10-23-2017CITY OF EDGEWATER FIREFIGHTERS' PENSION BOARD QUARTERLY MEETING MINUTES City Hall Council Chambers Monday, October 23, 2017, at 4:OOPM TRUSTEES PRESENT: David Blair Dominick Fede Justin Nickels William Dailey Dick Calabrese TRUSTEES ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: Ferrell Jenne, Foster & Foster Ken Harrison, Sugarman & Susskind John Thinnes, AndCo Consulting Mindy Johnson, Salem Trust Company Call to Order — Dominick Fede called the meeting to order at 4:03pm. 2. Roll Call — As reflected above. 3. Public Comments — None. 4. Approval of Minutes The minutes from the June 19, 2017, quarterly meeting were approved upon motion by William Dailey and second by Justin Nickels, motion carried 4-0. 5. New Business a. 2017-2018 administrative budget. L Ferrell Jenne reviewed the SB 172 requirements and each expenditure type. Note: Dick Calabrese arrived at 4:05pm The board voted to approve the proposed 2017-2018 budget as presented, upon motion by Justin Nickels and second by William Dailey, motion carried 5-0. b. Discussion of Chapter 175 share plan allocation method. i. Justin Nickels commented that recent retirees were asking questions about share plan allocations in the year of terminations. In the past, an allocation was given even if termination occurred prior to the end of the Fiscal Year, Ferrell Jenne commented that the actuary confirmed the current plan restatement didn't allow for an allocation if the entire fiscal year was not worked. Ken Harrison commented that he would research why the language was changed in the restatement. Old Business — None. Reports a. The Salem Trust Company, Mindy Johnson, Custodian. i. Quarterly service report and GlobeTax update. 1. Mindy Johnson reviewed the quarterly service report. 2. Mindy Johnson reviewed the GlobeTax update through September 30, 2017, commenting they had recovered a net amount of $170.25. 3. Mindy Johnson reviewed the GlobeTax recovery fees. 4. Mindy Johnson reviewed the class action securities litigation process and commented that Salem Trust had hired CCC as a third -party vendor to process the class actions. Mindy commented the fee was 20% of anything that was reclaimed. The board voted to amend the Salem Trust contract to include the processing fee of 20% for class actions, upon motion by Justin Nickels and second by William Dailey, motion carried 5-0. The board voted to approve Option A as stated on Salem Trust's directions for processing class actions, upon motion by Justin Nickels and second by William Dailey, motion carried 5-0. 5. Mindy Johnson reviewed the confirmation of receipt of statements with the board. b. Andco Consulting, John Thinnes, Investment Consultant. i. Quarterly report as of September 30, 2017. 1. John Thinnes reviewed his role with the plan, commenting they were the performance monitor and would develop the Investment Policy Statement (IPS). 2. John Thinnes briefly reviewed the returns from Bowen, Hanes & Company, commenting the returns were the highest he had seen. 3. John Thinnes briefly reviewed the market environment during the quarter. 4. As of September 30, 2017, the market value of assets were $13,057,468. 5. Total fund net returns for the quarter were 4.54%, outperforming the policy benchmark of 3.47%. Fiscal YTD total fund net returns were 15.71%, outperforming the benchmark of 12.08%. Trailing returns for the 3 and 5 year periods were 7.15% and 9.16%. Since inception (12/01/2001) net returns were 5.61%, underperforming the policy benchmark of 6.69%. 6. John Thinnes commented that the portfolio was very aggressively allocated with a heavy allocation to equities. 7. William Dailey asked about a 13th check for retirees. Ken Harrison reviewed what a 13th check was, explaining it was based off excess returns. Ken confirmed an Ordinance change would need to be done and adopted by Council. Sugarman & Susskind, Ken Harrison, Board Attorney. L Update on IRS determination letter and forced cash -ins. 1. Ken Harrison commented that the IRS determination letter was still in progress. Ken reviewed the IRS determination letter application process for new trustees. 2. Ken Harrison updated the board on forced cash -ins, commenting a letter was sent to the City regarding contributions being taken out on items that weren't pensionable. Ken commented the City Manager stated there were triggers in place that would make contributions stop once 300 hours were reached. Ken commented he would find the documents the City had sent him. 2 8. Consent Agenda a. Payment Warrants for Ratification, i. Warrants #30, #31, #32, #33 b. Payment Warrants for Approval. L None c. Fund activity report for June 13, 2017 — October 16, 2017 The board voted to approve the consent agenda as presented, upon motion by David Blair and second by Justin Nickels, motion carried 5-0. Staff Reports, Discussion, and Action a. Foster & Foster, Ferrell Jenne, Plan Administrator. i. Ferrell Jenne gave an update on the State Annual Report, commenting that the plan would receive $8,000 more than the previous year and that the report had been approved and funds had been deposited into the account. ii. Ferrell Jenne commented that the Division of Retirement Conference would be held on November 15 — 17, 2017 in Orlando. iii. Ferrell Jenne advised the board the fiduciary liability policy had been bound through the City. iv. Council appointed Trustee, Dick Calabrese commented he was appointed on October 3, 2017. Ferrell Jenne commented she would send Mr. Calabrese a Financial Disclosure form and Summary Plan Description (SPD). Dick commented he had retired from the Air Force and then worked for NASA. Dick commented he had lived in the area for 28 years. 10. Adiournment — The meeting adjourned at 5:03PM. 11. Next Meeting — Monday, December 11, 2017, at 4:OOPM. 1�espectfull s bmitted by: Approved by: i)-�r'��/�-- Fe ell Jen e, PI n Administrator DominickFede, Chairman Date Approve y the Pension Board:=E;/��'Y} t 9Skr) 3