a variance from Section 21-50.02 of the
Land Development Code for property located at 2615 Silver Palm Drive.
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Chairman Kennedy opened the public hearing. Mr. Lear provided background information on the
Mr. Tyree asked about the height of the building. Mr. Lear stated it would meet the Code
Chairman Kennedy closed the public hearing.
A motion was made by Mr. Wright, second by Mr. Andrejkovics, to approve the variance
to allow a detached garage to be located five-feet (5') from the side property line and
four-feet (4') from the rear property line provided the color of the buidling match the
primary structure and the contractor treats the stormwater of the impervious areas in
accordance with the Land Development Code via retention ponds and/or swales. The
MOTION was APPROVED by the following vote:
Yes:George Kennedy, Robert McIntosh, Robert Andrejkovics, David Tyree, Paul Wright, and
Michael Eichhorn
6 -
6. OTHER BUSINESS None at this time.
a. Development Services Director’s Report
b. Chairman's Report
c. Agency Members’ Report
Mr. Andrejkovics updated the Board on the presentation by Samantha Bergeron at the June
Economic Development Meeting.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Minutes Respectfully submitted by:
Bonnie Brown, Senior Planner
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